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Name: ________________________________________ Score: __________

School: ________________________________________ Date: July 9, 2014

United Architects of the Philippines KSA Riyadh Chapter

Master Builder Association of the Philippines - KSA Riyadh Chapter
2014 SPLBE (Special Professional Licensure Board Examination for Architecture)
Architectural Design and Site Planning LONG MOCK Board Exam WEEK

WARNING: If there are conflicts between a stated word and the number/ amount/
figure described, the stated / spelled word shall prevail. Should there be conflicts
between two (2.0) stated quantities, the higher figure shall prevail.
Proposed Open Market Residential Prototype Project consisting of a two (2.0) Storey, Single Detached
House with an 77.0 sq.m, Total Gross Floor Area (TGFA) cum Site Development Planning Project for a Cluster
of Ten (10.0) Prototype House and Lots, on Site with a Ten Percent (10%.0) Slope.
A multinational development company (the Client) has decided that its property, a one thousand nine
hundred thirty four point seventy two square meter (1,934.72 sq.m.) inside (or regular) lott, with a low
density residential (R-1) zoning classification, and located in the better parts of the municipality of Taytay in
Rizal, Province (Luzon Island), shall be developed to host an open market residential development.
The 10 Prototype Houses shall be exclusive/semi-upscale structures. 6 of which shall be on lots each
with a 132.0 sq.m. Total Lot Area (TLA) and a 12.0 m depth. The stated 77.0 Sq.M TGFA of the Prototype
Houses only refers to the enclosed floors areas above grade (or natural ground) level and excludes all other
floor areas, if these are still to be introduced at a later time.
The 1,934.72 Sq. M. Grand Total Lot Area (GTLA) making up the entire project Site is rectangular in
shape and has thirty two (32.0) m wide frontage facing east. The Property may be reached via fifteen meter
(15.0) wide street. i.e. the main road right of way (RROW) which has 1.8 m wide paver-lined sidewalks on
each side. The surface of the main RROW sidewalk closets to the project site shall be considered as elevation
0.0 m
An 8.0 m wide cluster street bisects the Project Site at its long axis and intersects the main RROW at
right angle. The Project Site uniformly slopes at ten percent (10%) from west to east which also the direction
of the cluster street serving as the direct access to the 10 lots, 5 on each side of the cluster street. The 2 enlots
at the west most portion of the project site are approx 31.35% wider than the 6 lots at the center of the
development. The corner lots defined by the Cluster Street and main RROW are 2.0 m wider than the 6 lots at
the center of the development.
a. To create exclusive /semi upscale, low-rise, single detached residential building to be sited on a R-1-
zoned property.
b. To plan and design a closely-knit residential cluster that may serve as model development in the
Project host area.
c. To plan the development to maximize profits for the developer, and
d. To design the Prototype Houses to serve as landmarks in the Project Area

Problem No. 1 (Low Density Residential Occupancy)

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A proposed Medium-Rise AAPARTMENT BUILDING Project i.e. development with Basement
component and on a Project Site having 8% Slope.
A development company has decided that its newly acquired property with a Total Lot Area (the
TLA) of six thousand square meter (6,000 Sq.m.) shall be developed to host a medium-rise apartment
building (the Project). The property is zoned as a high density housing lot (maximum R-3), located somewhere
in the better parts of Pasig City (the Project sites).
Only two (2.0) types of rentable / leasable apartment units shall be provided, as follows:
1. Studio-Type apartment units with a twenty two square meter (22.0 Sq.m.) Gross Floor Area (GFA) and
2. One (1.0) Bedroom (BR) apartment units with a GFA of fifty (50.0) sq.m.
For greater market acceptance, the minimum parking requirements for the Project Under the
2004 revised implementing Rules and Regulations (NBCP), should be exceeded.
The Project Site is rectangular in shape and is in an Interior Lot with a fifty (50.0) m width. As there is
no other means of direct access to the Project Site, a two (2) lane right of way (ROW) still has to be negotiated
with the owner of the adjoining vacant lot that faces north, where a twenty meter (20.0m) wide street i.e.
road right of way (RROW) is located. The said RROW has two point four (2.4.)m wide sidewalks on each side.
The Project Site uniformly slopes at eight percent (8%) toward the vacant lot in front, which is only
80.0 m deep but also uniformly 8% slopes toward the RROW. The surface of the sidewalk adjoining the vacant
front lot shall be considered as elevation 0.0m.
To the left of the Project Site is a private School building. To its right is a residential condominium
building. To the rear of the Project Site are proposed Three (3.0) storey single detached residences.

a. To design a Medium-rise apartment building, marketable and attractive to middle income
b. To design the apartment building in a way that can maximize rentals and leases for the Developer; the
ratio of saleable versus non-saleable spaces shall be 70:30; if attainable, the overall rentable/leasable
areas for the building could be at approximately eighty five percent (80%) of the TGFA or better, which
must include the parking spaces at the basement; and
c. To design a building that shall serve as a landmark in the Project area, with sustainable plan/design
features and deliverable at the least cost.

Problem No. 2 (High Density Residential Occupancy)

Situation 1 Project No. 1

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1. Project No. 1 under the 2004 Revised IRR of P.D. No. 1096 or NBCP, what should be the applicable Buidling
Height Limit (BHL) for each of the 10 Lots in number of Storey
a. 5 c. 3
b. 12 d. 18
2. Project No. 1 Under the NBCP, what shall be the BHL for each of the 10 lots in meters?
a. 10 c. 54
b. 36 d. 15
3. Project No. 1 Under the NBCP, what is covered by the BHL for the Project?
a. Antenna
b. Deck roof level parapet wall, if introduced
c. Electrical or electronic devices mounted on top of the p[arapet wall, if introduced
d. mast
4. Project No. 1, under the NBCP, what is the generally permitted range for the number of storeys for a low-rise
building project.
a. 1 to 5 c. 1 to 3
b. 3 to 6 d. 6 to 9
5. Project No. 1 Given the Project site orientation, from what direction shall the amihan wind from?
a. East c. SouthEast (SE)
b. SouthWest (SW) d. NorthEast (NE)
6. Project No. 1 Assuming one (1) of the 2 end lots shall host common provisions, which of the following is NOT
considered an amenity provision for the Project?
a. Gameroom c. Swimming pool
b. Home owner association office d. Clubhouse
7. Project No. 1 Which of the following is NOT considered a service provision for the Project
a. Gym c. Guest parking
b. Gameroom d. Home Owner association office
8. Project No. 1 Which of the following is NOT considered a service provision for the Project?
a. Gardeners Room c. Workshop
b. Security Quarters d. Overhead water tank
9. Project No. 1, which of the following is NOT considered a utility provision for the project?
a. Generator Room c. Sewage treatment plant (STF), if introduced
b. Domestic water cistern d. Guest Parking
10. Project No. 1 Given the Project Site Location, budget and target market, which mix of architectural archetype
BEST suit/s the Project?
a. Residential and recreational c. Residential and entertainment
b. Residential and business (home office) d. Residential and commercial (retail)
11. Project No. 1, which of the following is NOT considered a good fixed counter depth (in meter) for the Prototype
a. 0.30 c. 0.55
b. 0.45 d. 0.40
12. Project No. 1, which of the following is NOT a good keyhole center height (in meters) for the knob-type lockset
of the Prototype House Main door?
a. 1.155 c. 0.975
b. 1.055 d. 0.963
13. Project No. 1. What is NOT considered an equipment item?
a. Exhaust or transfer fan c. Dome-type CCTV camera
b. Wall or ceiling fan d. Soap dispenser
14. Project No. 1 what is NOT considered a furniture item?

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a. Sofa c. Wall-mounted flat TV
b. Coffee Table d. Dresser
15. Project 1. What is NOT considered a furnishing item?
a. Ceiling fan with lights c. Freestanding indoor sculpture
b. 80% Life size wall mirror d. Acrylic Painting
16. For Three hour fire Resistive Occupancy separation, the total width of all openings in any Three-hour fire
resistive occupancy separation wall in any one storey shall not exceed____% of the length of the wall in that
a. 25%
b. 10%
c. 50%
d. 55%
17. For Three - hour Fire Resistive Occupancy separation, no single opening shall have an area greater than ____
sq. m.
a. 25.00 sq. m.
b. 10.00 sq. m.
c. 15.00 sq. m.
d. 12.00 sq. m
18. Eaves over required windows shall not be less than ______ from the side and rear property lines.
a. 100mm
b. 550mm
c. 750mm
d. 450mm
e. 400mm
19. When openings in exterior walls are required to be protected due to distance from property line, the sum of
the areas of such openings in any storey shall not exceed ____ of the total area of the wall in that storey.
a. 50%
b. 75%
c. 10%
d. 25%
20. In Rule 7, the centerline of an adjoining street or alleys shall be considered an ______.
a. Adjacent property line
c. Carriageway
d. Setback
21. An open Subsurface adjacent to a building or lot Line
a. Court
b. Yard
c. Setback
d. Area
22. Articulated Truck parking slot size
a. 3.60 x 12.00 meters
b. 3.80 x 12.00 meters
c. 3.60 x 18.00 meters
d. 3.50 x 12.00 meters

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23. Any wall which subdivides a building so as resist the spread of fire, by starting at the foundation and extending
continuously through all stories to, or above, the roof.
a. Property Line
b. Road Line
c. Party Wall
d. Firewall
24. The area included within the surrounding exterior walls of a building or portion thereof, exclusive of vent
shafts or courts.
a. Open Space
b. Paved area
c. Building Footprint
d. Floor Area
e. Court
25. What is the area permitted for the opening in the wall having four hour fire resistive occupancy separation
a. 10 sq. m.
b. 20 sq. m.
c. 30 sq. m.
d. 50 sq. m.
26. No Firewall are allowed for a ____ uses or occupancies.
a. R-3
b. R-1
c. R-5
d. R-4
e. R-2
27. An abutment of up to ____ meters from the established grade level may however be permitted but solely for
the purpose of supporting a carport; provided further that such abutment shall be constructed or perforated or
decorative concrete blocks above ____ meters measured vertically from the established grade level.
a. 3.50 meters / 1.50 meters
b. 3.20 meters / 1.50 meters
c. 3.00 meters / 1.00 meters
d. 3.20 meters / 1.00 meters
e. 3.00 meters / 1.80 meters
28. If only one RROW services a lot and such is only 6 to 7 meters wide, BHL of ____ shall be observed regardless
of use or occupancy, lot size, lot dimensions, lot frontage and like considerations.
a. 9 meters
b. 6 meters
c. 7.5 meters
d. 3 meters
e. 4.5 meters
29. Perpendicular parking slot size.
a. 2.50 x 5.0m
b. 3.80 x 12.0m
c. 2.15 x 6.0m
d. 2.4 x 5.0 m
e. 3.60 x 12.0m

30. Carport with roof can be considered as part of

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c. ISA
d. USA
31. Project No. 2. Under the NBCP, which is part of the GFA for the Project
a. Covered parking c. ACCU balcony
b. Roof deck, if introduced d. Lobby
32. Project No. 2, Under the NBCP, which is NOT part of the GFA for the Project?
a. Basement parking area, if introduced c. Corridor
b. Balcony d. Elevator Lobby
33. Project 2. Under the NBCP, which of the following does NOT form part of the footprint of the Project?
a. Exterior walls of the building at ground floor c. Tower ground floor
b. Podium ground floor d. Basement level
34. Project 2. Under the NBCP, which of the following still do NOT form part of the footprint of the Projects?
a. Elevator lobby and service stairs at ground floor c. Main lobby and reception area at ground floor
b. Garden mall at ground floor d. Utility rooms at ground floor
35. Project 2. Which of the following should NOT be provided for the Project?
a. Executive lounge c. Elevator lobby and service stairs
b. Clubhouse or social area d. Utility rooms
36. Project 2. Which of the following should preferably NOT be provided near the Project lobby?
a. Garbage chute c. Service Stairs
b. Utility room d. Fire escape
37. Project 2. Which of the following should NOT be provided at the basement component of the Project?
a. Elevator lobby and service stairs c. Enclosure for electronic equipment
b. Solid waste storage d. Covered parking slots, driveways, ramps, etc.
38. Project 2. In terms of architectural exterior finishing, which of the following material set can best convey that
the Project is a place for Multi-storey budget residence?
a. Substantial use of masonry and some glass c. some glass, plastics and engineered stone
b. Much glass, some metal and limited masonry d. much glass, much metal and some hardwood
39. Project 2. In terms of architectural exterior finishing and energy conservation, which of the following material
set is NOT a good material and finish combination for the southern face of the project?
a. Transparent glass and dark color-painted masonry c. Translucent glass and light color-painted masonry
b. Heavily tinted glass and medium color-painted masonry d. Transparent glass and light color metal
40. Project 2. In terms of operating and maintenance costs, which of the following materials should carry a
minimum 5-year warranty on material installation?
a. Deck roof waterproofing c. Surface of laminated flooring
b. Glass of operable windows d. Indoor toilet waterproofing
41. Project 2. To fit 3 vehicles per structural bay (meters times meter, center to center), which of the following
should NOT be recommended bay measurement for the project?
a. 7.25 x 8.0 c. 8.75 x 9.5
b. 9.05 x 9.8 d. 8.55 x 9.0
42. Project 2. To fit 3 vehicles side by side within the main driveway located between 2 columns, which clear
measurement (in meters) should NOT be used as the distance between column faces?
a. 6.6 c. 7.8
b. 8.2 d. 8.6
43. Project 2. To attain overall design economy and maximized structural stability, where should the perimeter
beam centerlines for typical floors be aligned or positioned, in relation to the buildings perimeter columns?

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a. Positioned near the column interior face c. positioned near the column exterior face
b. Aligned with the column centerlines d. positioned outside the column interior face
44. Project 2. To attain overall design economy, particularly on operations and maintenance considerations, where
should the downspouts be positioned with respect to the building mass?
a. At the building center c. along property walls
b. At the rear side of the building d. at the building perimeter
45. Project 2. Which of the following is considered an economical flooring material for the main lobby of the
a. Italian granite tile c. Local marble slabs
b. Italian Granite slab d. Greek marble slabs
46. Project 2. Which of the following is a resilient architectural flooring material for use on the Projects rentable
a. Clay Tile c. Ceramic tiles
b. Vinyl strips d. Granite Tiles
47. Project 2. Which of the following is considered a millwork items?
a. Cornice moulding c. Carpet tile
b. Vinyl baseplate d. Lockset
48. Project 2. Which of the following is NOT a hardware item?
a. Door stop c. Door casing
b. Door closer d. Lockset
49. Project 2. Which of the following is NOT anymore considered an appropriate lighting element for the lease
a. LED lighting c. CFL
b. Halogen lamps d. Flourescent lighting
50. For building/structures to be provided with features intended for the use or occupancy of the handicapped,
the minimum provisions for this with respect to parking shall be strictly observed.
a. PD 957
b. RA 9266
c. BP 220
d. BP 344
e. RA 9514
51. For off-site parking provision, for residential building project parking slots are located no more than ____
meters away.
a. 200m
b. 100m
c. 300m
d. 400m
e. 500m

52. For larger developments and traffic generating buildings as well as parking structures, a minimum of ____
meters distance should be the standard to be considered.
a. 200m
b. 100m
c. 300m
d. 400m
e. 500m
53. For Group A dwellings, every dwellings shall be provided with ____ washing and drainage facilities.
a. adequate

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b. one
c. two
d. there
54. Footings for Group A dwellings, shall be sufficient size and strength to support the load of the Dwelling and
shall be at least ____ mm. thick and ____ mm below the surface of the ground.
a. 200mm/600mm
b. 250mm/600mm
c. 300mm/500mm
d. 350mm/80mm
e. 150mm/500mm
55. For Group A dwellings, at least how much is allowed Live Load for First Floor?
a. 250kg/sq.m.
b. 150kg/sq.m.
c. 200kg/sq.m.
d. 100kg/sq.m.
e. 50kg/sq.m.

Good Luck soon to be Architects! Always Study & Pray Hard!!!

God Bless!

Ar. Pedro Jhun Santiago Jr.

The materials of city planning are sky, space, trees, steel and cement in that order and in that hierarchy.
- Le Corbusier

Pictures deface walls oftener than they decorate them.

- Frank Lloyd Wright

Architecture begins when you place two bricks carefully together.

- Mies van der Rohe

The reality of the building does not consist in the roof and walls, but in the space within to be lived in.
- Lao-Tzu

No house should ever be on a hill, or on anything. It should be of the hill. Hill and house should live together, each the
happier for the other.
- Frank Lloyd Wright

Early in life I had to choose between arrogance and hypocritical humility. I chose honest arrogance and have seen no
occasion to change.
- Frank Lloyd Wright

Genius is personal, decided by fate, but it expresses itself by means of system. There is no work of art without system.
- Le Corbusier

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