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0.3 State-of-the-Art Reports OFERECE VICTOR F.B.DE MELLO Rapports sur 'Etat des Connaissances Behaviour of Foundations and Structures Comportement des Fondations et des Structures J.B. BURLAND _ Head Geotechnies Div., Building Research Establishment, Garston Herts, U.K. B.B. BROMS Prof. of Soil and Rock Mech., Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, Sweden V.F.B. DE MELLO Prof. of Soil Mech. and Found. Eng., Univ. of Sao Paulo, Brazil x VICTOR FB. DE MELLO & ASSOCIADDS S/¢ LTDA, Ce oer ed CORDIAIS Behaviour of Foundations and Structures Comportement des Fondations et des Structures JB, BURLAND BB. BROMS: Heed Gootechnics Dv. Biling Research Establishment, Garston, Herts, U.K Prot of Sol and Rock Mech. Royal Insttute of Technology, Stocktaim, Sweden EB DE MELLO Prot of Soil Mech. and Found. Eng. Univ. of Sa0 Paulo, Braz! ‘Sifiseretare have decided to concentrate attention (ite eetilment of Sutldange ena structures le "power tations eto)s = Bran with et) move youastos pesiax tart ve should note that 8 fately nigh perce ace of frmiattonn are specified strictly on tbe SRLS Tatatctanes at'sepulatdone tn watch the (rll aecanioe super aoee aot dntervents, oreovery Stand on tomes tative {hte al pointe to the fect tont tenting and ooops ‘hen form ony one aepect ef foundation Earlene A stone atugy of local practice of experience pro ‘dee direct evidence of ant cay be achieved ane “Mntlunee of want carats fo abe experianced ngi= nvr abe infomation can bo of more direct value i Uidlpn tine ecoureteay dateratzed sot] paranetere —_— Trae ebook wea covered at tee Siath agopesn Com ‘feranor an SHOP) Voenaa (1976) andthe Zartitation [¢'Stsuetueed Engineers, London (1913) hve tneued 8 ‘Staprehennive report onthe Design ant Coostruction oF Beep Boseowete Sy teatitrccton® Silorine St. SP ible ype will be dinenaoed tn Capt Sroperiy interpreted thay offer the b [oon routine deetgn peseeturess Wo mnt now Leck s¢ the 2initations of this epprotch, The principal body of experience arises fron Doraiike Teructureey of bce fo'beight cotio fron one Malt to Eaeey with Fequlariy sloteubatoa colume so thet ‘Siouy before tie cenettive £0 Soading in amublly only 15 to 90 per cent of the dead Toad oda te appli selatively slowly. the degree of ‘Sptriciaa sn aur founéation proctioes ss tmediately ‘Sbsced hen ons examinee udor wnat. conattons prob $Gethien arieea. Frequently they hove © nipait= ona deprtare ope foeine, nese ef odin oF ‘pe of structure (laoring aside smexpected| SeiufLons]s.“Sonetinee the probien ariuse becuse of SMe onmarenres of the inportanee of the changed shore ire utfiotent suber of 4 routine foundation design the actual toads are Stetn shentficentiy deen than the deen lone (Be~ hoot of des and obviout Luntt analpein nearer ‘ie trequntiy applied raplily and urntlly a2 tots ation be differential devommstione devel stuewente iz empinattod by fhe fact Went ee anjority of probiaee arise fron dines with erectly difterentiated colgma lonlings, tr tall vulings unite {ily sacensively (eg Leomesat he 1 ts therefore necessary to caution the ganeral fractitiones tgainet abe expectation that Toutine Sroocriptione san te antSscuetorily applied to unum Mipuctaree aad oonditione of lending.” Predicted 495 voTtos —£ CUMPRIMENTOS wittenente may Ye wo abonifioantly So error that Sienge may Soeur 2.2 stee mmrsaasion ‘ue peine reguireoent for successful foundation dersgn it ait alvage will bee pou obte dnreotien “fen enced ot nih’ iowa of hg Zorirente (2) A melee of am stl oem evan Uf fhe ioaal geology and ted in with Jooul experi ioe (on Oheaed and Sabagucht, 1973; Johanaton, 5), on ce Sig any be teueed Wy vitting (2), detasted and apatenutic description of he (elt an etch etratun Sn teron of Ste visi anf teow {its propertinee inde sboale preferably be coupled th Foutine anceste dndientor fertey such aa the Fracaard Perotretion feet (sha) and the static Gone Iesietaroe (008), for suse of conelation with Loot ‘eonee of te wepirical the oederast eteates ‘hveted Ged the 804) amined ond ayetenat cally dee ‘ribed seeester “Wit sampling Se carried out evecy NWrether it ia tected or not, sbouls te eat * Senioes ok C8) tae (Gelannce te given on te Eck” howe (1572) ans mnpineleed the portance of Soil feirke in corttolting fee moon properties aod (etlanas methoge of reoonding str A etenbie mara Gr sabrustaoe Snvestigatione ne’ been pubLinted by ‘he"lsex (Gevigery 19/2) ant reference should be made 1" the wabnequenteiacunste auch fort hes gone into attempting to extataiah ‘Sereletions tytwuan the remalte of SPt an SON teste (Bester coviany eating in ind the etipie ere Eeconliyy there can be no douse abet the reralte of rover ground condltlonsy have. poved immensely #3 Etech’ for wommple dn'arari’ (ce Malloy 197% is) 1 de probaly not overstating the case to say tint E, 55 Slnee oue'of foo she dectatons as to the type sea depth af founiationa can be mace peémartly on the tess er (1) and (2) above,” oreovery tw planning 496 ot conetraction procedures depends hem ily on this htorastions, "of coureey in govt eivuatione tte ‘radent to tarry out torts and onloutione to com Hibs aie deoteidne Alternstively in hie senrch for Servcanoede esdation the eneineer wil resort te de (isla amipeie to belp bis shaowe betwen vectout Foe ote one mma sane tame ocr eae eee eee SE Shae eitree mae pine an lars craganiere aera Sie ee arrears mafeieanatars yan tater ‘amis in a sont Snatractive and chaileneAne mamas 23 ORATION PaORLeES OP CHE Som ‘hs datatiod properties of the ryan and their ae~ Jetsinstion st aenit with tx Seweion T'of the Confers Seow Our concern hore Se saimiy with tbe reninbll= ‘Sores owen determinat foun aot their application in sSlajeis and design of foustions, it ie very Gnuttta chether Shere have been significant chnagws ‘Sirowtine nvoratory terting procedures tn the last ‘lg yeetey although the ues of special teoting etnodt fog'atrece-pach notods) are Deconing sore Wedeepeente fant Lo becoming clotrar Su hat the application of ‘Tiuiiilonal undfetaroed eanpling tot inborstory Palen of sspee of proud that can be studied. oe ‘floaty of accurate prediction on the Basie ef Iaoety teat hoy Dee marie foe (03 Sethetio (1572), taste (1573), Burland (1973) aad only Staerss. One ofty bas Mo taming a fev exyorures tn ScMeriaas ce ae rertsuaa aotley siti? feeared Slayey fitlsy highly laninated widetonee or inguin opoolte ete'te Appreciate the Sinitea range of mater itn for wtush the non invita Ceforateg to oom ie ichofettys aoe act cf eansling such autor ale often ao tially sltere their stricture aot com eaay tat even © vinual deacription san be gry ‘Malendings fn certain elrouetancer the probiees hn be patiiatly overonce by tasting muse larger ‘aples (hove, 19724 Eanebo ead Toretenseony. 1971+ EEvothes canst rerofe to large fovette tent (Bardaed od Lordy 1965; Marelandy 1971) or beck anasto of ‘Eieting’ structures ta tht only eltemative ff reacom Ship reprecentesive dotommation paraetere are re ited (arg end Burlaeay 1973} Broth aod Asta, nae ‘Bren sore wnddoturbed sampling tnd laboratory test= compeensinie layer (any), sot taken Sato account, the GeRoattiee of sampling terting end iaterent beter ‘Sogenityy the chances of the erfor Seing contiotart= Ipfiwe hen Zose ee trentctie. "ine Sey probabilistic trentwmnt of tent rerulte coupled with soective cosperivone with field mencurenente prof Sigion the tats of Chace A predictions (née, isd). wach cater ts ide. sae pracirion in varactaral engineering fe aouaily wore Spperent tn Deal (Pesky S365" candery Tote iereorer, 32 would protabiy te doing s hervice’to the en ic foundation engineers Eig cue = prvicalerly ae Louie and fowantion sees larger, Ht da only fore Linites taogn of tereelie plastictiy ooil (se table, 1969) or bard rie ataraie tint Sarin uiry Sa Dikey 80 ‘he ettuntion ie rather different for many pile {Fomatione ntarey Deomage the lone are trenoedtied 'tiecs She wos) anjor in becring over'e Fala ‘Henly sail aren the settlecente appronching wlis— tur loud are often quite smalls” His else apmlios Deotings on teittie Flerured materiate, Tt dey of Source; iuaye necessary to exeroiee care in the Slnreld iantion in aidch footings or pilee are founded in a atict layer overizine a wane Taper Glopesboty ish Mitcaal et al, 1912)- etder (1969) hte pointed out that from a etetetiy freckle potat of" view enough te keowy to avoid ‘failures for average? busines of Noveraget otis it ig protably trun te aay tant the tiggertprotle Sonfronting the practitioner i E'ate"Titeminetion ofthe approprinte etrength pare misras. ible protien teoumes critical when sonalder The ethuotures opereting et low factors of safety foes a eunierin stra on gor epee (iiorset previouniyy particular sare should be exam Sioed for eqrooturet With Sigh Live-tondend ration Celts teLlcene nator toversy ots) sinoe St i Sout sea Et itane nly ats bre com SSpenwenvative vole of soils "Bowery it Eirvts the fact thet reoert theoretical dol emperi= ioe ani portegene strensvetresn behaviour in de~ ining the silepee conttvion (as Howgy 1972)- Tt [S"patarsh thare‘ore thet we abowa expect a pea tule workera ewiten their ssvertion frou the ci Biguy'Leelived tiessepinctio Tinie oquttttrtsn Shkitee at etasiiity to the wore seetistioy but mich fore difficult stuiy of the influence of daferastion Gr celinpees | A mutter of reoect eyavosin on the Govic atlest to the rapid developments taking piece Seianse eabjoot (Fuiner, 1973; Yalldavpan of Aly Aprpi Deenly. 1976)» Pinaily, 4¢ 42 tmportant #0 amptnsioe tha although ettlettat ie usually she contstioning faster nthe Slotee of founaation the detailed snalysin of te me ‘Sitaie md dintritution of settienmnt tn anfcioul? Getiln of ertilemorte ana if neceacary adguet She ‘as epithonl ease 4.5 1H BRUAYZON OF FOURATIORS AxD SEUORURS Sh GAL ie hove sogn that fn routine work the practitionss i SELLE shctneste a orter pret SATE TSEL "er tgeence freon site fo SEUSS haven, & Sopra" atopinle perfor SEEMs, MOR cattery senrey on tn SES of Eettaperdoneay et utdrebe' cng witt Bette ‘it is teksty aot statntfatly =| BEA PSOTG, ant ts 'pottving wma u sor ee Mello, 19750)+ a 11 4a wen wmunuad or unigus protons eriae that the Shlidite or etrusvare will wettlo ant att the die {orsign wil oe." Bruty, neither the architect nor ‘he etrvcturaltaginver Ai'able to pressor with tay Guster degree of cortasaty how mush distortion ci EiGalecated without unosepeasie Saanges Under hese circumstances conservasiar se bof Snevitatle Sol'geatents It should be notea thee itis easier Pietitive agceonent between preaioted and sbeerved ‘ittlenente soon Soth tom to saree Soft nechantor And Zouniation engineering mat there fore Face up to one inportant challenges! (2) _ me olen, concise and ayeteantic aasoription of ‘ihe wo proriia i tame ot Ste"vieual aod tactile 497 ropertion (inclaling stracture and fabric) mnt be [Bven gretter eepbante in teaching and in practice, ea noe oe ganar eatin ts oan (2)__ te reiisvie deverninetion of the propertiee of fieg types of ground denne the Gevelopeent of soot ‘te Sreeitu terting Gerioee which wurt be Tobuet tea ‘ity 40 ute Af they are to Find widarprend applica Son (3), Meaterer the setiog of tert the exconeefad SeSseddacs TER ao" phaad om pate (A) srocesnt ant econonte davies and construction Se only remult-1F tbe building, incling tte four” tin planet defor {ation tat no eftengt hue been Sade to datine threo= 2.3 LIMIT woMINS AND DMA te (gna ino pi leh ie Gee Ps oe ee Toe! Be Sieh na cee ieee Hi reece Ee Gate it ern roars Serre Sioies SaeecaLEs Som fers are vastoiy ares snerinwaih bre ge be (eat tppearanees Gl) sericea or Aare {kang ent (10) abiastys” Stanpton ang Yacbonale Hy US) SPRING, wert ef atatoge Goth caiettedtenct ar terete eve 499 cchitectural daeage shan ty overotrecning of the oak Board (1975) neve published a simple claeastioo- SESSEDSEL CTRL Ric ease conoemed prima Hon of subesdnoe damagy witch is tana om wide iy wes G) aud. SSpteltndes Macheod aed Lissteene (1974) proponst Ulnseticascon wish fe based an the Goal Boar ooomensntionee ‘ait Zeristion of seers Serisontal will often oar ‘peste T hoe been developed fom the shove works A ‘octeontal wilt often Omery Clacnince’ Fereous vary faverpeint classifiostion bao been adopted! very ses ueplenaans sad rowmstly cltonckant wet are often sLighty olighty moderate severe and very severe, Fellowdng Jeanlogn ood Eavesoh (1962) eaphanie 18 [Ll on toce af Fepuirs Approsiaate crack widths se edt one tntonted enely te te aadietona Gelkcaiar oather than a direct saaware of the degree SE kaiagee the widths are based on the views of cr ‘neers no hve bad experience in the goeervenion of GuETng perfornenoe sul tie raaction of sooupantee Fiesst'be eoghasteed that wae sinees¢ieation in Stele sentee only to visible or senthetie dasagns [Eeicuntions unere crusting sy porait corrosion oF se sentioned prerdovtty ‘Siow penetration oe lesiage of Liquide or gaaee Soe eT Er pao Seiteria trey of coureny mich nore etringsot aa are eee cack vaian is accepts tone for Felnforosd concrete (Haw, 1908)« Nish gue region or one type of building eiekt be (Quite weceptabie in another, evertheLenry 2 2003 seit eenre'as be pole in arceating Linitine founea- theular Tamotion of the Pusiding Breet atcas and designing to criteria off eervice= can wild diotete Liniting movant SRIDVGy Te de neceenary to develop wane eysten TOP SSeetiy attieypseoteion namnineryy deainey eter Toe aerate ateages “Te te pretabie iat engineer ehoule question very deeply tach 2initing GE'S'chtple epevan were widely adopted mone of the ofecgote ac they are auasvinee stapulnted artltraci= seve suiven rasctions tunaras ary form of vintble Ay nna af ainered to cea have s profound iafivence 22 ‘anaee magn be anvunzeds Teuningy and Herrick he Shet ot foundations (Pooky 1963)«.Alterstively nena TTT, Croossio come- ‘the provinlon of winple adjustaenta will often OFer~ mre of teitdings on swoiling clayey oe the 4Arfeeultter ‘lass ictension ef damage related fSrineipally ao wage of repairs tbe Uke Betton Jr vintble damage to walle with particular raforence 40 enee of repair of plaster end Dages of Tecription of typical dans" a oe (Gaee ot ropa Se mnterisnat) as Trine creda of lee then aout Ont me are elagod ao negligible, a a= st dacoration, Periage P aS ESSE SSS ting Serna tn _ 1 Minible on clove inpection , suse sie, te-secration ars Severe ste eh sae 7 a ee a aniee ieie aartiel or complete sarumny 2 2" Se EST hatiy ans ore oborings Wanliwe Set depende 20 ih aletertione Baneer of Sne¥sbListye amber of rece ‘eager Tie ae Gamage Soe A Gee OF Tg TS Gs GTI oP EE Seger itth is onlg'ane acpoct of davage and shod hot be uaet on ite om SE 8 direct oeasure of ite 500 ‘204 Prarzou WOR OF LONTING UEPORMARTORS OF Suis ‘lneatie daforesttone of atractaren bave anpnstsed SRav'ie le inpveitle so lay down epeatf ie paldeLinee for tinting titferentiat Aspitcennte sn Felation Se caange aps tat ach structure must be Sosteg 20 TataerSte (ee olay 19651 Borettay TgTTy and roth, ‘StdaheSorertuelaen toe engineer hae 30 Paly AIL on ple. puelines sazea’ on previous cane Rinterlecs ia dog 01 deportant thts be NEUES ante of abe aypoe of beditings stadiedy ‘BeNcrulecis ved in asctoning pertormence met tht ‘Hesiiisty of the data on hich the puicelinwe sre Sted. fe Wert kno stay lening to recomendations on ‘Thomtle aiffereatial settles of structures 18 {hat of Seanpton end Nacionala (1998) anf guidance {for design haa teen boobd Dangely on this Work, Tt ee conse that the Liaising value of selative tation (anelar Sistertion) 5 So uae erecting in (elle eed partitions So 1/300 aod Viet values La om itor i/igo aloud te avotsecs ihe Tinting value SFr ae onus structupal dasage te 1/150. Sabaem ‘etuly Sperm (1963) svpplenented thene recomoendae ‘ite by tissng see shonin of seiative tion 4a Bey wore Linisen to traditional steel and reine Toroel Setsete frase bailding® ana 10't fey Tonle SEE Weiar well asldingse Moreover, the sure rides Te band om seven sano buildings (Five a= ‘Sienges an two danaged) ot seven Lon Searing brick sat tilings (eax sf then quoted by Tereaghly 1239) ny ura utero eth G5" Sctaletere’dannge In reported but not eect Geagtatiy or (Ss) "se far ke te know ap eettlement image bal gocutreds Inairect eriaenee ie given 10 iy ave 1ou-earing bre at ables “Oh oF cocureing eubeequent to the epplication of the finie Sheer. Moe ioaieearing waite sw totel value of @ Bilas relevent vadunes "However, for frame build Sige Uhe'ristenee wilt umualiy not be applied tay $86 Wialedent bas csoured, "in nang cases there Sots She hintting values of 8 nay be elmiticansly [he the total valuens be The Liniting values of relative rotation 8 for Blectaral damage In freae buildings are for strao~ ‘are aerere of rare aineeiones Shey $2 >t res ot fe (5 oe te etn unarmed oat Satie ae Sati Eitrees scttlenents tie 2oniting values of the Sega are aula Eiapenemer & beac wom ae nue aes iat cae peace ae Rae ee eee deus strtoter criteria ware Laid dow for Lonicbearing Weick wedies sor reeion of loneth L fo belght # ese ‘hag ine SeHlection safio 4/L ene 0.3 2 1G 25,45 to for san and soft lay voepectine- Sorhapter Polehin and far oade one of te faort= eC Cakebpite CG) tae t/t retdo of the tasting or instar (ha) the concept of tinisine temaile strain Se oe he nithg selsionanap betwen 1 [kat deflection ratio D/L was prosented and vas show STEN gia eppecsent with a nanuer of orecked aed TBereseed brick Tallaingt,. She aoove recomendations Wor lock beating orisk unite are beced on = perre™ ‘Sone for oe ceodking to that if aaereg to the ceeroe ae hb aay ne ty hie sn tn potmortny tat eget (1983) alm treated Sooo ing eit ate nets gt gi soe vt Alteag wale or cntizuoe wie aaa ranty caetetian ent Yommarcke (1974) carried out & Htorture eurvey edmed at ypinting Seenpton aot Mao= Btaiate wobec Vuste for 68frane Sulhdinesy eury oF oer sourtrictiony were naded to the original date Getteppens to confifw tat a relative rotation P = ‘Ps00" Te a reasoonble cannes iinst. Oy £270 wds= oom Tonatbearing wall bodidinge vere included end Four of theve were dantgaie Hence se conclusion ty Se TaN the eninge 2iait oe B= 1/300 tn com ‘rwed for Loca-banring walla aust be. trasted wit fasten = particulary tr view of Polahin and Tomarte 501 205, RECRY Mos Om PUNRMNEAL DAMAGE CRTFERIA ‘the Diniting damon criteria atacuneed tm the pronto ‘fu section say be usefal geoeral guides bat are orm tmuoer oF seasons, Sk RRS HESS (10) eccretet te titere fundonental criterion for danage wan Tequired i'pus forward the Uden that a oriverion relste! to ailie coniking would be uefa tince tensile rest The io so often asonedatoa eth eoteleeont ang. ‘ehhowine the work of foleuin and Touar (1557) smny StounedShat the coest of visible rasking in'8 given SS ect ae tet vn yng tin ene rma PEERS Sey ners BS ae sel Seite Sa bh arena Ree ee Sper nae oa ec es ree Sa fo Se re ES. woswor eas snet SRE Siamese tara ute SR i aah aie chee eet ieee ae es See SHASTA 1 oan he shown tant for a given deflection 4 the mae nue tensile soraine axe Sof vary taneftive to. the Sreciae fom of looting, noone (1951) etvor the ‘Siosestion for the central deflection of « centrally Silat tone of uit Shisowaes Sn both shear and bend- an BE f-S-4-q) ay ts modulus} G Sa the shear sodabuet bras reese recent. . my be poten Sn Soran of the maze hires fire staan ey;ggny ae follow 2 stem te [dda] ‘Sintjarly for the masiman diagoral #87460 €g(gae) Cen) atone a : g Be cay fH Peg] oe ed By eth gun)* ata) evo (22) ot (23) So ee ee ee SL Pee a ete Sere San cee (a) 502 (equcccoqga dhae soap| nitttE i) o 2) ‘axe (and hence 1). Yor an inotropic teas (5/0 4 245) wit neutral axis {pishe niaile the Iinsting celotionmisp tatwece Bin ted H/t Se given by curve t in Pig 3e Pig 3 Influence of 3/6 om the cracking of « staple ‘ectangular bet. or a bags witch ben 2 reLatively low et tftoeen in hear (ie = Jays) the lintting Feletionanip is even Spite 2.) A partioutary inyortant cane ts tbat (SF tomo thich ip rointsvoly weak in bending ae Shit te emjocted to hogging rach thet Ste neubrad TEETD ES tise, Saves nove she ntting Felstienanip for euch Dean (2/0 045)e_ Tene Siives rvs so illuntroto that even for einple beans Gir lieing dnclection ratio soustng cracking oon ‘Wy over ice nite ‘rtend end Wroth carried out © prekintnary vurvey of Ene for cadhing of intl) franoe soa masonsy wale SEr Sctucies te the range cf valave of erage tex ‘Mie otrein at ths ouvet of viesbie cracking for & Sr commen tullding mnteriale wes Penariatly ‘or trichoot ol bloc fet Sk mat ERAS eygy Lee betwen 0.05 an Oct per conty whAl® Tir retstfoe! conorete boring e wide Pangea ‘recs the valune Iie between Os03 aol 0.25 per th onder to aoceas the potential value of the Tinii~ Sontsne the onces of ‘napated the or beldings ~ Soe thin covariant & value of Tiaiting semsie ain Ae eet val ea tn ings ee Heal tease tring wa meron Oe Hise aly (2) st (c)-sw tbe stoparign wish et dio taf tll GaS teepectivey foe Pe $e Alo ee eat at 2) Paihty aie State Sen st ining siatnip oeee Ree es Sate Minnie of SQGRASULDS Seis in an obtervationes Ds pitas Geaictioe 22 toes st a tnt SOUL etiniy harasecu seein ei trie te kame tas ae din SuSt eintinsy Henin abe” Sori fo Lorn adele tne of toa at esol ehdn of anges ie ne es ofa patch setae oped tat (iproach will wtiinlate further work along sbewe Iipes. Ay shin point 44 Lo necoonary to sapbatne that 1imst— [he ithe’ sitasn se aot e fundamental aateriad pro Setty Like neile strengeh. ninetone (1574) ba Suinlot ott tant local etraina daring the early etager Tr creck develoment are nach emler than the values SE Spe we ty Borland end roth, Hence "Uiniting rortis strain¥ aml be Tapered an a naneare of Svicesbilty which, ween ared in conjunction with an Sieioser in deciding (1) _ 3 om be appli to complex otructures eopler~ [nd well cetashsabea serene suaipots techniuens (2)__ 18 maxes erpasoe te fact that dasage can be Gerollet ty paring attention tote nodes of 4af0rm Soy wrtnan ele tufaaing wtructare and fbriep (3) te Letting value can be varied to take accom Pasetering natersaie and servsoeabaiity Lists wiaten, “TagsObvealy (i964) Ime pointed oxt that the uae of ‘Me 4 Relationahip tetwwen 2/1 sod 1/i for buildings Showing vacious degreet of dacagy = pointe ‘iitout mumers feter to date given by Orant TAD Ty Raine a ae rah, soft Weisks and lean nortar can aubwtantially Feauce (lotkingy is it reece the value of eyo Lintting vtrain ie preserved to 6 teotionl temuile ASSESS rae doce not eppecr to rary 8 greet ar for aad range of typos and iret of common Stildine paterialess Worenver St reteina a phyeienl “igitcance after cresting woish "etrength ance note Sean SERGE Re tasStrsay reprsens a Tast of Strvicotuiitys Provides tge crecking to ontrolde EITE‘S Dalasetoed consreta beany st buy te. acoepiae { Sttow detonation to continas well beyond ne ini fenton of sees, caaniy elt eet are framed eirechurer wivh pant] wails and Peinforend [lottbearing atrueturess, Umeiaforced lonontestine alis antergoine abgeing unter the sestceinine eotion Sr the Foudntienn Say So fal ines thle catewny. lewvery lend (1956) tas dream attention fe sich ‘aus uhtve slip alone the tstunen danp peoos course SHIRT L Geleneive cresing sn fhe overiying bricke ore he onset of vist ‘an tnyortent mode of deformation where uncontrolled (rasking con ooour that Yoniceceing welles Onoe {Sctsail these ie hothing to stop it propegsting 200 werans | the difference in enecking due 40 boering St ‘Seging sp iatrates an Fug 9 whece thw to ole SniE have experisnce! ainilar anpnituiee of relative 503 Fig 5 Cracking of motel Drick walle due to eneeine fet hoeeine ite Ou ene cans emt ow Remy Yailéings, “Toe exmplor he quotes enriie~ eae Bae Se ore feel radian of curvature for 01d Buildings subject to ei rar nea aa Sk ese te cae eh Niel apatite chia nek Roe Gi} mane se ere eater emcee ee a emrleyice © Finite elenect setnos Snesrporating a brittle Linit~ {fe fusion aetaridy isle uch eppronay te far eeu adjunct to future neseanar on fh Felation” ilps between novensnt tnd datage in budings. CisSlesohn (Iota) docsedboe eave snportant experi= eon thw cracking of trick walle expect 40 aim Tie nabeidance, Such stuies are soeential to @ SiS "Cette in esosr and benging ant the node of Getorastion (eageine of boeing), "In elution the Earns eatnemteee er ss ngs with panel walle Being wile to sustain much lar 508 SESE Mould SOS Se10d"as"abeoe wilt tone 00 tani {he basis factore are identified and appreciated by rein Secton 614 af thie Review 8 few ant ‘ara given to Silurtrate various aspeote of 2.6 SOUTER GUIDES OF LOATEING SEEMLDIST span ors sunplez shan tnt of Tinising Gerorm’ acting oe of tka oe acian eet | Uileussed in chapter 5c, Hevortbeloen, the practising Shed abe dene Routine Listes ildslinee are preporeds Fettoving Teen task (140, fanatnt ‘He range of typen of grown for wach the engineer het Gna jelgerent Se experiences 26s) Sepia ‘Teranens and Fase (1948) mage {iti cor PSSinge oe sant on Shalyto exceed 75 ner : Pee wae odomenede set ct ae (0) cid mar Sarr tere Oe crate ete gehen “aca Sarena enue for fare tulldingey where often mie Tioeat Chersageis toe)? Me mee mr 2 (912). (3) teranghs (1556) stated that be knew of mo but Alle rounded an ag shat hme netsles nove tae 15 Ot'tbe MT tettlenent recite reported by Byerrun (ise) nay one exoseded 75 me ted the aasority ware ege than 10 p-Bone of Sepaztes Aigeraet(1965)5 or Somltee ana Sheri (1979) #2 neded 35 ome Foutlne ulldsags founded on deep layers of ound Dittioultive here svourras then vibration Bae ‘aise lsc de 8 shar sortie oyu Senter Grenvetiery 196357, Punaiiyy 18 abould be ion teal 'guanti‘ior of crginie matter or silt ara (5) Giteaae the couprensibiistgy and Ste arta yy elentioantlye 26.2 2 ‘Using sintlar procedures 42 clades that Bie the recocsended denies iinite for a24al Sessigeete art shout 65 an for Saolated fotations SEU Tio'an tor sates Tete tecomenda ‘Hone wre sritictses ty Teraneht on the. gromie, ts EeMalatloansiy tetveon susimun seiative rotation » Sel natin sottlenert in clays Se depentat on toe (Rey Tuctore for a single value to te toetgmad to 3, hates cristinn tod farmarcke here added e mancer of (Gar fecora a0 she origins asta,” Toeseconfure thet {Gitte lee elnpie correlation between wasinur Fela~ Sicestetiae ites etticect in ines Masbenalate Tecommendations are accepiable as routine Matting vasess jotted ageinat sarinar seitieennte Paar fo? "Vulafings on feoiates founanttone aed Ce) ‘estdings vith ra%t foundations, “dch of the 4n66 ve tows taken fran Shanpton aod Ancboraia (1958) fe cea at al (1972) ant he naninder from recent Pigure 6 shows the stsime Aitterostial settioneste bape Seine refer'o the nutter of sarayss Suildines Bovine sliont ty solerete ings tre adicated 9 Estate ae hee erry setae ‘jenna (1963) ana ia ouggontedupes init carven Sor Rite eirataree ase tigia iractaren hore tee itSigeenteds Ste felloving fentaree tow 5a Sma otmorti (1) tm doen Page 6(a) an 5) the ratio betwen tdinas uifeprentiah tattlanen® andthe aad peice (Eee) ian fy Besides [hundod on © eet9Y svadiysng iaper than for thowe founded Sirectly on clays (2). Rjerrante soper 1inis cues for flextbhe and Side tktcctarte appear to be contsomed for ndmnged vwuldineny tut St Ss of interest to note that anny of TRU Neite Toe daaagea tatiaings ite above the stoves (3) tn Pig 6(2) gone casen of slight damage to batl= lle ou fesinieg foundations are reported for gaffer” ig. aettlenunte in extace of 30 be ant total FRIIS iiaisene of 150 oe (4) _ tn contrast sanage to basisinge on parse (ig 69) nas ot teen reported for ial settlonnte fe iaual settenenee lose shin 25 oe wot 250 ‘Den theae are not truly Pepe ‘hacity Houpital poe ctevsnctly nopeanitore Stacking woes se vory clone frou Pig 6(o) in that tury alldings on Tarte hive undergone eubetantial 5G eteLonents with no reported damage, 1b must Yo snpbarieed that the diagrane are based on Slatted dats for sntforgly londed Sesiasngs founded on ‘hiforn clay state, Hony antic soe ot the fhe fall arsowe represent the destan Linite euggneted Syskawpeon ant Nacbonsis (1956), Tae anced arrows Shatoote ones maxima wvernze ett tlenartx peraitted ‘pine 1962 Wt bullding Cone (ave Tochedotarioff, Vinp's table #0)e it ie not the purpoee of thie Tinie’ taere appears oo be no reneon ty Ineger total i sferensialocttlnneyte aboule not be seveptets Netnode of cnteweting A/ty making toe allowance Por Tie'Selsttwes of the superatrustarey are diccueeed tn Ekaptar de Por wary stiff buildings or writers (coud the liniting tattLeeente ate Iikely to be gov Suet nore ty considerations of Silty damage 10 eer ‘Hinge onterigg sun tnildine or she 12¢huerse on edge Sent structures than of dacage to the bailing steel? 263 Qeueral raat Te Gincuaion Mae oy ‘rates SRE Settee ated te fers Shae tbe eaiersty of Gomi conditions, snoluding aitwriay ecite, 1oteny Fitiy pent and bide tango of residual wosle, Foe tortlof' there salle there in ne short out 20 sntinat— ASEAN tie to be ane of he degree OF hoteroe (reliy of the ground tea Sts iafisence on the eta $iie abine eucn tectniquon te are expedient to the ‘unant of the propoced foundation construction Gbethedy pactioularly sf exoevetion Se enesongedy ao eiwitl Getan raiicaily affect the compressibility of Tesaany 1955). Sn btwin sn Sootion be ‘bes aol ecrongth of she structure mnt be euffuetent ‘Btteniet the focal tnareaoe in cbepreselbility of he grounds 505 Fig 6 Parforumnce of buttdings on clayey soils ‘hie dinoanason on Limiting settlements ba elo been stip to Yailainge sod etracturen wnich are in iy way ont of the andinary or for which the Loading [Senetiy ie narkedig nomanifore, "Finally, $8 mnt SRO iene ih lat tae tee fountattont © ote Shine creund tro a part of the gtracture ant oft ap Simba solution to adh ?2erentialeeytlenant pavtlen CoO" fount ty muttatle dovign and detailing of the SSovstacal wonder anu fSnaanee, Tae epplien g4r— TIUAAY'i0°Telicer, are e Ries peromage of the [Stat cose loe she wthastare (often over 30 ber oat) Skate Unto founiations dentpned to. entiafy’sirinawt 2 ‘Getthanort sptterdas Por each new ‘cginwnr Sa well aavised 40 consider ated in Sevtion 2.3 ae to who 18 cuupri 3 - sermupawr Peetorzon 4 Td sh ue Gotan soviet erga * Side daiverasiy. "enisee cotutning © wath TrscEiation iv ie papers and dincunetonn the Procee= ings contain vory Souprebereive state oF the art 506 reviews an settienant in gramiar sctle (Sutherlaaiy TST voraatly consenigatoa eau 2igstiy overconet l= Snled'cohorive meteriaie’(Stoonty 1874), bewrLly orem SGuostiusted cohenfve eaterinie (outier, 1974) ext Bue taatte, tota)e tase Chapter wail deat with the ‘ore theoretical prablaen of eettieaent a ‘pe on tie above work there neceastry. i SL Purposes peoesded the approprante tiesitu oo4l Sropestiee have’ been obtaune Sot CoRR Mamas {in the Review attention $e devoted to foundations for sonmadoulidines amd avructares were the factor of efsty awninet. general Sourseg capacity fuhure 18 ‘Tie total settlennnt Se definod ne og and for eaturee Jed claye (nuglecting evcondary settfanente Zor the Licata m0 : Gay Pet mt Pe igure 10 shows the disieitation of verttoal etrese to a conpletely tntepentent ‘sonaegmtave (see Oe But a | ye Sty208 ic 10 fluence of aninotnony on vartical stresses Cilio siren Loe) ei enen supirsene a Ser meopies ma i ce eA O Bere Se Bae tat megrtesndag 5, jun ie aaa ie SEC ne Melia Sg att tt ante Jy independent parenoter, have'l' greater influmce on Speen any Sian eo, 32-4 Biscuagiont tn thin section ve have examined ‘elchy EERE w of aon factore to nowtineasi~ Ge purchonogenetiy and arieotropy on She aistribution Se etee" nhac Gy einpla surface losis. ath the Cheat of the Finite eleuent method 2 weilé be imuctive etailors Soworery ‘ouch bas teen dove ¢> dense ‘wevery tht the nate tomarately Senaisten to variations ta de ty no pena 20 straight forvacd for senor it ie well kxow st She 509 horisontel otrwen change Se dependent on FoLseont etio and abe presenee a somchonogaedty anereacee EESe eounsniviaye Dareovery gomiineerity has = from Foud Sntluwooas” Hoe th Bousatnene equations tre ‘Sobily ire accrae ecu of cher t= ‘oaae conslunions are supported ty Roraan sn Gerrard Uigtiy "who murine she renaiie s€ model sorouar’ oat tera o god arnt ec ty» mir of wo {Se burprisingy wl preaioted oy sinole sinstic Shor owertry the redial and tangentiai esressee how's wide variation an peneured vaison and my be (ovaly overs or unaerestinatea by theory. Plonttyy although onpiaass has been givan te surface Toode, Sotervion shosld be given to foude at the base ct ontn aszmrations, (Leonardey 1958). Pugure 7! ‘Mowe the increase is vertical stresses beneath the rife Lint ara strip load et the base of an oPmn (ioarasiony "The departure fron the Doureineet dit SENutiop le anstognaa 42 the depth onrrestion factor for seteleaent (Boxy #1" 19¢8)y tut, Ss open szcart~ SSoe"Se sore cawpley (Burlanty' 19090) tea baw Pe Sefved the detailed etuay Ke erste, 1H bane of exonration G3/H= 5e3 SomRS-onaa ORES In onder to mesose the accuracy of current theszeti. ‘Sh'neltods of estianting settlanent we must fin iba eieiy soe of fh anemyoce int ace mate P suastio formations cre assumed Inherent ky ea etait eter tae oe tr Tinenry are aoe novmptionts (3) tht she Uebardour Eeveisteerpath iniopenieney aot (44) taut She orden Ulelon at tho aime Of te iggeasente of peincioal Siiein fe a'finction only Qf the orfertation td ate retede of tne daar of principal atress and in 510 ‘nlopentent of the total ote Mlaoruny etcht" (o) the Sehaytowr tn atenospatt foe Dendent ‘and. (14) tae orientation of the prineipal Eats umalty dependent on toth the Soe ‘mothe otal strwoss The orient ‘an atthe principal strains tn of ampartance saan losricar Fotetione 07 prinoigah trees are iksly os mots founiatlons the init imeite past Tijeres whit ansily be st smegh serena forlgontal uateee she eroma to elopine wvoey 3 ihe dapoetion or tosseie iatory ae caplet ‘Meteors for varsollly lua outatione’ te siren ‘ee othe anor printipl stcerscincremte appear $e etintstantly fervioel neath te sajor portion of She loniod are lereepective of etter the ate Stat ie hactse piastte Cog nate me trai, TUri)e “Unsegy for the sho Se veruoaly Tota ‘Pelotisone anh aun oF otfea sod etrein are anally ‘Sineldon ant snajor eiftermee betwen elses tol SESS Se aera oe to cer ae mr as7eicaty very mech ve cone for foutatons ‘alect i inelano tony where slortonnt rotetioss SP peinlpad steers soot ‘muarefore the strona conditions beneath vortsoally seve doll benevioure Ssineionenipe botwoce otrees ana strain the catetion SE whether toe soll do atrensvpath dopentert te per ee Te et spartan’ careoerttie tant noe to During the List two decaten york has been going on at Shay consren 20 Savelop sonenitucave relationships for ‘Sie Reberinae ana ooonay for plnotic aaveriaie Sed SOME SHENLDONT oF MLASTIC sorts nthe ight of the stove and in the context of ctiteatt talealotions Veluetie eolte’ tre three ‘toe reaponoe to 8 given change in effective stress ‘ep for practical purposes, independent of the etreta- peth over the range of stresses encountered, Bence Bomliwar or inracorerable benaviocr doce not Eeeeh~ ‘ariiy prechute the uae of elastic streeonetraln for ‘hiatlopes” An tngortant eosaliary in that ake otal Settienmr’ on an siaetis foil de the ane or alow *Greiness ite for uotradnod loading followed Ty eomolicetion, droth (i971) ee able te denen SErsve that the cheer sodulue @ of undisturbed epect= tens of London Clays while Doing a funeston of the ‘mn format etress tn the oversonachidation Petey Le ‘he enor for arined and unstained sezsss_ Te plod Ale" thet e wide range of overconeolsantot goto ean ‘Sei feenteg an fenastict for’ pregiceing settlenerte Of Fountstione at rant Pastors of safety. Jods) | Hommneous iantzapic cust for an elsetic Ssctropie sotl_aealoton tbe strwst-otrain beneviour in teste of effective chronssn is fully Sefined by the eétective Youeta modulus BY and effective Belned one-tinenatons) ta Sis Sumprenetebitye oe) +08) We oan now exanine the accuracy of the conrationat SiGtnerteeal netied for calealating thw total saectineeieg untfore cirealar Tondé of reciut Ser iStesty gy ont Beaogeaeoas Snotroptc elactic Seite he tanct total settlement of She oom es ann +848 GS a Gs) oa - myeBopedh = 2q.8 am, snee (3610) tn one-dinons tonal meted with the ext srt ve eet! 6 tere EE eee Galt Pilemct) G= w)* baal 1 ts iam sit peng) 28 for MS 285, Bate Eithecioe (iste) 1008 choad to above satiyaia to seater OF veion Septet tee Seale sre SOE reife ale pestieal nee te, Te eminent tlle wil ee tua, Teh catia opr set ore met secre Miod wat ish tananon Oey Shere TUSSLE eltace fo se ant for may ere ee ey ele eefe roc ea ctor SERENE O'BTE 55 Hethe etone ect f= A eeaty org hunet ae uy Tr TRAE boas, Ges, te f eastonip boinen fal eto) 00 § mate cai St Sonctte NT Gatos coe ate, Te oft, omaemnoas ceoranisotonic chess soit Biches cRRTGDETIE SS SF aac eetetecmnt hooey fuat'Lt nepleste the influence of acioaaropy. Regent SiShscuedote ‘oy Gorrard Ar Harrdoon (I9TO® aod) Pig t2 Tine cqnlasion also folds for other shapes oF aah eevee SFraniaotropie setie. Hooper (1973) baw SEAR staetay sf the eottlanent af oleedan lotted aie apace (refer to Section Su2.3 for of te siectic paceastera) ‘he exmct total sestlanent 40 given ty Hooper (1975)8 (= qe) petee ay, on bore Ty ie @ settl eae saevumce factors BET ah Fg oe et koe elm ‘he relationatige detveen Ty sa! EY, Telase of Syyity are plowtla Sn BE "tor ogy = a’. Yolack equare represents the 1MBkropio Pig 1) Settlement influtnes factor 1, for a uniforms ‘Sear oud on a erone-ania¥tropic Schantior eon 15 te eet tt SL Seis tae thigh orrepnae te res tit Ts faare ope are BAM SI ont rt ior ‘tee conventions one-disent{oea) antiyeis based on the ‘Tetsionl Houscineny stress dietritution Peoaine 8s Tien tn equntdon (3:10). Mowerery the volume oom Feeubhilly fron s doeined one-dintasiontl fe Roth Org Tg Figure 14 mows the accuracy of various {afeulating she total settlements Gare Pig 14 Acpuracy of various nethoin of settlenent analysis for a wnfore circular Load on « crorsantrotronie telactise soble rgoreens the ronan tern yey fr () Than for bas Cnt (pte ane-einooonal wethod Bere seeks hc Se tse thin 1 pr et ot SeuyOrRar rte ants tac arene pate tind Pati lene fhe aes coat. ere yt mlb a tne ie any Aine compare the oxact solution with the sre ‘evide using aeptents and ecru aethode Sede ‘equines o howledge of she pore preseure peraneter A Sice'Ts Gavon'oy She expr 4-2 be pee +1) 7 a ooving the relasionaiie Between i sod A (og Scott Mee) cele 6013) the eetinntod vatues for the conaal= {astion eestionent fy (ntnigg) abe eatily obtained fie aedionied total fettieact® soqetrer t mnowlouee F'the unarasned eettlonont py wach ie noraeliy eal= ‘Ssted usang iaotropie eiaette aiepineenent thtory Sih te trpeinte elven gute oF By (the Urstned value of Toungts motuiunye curved inated total etelenert= Stenpion aod Bjecran eethog ie Sredist the trial aettlenents™” All the compecioone 512 ee Pte on SE ol¥ciclone ty ail the netde'woa be worse, Mien Seta sclcinenient ered onda Sal Tie te tot torres semis’ 2, Machanceeneays alesis sails In Sgetion fm of trarensing stittnene with depth bad only {he reverse is true for settlement, Por'a given ver ‘Heal"strace the vortsoal strain et ay depth ie pei> UEttiy‘dovenacet serdty and types once untees the ‘Heteloution of eeiehnlen with'Gpth in know pe ‘ioulerly pear the weer [eTTIEUS hope of accurate settlement predictidne A qoRfmceIneronses Sineerly wath pan euch tat” Cacriar and Guriesien (1973) eave the fey of the tattienene 9° © eon euch ameerin ‘fa unktorniy ded rectar= ‘Geos the surfore of tide pe of materiale tne bverpeesse se scarey at sh ntrasanstn oti fo tha mene steers rie mer ian alte etnies fy hopes TDN SEs SS Sette or we See Nae ae ere ae TerraSconeney llnelg lyse ep m tep fr such, BEES ea ta/ee, tue vadune of 99g mere Tan cate iktaeessee eeane seat as 5 [om [me [Mm oe [Poa bad ce ee a + Joss} os fos | se | oe 2s |ocr| © |-oas] cas | ss 38 te evigent ta he als Ajets Senda to unirestinave he fava) oettlenant bot "Moepiatte for praction! purporens_ An scuivalent owen oka or skopton og Bean enlgety doe, coat renin stra ‘yery ferourey th val Gareioate aetnodos 3.5. PHDRORNIOG OF DOGIATE TO SODA, SETTLE Ox Basrie som ds pointed out Wy Warland and wrosn (1970) 8 te tae fortent to eesailish wae proportion of the seta Eetilecet Gilt oomur nefore the furtahes are appli? Sia aidang eiace ie ie ununliy the Pansaheo wach Soe atengd ty settnenert 1 fe custontry to wee drained elaetic dlaplacenent becty to vtinate Sow Samntinte sersiesentae since AS°SDS ay sooarned wet naroal factore. of eafety Be Geetise of local yinde with not touaily fed to ES Slelaereg (Dovse ant Pouleo (1968); DUppolonta, sacs). ate nenourenant of tke ue Siainet atieto ‘Speers many provlont Tectures'au non-tonogeresty aod soSaotrony in xy Sitple wiretned analy Yor elastic sateriaie there are clearly defined rele Stetigate ths proportion for variBan™ 2h EE RRS ES tae oe Aegon far my Seep bincgmnaou Inyo ‘he proportion Bf oF ang andes ern tot Gas) Sin eeoe (3o16) erie nod Posioe (1968) nave extented the snalyeis for GEiionly loaded Giroular arene on soil layers of vr Fine lpia wed hedy opt ore gan tn Pig 3 bien Staiiar Feeuive nay be Sbtninod For other Mapes se Domed aren 35.2 omoponeoue ex sis sous Serelttere { ape-anoetrpio mil see mua tore Sips ter Tor sae sootnpic tae td are etre in BBPS Reg ea peel ea Wag amie see sw Bebe pee Gn) Sine ment tates Talaet let weil” (Poulos and Drdey "5c8)- me 15 mie 6 testa eg Set ad costs and = 7 265 (uanton lm) Bis crise * Of noreneing ore iar nero E,t/ko to¥ virious values of 1. Aw 3,"/kD decresnes ‘8 does the value of o,/py. 14 0 of Enterent to Seed ain acuity aoa a ‘Bissuesiont Por deep layore of overconsclix sate tas tas 6/0, tw umiieely 80 exceed Sci" "Ror inerettind mochoormetay to sate 513 : ee met nmin rir a ni fia tor 8 sy i) a nt thence Ce elcome ecran ees Seana See Rooter nieces ISLE bade riot an Pe Cob aaa Ee ea Gina ante: pains le Sees. Tn aeaceeen mee ZL fOR iS Foe See Se! Ste Rana Rrnrate Semen ee or sott normally consolidated sof th sheets ‘evuptions of sireenspeth independent beRarIOUr are ‘rar the Invi tip deandes com tng Sok Schnee) ne ara (1 a wat ‘igare 18(0) tituetrates the oenmetour of «ame St gatiy averoonooL cated Mideed" clay undergoing Tgutseping with cle {erksed ty he swelling tnt Shaan Ce Feapoctavely in hs ‘eee etree Wurnaees oy Alvonet. C970) SAE ae alan {ie} ne ase othe ela Schiyea veiue oF py obtained fron mary careful te gations te thePcomoreseiDiiity of oft elayes sia Fig 18 neem (172) Se daca te extn of fire of the clay stars Zo ares som couring are Tittue dost shat be Bae ‘ne model ota Se wed for proicting ataine ead pore Ritentte deelopel sting tinigig’s dor emma Reteateecgetn Tmt iarig to) correnron to 5 Seeceatiscepreneen tor af seh Prete" Secetchant fy Cony af sour carve. dn Fag B(a)),, hw areetecpiee BU Sel Sls Gtterpntto geetictl inreined vere Thine one'dibeetodl sectarian to ten #* Reopeseigt “elie Tats Sanene ere evtaima. Sister apres ev tlle (806) ge tean for ey ooo 9) te goles oh sae te aay adel canbe strasne, gabe evaluated, ‘Sfupletely defined by tho ‘tres parsentare Coy Oy A Frain enor th stan Far Stop (OTH Sagara tame (11 st Seer O7pa Stuur annie O22 Se ene eae aes “pci Tay SS tarred ees ‘pore prownures and vertical and Lateral Steplucenente ‘Bineelnsmkeninante on soft antares clayse trot tu Sinpecn 1912) ant Uroth (39to0) hve uccenstal~ Sp used the nodel 20 eevinete tae deforma: one labitity of aetnimerte on aot oatural lage, Zt fyence tt the Garclay toaele provide a eli SSpeietet sol Tent intic Adealisation of sary natural {SM clayey at Lenet for presioting pore presruree Sel alopabenwnte beneath vorticuliy loaded Sraues Predicted valuta of consolidation oettlanert ob SES onecsnecaionat snalyase pave Glen fount 9 be Gi peot agreons for cndreiged factors of eafesy 32 ‘heine fies (bariandy1960uj0n00 tat Batay 1913) ‘perineal support for’ the cobelanion that Dog 12 Spprecimately ofual * Pe for normally somgolitatad Slip is provided ty noue‘aodel torte doscrived by Sslack (ote. Plnure 15. showo the elationahip {Siwnen eetVasent ant overage footing pressure for Gurnslel stip footings: he neraife are songered Tis one-dimensional anaiyeso tod Wam-Clay! pre Elstioes. "For uuireined factors of antety greater {hen ant 3 abe one-canenetonal predictions tre with frtolper owt of the aeceured settlwwerte,.Peman ‘1 late {I963) setatned vary siadlar revul’s from Sane tore on aoe esti clays Pig 19 Predioted and obeerves consolidation cattle fevte for model footings (rine, 1911}. ‘ie explanation for thin behaviour Live in the fant ‘Rie w tie vid Ge na atere of tyieigt st tlt {eo enti 26 Ser Sinner Siler wien te fontine grocers ate relatively Low Sel Srinterect io ote that folloring Inge Set Glatorssorsal aieplncangnte,’ compl dation tenant {he tect ntariant at Sd bishy decersbed by Halve SSL Liking (1572) appenre to to taking place Spproxinstely one=tinenstonaliy ofc we hare considered slant nile and "pte pacetelys Hooeror, the agorsey af Bh SSHE SEIS tpecmnsi lation eftent Saylor (ist) me carrion out 6 oad on foting kN ©, 490 a 1200 of | og os os} ost Pig 2 Predicted conolsdation settLenante of = Tigntly oversoneetigauna clay Chyler 1911)- 124 with be noted tat wharsan for clastic setersale ‘Seranatone” Be ty stowe tng erro onic ane wiih te uarained otroneth oy ie mrsliatle since yaluse of fy/ay have Seer fouls % Tis tstwwon lant 3000 (ecole DUdppaioeia ot aly Sats)s, "From a practical point of view tee aifti flat entinating py will not noraaily be of greet Shooern teonase’qerally fe will te only’ ® all Sroparnion of sB6 total setslonent, ‘none sion (1970) have revtowed nine caus hicton Slow of buildings on pormally ameoiaaates slave a0 Fini fatioe of the sottionert during constraction 2 he iotal eagtLaneyt saqgnng fron O407T to Oe2t2 with serevree of oro, ston shifcas oneal ‘Hon'bap ell have taken place aursng construction 18 rotate shat the velue of fy/ry Will moreally be Tier'than det for soft clay Set sane OF sere ‘toe tine-oettlonert babariour of fountatfona bas teen Tronnughiy trence! ty & rumeer o¢ mithore particular Ay se tne provigue two Confertnoge of shia’ Intermt~ Elona Sookety.(Soote and Hay To8dt de Kelloy. 1905, Fenwochety 195) and dorbonenfochiory 121) Goal with this guection in deteile de regards the prediction of sonsaltantion oet then ents tee eslutlons given Qy Devis ena Foutoe (1972) (Sat Sehdfrnen sr Gibwon (1954) ae nutFictens for fees out rion gryven Por one cenmiex ‘tien be made t0 2000 form of maezieal analysis Senttiman et ab (1569) aiscuss abterative forms of bich the equations governing the aitfurton of tha Setshcialedne net faplat 9 the equntione governing BieTacrormtions of the soils Solutions of thie type are Tentsly solved oning maericaltectadgue ‘rtemepie meen (yn) decree mnie ing conditions nd now-linear consolidation pars the more rwstiaticy tat much more G4fftoulty tyme of sujal Ino. in tle in equations wating Following these procezures thang #6 8 tasnod exeellant agrement itn sone closed Tithe tbat oft nanny) el ett ro cies, "asap sani'e ef (oi) tte devon Tons exer esos tniearg to act Jute pruole siterdel ites a fri Tit iveeueatts unt is sca sheetewsoar of ct eras ieee a oie ‘ninstion of the Anceitn permeability of the soil. et erator et Emp es et ltl te bo a owe (1968 sot 1912) cemonxtraten ‘hat the perneabsl= {Byala deporst do ehandeieutiy dependent” on Ste ateis,” “Shin layne of sana and sity ote a Flovarge oan romdt de fig overall octave pereeabtl= [hybeing mug tines greater han tht metered on Esliine tanples dn the Inboratory,—" Disturbance of ‘he soil during sampling my farther reduce ito nate Pal permeavilitye sonbittty ke and Wetticient of consoliention oy 20 Ee seu permeability teste Coupled (ee seem Fal of yb ‘nsioy'ap to e sector of 20," faference anoald e fale {5 the Proceesines of the Conference oh Insta Trebino aa ey anny 17, er ‘none (1974) hae dlecueaed she protien of wecontnry Stopravslon at moe length and referred to the mast econ mc oy Sh tolentar Eb) ate Siearent Coccwiney competetion. ron a practical viewpoint Slsre dese pet iitele th oan te elded to the 516 Aredisional nighly eapirioal procaéares of deternion nr the coettieiexe of srcondary consolidation fin‘ codaester tino-eetelencrt Grvese. Crawford and Scihertand (1971) give details of one of She loneyet own So exist ant Srieetefenens tad thoes sompaves fon Iaboratory Toetns, Ueonarde (1973) drove stvention to wane of Ao Eopielt ereunptione ease sn achieving thie corre issone Sprbpsriy of the soil skaloton and Sonsoiiantion ree ing fon the flow of flaid shrough the ode of The soli ky tentency for the oot haheton to CEIES'ING fore Fina to te eapel les thereby orenting Syare penne erectente Sn the pint teacondany copestsaation® hte often been ‘Eeerioba au soprano tha contimamy after #0 {hin Uaboretory epecizene dreinnge takes Gyitariiiie secmnancy svoprensisn secure durine Wfelmucy! sonpression.” ovevery for amick layers of ‘Since slovy'and an elecent sone (osllant laboratory experinente on Drumen ely NathenationL nodele nave Dean developed to hantle Soecdineasionst consnlstation iuvolving tine-cepe~ apps a este ren hs) ot $525, "taciancery 1970) Burry aoa Poaestsy" 19723 Abwley and Boriny 1973). Garlengwr (1912) bas Scvelaped © mumefSoal procedure far handling the tine dant sonpression of ahe types described by rum (1567) eb method gives remarkable agree ent with the Gveral] stenine and misvplane pore eared ty Serre a ivarea (197) oot Snwpite of these dovelopmente the sngineer ie still ‘cn eit «iio poetic tm naepeing Spine meme certain, Sotect Ste more anively that i've clays have'sintiar etaracterietice te the Sramen clay CLeonarday 1912). A laboratory 4 igetion of = proconealsaation preceare which Se sha~ Sficanely greater shan the previous mariman over Girton petssure tr no gunractes that the ofl wilh Sahicis Iarge Seliyed Conprestione,Sinone (1874) (inctndos tant the beet guide to tke forn aed nagea~ Sile of secondary compression fe etl Local 3 sere.vcam oF cauruan maasaais ‘he encinaer is presented with & Atoms wen ert ine Hig esttiecense on gran nateriale. Over nNY Gdoaie'e nener’ of procetareo have been deve Tete sk for the general pre SUT is ante t0 ewan Seen Sen wey Sous ty Suterne (970, we 1 the peenant tine no reliable meting appears 10 Mant deURtapotctlne the eetslonert ofa standard Fs aie ete or tte Retin vippotonta et aly 2968). Satheriangy 1974). Howe Grer'tbe ue of pulse sonte at various depine to ‘rclante tie wtivtnoce profiley shough sxponstve, i= Tinely fe aare sacoecefal(Cehmertnarny 19TOH Jantny 1373)0 the development of these and otter ‘itech aethse of nonvaring coopressinality at opts {ean faportact tank ‘tu tnterpratation of peetrati ‘Riestor interent isPloatices in the fire? pls Gia de wt rebaily Pefleot the streewistory (and EAMae'letatia ttrssees) of tne nize =e tuotor fitch bes a sajor Snflunroe op sumpreeesbulaty (oe Hailey 4971 an 19f5t Bowey ToT ana Leonardey 1074) Hnvesferenwiradlon touts glow notoriously weretic Femulte he do snail plate ioading teste. Bence ery Ritept correlation resuires eigoroce statietsont Shtyele ae talloy toti)en Mew few nuthore do nore ‘Tan/ples sepeoentative valuee of one variable iaiest tepresamtative vel of the other often ne ein on taen repens elute ‘Eetpton tn the poper'by Sehultoe and sherit’C973)- “forouph sowlyose of aevalanent at cei ‘me present unsatictactory teiate of the ar8" te CEL iely porsenges i Steone ant Yonsteet (1979) SOE in ich various methode are ues to caloulete ‘hsinpia iliortretive esneples ‘Bo ols navy uo-ar-date procedanen pve aetelenent® ‘Sicing ton Son to a8 ten when the Feprecentte ‘re pewnet fo route tcevstapaeceee“Hecaumtly spine at in Saito, fo rserret te cate fron iether & simpler picture eeargee whack penton on cuartivasive ssrselatone with ‘opting this very simple epproach the rem of & {Scents ofa nene seeereatsone on footing tiitafie hava been plotted in Fig 21 a0 enttlenert SEE IAI prensure (a) senanet Be Snveach case the PEia"le‘ofostiy clusaified an looses nedson dense oF SS tster on te tats of a vie decrotion or fos in aecentting fio datas. Djecr aod Berestal USES Perey (oft)p berdecon ana Seley Co7a)y dog aut (19745, Morton (1974) aot Schultsd and Shee Tiota)s the poanee sn Pig 21 atom ave oocm (ictal Uy dias full Tinge'aze for aitferent eicen 9¢ Me 21 Observed sattlenent of footinee on san St various felative densities. rma heen" acant a Sn is seonetrys these factors, which are included by SELAtit" ei suerte sopwtber with Retgets (1979) ous Scttton tht the aetttenene se inflaunced fy artin Srre'ane easing, sssbably contribute so the spreed of remit, de is to be ompested there are no clear toundarios von the ares relative Soncieseny Mevertielecty 1ehe"posctode sar reasonably weld defined enptt~ kt‘toper linite for dense sande ani nediun dense ‘nae Qo abown sy ke Full tate and dotted ine row Spectively an Fig Sis, 1t would be unrse 9 attenpt Sproat of? ine rerulta enasla aia the ene LEtay that proportion ofthe upper 2anit settlonenis Seieili ace for'a parvsoular anmigete or cenigns. POP stay elect to work to Balt ¢b nit valves sn Snlok cote the Dihely masigay setglesent will sot nom Baliy exceed thout fusttines'tne tprotute? value. Fe Lonnption tes fin poporssona to @ 48 often, GPrud ennute thot the presiaree Tints of proportionssty. considering the wide variety of sourcea and quality SPS Seer ee Fo ersten Sr Seats “Te‘woule'se pronatare to, trset the uppenmoat ‘he (othe an pt aap La ie Silatiy ormnte annd with 1 porontty of per cart GESEERE Eo Rcconead, 1563), whlch Lo cereataly very Joveee Such S uaverial would not moraiiy te ured {or Founding a bulleing op Stout teentoent Our ‘aye sen En thepevntnry aspen fs ‘Masons plate (003 #) to tie 0 noe @ from Bjarron ar Hggeevnd"a paper ie See Serfbed an tdansrty tut tiie ae taougrt to be reeset athe heh ar Ip ascot etn o7 dyse footing wire mentioned aariiers Ie clear REL AC Yahae’she"srone aro not oetanLiched at Hs ocs'n and that tente with Sth are Likely tobe ote saccenefule Talend, plovting the natwared value SE/a tame a plate test'on Pig Pf and omtrapclating the gonseent proportion to an appropriate Pend lay rove fo 8 sale ot redine pesto igure 21 nay prove woeful ip the practitioner em [atst on routine dovigne fa more rigoroge analyose ‘StFaguinedsumlsse and shecit'e pethod offere ‘so teajlete appronems gir etatiotioal aoalyed (Boos wonfldence Linita of 240 per cents tne follow See remake ty Sutherland (1974) sean appropeaster ‘Ubsore declguar Seconer entangled tn the details ot'preiiceing settetent (in sand) be must clearly Seslety nines’ wnether « seal protien actually (Mists and covertain wont aaventegee and soaring Skr'Terult Stow Feflnenente fr aettienart presssssan’s 2s wt we med a sib a bmn on ana Gleritut fomabtion migeriote and Teraeght_ and Pet (Sser} newane that thay are even Toes gustable for Stoperting footings hte eset nonealiy”onaolidates ROT RSSSRIEST aod denne woe the proseaure re Seatendeg by Tersaght and Peck te to arent the tome inrtie typee in the etme yay an for etode and thowe seth plawtietty ae for lage 369 concunmms mAs ‘ye natn onjoct te been to tuamion the socurty of Gee CRuLSional clap metas or sotelenetaamlyeis {for foundations having e focter of aafety 9 205, TENT tition as fener © thoretion ure an SEAMS fetE'Etsocsery to" denh with comiey aeterded Starlet” San te ohne tr Ae et (1) For a wide range of conditions tnetusing rom Adtogonaityy noncisewseity no atdeotrony the. charges SETposiionl'eteooe acy given wien suteielont ascurtcy {) She Bouselnees erustioncy “he steeoeeo ay Raw (Srp te grosely de ervor won there tna HAE ove (2) orésontad_etrere changwe sev very cansitive to Chair of variation and are aifficals to setiante pelintige Ge mt my tr ae ee Sinisa eee RAE Se Se ieee satan ae cena Sr focal (4) Bor wote tytetding® sotte 4% epposce shat the Sees Seaton ae ‘aipss ae Se {leeioatt to eenimte bot Sn ary_ouo thay are wake GS teed S012 15 per stot ce the ot Sele (3). _1e wit be woted that we have been omcerned win aoe sta mecdare ich Inet Tse SASS TEL A SSRs eho Ee uRicctely Linces'ant 1 canbe cone. Serving shoal de aimed at setauisshing asourateay he apie site fewer “tne tot forum ruivalne Seferive vertical Toungtssovale Fy ad ee tf “here Gan be Littte kobe SES ESN sacnnts of total settlement (6), stacy ta in of sagle marmeetee i stcme Slesy_ Gonpreesibality de anuntiy vory smestive to Ube devaitn strece coyaitsony stress etangee an " jenna (1972) hae (7) _ For etitt materiale the estuntion te fue tron Sfoee b0"sE'is very aifFioals to obtain andieturvet deplse and ti incestu eonena.conastione are aiffi~ EDE'To entanete accurateiys "Rorworer in Section Sue it's how, that the value af Gy wich te Scllw neanuredy 12 04 Lone! ae deportSit In ite im ‘uence on settheorst ax Egy ln those oirometenses {bere appear’ t9 be eauy eafactagoo in daveloping imm Hea 7 nt yaa ate ey Oe on age” SnE'Roola'be tolling fay suen torte often ee =i SPOT Glantrtioy detetinn~ lon Peg tela fe Satis Poneto moe Berzins i012; Barley 913) ~ alee Section 6.3 (8) _ For qramlar materials there ie a nial Yo re Gheaite’piesent settoda of ovttleant presiction Sheed on prasing torte eoplaysng sirmrous seaniertcal Fethodes ine wor of Semsivee and Sherst (1973) 10 (iowisiig sn this respects Por large projeste nethoda ‘heed on the Gortct nonourwoant of Soupreseititity. “he arge pints tenva) ore probably Fine work the age of the ‘rig 21 30 sanple an cauprsa 4 — Pru younasas et pesto PaCS Chapter 4 14 concerned wish methods of saleuleting Sethseies af net phe td pie ewe ot oped Boke biting capaiips the altimate bearing otacity ou te popedble that the snisiatiy steeper thrana™ iors Peiste to nomeaily onnmeliaatea sandy ile She fatter, etrniarter ones relate to eversontols= Gated nae 518 retininary aoulynin of sonetts noaeurenente mugzeat Shut in London Clay Oyy/By tu aiputtounthy grater ‘han the enstvauent 1Wfbedpie vate (eotkay 19Te Private conmunteution)s of plies te not dent with in thin Rertew, esther Sr Bie Sahmvioue of pilee under lateral load wh fe dant ith atte 5th Huropane Sonference in Mabe (iota). “re snoute perkape ve eaphneieed se Dating dete in nary cases were pile supported Pirates have tour Saeaged the ewuve oan by Eco {fe vailty worimanchip during instalation, For exam Be cactitesitn piles have benn asnagot by neacine ernest pile (inte fwon the desamption that ent tencing pLles (Se ricidy vupported at the foe and tnt Poteang ‘len Sre tgiaiy supported at the centre or the Tower thine point. act of she reluctance of the designer Yo wliliee the 0H Setwean the paleo i a pile. group bas been. the Fieve ate’ she xtc othe evita Atipller ire ple grovp ant thw evil enclosed ty the Sites aed tow Concobiantson an ereap ero in tie 0231 Wrecte tle ssterastion,. I% Se veil ines that the Pecnulding st the soil that takes place during Slivine tn mrtioalariy sensitive slay or the conto ‘ioe chase by pale driving in conectorioet sole can Sve & proounoed effect on the bebariour of friction (lioe et pointed outs for woanpley ay Reyerhot (1955) Jp te dvi of pte furtione 38 Ss Snvortent to eres Ee tomattion levels. tho propertice sare 20 Fomintion devel tre seportant’ Secnane of the 442P%o~ Giilee tach tan be smonunteres during inetaitntion Staring piles anise friction pileee te fi in sloe ponattie with dynacto penetration ei an lnklostion of the ariving rentetance "na este are somoniy seeds determine Shelteuring sumctty of friction piles tn fine-grained iesine sobier For lecgo aineever bored pile plete ‘int acl pessiaoeter torte ere seed frequently © protic the ettlenants becouse of the nigh Seneing ‘Goaily of ash piles and the Righ conte of & Loud Ghote, se tearing. oascity of driven pla (funidy sbeokes wits toad Seitenas (isis) 42 Fllis 4s tome aU Sn amy situations the decteton to use pt Se teteure ef # ins of Eesring sngacsty in the Wottlanent neuoing pileets, Frequersly ie ts only sutmvenry to feduce the sevelamenta eligsely or Loeale Byte ergus tamage fo the wuperstracture ac pointed Shaiiy Simone (15T6)s_ In these. obrouotancer 2 Smietenente will efton be euttieient to movie the ‘nL IouicoaPrying capacity of © plies enoey in onder for piles to ast aconontcally as teettLeoant SEiStet BiaiE adCneteiamant bebariour mould be SIH eeistively tangs settienenta can be tccep- {Sdtital a ciesifseore eotustion tn Lond carrying SSpalitgy Se heir beneviour should be fauctile me auot sity of ples which Tifotur uch an pearoae oF ee ce strength of the pile naterial ( fattare) will poovebly te oxeaeteu ie the pale [foteed to settle eipricicantig.. Bowery the ulti= Aite"beurune sesselly ef fisating pales fo mormiliy Geran te carne ct tn contig Poot tatlice) ani tow loaseourrying capacity does ot unutlly desronee shisply ever wher the ayt¥lenent Grate pile ie donges in thie coco 18 should te Soeetbie 9 carry © substantial pact of the vervioal Zoptied iced frou a pide aap or fait dv the oof beam Gin the plea, de fa However sevestial that there Mudd" sttlaate factors os sesauy amninst fatiare Stine plue seotion and faslare of the pile cap oF Stecretractare in care the 204] bie a greater shear Sironeth tn predicted, Grouptaction wial te Love propounced compared with © ‘Gvent ional pile feuciatsan where tae opacing of th Silas ie relatively smalls ‘ditionally engineers engaged in pile group desien ‘lve anced themselves Mow nary piles ace Feqatred 10 (hrry she weight of tne bulleing?", When settlonent {re Sonditloning factor inthe snotce of piten ce Hlazee‘tiuld orton backing te sertont ow ceectiptaate ansuner™ tte mumer af pilee in tener [o She" secon! question La Sovariably ston ftom eee than in aumrer go the finet guvetion, provided Hie accepted tat the lonsconrrying oopeet'y of (Shek pie Mill protably te fuily fovea, ‘mse enter approach using piles as settlement radix Sise still bar to be fully Govclopes ant all mot be Sureesd further in this Rivsovy becsdec the prospect OF Gopesdarenie ameings = aac’ the nerit of enooure~ tine the engineer fo tzatine clovely the basis of © ‘fotn face piles” ihe ne of pies teeth Giv'pestion of pile Govign at she buco of excavations Giateny 716) 443 SEMLMURT OF PILES - cIMERAL oomsiDeaMa LORS Severed eathoda have Deon developed to eabeulate the etflonent of single piles oot of pile qromes lie SUltlment end'loid eletedbation of strwotares oe Sorted ty en tencing pilew Se often calculated fron Bae teeutstion inst fhe esti located shove the pile folnt docs not affoct the settiaente or contribute was gp of fiction pllae io ofan soloaated on per tke soit 2 cratanid fon ieboretory oF Sleutseetes "Tha arial deformation required to notil~ Sie'de‘atacs seatstance of single pile te emi (@ ey eines omar wih te ol eevee 519 12 tenet see th a on tne ote atio (the eostlenent of the oEE group compared with ‘he gettltent af sancte pile for e piven Teal per Wall on tie ether biel te Langer for teistion Files than for ena bearing pllees the settlement of single piles and of pile groupe can aod Heeacy 198) (e) Sinlte clament ahalyeia' (ag 21Ltson aed dtappo- Tonia, 137th Baylor and Roper, 1575)¢ 4p the elastic mathode Yaeed on Mindlinte oxustione 12 So'attuned shat the aoiltermren anan ideal lee ‘ie saderial ndth a coortart magulue af elneticley find nihigh toile strengths This appronch has teen fpelonie nt Somalis (963)y Tearesn ppstonta (1968), Pouloe and Davis, (968) Mattes and Poulos (1963) and Poulos ana Ratteo {1965} ‘Riecenetiods sormiy do not take nto account the ‘Vip shat san take place along the abact oven st Eelstivnly low loed'lvels or the ov teneiie ‘Rrengtn oc the woli a pointed aut by Silicon et al i97af tot wouton et at Cigte}e “eoam fnctore affect ‘htetres tltelbntion ithe’ oil nd shaw the Font overesticstedy” The rest aettiorent of the ‘ile geovp will momaiiy te eee than thet eotizated Fron foau'tnete on sincle Pelee and extrapolated sing she group eettiovent ratio culoulaten fro5 ‘me avep sntecration nethod by Seed and Reete (1951) ‘ta by Dayle nd eee’ (1986) 40 bunee on the aa len that the sovastat sf’ point at the surface of ite deporte only onthe shone streso ot thet pati- False point snd {iat the stressoe elsahere dent Sect” the novenent (Pou In the finite elasent sesbod non-linear and tine Aepontent strersueerain relationchipe ean be coal Scieds "Por Powvine wee So ae soaay (1977) omy. Practical to salve twodinensdooal oF axiatlyeaymne~ Ric probleme ue ao the nigh ciate of saree ‘bnetonal prose, ‘he maton for she saraLition of th pee Fide criving saa exouretion afoot the int aS dt well She onsen [Rortarty “aire aga tae settienent wail se reduced AF'pties sce Snatailed tefore the excaration (Battery ini). St'se necessary so conataer these chance bon ie gettlenente are coloulated,, tne settienent Siipile groupe tn sentines evaluntod fron load tests Sn aingls pikess” Such loed terte can eonetinee be ‘Slatenting since the scteloaent of 8 pile group ts [ttested fy" te oes tranefer slong the pilesy. The troup eatilcomnt fuctoe aa ales affeoted by 2542 Gey SizeTasatnape oe the pile group andthe witio! oF Chererustlon ce potnted out ty Leomcge (1972)«, The Drewenttnndaige sit hy efactn of tows a4” factiouiariy well Srutrmented full ize pile groupe Exhended hatsand and Ttoy 1967). 44 STOLE POLES ‘me aettlannt 9g of & single pile An on elastic 520 ‘median oan asoording to Pouloe and Bevis (1968) be Gralustod eran the Felationthipt eet « vere L to the pie lengthy By ts the modulus of Seaton nideh n't inetion ¢ 2h L/D, kn average value of 148 con be used for routime ‘ivioatess "ine dofiection Wl thay Seoreese with SEereing pile lenethe Powon (197) poine ovt SESETGRE'th-Sottienens seietionnhip 49 subetantial— By Isnene gp to'90 [9 per seme of the fatture oad en the Ufo rants (a) amerioal methods te also been developed where the Tirvuocatrsin sroperties daterninat fy Sriaria terte (ire usod in the aeaiyete (Coyle and Seesey 1386). ite" the seculte fren pransioncer tents Rave been feed fo caloulate. she eettlenente Sf tingle puloe (Gasehny 49635 Castnny 7985 and 1968)e ritloourt of bored pite wish an enlanged ase wl she uame Felative toed (e/agyy) tame ‘iat for pale without an anlagyed nee At pointed Gut ty Wedtacer and Coske (3960), Af the eae apolsed ona the eevtlanert will decfeare wah increasing Snoredciag pile lengibs the effect tu seal) when She i/i-ravio ia larger shun aboue 25 a0 nae been bow by Pouloe aed Sovie (1968) and by Matton tn Fouos (1968), “Por s eieon terres of meilisation ‘Dave Feeistence is Pelly mobilized, cortesponda 40 10 SO°ts per cont of the tae adancter. me semen for bored plleo with enlareed bases outed from the following renteanpteseal 4 * ae Teche Baas ttgeter (Burinat ot aly 19604 ars Eiu'Slakey 197 Ds 1s hae toon Apotmed. Chas the pile Simgth Su'at lente ctx Sines the dianetar of the tees, ‘ionunliy the eettlenum to large enough #0" fully sities Se SEGK “Tecate, abe lve relation ion ext vorleunchip the seitlacent cay be rotued Yo Shouelnmy of tnat Salomaves Sram of (d)e er) 45 PILE cwours 1 oomsIVE sons ‘tee eetthenort of a pie group tm clay will generally Sevmash larger than tbe settlement of a singe pal 1 ie ome pie lone "Bie desta eeteeet of = (ast ou"verder linearly with’ dept Yor a driven pile hich exaoes pore water pressures Gavelop in eoft sommally conaiiaater slaye during eel 2s satal ovarvutten prvsware clove to a pil {fu loot euesen pore voter presouree ctenioete Fepifiy vite tan ae to the local Pediel ra ‘Sblan develop armund the plier as reportet by eMhppo~ Monta eed Lame (971) ang ty Mavsareah (ITC). Be Hilla crac cloce wen tne pare wator procure cor Fesponte to the total nial lateral preceure in the oa. ot at arvectre Sianeter of tin pitee ans rotces ‘ote ake initial ana he sine aepentnt stthonent. isiscttoeedidetion of tn soil be nora comleted Sect to wonthe for securt conorete piles aod GREE tot one sont for Cimber putes.” Goneiderably Shores tow in gensrally Paqusved for overconol lao” eryos” the‘Gistarcnmce omnes ty pike ariving TBent'onty # ew pile danevers below the ile Solntey "Wien the group effort da caioulstea the Propeies ofthe seiinvarted so8l below the pale Pity shoud be toad in Se tongs, fi fn exit of ston nin 8 ee aT ah tein, epee AScialevent (otten lose than 3 por cent of the SMatettleens)s. ihe Snstiat settlement for quer Se aT eialemss of ens rues (foclon 1960). sete ane Seen subetantiaaes ty tenurelente reported ty Horton ant hn (974) to consoldation ‘group ecu eepialy Gt the stl aninly below the 9 Shen!ine eos in SrercomoL ates. Hovevery Boocer Tei see {i "suesst tat fe ete deat Sethlseent Sue 29 conwo}Sdation ie soelle spat ot i eatiot me snstie Picea pelea aay fe te eee Seino Laat on the teary of eloetsetty Cavie td Poalong 1098 anu 19fo4 "Pouooy 1 Metien an Pralcot iy Duttuetiela and’ Banerieny 157%5y so ‘itor and ty Bacenjoey 197%y 1976), owton (1368) Zou tht the wettjentat ofa eingle pile in a STEEL Maun at l/b'= 25 i2-imeroneed by about & "tha sane Septe mhor fiona elnetie needs ‘Ener pile diameveres the settlonent ratio we To ay a = ai > Pig 22 Getthenent ratio for pile grows (Pouloy 188) spproxtnatony 1.2 compare with a calculated value of SEES" Goske (1574) poland out thatthe theoretical ‘Sona tetas he interetin ann ‘hyo cageo are normally considered when the settlement SParpile group to calootatogs rin tae furet cue She Het ee Se 2s teenelieeem Gee ‘Elleaiatad fron Pig 22s the second case ie wer the Stitlenent of all ake piles so equal (rigie pile oa) Sne'S"gunter of simelteneous egustions then have $2 ‘the eeeelonent Getarmined fran'a ioed test ‘Te croup effect te eaunly governed ty te deformation Poprciite et ihe undieturtel sot) Around and below Eietpiie ereupe Hance somsderable cantson se niet i epriying ths renuite of tonto an eingle piles ‘me eottLonont of a pile ou at a given Yothl load Topenas natty on the width oe She pie ereupe Tee tcfititene ratio anorecows wish dearencing pile +70 Sethe pile oan 432 SauuaLbntion eetthemmntes he tine doer 42a oc tated. imticanee Se'Pig 23. It i cqneraily asratet in the calcala~ ‘Sonetiat tne Losa“in the pile group 20 sranaferced Ee ietisane eotl ov ete lover third point ea ‘aioe owt fo dlntrbnted eiforly over Oe Awe Etparetoiye See sotai eettlenont.correoponte to the enwnt of the different layores ee 521 Pig 2) Caloulesion of 4hs tinedepantent cotthenente coupreeothility of the aoil below the pile group will {ae have a large eftect on the settianentee 12 8 Eeeeeotble tapes de locstod below she pilee the sileaort ot tte pile group can be won larger thin Gist of a epoead footing located at the grouse sum jermam ot at (1957) and tu ot al, (1965) soport that QEeSal ello hare nee tne settlements SSlcuiatec by the eethoe Gavcribed shoves The saree ‘ent improved wen the applied Load wa aenared to be ‘Thteforren to the botton of tho pila group, Sigler ‘onulis re sino been nepatoa Wy Giswult {19Ta) 20° Eevoral buildings ix asioe Citys Clearly ‘he nechax sSis'gr Toni traner to She eurtounaing tH dopente Ghibe ootl profiles or pile groupe where the totic ‘haunt piles nave bean arcvon through © layer of 600% Temmaly concolsdates clay (eay) ato proceibiatty af the wail decreaass wit epee ox tho Wabess of the conprecoisie layer below the Pile (ow to soall(Uese' ian the wittn of she pile-croup SE's Teneih of the piles)e_ for eeall pile groupe tire the wieth sn Sata ‘han the pile loneth aoe the ‘Sepreseibility of 2he soil Se approsinacely conetant (2th dopiby abe loai i the piles i be tranorerrod Wo'tke nurtounding soll pore’ uniformly with dart Davie so Poulos (1972) show that the eottLonort of a ile group se astectoa hy the pile cap. oatealesions Gj aelaertsels ana Darejee (19710) aetweing slaetic ‘lnariour indicate that 20 t0 00 per cont of the (Spptsed Toad will normaly be, transferred from the ile tap tn-she soll between tbe pilore Tee part ‘Sesied ty the soil Detwon' the piles will increta Eth Increasing aize sf she pile qroup ard wish oe “recoing pile soncine igang Green (1976) seport that for a 70m bia Sthite iallding in'Landon wasoh te partly euoparted Gna tact apd partly sp certniocplace bored piles 3 he" London Chay that about 65 per oat of the Sead oud me carried ty the pilez ond Sp percent ty the Goll betvoon the pllocs " Sindlor rookie have alse oon seportea ty Rooper (197hey 19/38) for another Sitloe wliding sx London, atobe et al (0903) ‘irons pllcnuooried eat 8 0t% nome ‘Suwoliasted’ clay in Suegen that she applies Toad on ‘Sherratt waa saiiay sreneferred to the underlying So" tisouh tne nart by dizect contacts 522 453 Bais of cottLenants ‘the settlanent rate cas $2 fenarat only-be eetiaetes approsinesely dessuse GP fie eireisulay of eatenlichine ake Loon dratnase Sinditions, There ace iniicetions thet radial (Hacks tors sm the coil around he pea 4ursar pile SBiving shiek inoteauge the eonmolilation rate of the ‘Sat Giabearschy 1918)e ‘oe agttenent of @ pile group sn nora. consoLidee Jed Gaye with low pomeastisty te froqeectiy soti~ ‘Ses "the Atco tate denne afer of ayer yoonvoa st tne lower tiisd poist of te pile iawn (lonetenseony 19/t}e A similar etrect 38 noted for sonorets plese {he peroesbility of mort saile Se higher in the hors TAI Simin the veretonl Sirectione “for the moeally Ghrwolideted clays which sre cumon Sn Swedsn {iio of the porseubalsey ia the horizontal tna vere Ted disectitne ie typlealiy 220 5¢be romuldane ot the soil ay she drtving notices the 2u/terence of She pemeabaliiye remy al cettienentes One important Sipction or feictign pilea ty clay te ty rede the Gifterentiad tettlorente, Bopton ant hy (2275) so fart thet for surtwamplace piles an stift Tiseuret Eley die aisterontinl fetelemmres were stout 2) per tary oe"the nasimn eelelenartay This effect can be etioated ae tnicontes tn Pig 2, The niriman Wee Yar Glevertion of tho coil alana the persroter of the ile vps e erste tron te blowing Fenn onelip aged on slaetis theory (Broney 176 te 2s eee + (403) sore te fh sroge tea stone ten, the per tbeter oP"tbe pile ous Band Oy = the midulun of Slaatscisy ane the sven nosuluo fergoctively of the Sell and fo Poiseonte ratio, The maguer tietor= ‘Son wis thus depend on tho average shets otreue ‘ionc"the perineter oe" the pile enoup ant on tee 10nd (etesiutage within the pile groups Tmetintely af {fer londing the largess part of the applied 2oed wilt Ee ourieg ty the surrounding soil alone the peri fer of the pile group ana arly a all part will be ‘Penaferrod to the urderlying soil at the botton of ‘he’ plie groups. tbe part transferred through the ‘hose selngorcea with pilee Will tne ‘Ein noue Go to 90 per cent of the applied load will ‘be oaried Fouse St se suggested that the arorage shes trece Eisula be calouieens tron ane aemurpeton that tie Geiad aoad ie trennferred 23 tho voll alone the parte melts OP tke pile gross ‘iin toiction slong the perineter of © Jy SSottek = Dube Dor aecige par Sn Pig 25 the sattLenants of to areas with ant with tut pile have been compared. the piles coneistes Se ehin sate of €'n Jong Iine solu Biles yas lange compares with the reference aPaty ‘Eieae Intge earsae aegtlenonte insicate abst a lange art of the applied land yee trwpeferred to the Pig 24 itterentiad settlements of « pie grow Crone, 396) surrounding Hof slong the perineter of the pile SEP satna eel tnnat 100 pr cent tar two yore eile the degree of consolidation of Sree'vae snout 25 siSpe' oe shout 10 per cant of taet Bouin aiffergntsal avttlenents correoportad 30 & Shenrmoate (Ga) fr tn oranycopotanen ny Se shout’ 0 per conts ibe Line, solumne bad an S845 Saee'a mon ger echo, he sufferesion ent Bxwstion (43) om de reweitien ant os ted * TT eonee (ded) Takes eatent affected ty the sonetraction procedure For ehanpiey the roteloaante can be reduced eppreci= canton teva bas Seen nscoetads "Tho pi [ite the onder of the driving of se pe the driving. “ine remoaeing o¢ the crenes of the shear eurengte sil thus (fe around and in front ofthe piles that are dri ree Settleeente of to areas with and witout Line columnn (Bromsy 1976)« 523 Leots The earth prosnure fn the soll may even com Foepénd to penrive earth proceane whan the pile rap 46 comstomusss sons ‘me conction that taker pltce Sp looms aana curing pile driving tae a large effect on the beuring cape Eley Sot eattlenerie cf pile groupe a potneed cut Sy Negurnot (950) 19Vo)e"Poore te a aubwtngwind lt Tetonce in aetSuevants between bartag and arteen Tonperiece qith the tine dependant sovtlnost ‘sno nanoally megiested im calculations. ireets meee ie ike Sena me se ao Nettode paced on he theory of elaetiotty (iinatin’ tehsine hove Coe propose te cewash te sta SGitienonte et pile grape Sn sandy Koerper and ‘sten (174) have’ osnpares caleaittoe sod obeerved Settleoends oft ssractare suppsried on Pranei-t7pe ‘hind"piler ringeinesss toveys Tie coal nouuloe Shs'maianted free arsinod triagial tents om Peean— Dected amples fiw aermmort tetnen steed ang onde (st3) point est in dlactavor to ae sriicle tai he" eralaation of the eltatic constante (inlok are ured in the anuiyeie are very unonrtaane ‘he finite element netiod (PI) hae bom wed to ara Ijte the tettienont of pile srowpe but Boulon et a 4 Ntondea ae Py 26 Settienens of ples eajacent to & toad tect Sr cand (heaaty 1320), 526 Sa. Pile rath: 200mm Pig 21 etslewent of pile groupe Se tnd (eset 350) (0916) nave pointed out that the Local aisp between (ietple ae the surrounding woil hee an imertent setect, Cconparicane with available test ate anatcate that stn th collet settles oF pie group wit te'tno lange wan 8 modolun se elaetseity anise e Constant with depth fe ueed in She analgaiay Tt Soa be podnted st sh real, ony fou, ‘Shumel sinost Lineariy with applied loads the ob Served eattlonent of File 2 var about por cent of ‘Ghet‘or" the Jones pile eongared with © cauculstes Stlaneat of pet carts Tee corresponding measured tlenert of fale 3 wae aout t per cent compared fish's onloulated valay of 3) percent bated on slam TiS henry (eee Pig 20). Lond tents ty Boressntoey ot at (1961) dttente th the cettlanerin of pole groupe Sn fie sand will to {Tease ‘noetaneaiy wilh She oak wate oon Sletusa"Gl"ahe tet sanmont oo" pile group tn Sn Deniers of sme spacing ani the ainneter of the pilose ‘Fense (1960) 3590) found toon ay enniyeso of aaba Pe partes ty Bénerentrey ot al (1968) an or he om, Girostisntions shat the scttlenant of w pile group 48 SAE UPaY ET Ete acd Las pls eee? Senet rate SHY Seer ide Spenser Taio thors Mi'pate are tn oorals spin (1953) Naw found hat the settLowent of 2 ile ervup i saed te nedniy actesved Wy the nisin of Spa ee een tn ning eta toon. [844] Paes ais cra fan oi en ete: Hayertor (1959) hac nsf ied thie relationship t0 fies account o¢ the spacing of the piles! esse (455) (a0) ire o in the apcing of the piles, D ig the pile SELIM DR car oP evade tae nde ‘he compotion that takes place $5 Loose sand durine Se Sititaet sc atieied ty tert cats soporte ty Eats oar aH nt emer Slit tan be som son Pag Zt tine the ettlesont of otal toa "idcsemae with deereanng” Spacing aed tat 28 s ouinly one {Eyam Incretos of the aitipate strengta with casresr~ Betpile pacing, Kodol teste oneried out by lm Cea ae setae mete tc Josten roto ot 3 —— Sapor bf nd or gree) amt abe applied ond te andr ’ocriog ty the pile point rather than the in Ber, Sore ana 1i6)e Biniter com ln ey ena 122) Sele MeL serstsie oc te matin Pidlo uth pile geometry oan be mielonding 4 Anfor— Tiga he seletave doa erancfer Cebafe tnd pot Sonlstance) ss mot evetlablee ‘he cottlemnts of pile groupe in copesiontees soils Gh Ses te enloutated chon the resaite fron static Spemtrelion Sectay ihe pile group 48 aeruned 20 be Pitctent to a rats loseved af the lover third pours SPs pllocs "Hee soit below ake equivators raft ie ‘Gisisec into"unyere and the coupression of each layer sppconie ars sare cg te the avertgy panetzation resistance of he {iftaccfe ‘layers and ply ie tis affective overburden freonare af no oqntre 3¢ the layers” Conparieans Eiin'uece date inducate tat she total sorclonente as fst hte tod itt uo 26 hg ne ASHE, Niza nore ued thissesboe ts chao the tNtlenente of four suger elise aod the eereen ‘iktcn sblouisted tnd'vesurod sottlonente wee esti ste onde (1968) nae suggoetat ram «comparison wish Neate dat tae selus or bao bo seed in cal ctlteing setehonenta or burtod pilee is 6 t0 9 tinse the static penetration resistance, For drivin Gr jected piles, the valve ot E vali tw SB dines eke etdcio pereteation resistance. fie settlement of a pide group in sand oan be eevimme Tad comecvatively for the Feoulto of Standard Pome ‘lation Teste (SEN), ihe folloving relstionshsp oan Brite Odzentor, Honea, ste) Pow = SS (4) ere pgp ie eetslenent of the pte grou in ‘Cie the not foun sreeury in 4PA ond 8 ‘the Ticeg/s00 en) down to depth eoten Ge eran to the Mitch of the pile group below the betton of the pile Tow, ise in inflame factor bien can te oats T= (= Dyfa) Dos for eilty sao the scttlenant to expeoted to be ecual feieeee she ether cttctel the motion (Hem over conpariaon with sect ata inatontee ‘Ee Seteteaene eotinnted ty oq (48) will bo neat larger fase the schol wettlonents (4s) ‘the cattLenente oan alao be eetimated fron static Ponotration tate Oleyerbory 1974) {fipen shal tothe wiuth or the pile eroup (the coat Gt’ the eet tLenenta)s Af the sand te overenneel ea the'settienoyte of the pile grour Will te eves sabated ty eq (410) oo well oe in the case when “hicinese o£ te sand Inger telow the pile group Po"asee than the wiser of the grouby Tn thet ote Shel SEicdiatel settierent cay Se eiuced Sn propor HoH the Shscinees or she omproceiole Layers °, coves (4a10) Yoation of he soft properties frm Lntarstony testay stich are tacd in the Aitterest the, coi propersies hee ion tant tatoo place turing pile eriving all raduoe tlanents appreciatiy seapaews with tore for SSted pilee, with presently sratlable nethocs only ‘ough eatinater of thie Fediction ean be ces Only a feu investigations have been concormed with wv aetorensiad settlements of pile grouper Seet Anta sucmet thas friction peleo wil bave 4 165Ree acts diferatialettanante ha one cuapan 5 ~ sori/orausrune DrERACTION ‘Se far tn thio Roriow wave dealt seth the behaviour St fuladings wat terdcturas (chapter 2) ant she bebaw ‘lout of fhugintionr ant the underlying grow (Ca Yer yaad ae, Le ze the sntenaction Setieen the {0 GaIGs ultiantety determine the euscece or otherwise 525 fof te otek structures The oubjoct was disoursed Ghistly tn Gaapter sen routine 2initing eettLenents store clnsiienedy in thie ehapter sono anaiysion ete af sotifetmuotare invarection wlll be peesem~ Yer lnieriye fiworery in Giaceoning o bwbseet oF Eke Sonpltasty St fe Goventind that the idoulseations UME Shbelng nade should be sasrouhy anterstood. Faterence should slog by sage to's valuzble discussion fn this topie ty Peck (965)- Set MouaLazarno ax saauaTE AoalytionL methods hare teen developing 6» repiahy ‘vec he Last few years that fe vill avon oe poaeible SIXES sar Seiya poten etch Basie fa (Ait) she DSR Yat even itt SGAtar Saiyescal per st there dcogonsh engineers tila not be vary mon better off thas et present Vom attonpting to design for weeps "Et is worth oonoldering Srieriy some of the {acetlcatione shat base to te mate ander the are ‘Eee nding, dealing firet with the soll and Secondly wish the waperetractare! ie, acme oy oni ao ii, soem te Samir th Be Seen ete EA emu ae See rarerg haus tier caiaee aces So a Stet _fatdpmprtie’ The auetmating of tate (ing recASHSP PRE vate of sonpresnseltstyy Gectalned ctartwoes and ponecbdlsty hare boon hte SECTS" AES Ravine” son teseploe prosertioe ray ‘Siewuaie for vettiment celoustions cut detetied sinury oooh ay hoes! presare aietributions ar lative daopiemnentny Ln mck sore senitiog to the Sel shosr local variations, he task of actarately (SStertsining reshistie amasva eonetitutive reletdone SF toes natal ols snd the vataettons with doh 2a ESSERE. on sting on {tani are uu Fomrabiy weit define SGeante torcey og waves, earthganivsy ste,” or Tow Sooo Saal llgg' ahs Targets unoestteay So the prociee rar in th the lone se aptiny op she methon Sein Suuctue gmaets The final comet $e Sradthy EREREE RSIS, towevery there are 0 Yoportlet areas of weertainiys he fleet Se She aiortny at ay given tine curing conesruction ~ this Silthave's stestrvomet inelunsce op the aleteibut “Eanes, ne second te ibe may the various elanente SheiShnnetied topnitare | in proctioe she dogeee of ‘Shaiy St Sointe Ie uncertain and clouding an infh2b ancl have varying dogrose of f4%s The ovorail Eilrineos o's vincctare in therefore aueticalt to Ssh, Sumicueal Lonsagt tine the ronteant Founiesson SE cal tsntane wely ooo fet or sncervaines acouratelys Iniuvitus) texters 526 eve to te denon to witha any Iikely masta SEURTOAS Stelpn fe coveted to te sitane of toe leds penbere with isevle or ao amlyoi of the Sraeail structures 5.116 Sioa peoparsieet tne nstorsaio conpo- ‘ing sac Subiting of atrastare are protably sonewatt ttle to notel finn ihe grounds" Bovertteionry se Hiiets dscormstion propertioe of the various campo Sento thet mace up a Vuilaing are complex, partion Eisdy with rogers to creepy thermal nd moisture celine fomsover the achual propertioe fan bait! Shinubtoaty 2iffer significantly tran tnoce that are Specttiete 134 de orient #708 the Soreposng shat eran If engin ners were in poseensicn of unlimited faaiytical ower the’ wrceriaistiae in vath The sol anh the ‘peratructure are og erent that preciaton tn the prediction af tebaviaur woud be mniizely 20 tnprove gsicantiys, ds in oo meny folds of enginetsingy Geliyede ie Suly one of she rary tools required tr Gtailine for sosinetractare interactions In abet Sisetstinoes tpe Teal value of analysis will be in ‘Ministing the snpsneer to pisee Sounds on TAKG3y over [SI benaviour or’sn suseseing the influence of vari Sts detailed conetrvetion fabtarsey g's 1oonl StifT= Ging due to 4 deep tesa or = ahea? wail (ony) 5.2 HE coNSRRUENTON saRUICE Figure @ iu & sinple diagrammatic representation of Shevaet lotding ent aettlenente of a siaple frame Euudiie founleu on o sary auring and eubeeguent to Sctratiions Dating wxoavation coue uplift of the SSM will occury She Patt will then be somtructed ‘will ve inriuanced by she aicterential eet tlenente ‘Rtctatters "he soe sseuovaral loea is epphiea snort ‘tem aettlenonto take placey the pert of the strwoture vie 8 Settlacante and relative dertection urine ‘aol rubecquent 30 construction. be tte larzeets Tore experianced by the structoral feniers will vary with Loontion ena Level in tho ‘ulldines The tonded portion an Pie 28 representa ‘he ralstive deflections effecting the. elaati Partitions sod flsiaben and are sherefore the eou28 BE ky arentiectare! tars. 1 tn eit fon Pigott the LieLoed of eer ee papi ties a erratum ete te eter Sevkites i" seueandy te oet t (inten fading place Guring construction ae well ae fie felon towne ine ot Se de 1 Exess when distortions dovelop overt Long period fa this eppeare renconbloy although Gract et al igrd} tou Tiskie eirect Sridence to support Ste 5.3 HE IRPLURICE OF Hos-uoNOGREETE Sp Section 3.2.2 the snftuonae lak Sept aoa dunoursede Ps (Hay hens very Snporeact tnflusnoe on the fora aad (tet of te Yrottienant towl¥ eevund & loaded ares For eampley Tereaghs (1943) P 426) shove hat a bisrigine field etsstun cofcentraten he surface oveeents resol the Lonel areas” Giboon (1967, GIO) ovale ciatlar affect for increacing otst?noee wil atpths "Gaworcaly & Stet overiying layer wall Maperte tke settlanentn further fron te lones arin Saction Grd some Field shasrystione com Eonng thee tne are rare te rt aTfo'be taken dnts noon in ay tollcetractare [Mterecion seaigets. ieterel variations of compres SRETG'sre chet’ esgnsricanty tot ourprisinely Hiiale wort nar teen dope on the"Aafvamnce of th ‘ame of mr-towogerosty om stress caeveliwthons De ‘est Toatad arenes e4 AUMLASIS OP sonL/seaucnURE maTERACHION 11 te iaportect to diatingutch vetween tye broad ob- Sctiven in carrying out spLl-etrwstare dntersotion ‘aijoeerinetiyy and perhape of nore concern 20 Ee anerea practltsonery ae she peed ao eetinsto. che Pomind mionitule of tha eelative deflections: Tie ‘ESEeoutson ie saeé to oo0ene tho 2ikslibood of dienge td to owestigate the aerate of slvorsative feaavlon tnd seractarsl pelwtlones “Seoonty the se cee eee int regirment of aoniating te ‘ue eesonl ronutrenant entailn a Gegree of sopasotio- ‘Mion ead comnaty mary timer grester than the ‘riley ean octinate tne eeorace Enttlment of a ielé loud, tae in between thece nite toe foundation enctteer ot ety eating a Lig the int aught youre procrese hoo tour bids Wat. ueple peactical tedanisces are urgently reyusred Tor Hiking thie gas" util thie i dome She Houle Sulst lative detiens sc ppune ot tons at panes 9 tak Baas A rinet approuch so 12 reprocent the bailing Wy @ tussle eqaivelont soft having a einilar oversil etife= faeoe, “Gartgnoy-Fousador acd Decoy {I9T3) aad Bhlode (1976) have sumatioed tne developrent of the ‘ou of uane arg ratte op suaetse fouretionts “With {he vent of slectrorie aigitel somuters coneider ‘Rie roctece bar teen nade‘ in the etoiy of teas a Safle on shastio and inelastis grounts An portant actor fe the eiiffmees of the fact dn relation to thettlatens of tne grou ama thin rerio te denstod Gye, Ty cap be abso that for a sample veoting= Yar Tacs of length aed brealth B resting on = hone onoous slastio half space the Felative stiffer Gey) Hale eB Bo! viaxe the subeorinte + acd» refer to the raft eat (HT eespectively, iy ia the sonent oft SRE pervanie leseth‘and tie tbe thick ‘Mba neceseany 30 define Xe Brown (1969a » and 1574) bao etutiod the care of « Send net ae myers oe sith Shires oe esr Tn Shs meee 2 mie hi sewn oem iis ae aie ares See. ieeienrat Ganrech tio sites Ss ee i) (03) yiitece stusies ie th cairay aoe rouge of Ky (Rouse for uhich tha tee anmnger ‘on belng vORy Hleeitte vo'vesy stiffs, fue fron drownts sesulte Se appenes shat for ip € 0,08 the Patt do for practi= fst purposer flexivley Sherona for Ey 2 3.0 tte raft Saistavts A seout Ortho sype sect eonedaecaile Proctfon! value ar ft cay oe aved t assess the Like Uj clgnaticmes of the et iftrace of tae saperetms~ tne in evstusting the relntive e93tl Yopotseuler rafts of varying stiffness can be Bante Ind ty the nefhos fret auelaoad ty Chowne an Pimatlewies (1965) tn which the rar in don iced by ee of fine leno ach ry in Coton with ta Selle, "heme and Hog (1568) and ros and Glaavel2 Gath) aeccrite recisanente tothe approche the elhos hasbeen extended ty Hood and Larch. (1974 515) to anclude noncbonogenettyy azioet ony Al no ‘Nhoeliy of the soi based on the aseumption tot {ow stress dietrtbution within the soil in the sme e"cor homogenous REIT apace, in Section Joe tno 827 ae shown to be & roavonstle seeunption for the vere ‘MeaD geet See tor se surace deere r= Spine soft layeres tence sone care ts nantes wen sppiying the method to te ‘oper ead Hood UiETEY"Sutetmnd satisfactory agroment weta exaot ‘aluee over wide range of soll beteropemettye STA Bence See stort Oe gp ta Bo oo me ee esses (58) + (505) simare T in ap influence fnctor sbtatned fron Fig 23. (ILE cin have the folloning exbecesptet A,B, Cand D- associated with eottlanent of the isteg with the gs¢terentiat BB, acy ete = . mn Ie ese sal shee le 1h to. Tost Ie he oF a 4h lag Pig) Setslamont and ae¢feranttal esttlenent tim Fluence fosters for a reotamalar Taft om 63 ‘lastio hai epoce (Fraser amt Handley 196) 528 1 oan nm ton ig 29 tht he mot cap eae ee‘ in performance te an tno mange of 0.05 SSSI SIS! Ro‘ aiecton 0 show tn Pie 32 Cor'iy oan be seen thet the ettlenente Fedbee v6) SE ‘tore rapidly natn sapen' than for the nonocenerus ‘Thucie saute. Moreoery. the oteervee sestionent ‘Udteitstion’cormeaponte’clocely to'a Linarly sncren- fine etiffmee with depths. Meazurenents of thin (ype SEE SSNAMAnS in the future destor of etrusturee Ppecucrars Chay sod can te geod nat only for eatin "put aio for deciding on suststle SIpany Anu typen of foundations The nenrarenente ere Srltinelly wotersaken bone of the eifriculty of ote and Burtand (172) Sask enalyned the variation SPE SGiet depth foe london clay fron oacunenente of Seeding vail novenonte around a deep exceratio ‘re dotutl atime proide hasten cerceefuy Union einyy she note neal (Gouna oar park the Howes ein fhe deep wre SP Mliaeent (burke 532 Locetion of anstor pointe and settLenent distribution beneath APE buildings Frankfurt sat Ragoosky 19/7) ware St wa awceanery to me Sera alten latent a te an me ‘SSeckine tne aocuracy of laboratory or streita deter SSSSSIGG SE SSoprecnsbingsy Guueitin et al, T9705 SOUT tat utooresy Tora)s Beret al (1976) prom catnangurenents of {rplocenent a2 various degtha en geh footings on a fireared city. They ale2” com Siztot" a peseranen of umarainoa trdaxinl tonto of vom BERS" boy rect ioal ona horizontal plete bearing TIGG EPplecourenster torte, "ito evident fron O15 to bey respectively Sate of comproneivality deduced fron the stanahed THESE Sr {200 greendy cverestinated the. consol igetion Serr et etre Sait tie sartnenee Sin be very ‘Thee over'a aapth of appronanately 5/2 eunmest (ust Boi eeenaese should be place! on nengaring the lofgen the major danage opouring darine construction QaLCE place de agjecene tushdingss Hence staaien of ‘the novenent of the ground eroua fpendels ke montiono! in Section 9 weeetacine etitinese with Septh 3030 localize toe Seeet"irhce eovileneats around. the lonaet arma Zoro than tha sinpie Souseten theory predicts REISS Car Gets) srorice tele evisence to support BRUNT Beth and Aura (H°74) eoemont tnat tn the Roar Slay whlch astoie eanea torent Yor a set ler evetyng mar cmoranaite Aer j fentea"aree thay predicted by she Boueeinend theory, Set va (U7) eve fh Teale o tess ‘Teutingy founded on a tayer of ont overlying elisa’ the sealyein of the settlenent obeervati ‘SRefeds Utne tae cor was fire to ten tines ovalter Reh overlying soils Tee eeocured surface eteente ait ny tanh Sec repaly mith asetance 64 tho case momo OP DCE steam told, resting on soft chulls Thie fetter sulilar buavioar to's nishly agntiy averoonoolsgaved clay in that 18 — Exisite dtydeld poirtt unr ncreaaine vortical ie reemute (Darees tet Laniy1963}ePaeste 39 howe © ee = ‘Syphon preagur-ewitleoems ease tne apeiied pres Pig 34 DetLooted stapes of raft foundations, nora Eo Settles the‘pletd poines Dron cy the total We uot pcaliel wo ante of eile omplen SHUSS CT G's cose exoseasver Figure 34 show {BaSiand ant DerSaeony, 1915) Ree ection skrough the nuporting strusture of Bent Se meee . aie a eter solie ples On oS Ook % Se ee a Ce a eee ae 2 ate een i er Fatio was 1.07 x 10°3 and Pig 35 ohows & eketoh of jf po etecseccattan Fig 35 ‘typical crashed column in Gtle 2 (Burland (Se bevadaony 1978). | - Se ELS ig 3) eisttonhip betwen tearing sreseure sa f simp snaiyote of ihe structure reves, tht $6 39 Relattorahiy Noten meant Pon soft chalk bad lov ralntave stistnens (ove Seotion Sods). O island and Seveeny 1910 MRS Caee EAD Tas eens shoe Pig eaten 523 sort tango diameter reinforced conerete colume made fheTeaantns ariitet at goes to urement ‘Mitieece to resist differential cettlenents and st ‘he ume tine no tduct iL ity* to abnors she eaform= ee withowe sbeasye In Chapter 1 stiention was deme to the rather epeci~ TEORENT r Shines, “havertnelens, there are tnrore— (Si Inanone 19 te leamed fron the case history BES ion tor ellow ia, come "AE Bvinson (1961) and ving rvogieed tore © maber of clon, fall invelve linsting settlenonts (op wine ple catune ts Vinee sncounterol in this case, the ost atactry apecnch wea bey nsicy tn ta Touation solutions Although mare conventions! Des PELs maa es Getez cheney Sha es era directing see ‘Tage tot throsetorey office buLlding of Serra Cede Eich schvogtet vo ta teeing at ‘igcing sedes Ge deformation doe toa swelling clay SRESIE, 'Otrena sounds of foundation aiepiowente East elevation-horizontal component of sed cracking tave Yoon maintained over 17 yotee wince Pigare 36 sows 80 elevation of one aide of the bathe Sceeath SE Soeathin sernents ote eth D's hoguing sole of deformation woetone the THeht ‘Md eni'tas ondareye’enegine, ihe sexsi hogeing SSETs Ging SG Sad fle tim agrine reeds te Debs x tach’ “Sumaye i confines seslustvely 32 abe Dportson of ine batloune urdergokng hopeine ad sakes Ghe fare of orsoka radaavang outwards. ane Upairtd ‘Ran the sepion of masimn survavure of tbe fount ‘Hones ihe orto wldthr sow preseest at Toot Lov {he nage wae claceified ae ‘alight to tmoderni ‘Senne ae i Cane ateapion oe stern tab repairs were Desens te broken Line at thé Wotton of Fig 36 correrponte rahe moveents when the building sooupante on she fp crack widthe in the aoper tore of abou 3. me (Shae antag) nae Qua) 10-3, Te shoul be noted SA visiee at soourred for 5 ougrine Palio ot 0.32 07) wnien proviaen ‘seid evidence Ehnflsting that load-bearing walle are wore renestive ‘he main benefits of detaslad stuties of this type {ie iat they provide intonestion on abe wy dimtge tvelope in't boriein,”tmy allow corretetione beter Sm depress o€ dasnge tol naprituies of relative air Dette in ied aw aetedisges 6.9 PREGRAMOK Oo PBLICATIOS OF cASE AISTORIES 4 the Chapter sone of the Denetita to be had fron xk widths (men) at March 1974 oood {Fig 36 Foundation movements and cornesponting orecking in a three-storey office butlding (honey ars Busfordy 1314) 534 {iald eraiies nave been ctocueeed. Jublsening conprobensive cus Tikieds choy prove the meee of mes titty of prediction nethouny they ive guidance %2 SrictSitnete wie are fuon wlth sho Gertgn of fou ‘Ripe and steactures in sinSiar curcunetancesy they SESE Slea'to Sevelop an derstanding 9f how strae~ Gree interact with the ground an ray attention t2 TRIS See raue the oeordeg rece deine anich tre go valuable in developing the art of foundation epioeeringe he soportance of ‘mu value of publiaheg case Ristorsen io often dint ‘iilowng inforwation tint shoul ve inclaied in acy Peper! of plication whenever possible ist (1) Adeiaitea profite of she ground and grout ‘hler fontitlane ant the variations antoriying the Trracturey A detailed description of the tot inelon Engamnietensy, etrsture, Peoricy Atteriure Linke etes (2), Be rote of remtronator so othr outing (3) A cenorsption of eampling equipment and method (7). Deiaite of the ssmotare an ounations ancl lke pitary coaserection onde (densgn toe actual) Soltsonetrdetion vorumnoe’ (0), Dispinceraaty pressure and ond mencurenen, ‘Stausing’ lowing Srrore and aiscrepancies bet ‘Bima “ag weil at precenting this infornetion in Sho Tor of curves it ia heipfaa to tomate the (9), Asneasie recor shuts ve kot of the seers Fite Rose Sloe ta teh ce ‘tue qubntion arises a8 to what talldings are verte Teechuentangs Tuere sa's strong cave for specstying EEpIe Icelfing stations to be Asetaluea ar 8 ror Gir oe ail butlcingrs Tee habit of wonteoring See Jerforunce of uiliiags needs 29 be established as Giie ie tee ne ure way of keeping desagn eons ‘Hie Sonny unde perenne 2 ee fevplocel an predictions,” the following my secve 2° S'ellde'on the typre of structure for sais 12 orth making epochal accents! (2)_ tangs structures for which there will be partie (Quay? Storekensive note invectigetions. (11). Structures thas ace otmple tn plan or ttt are {Steet on antfore ground ou thle maken for ene of Inlerprevetion nod Souparison with toet terultas (44s) structures founded in soit strate for voion Shere ie'iiitie or ao previous experience in the Peesone se) structures for which tare are 2oeal nigh com Ce EER SF Teal taene csftarentioal eettenent ‘alent be srowblenones (w)___stmuctarer that are aunjeot to lange Muctute idne sn toad (et) nxiating structures shat aay be avereely Sttteted ay propored works saute (eit) structures where novenunt tae alvoniy saken S532. Skis tance he rvaron 2 sugpect tatt wove ‘ene tn continuing and may loud $0 sone meanure SE wale. (est4) orton the aiequnsy of foundations ds bout {Stettuetion ster tay by toon conerictde “te ‘oreshitiiy ot enrrying out fl-ecale Tending tert Tiouasalane te cosine Perec ee que ‘Sietory decertbed ty Leonarae ( vaiee coupren 7 = xan enacts ‘mon exnjnck dealt with in he Review te exoeptionsl— Ty wide angine and the fathore are ail too conectoor oF The nang oalenions toth in soveracn ant sn refer Grose ao notable works, Dovertaaleee It ir bopee that ee ive A Seat'a Firat of te exetne ‘ftlojeate” af ofthe not dagen sonst (2, tein gee eatin, SEED celle au prommeter Comision aero esphiticnied telyeie can smpeanete f0F a ina Ie ee (2) mere a sf cree tit seam ere avaretdon thouid therstare te given tothe SPER NSS a soe wnt tomo Mone foe 30 Yento Seidimae Sige ce ahs Meant he eo Seatac: Sent Greetae soe sah (2) settiement damage Ae only one aepect of the 535 wider pooblen of servisesvality of tatlsinges The Srovlen of coping with aierorenciel settlorenty ce Stun sroep, abridnage and structural deflect sobs, may Ereronmtly be colves by designing the buiney fd inyprtaa She laiang ae pertttney fot fil and eeonoese Seton apf oonetraction of” the total Eizustare romusre cooperation between fowaation eh inter) structural enaaneer and arcastect. fron the Emhlicde singea of planning (of Seotaana 143 sod 2), (4). Propewe Sn the atuay of he baborigur of fou (Qreone eit ctesctates will be aiged by eiopting lear derinssions ot feunaation novoaotie and etaple Glateifisetiooe ot degrees of danagee tne schon tttined tn Section fod and 243 are offered an 0 if Sacto wane oe fourteen (5). the conoope of ainstine tensile strats és toe ‘SRoanoed sn Seotion 209 ee amane of puining anstent mie sone of the faotere inftunncing 2intting defleo ‘Wine un buudinges Te tn denontrotea ty mouse of 2 taople illustrative analgete anda moter of obeer~ Slane of the perforce sf moliaingy tat the Vinteine relative defiestione are shonsciouthy 86 Dunder op. (i) tae lengah #9 Rodgat ratioy Ct) re SSbbve etGetoves im ahear and Se benaingy (33 pes PRES, Sie bl tii Seas SOF (Ge) she node ot defamation (ep hogeing oF s86" ne) (0), apen 3 contine a Ahoneiee tak of he ‘hat for fectore of safety greater than stout 2.5 the SHOU SuGISt calotating tat eetelment are oo U1y teal copped wiih thoce thet own secur durine Svan td tertne ith ean itd 9 ‘te ono-dinenlonalcoepeeee bhi, at a mer’ of Sesiag, thurs in containg and’ urgont need Tor SEP Sern tod Snpovaen of etoretary a oe ‘hua JX (1955)4_DLecusaton on paper by fenptah ot al Secilament anges Gf coe S4P¥o™ ‘Fee in Ghisego ant London's” Proc Incta Che Engrsy Sos pe Seiatos ‘aay Noe meh Ar bitty $ © © ond 6 8 LiMGLEE (1969) Govsromentan ilove, Samparstune creep ana skrinknge in concrete iinet gap tren for Dore i Dstt saunas # K (1979) Eetact of the pte cap on the ontniifolaoenart tanarioar of pale rou, eub~ Wetted io socenitie vertical loniey ‘Broo 2 Aut Stato Sino Soaeietcy stems “Sty aamy FD (ISO slyae of vertfol pie, Sipopean Cont Goll Heck & ound Suey vol Tez) PP 538 (7), en dessin pate eronpe rey trate e'ven to urine tbe fully aapilised Long carrying Cipietay of piles. IF thie approach 42 adptod care (une te taker to tuware that the loea-eettienert sha Sitterietice of the plies are Muctilot and that there IES Talia fastor or" cntety againot ratture of the pias aaterial (oF Section a}e Shes ts Ere riety rt nn LSS: (9). Prevent netogs of evaluating aettieeate of Seangey saree ant pile growpe on cotentoniane cote Sie nal fatlstaotory! due fo cheeueuitioe an evaluating SPLITS tes however, sottlnente tare piece Sepldly and fof medium dense, to dense sana will aoe GTly be faniy anal Vor Sectsone Sed and 6). ipitee of a4fferortial aettlenent or at's auch more Gorbisticated level to salsulavs loud ana’ preeeure Eienitations wishin etractaress The former can be Schiovad ‘by repreconetne she etractare and sto Fini~ Shea ty a tiple equivalent ea/t (of Section 5.4t)+ Seen are sow oreslable far carrying out more AetaitedSntereciee anyeis ut thes stole bos ‘ore Listasioe of mdse stot the rorersicn SFE tenaviour both ofthe grou end of ehracturess ‘the importance ot rogional stuiser of settlement has ‘etaiy comtrotegy | A beter wlerteaine of lento of erourd Gshoriour beneath and around founda ane hoped wish caer sengrvtione of ty Oe Soe piven tn Ghapear So Sioa BAU, @ 2 68 a1 (1976)2_ Prestated and obearvad foote ne feltleninte fn 4 theasnes slay. Cont Pert Build Btcty Olangors Fontech Prvsey London, pp 257-202- pazaneer, Vo, ¥ § ULSI ant coLaKOr, Spe foundatienas"Froe3 int Gon Soul Rech’ ‘Bey 7 and K T¥GRSIN (]y72)1 Cadoneter verte with {hetiwetaecinn, maps om acl ene posnie . ne ery PL and ® PosKIOE (1972): The consice~ ‘lon'ot pose Jeoteahrigaty yy 9b £320 BUDE, K and F 49 Ortsgoce (1975)¢_Taftuencia do fonas Aiferunosaien on mapao eapacialt Tammy vol Uy PP iebe Brg 1 (1963)+ Discussion Pree Bur Cont SBAES, iontedery vol 2y p 135. AIH) L (1967)4_ Rogintering goologr of Yorwmesss Tommmlly consolidated marine slave oe related to Setilermate of badlsdngse. Teh farcow Lecture, GSesecnmigeey 17y pp Bteit8s ora (ie), macante o ett roms Pre Tieeactarees Porte woh 2) oP Ike | pacman (1963)! apterprotation of rsion ty ¥ 90is08 end © osm, (1951)s the tevilatert of a bridge sbutsent on friction pile Bove Tet Son? Ska vol 2) pp 1100 BONaIORY, @ me HLEFIOT (19T5)s_ EsfectSvays nem ed sndlet veainodejstrije.haanpenta naatinda~ Sendo feecinacsie)s" Omar Rand Hoch Oronty "Ty ip ote sooty J A and 6 POU (19754 Anatyate of recy cotlenent of pile founuationes dnl Geotech fing Bisy Five Lich vot 1025 s0 OPT, pp Tote Bout, H ng al (1976)t Taseanont force vor Me Linki des plonx on milieu uiverulent. Froe Gti Dar Cont Saez, vol Ty pp Tee amy cnn at terete dente ero besige, Persech Press 1975, pp “4I~1546 aun, H and & CUAGOSSE 0714): SettLenens teboriour or tkittings auove auiway tunsele in Preukfurt clays roe dont Sesthenent of Structures, camriceee Povtech Prey Landony pp 38386 nao, 3(1961)1_ Bring cane of pile aroun a Bld Sie Tees Foster SY veteran ey 35 + ncks, 2.2 (17104 Setthenent of pute groupe, Proc Sr sper Cont an Performance of iarte ant inet Sloperies Semoturer, Purtue Ueivy June tiotdy 1972 vata) oP 181936 BOK, 2 (1976): Pile fowantions = File groupes ‘ee'é burepem Conf SHAPE) vol Zety pp HOBWTSEe wm teri le eee oor, Ft (19690): Ranerical ansizeus of wiforaly Youste cisculan rafts an deop elastic foudetlone Geotedhteney 19y 3y BP 3905 wc P 2 (1974)4 Influence of ooth smnonogenntty gt tobrinrs“osin ae Pomtationy 1 woe, F 7 (19158)4_ strip footing with concentrated ‘ondl co deap anactso foundetiont.” Geotecnnisel Baers 8, | ont, #7 (19750)¢ The nhgstPhcance of etrastare founiation intersotion, Proc nt hustrtiew Zealand Gant on Geoneckanicey Brisbaey 99 To=Ee urrisa StamuAiae oryiWigy (1976)¢_aratt stantacd Tale ot Praction for Site Investagavions. Doewreat Ta/inspr Dee simon, WE 3 (1965)2 Lansing ~ dandy Live an wis ‘rue yun Design for Novenent Sm atlas The ‘Sonenete Soe, Lonsone smamoune, P (1965)4_ Congoeite action tatwuan Yrisk ancl wells aed hats sappartsng Beans," Proc Inetn Et Buray vol 4) pe 1750196 ‘wrLANDy J B (15658)4 Deteraation of sort clay Mameash ade arene,” Pros Teh int Son? SMAPEy Rexsedy Ty pp oes suuLaND, J 9 (19690)4 Daocusoson on Session A, Frve eat its Tnvertintions sy Sots tbe URN) JB (1971)4_ A nettod of estinating she pore Tpraenafer ant dlopitomerte teneatn eneanetente on ural lay deporites Pow foveae Ren Syepe BP 0336 wyQUUD, 3-2 (1973)¢ Dhamasason — seosion ty Froe has int ont SHARE, Kovomuy vol Ady 9 12nide ‘LAND, 3-8 (1975)4_ Sane expos of she snftuence ertiols wecnureennie on foundation denies aot oom traction, Guest Lectures Proe 6t8 I SHAFT, Darang 25 9p 267-254 URLAND, J By FO BUTLER and P DUI (1965)¢ the ‘ebsvitss aha decign of lange bored piles in otif? ‘Says roc Large Sores Pile Tendon, pp 5t=T+ suman, 3 B and AM COOKE (1974)8 Tae ‘red filers Grourd ne, mt pp ahS0, 350 BURLAND, JB an DAVISON (1976)8_ A ctcw etaty of ‘rasring of pata gupporvang « eile due so S3ffer~ Cilia) foundation settienents) Proe Gant on Perfor SEED OP? Mtttine Stractaress Olengoey Pertech Prose Tondone URLAND, 3-8 and 2 HANCOR (I9TTDE GeotectndceD Topoct® of tne deoien for the uniorgrowna car pare SiPihe" hace of eetasnetory Londons Tae Struct ‘her Tar th" proon)s ‘BuaNy, J 8 sed J A LORD (1965)4 the 2ond-detorme- Mon Ub iour of Ride Chalk st Mandfondy BorFolit ciibupariton tetween fulloneale perforeanct aed i= SuiTatoratory nearurenente, Pros Cont Init Grweetagnsione in Solbe and ide, London 1970s a, 22a 74 om Ie eat Fon Pell Inctranentetiony Sutterverthy Lint, RLAND, J By JF A YOORE aod PD K saETH (1972) ‘uaple'and feecise torehole extensometer. deoteche ratusy zy bP ITeAATTS ‘Many J By 0-6 SHLLS and HE OIISOH (1973) A 537 tere and theoretical etuly of the snfiuence of nom EiSttenotey av settlements’ Proo Sim Int Con? SAPS, Nooo Wal tee op Ie gud, 1 2 and CP Mom (1976)ESattLenent of elie ot avant Sars Sate atotee et Erlugey Pantech Peasy London, pp S1I=034” Wa etdee (ue ot te Bet aries coe Settim (Gent of Struetaren, Cantriige, Fentech Press, London Be ssistbe DUrTEOTiiDy Hand PK BARERIEE (1gTIe)e siactic mtiyeis of sonpreesibie piles tl pile croufes Gootbehninuey Wor 2g mo 1y 99 Oe sunvonrni2y & aoa PX aasaE (197Te)4 Problem of Tlic crouptetlegap sntersction,. etecanigany Yo) By no 2y pp ee ‘oases WD ang ¢ 8 CuRIEMIAN (1973)8_ Rist ctzeme ar pidts secting on s norcnowogegeoue elastic Bal? Spaces Geonestnisary Wol @3y BP Be Aseity (1966)! Le tasement der pious ynthere ey recherche reomtee ef sesais.conparttitee Stletioiley vol 5y mo 1813, 9 055 chen (1354 a Semen dee pan Satine SoletSoiiey vol by mo 20, pp 2-366 . cay 3 A (515) he ay of omtinennena come Befoctions or focal sabauat. 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Pentech Presey Londons FP 130% omy HM and 0 REESE: (1956)¢ Lond transfer for Sealy Tonle pfige in Gays roe AsCy vol 3 rusronn, © D ant 3 0 SUNERUOD (1971) Toe meprese otely ftetoriny Bedtiah Coluetin, Sbetgetive Tears Br'polnantion Settdenerte,, Canal Geotech dy vol 8) pp Tad mocks, JH A and 3 OBR (1976)4_ Geotes ‘Pertie of the Belcaat extanrine deport Blears vol 33, wo 2y DP a SIS puUaOV, BT ot at (1973)+ Svestigntion of cont Metornation sn foundation beds of structures Sth tne done SARE, Nonenwy Wal Ty DP 3-0 piaprounk, D9 (1sT1)s _Brteote of fewrdnston com ‘ouraction gu neahay Wructuress roe Meh Fane Sant sme vol 3y pp ToaSee DYAPTOUAIAD Jy B DMARPLONLA ans & FSET (1956) Zottlament’9¢ spread footings on wands Proc ACE ‘nl Goll Mook Pouna Davy 20 HD, 99 TSSATEDs DUPPLOSIA, DJ and M Lame (1971s Perforuanoe of Pour foundstions on endearing piles. inl Seal Sask Found Biey Brae ASey WoL 9g mo Shy Dp TTAS3e DMMPRUUMNEA, HH @ FOULDS ani LADD (1971)E Tnktiad ettlenent’ of seryotures on clay. 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Proc deh Reserien Zealand cont Shy Adelaide, pp 23D-E. vib, & Hand H 0 FOULAG (1968) Te ge of elastic hsoly cor settienere prediction wer cee dino Eioned conaltioane oabteanaieasy Wot 135 0 1) 99 eet vtsy fa wat 8 9 FORDE (171214 ate of erence Mae Eastasentoendlclner Seoecitey wz, iy ote uvassoty Kg (1972)¢ Settlement Aiatorioe of two ile sufynréel grain eflose Proc Cont on Penta Eiteiirth-Supsoried Strsctaren, Pardue Urivy val 9 Bare ey po TISSHTe AVSay HT and J R SALLIE (1972)¢ Setthanent em Moriew f¢ four Large take ob eunde Proc Spee Cen? fest Barth ana EarthSupported Servcturery Purdon, ESE pp 900. de By BB aod A MARTE (1957)4 Hathod oF compe “etion'of ac upper Liste for the influence of Ieterogenasty of stot layers an the setrienent Gelagwe s Foes ath Eat Con? SAME, vo ty BP ZI Soe man ae Soir beret yt De JamDy 3 and H.C HARES (1971)4.SettLenente of 10 mltistorey tulsa n Bisuntan. Can Gootoch Jay Sg moh wp aoe De scm, $ and R ORGRIINN (1971)¢ The tnthuence ef sertctual rigiésay on see Fouaation louie 2f he Gh toyery Biontan, "Canad Geotech uy vol 8 mo 4 9b SES 3 Jo¥ey J and 8 OSURBEINL (1973) Hear™ an Fettleten ef tae tall building fountions rasan BH (1975)4_ Test Loading of plies and now ‘Got tefting Seovctures: Jal deotech Boy, Proo #525 Yer toty no Gt, pp B86. Bondy 6 (1963)2_SettLenent dansge to a concrete~ ee eters ise voy Cor iy wise oss 1 (1969)4 Secomiany oottLmente,of bushings ‘oe Beactony dezwaye "Pros Wh low cond’ SAAE, vol 2 pp Sito "auc, ar een Peo RH EY BOE oy & (1948)t_ computation of szastie streseee in a tilsls roed structures, Proe ana Int Cont Si sora) prasad Yistiy 8 A (1916)8 Outhine of solutions svaitatle ‘or tke ceoiin 9f sere Zounauesonss Div Ap 00m" ocbanice Bees Fuper to 23y 6500, Austvalsoe etstty 8A and Ld WARDLE (1976) tuarteat analy ‘Sie of rectanguler rafea on Zajorod foxnaationee Gaasosnndgu y Vol 26, no ty BP STIERDu fant esteras a enction de rmalteds post Eiirirwes olutiolley vol mo 4 90 1iedhe ty me 38 mm (97, toeanttin ont Settlement of Structures, Omsbridcs, Pervech robay Lenny pp 22-8. nian 3 2 (1912)4_ thw oongotacation of eoite obibitide resp water constant offestive stresee 539 eotostnguny wel 24 no 4 wo THe oy © eB (i ne MES is ars Gaim, 6 M ana W 3 HARALSON (19708)EStresees am ‘iaplebererts in lonied orthortewhic hal?-opso (HIBD Rustraisny Dur App ceanece, Tock Paper no 9c Cray © my K KURI, D.C RIOR ant F TOP Troi? Cinttnanentation of ouct ountat ions ‘Platte! pros Tat auetiew Zeslant Con? Grenesteaksey Sor Ty pp 3ot-36o Eaiftonmens eotestnsquey vol ly no. ly op SO-Sie euiiouy 2 E (2974)t_ The apalytioal method, tn sot Teshabivos Thin taine Leotures Geotechnsnany vol Bay te 2s pp Ae amity 8 E and © © S348 (9977) Sane esate com ‘renife the flare deformation of & onehonogencoue SDUE Rea Boe asse tan Sry Casirhcce Soultey 5p 366r5te onsaiy # (1364)! Dheoassson on a papers, Molerance oF chelchutee te cetilenmsat ty J Pelay AaCe Cont’ on Seton of Pounistions for contfel of Settlement, rsa P (1912)¥_seethennt of wane pad founda ‘ons la Kexieoy_ Pros Speo Cont Performance of (ig61)s_ sone semskta oncoming 4 ESSE atSaren-oupported Strustureay Pardue thiry Sane Hetgy wel Ty Dart PP ST ‘oxo, JF (1770), the protien of elagttetty 4s Zeutldnest Seiaudation for foundation devipie Proc {ib Congr arent) See SM, Ho Go Janetzoy vol Ty ogi (1969)4 Papa Diecut = Seaton 25 ‘ac Tah Sot Gant SHAPE baaSeay vol 3y DP 2EPEIO. SERS ms Pasar ae Farman Cont Ghaiby Puerto hieoy vol ty po 17167. comsmodrossAnory KX amd § © DASTOOE (1973)8 “Interaction of ef61 bocce ona etractures,. Pros 6th IM Gone Shar, Nobeony Vol 2p bP ftosee 49 Ca as vm (19 of tulldlngy oo aisterentia! cottLenontss EoHe Radoation no 5, Dept of Che tne, HIT ty fy 2 GHRGSYLAY aed yADURGRE (19742 ‘uittestilal wettiawent of bulleinsye Foo AS2ky 3o1 T00y m2 OESy BD TIN 9 2 Cade omens ners = Spain 2, Se Yael Swtrneintony betes Lkoy FP apes 0 64 6 hip end ¥ DABLAGIO (19T3}2 Last ‘este on Geiotion piles te looee oats Fro> Gt Hie doe ehaity Wok uty Rosen, pp 10116 saatity 2 (H963)4_ bade etasioe of soundaton ‘qoute in tanks Seotectaimay vol. 13, BP 33354. 540 van, vm (0973)t Powation snotranentations Towne "Pecn'Piby Whe ve20, sy HONE and 3 NOSESSON (1573) ortelaitn, Onthexoures taperiensee conserming * Tivied! founiation protien ani fos moctiotox SShatians ‘Pave Sta Tet Cont SR, vol 2.2, 9p 105 unstoy 3 and 8 & ToRSMnGoMN (azT1)e_siktnsnens vid snort, ayegmtetaren, rol 3p no fy bp Bethe ue, 3 6 and > L 20emH (1y73)8 A unasied ery ar the conaaliantion of Slayey, Pros Bth int Gant SHEEN, Nowoou, vol tedy 2B WTSNI2N EtL, H (1960)4 station on he eerectural rietcity or feintoreeh conerete building fraree an Sky. ‘Poo Th Int Cont A00ey Mesias, vol 2y pp TSH12%. vy 2 a A ORS (176) the patermncy of tone Ree Gth durop dont GRAVE, wo! tedy Bp TCH, my 8 (70 te factogeafrenting the, reton State's the Ant Seviows Cont Setilonent of Siruo~ Siren Cankeidge, Pentech Fresey Londony pp 913-210. ova, X (972)¢_ Finite olenant apaiyeis of strain= Tottening teteriels Proc 4iGky Jnl UP Div, vo 9 ath, 5 Oe. oy fy 3 5 SHORT 8 I 68 Sn Soil ech Found Biv ASG8y val 94 BDOT=Abe” ovtty 2D and 0 LEDGKOG (1972)s Sot wovenante Mick tent entennant,. 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