Chapter 2

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University of Santo Tomas Lecture Outlines

ME 321Thermodynamics 1 2017

Chapter 2: Conservation of Mass and the First Law of

OBJECTIVE: To describe the conservation of mass and energy for open and closed systems. To understand
how energy is conserved and conceptualize the various energy forms that are intrinsic to total energy.

I. Course Intended Learning Outcomes

1. To analyze the conservation of mass and determine the conditions necessary for steady-state and
steady-flow conditions;
2. Develop expressions for the first law of thermodynamics for open and closed systems;
3. Apply energy balance and correctly observing sign conventions for work and heat transfer.

II. Teaching and Learning Method

1. Classroom lecture, seatwork/homework, and/or major quiz. (15 %)
2. Final Examination. (40 %)

III. References
1. Principles of Engineering Thermodynamics, 8th Edition by Moran, Shapiro, Boettner and Bailer. WILEY
2. Thermodynamics 1, H. Sta. Maria. National Bookstore

I. Conservation of Mass
States that the total mass is a constant. For a closed system, as shown if figure 1, no
equation is necessary to demonstrate this law. However, in the case of an open system
as shown in figure 2, the conservation of mass principle for volumes is developed and

Figure 1. Closed System

Engr. Christopher Isaac L. Razo, M.Sc.

Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Santo Tomas Lecture Outlines
ME 321Thermodynamics 1 2017

Figure 2. Open System

Mass flow through a cross-sectional area per unit time is called the mass flow rate . Note the dot over
the mass symbol indicates a time rate of change. It is expressed as

where is the velocity normal to the cross-sectional flow area.

Change of mass within the control volume:

Time rate of change Time rate of flow of Time rate of flow of

of mass contained mass in across inlet i mass out across exit e
within the control at time t at time t
volume at time t


Volumetric Flow Rate:

= ;
Units: m3/s, lpm, cfm, cfs, gpm, cmh

= ;

Engr. Christopher Isaac L. Razo, M.Sc.

Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Santo Tomas Lecture Outlines
ME 321Thermodynamics 1 2017

, =
, =

For steady flow, one dimensional flow as illustrated in the picture

Continuity Equation

if =



1. A fluid moves in a steady flow manner between two sections in a flow line.
At section 1: A = 10 ft2, velocity = 100 fpm, v = 4ft3/lb.
At section 2: A = 2 ft2, density = 0.20 lb/ft3.
Calculate (a) the mass flow rate (lbm/s)
(b) the speed at section 2 (m/s).

2. A garden hose attached with a nozzle is used to fill a 20 gal bucket. The inner diameter of the
hose is 1 in and it reduces to .5 in at the nozzle exit. If the average velocity in the hose is 8 ft/s,
determine (a) the volume and mass flow rates of water through the hose outlet (in ft3/s and
lbm/s), (b) how long it will take to fill the bucket with water (in seconds), and (c) the average
velocity of the water at nozzle exit ( in ft/s).

3. A feedwater heater operating at steady state has two inlets and one exit. At inlet 1, water vapor
enters at P1 = 7 bar, T1 = 200oC with a mass flow rate of 40 kg/s. At inlet 2, liquid water at P 2 = 7
bar, T2 = 40oC enters through an area A2 = 25 cm2. Saturated liquid at 7 bar exits at 3 with a
volumetric flow rate of 0.06 m3/s. Determine the mass flow rates at inlet 2 and at the exit, in kg/s,
and the velocity at inlet 2, in m/s.

Engr. Christopher Isaac L. Razo, M.Sc.

Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Santo Tomas Lecture Outlines
ME 321Thermodynamics 1 2017

II. The First Law of Thermodynamics (Conservation of Energy Law)

-different forms of energy can be inter-converted but can neither be created nor destroyed

Esystem = Ein - Eout

1. Energy Forms
Work and Heat are two of the most fundamental energy forms and it is essential that we
understand them thoroughly. Work and Heat are similar in that they both are energy fluxes
and must cross a systems boundary. Another three are the gravitational potential energy,
kinetic energy and internal energy.

a. Work
The work, W, done by, or on, a system evaluated in terms of
macroscopically observable forces F and displacements dL is




Sign Convention
Work (positive) work done by a system
Work (negative) work done on the system

Engr. Christopher Isaac L. Razo, M.Sc.

Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Santo Tomas Lecture Outlines
ME 321Thermodynamics 1 2017

The pressure of a gas in a piston cylinder varies with volume according to (a) PV = C; (b) PV 2=C. The
initial pressure is 400 KPa, the initial volume is 0.02 m3, and the final volume is 0.08 m3. Determine
the work for both process.

2 2 2
= = = = [2 1 ] = ( )
1 1 1 1
= = 1 1
= 1 1 ( )
3 ) ln (
= (400 ) (0.02 ) = .
2 0.023

2 2
1 1
= = = = ( )
1 1 1 1 2

= 1 1 2 = 2 2 2
= 1 1 2 2

Where in,
1 1 2 = 2 2 2

(400 )(0.023 )2 = 2 (0.083 )2

2 = 25 2


= (400 2 ) (0.023 ) (25 2 ) (0.083 ) =

Engr. Christopher Isaac L. Razo, M.Sc.

Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Santo Tomas Lecture Outlines
ME 321Thermodynamics 1 2017

b. Heat
Heat is energy in transit (on the move) from one
body or system to another solely because of
temperature difference between bodies or

There are 3 modes of heat transfer:

1. Conduction
2. Convection
3. Radiation

Sign Convention
Heat (positive) heat flow in the system
Heat (negative) heat flow from the system

A process where = 0 is adiabatic.

c. Potential Energy
The gravitational potential energy PE of a body is its energy due to its position or elevation z.


2 =



2 1 = (2 1 )

d. Kinetic Energy
The energy or stored capacity for performing work possessed by a moving body, by virtue of
its momentum is called Kinetic Energy KE.
2 2
2 2
2 1 = (
1 )

Engr. Christopher Isaac L. Razo, M.Sc.

Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Santo Tomas Lecture Outlines
ME 321Thermodynamics 1 2017

e. Internal Energy
One of the less tangible forms of energy of a substance is its internal energy (U). This is the
energy associated with the substances molecules structure. Although we cannot measure
internal energy, we can measure changes of internal energy.

f. Flow Work
Flow work or flow energy is work done in pushing a fluid across a boundary, usually into
or out of a system.





= 2 2 1 1

g. Enthalpy
Combining internal energy and flow work creates new property, enthalpy H.

= +

2. Corollaries of the First Law

There are two types of systems, fixed mass (closed system) and fixed space (open).

a. First Corollary of the Energy Conservation (Closed System)

Engr. Christopher Isaac L. Razo, M.Sc.

Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Santo Tomas Lecture Outlines
ME 321Thermodynamics 1 2017

Applying the conservation of energy equation,

= 2 1

= 2 1
1 + = 2 +

b. Second Corollary of the Energy Conservation (Open System)

1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + = 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 +
= 2 1 + 2 1 + 2 1 + 2 1

Or, combining internal energy and flow work,

= 2 1 + 2 1 + 2 1

= + +

Engr. Christopher Isaac L. Razo, M.Sc.

Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Santo Tomas Lecture Outlines
ME 321Thermodynamics 1 2017

3. Energy per system mass and Energy rate balance

a. Energy per system, specific energy

= 2 1 + 2 1 + 2 1 + 2 1
= + + +
(2 1 ) 2 2
= + (
1 ) + 2 1 + (2 2 1 1 )

Divide by the system mass, m,

(2 1 ) 2 2 2 1
= + (
1 ) + + ( 1 1 )
2 2 2
2 2
(2 1 ) (
2 1 ) (2 2 1 1 )
= + + 2 1 + ;
= + + +
= + +
b. Energy Rate (Power)
2 2
(2 1 ) (
1 ) (2 2 1 1 )
= + + 2 1 +

For steady flow condition, ,

2 2
(2 1 ) (
1 ) (2 2 1 1 )
= + + (2 1 ) +

= 2 1 +
2 1 + 2 1 + 2
1 ;

= +
+ +

= +

Engr. Christopher Isaac L. Razo, M.Sc.

Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Santo Tomas Lecture Outlines
ME 321Thermodynamics 1 2017

1. During a steady flow process, the pressure of the working substance drops from 200 to 20 psia,
the speed increases from 200 to 1000 fps, the internal energy of the open system decreases 25
BTU/lb, the specific volume increases from 1 to 8 ft3/lb. No heat transferred. Sketch an energy
diagram. Determine the work per lb. Is it done on or by the substance? Determine the work in
HP for 10lb/min.
2. Steam is supplied to a fully loaded 100-hp
turbine at 200 psia with u1 = 1163.3 Btu/lb, v1 = 2.65 ft3/lb and
v1 = 400 fps. Exhaust is at 1 psia with u2 = 925 Btu/lb, v2=294
ft3/lb and v2 = 1100 fps. The hear loss from the steam in the
turbine is 10 Btu/lb. Neglect potential energy change and
a. The work per lb steam
b. the steam flow rate in lb/h.

3. A rigid tank contains a hot fluid that is cooled while

being stirred by a paddle wheel. Initially, the
internal energy of the fluid is 800 kJ. During the
cooling process, the fluid losses 500 kJ of heat, and
the paddle wheel does 100 kJ of work on the fluid.
Determine the final internal energy of the fluid.
Neglect the energy stored in the paddle wheel.

4. A steam turbine receives at 2 MPa and 250oC

(h1=2876 kJ/kg), and exhausts at 0.1 MPa 0.85 dry (h2 = 2337.2 kJ/kg).
a) Neglecting the heat losses and changes in kinetic and potential energy, estimate the work
output per kg steam.
b) If, when allowance is made for friction, radiation, and leakage losses, the actual work
obtained is 80% of that estimated in (a), calculate the power output of the turbine when
consuming 600kg of steam per minute.
5. A boiler receives feed water at 40 oC and delivers steam at 2MPa and 500oC. If the furnace is oil
fired, the calorific value of oil being 42000 kJ/kg and 4000 kg oil are burned while 45000 kg of
steam are produced, determine:

Engr. Christopher Isaac L. Razo, M.Sc.

Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Santo Tomas Lecture Outlines
ME 321Thermodynamics 1 2017

A) the heat supplied in the boiler.

B) The efficiency of the boiler.
If: h2 = 169.33 kJ/kg
h1 = 3467.6 kJ/kg

6. A centrifugal pump operating under steady flow

conditions delivers 2,270 kg/min of water from initial
pressure of 82.740 KPa to a final pressure of 275.8 Kpa.
The diameter of the inlet pipe is 15.24 cm and the
diameter of the discharge pipe is 10.16 cm. What is the

Engr. Christopher Isaac L. Razo, M.Sc.

Department of Mechanical Engineering

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