Media Relations Form For Theatre

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AU Media Relations form for Theatre


1. Full name: _________________________________________

2. Phone number for media contact: _________________________________________

3. Email address: _________________________________________

4. Parent name and contact info (if under 18): _________________________________________

5. Interview availability:
Please confirm your general availability for interviews during the weekdays (M-F from 8-5pm)
Example: Mondays 9am-12pm / Tuesdays after 2pm / etc.

6. Languages:
Please identify any and all languages you speak fluently with confidence for media
opportunities (other than English).

7. Are you open to TV opportunities?

Please indicate if you are available for television media opportunities. This could include
an interview at a television-studio OR a visit to rehearsals for an on-camera interview.
For TV media, you must have some availability Monday - Friday, between 8am and 5pm.
___ Yes - I'm comfortable with this type of opportunity.
___ Yes, provided I could receive support with preparation.
___ No, thank you.

8. Background Information:
a) How did you get your start in the arts? How did you know that this was
what you wanted to study?

b) How long have you been studying with Arts Umbrella?

c) What is your role/position with Girl in the Goldfish Bowl

d) Please tell us more about your specific role in this show. How do you
connect with it personally?

e) Besides rehearsal, what have you done to prepare for the role in the show?

f) What are your future aspirations as an artist?


g) In addition to theatre, what are some other passions or hobbies you enjoy?

h) Please provide any other significant details and/or interesting hooks that we should know about you
AND your performance in Girl in the Goldfish Bowl that might be of interest to media.
An interesting hook could include: an award or other type of recognition, mentorship with someone notable in the industry, unique history or
connection to this performance, etc.

6. What do you hope audiences take away/learn from this performance?


7. Other Comments:

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