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Jia Tutwier: A True Alabama Hero hich they demonstreted greet courage ard aved the es of other. Others ae heroes because of seme odversty thet they overcame such es losing» leg orbeing crippled duc toon ness. Another ope ‘fer jen person who hadan 20 fe but choseto gvethat upto help others. That: the type ef hero Julia wasbom rt 3 fay weathy family in Asbama during the mid-1800's Though she could have hada lif of priege with servants to doher chores, he fek a grater cling andthat war tohelp ‘others. Her frst crusade ws toimprove the conditions in prizone and jas in Alabama. She became ‘aware of how bad things were fr prisoners when she went tothe alin Tuscaloasato check on 2 neighbor's servant who hadbeen arrested, Julia was shocked atthe conditions shesaw: no heat in the dead of winter, terrible food and water, plus women and men share the same cells! For her work to Improve conartons nats and pisenstnreugroutAlzama, she was caed the “angel ef prisons.” ‘Another oneof lis cusades was toimerove eduction frets in Alabama. Tradtionaly, irs were not sent to school because it “would have been wasted onthem” since they were togrow up ‘tobe wives and mothers. Gs wers taught homemalingskls athome. Jufa wanted much more than ‘that for gs. Having an education would give irs cheices abouttheir future, She bbbiedthe state of ‘Alabama to fund gr’ schools, one of which she opened and ranfor many years. Inher later years, she ‘oughe tohave gs admitted tothe University of Alabama sothat young women didnot have to travel far torecsivea college education. Today the gis freshman dorm at Alabama isnamed for her. Inner various crusades, whether was to improve conditions in jas orto make education eviableto gla ula was wing te go places where women were normaly not suppose te goSuch at the Abbamalegileture. She dioplayed greet courage in wiling to bedifierent and i standing up for what she believed was rightaven whan she waz candngalone. Shealzediuplayed determination bbecauce she cntinund to fight for her usec even when people tldher that che had na chance of ‘Thank goodness forheroes like Julia Ttwier. Because other, Ashamais abeter tate today ‘Cendiiors in prisons and jas are better than they once were, gs can attend any pubic school ot _uriversity in the state, and we havea beautiful state songthat she wrote. We allowe her 2 debt of gntitude

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