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Seminario Y Prctica Initial Education

Alumnos: lvaro Ros

Jaime Velsquez

Beln Vidal

21 Junio 2017

Our investigation begins with a direct observation to the classes that are dictated in the 2nd
grade C at the Santo Toms School. We realize that students had some difficulties in listening
exercises, during the class and in the following tests. Due to the relevance of this problem
(listening skills) and the need to optimize students competences, we understand that it is
very important to give it attention and this research will consider certain advantages such as
providing some beneficial contributions of the way to improve the students involvement;
the finding is expected to become an evidence that represents students ability in learning
foreign language and also, with this is expected to increase the awareness of the contribution
of songs with physical games to improve the students listening skills in teaching and learning
processes. The aim is to apply activities to enhance the listening skills from the students
through some songs and the application of total physical response method. This activities
will work as complement for teachers daily actions and in which, the students will have the
main benefits of it with motivating and dynamic classes

The cost of all the investigation is feasible to do as the activities as the development of some
sessions and as result to get to an adequate product for the students.

General Objective

To enhance listening skills in children for effective learning through the use of songs and total
physical response in second grade students to improve their listening comprehension ability.

Specific Objectives

Design activities to improve listening comprehension skill through the use of songs
and total physical response.
Provide strategies that teachers can adopt for enhancing listening in children for
effective teaching and learning in primary schools.

Build a guide with the attributes that should be taken into account at the moment
and choosing a song.


This investigation has a quanti - qualitative approach.

According to Hernndez, Roberto (2006) indicates that the quantitative approach:

Collection and analysis of data based on numerical measurement and analysis statistical
model to establish patterns and test theories. " (P. 5). This research employed this approach
because we collected and analyzed data in order to stablish a pattern between the students
result on different test.

On the other hand it had the qualitative approach, according to Hernndez, Roberto. (2006)
indicates that this approach is that it uses data collection without numerical measurement
to discover or tune research questions with the process of interpretation.

Data collection technique

According to Shmuck (1997) observation is a systematic data collection

approach. Researchers use all of their senses to examine people in natural settings or
naturally occurring situations.

Observation of a field setting involves:

prolonged engagement in a setting or social situation

clearly expressed, self-conscious notations of how observing is done

methodical and tactical improvisation in order to develop a full understanding of the

setting of interest

imparting attention in ways that is in some sense 'standardized'

recording one's observations

Instrument of data collection

According to Hernandez, Roberto (2006) Field notes are notes made by the researcher in the
course of qualitative fieldwork, often observations of participants, locations or events. These
may constitute the whole data collected for a projector add to it.


Definition of Total physical response

Asher (2005) defines total Physical Response (TPR) as a method developed by James Asher
to aid in learning a foreign language. The method bases its principles on the way a child learns
the first language. In the process of the first language acquisition, the child listens to many
language sounds before attempting to speak. In this process, the child follows commands.
He or she listens to the language in the form of parental commands.
Importance of total physical response in songs.

In the Total Physical Response, listening is the basis of the course. The teacher gives
commands and orders while doing things. Asher (2005) as the developer of TPR elaborates
the principles of this method.

They are:

1) Second or foreign language learning should be parallel to the first language learning and
reflect the same naturalistic process.

2) Children learn best by doing things.

3) Listening should be developed before speaking.

4) Once listening comprehension has been developed, speech develops naturally and
effortlessly out of it.

5) Delaying speech reduces stress. Regarding the principles of TPR develops listening
activities by using TPR games, songs and finger-plays, drawing, storytelling, yes/no cards,
syllable clapping, rhyming word activities, and minimal pairs. Asher (2005) adds that
whenever putting together a TPR activity, it is important to consider the complexity of the
language being used as well as the interest level of the children.

The Characteristics of Primary School Students

According to Scott and Yt- reberg (2004), the general characteristics of students in primary
schools are as follows:

1) They are competent users of mother tongue.

2) Their basic concepts are formed.

3) They can tell difference between fact and action.

4) They ask question all the time.

5) They rely on the spoken word as well as the physical word to convey and understand

6) They are able to make some decisions about their own learning.

7) They have definite views about what they like and do not like to do.

8) They have a developed sense of fairness about what happens in the classroom and begin
to question the teachers decision.

9) They are able to work with others and learn from others.

Definition of listening.

A definition of listening is: Listening comprehension is the process of understanding speech

in first or second language. The study of listening comprehension in second language 14
learning focuses on the role of individual linguistics units (e.g. phonemes, words,
grammatical structures) as well as the role of the listeners expectations, the situations and
context, background knowledge and topic (Richards and Schimdt, 2002: 313). Also Helgesen
and Brown (2007: 3) said that Listening is an active purposeful processing of making sense
of what we hear

Techniques of teaching listening.

The teaching techniques of listening should stimulate the pupils to respond physically and
orally. An appropriate teaching technique will help the teachers deliver materials and help
children to learn a language effectively. An interesting and interactive teaching technique is
needed to achieve the purpose of teaching listening.Paul (2003) proposes some techniques
to teach listening. They are dictation, stories and TPR (Total Physical Response). Paul adds
that TPR is the technique that is often used in one form or another in the EFL classroom.

Advantages of using songs in teaching English for children.

Teaching English through songs is one of the best method that the children focus on the
lesson better. Because in a song has the variety new words and phrases with many different
themes, so the children can learn some items of vocabulary, rhyme of language, and
grammatical structures that relating to any topic.

Songs tend to be repetitive and have a strong rhythm. They are easily learnt by primary
children and quickly become favorites because of their familiarity. They are fun and
motivating for children. They allow language to be reinforced in a natural context, both with
structures and vocabulary. Medina (2002) thinks the main advantage of using songs and
music is the enjoyable experience they bring to students and the relaxed atmosphere they
create in a class. The more relaxed the students, the more receptive to learning they are. In
addition, through songs, learners are exposed to authentic examples of the second language.
It is also important to know that music and songs in the classroom can stimulate positive
associations to the study of a language, which otherwise may only be associated with exams,
frustration and corrections.

Techniques for using songs in classroom

In order to work with songs that are beneficial for students, it is also important to know how
to choose the best songs for the lessons. When a song is selected, the song must to have a
good topic, beautiful music and its lyrics should be easy to understand and closely related to
the students' daily life. Songs also must be selected depending on students age and the aim
of teaching.
The teaching techniques of listening should stimulate the pupils to respond physically and
orally. An appropriate teaching technique will help the teachers deliver materials and help
children to learn a language effectively. An interesting and interactive teaching technique is
needed to achieve the purpose of teaching listening. Paul (2003) proposes some techniques
to teach listening. They are dictation, stories, comprehension and communication, and Total
Physical Response. Paul adds that TPR is the technique that is often used in one form or
another in the EFL classroom.

There are many techniques for teaching English songs. For example there are activities by
using TPR games, songs and finger-plays, drawing, storytelling, yes/no cards, syllable
clapping, rhyming word activities, and minimal pairs.

Aspects to consider when choosing song in classroom

There are many types of songs which can be used in a classroom, ranging from nursery
rhymes to contemporary pop music. Lems (1996) suggests that a most important aspect is
that teachers should like the songs that they want to use and they should also want to share
them. It is also important that the chosen songs contain words that are easily
comprehensible. To be able to provide oral practice, it is necessary to use songs with enough

Additional considerations regarding level should be taken into account, too. When
introducing songs to a low level class, these songs should have a limited vocabulary, no more
than 16 lines of text and lots of repetitions. Songs for students of the intermediate level
should contain manageable load of vocabulary, limited total text length and should not be
heavily embedded (Lems 1996:33).

Dates: 12/05/2017 Time: 07:50 am to 09:20 am Class: 2nd grade C

School: Santo Toms Mentor: Ximena Ramirez Observer: Alvaro Ros
Beln Vidal
Jaime Velsquez
Time & date Field note n 1 SPECULATIVE ANALYSIS
07:50 am Our observations began at the
To 09:20 am back of the room where we
could see as the class worked.
The teacher Ximena Ramirez It introduces the worksheet
12/05/2017 began with writing activities which contains known words
with a vocabulary about food by the students. The students
that was recognized by the show problems when the
students. The students mostly words are spelled and identify
answered well before These the word that they listen to.
activities. However, when the
listening part began, most of
the students had problems to
answer in their worksheets.
The listening activities consist
on answering according to a
dialogue and moreover, a
dictation with spelling about
the vocabulary that theyre
supposed to know.
07:50 am As all the classes, the teacher
To 09:20 am begins with a song applying
physical response. The teacher It is noticeable this time that
ask for student books and the students make difficult
26/05/2017 work together with the identify some vowels and
students in writing and complete words about the
speaking activities. Once vocabulary of animals.
again, we observed that the
students were complicated
with the listening part. They
asked for our help to try to
catch the words that they
listen to. They have difficult to
identify the vowels when they
are spelled in the dictation and
most of the students could not
complete this item in spite of
that they know the
07:50 am In this occasion, the students
To 09:20 am had to take a test about the
unit of animals. They quickly Even, the students make
answered the writing part. difficult to identify some
02/06/2017 They are ready to answer the complete words and spelled
listening and in this point, they words in the listening part but
presented problems so they most of them are good at
asked for the repetition of writing part.
audio. Moreover, we could
observe that in the dictation,
they were complicated with
some vowels and consonants.
07:50 am The teacher began with a song
To 09:20 am to order the classroom. The
teacher told us that the In this situation, we noticed
students have to do show & that the reading is not a
tell about their favorite maximum problem and the
09/06/2017 animals. Some of them students improve their
presented. Only some read pronunciation and the
their information but we listeners understand some
observed that the reading is a presented parts by their
minor problem because they classmates that presented
try to pronounce new words their show.
and they actually do it well and
others students memorized
their presentation but some
have minor problems to
remember some words.

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