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4/7/2017 The Entrepreneur's Business Model: Toward a Unified Perspective (PDF Download Available)

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937 Citations 51 References

The Entrepreneur's Business Model: Toward a Unified Perspective

ArticleJune 2005 with 5,113 Reads
DOI: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2003.11.001

1st Michael H. Morris 2nd Minet Schindehutte

34.7 University of Florida 24.2 Syracuse University

3rd Jeffrey Allen

Highly emphasized in entrepreneurial practice, business models have received limited attention from researchers. No consensus exists regarding the
de nition, nature, structure, and evolution of business models. Still, the business model holds promise as a unifying unit of analysis that can facilitate
theory development in entrepreneurship. This article synthesizes the literature and draws conclusions regarding a number of these core issues.
Theoretical underpinnings of a rm's business model are explored. A six-component framework is proposed for characterizing a business model,
regardless of venture type. These components are applied at three different levels. The framework is illustrated using a successful mainstream
company. Suggestions are made regarding the manner in which business models might be expected to emerge and evolve over time.

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Journal of Business Research 58 (2005) 726 735

The entrepreneurs business model: toward a unified perspective

Michael Morrisa,*, Minet Schindehutteb, Jeffrey Allenc
Witting Chair in Entrepreneurship, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY 13244, USA
Miami University, Oxford, OH 45056, USA
University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL 32816, USA
Received 29 September 2002; accepted 6 November 2003


Highly emphasized in entrepreneurial practice, business models have received limited attention from researchers. No consensus exists
regarding the definition, nature, structure, and evolution of business models. Still, the business model holds promise as a unifying unit
of analysis that can facilitate theory development in entrepreneurship. This article synthesizes the literature and draws conclusions
regarding a number of these core issues. Theoretical underpinnings of a firms business model are explored. A six-component
framework is proposed for characterizing a business model, regardless of venture type. These components are applied at three different
levels. The framework is illustrated using a successful mainstream company. Suggestions are made regarding the manner in which
business models might be expected to emerge and evolve over time.
D 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Activity sets; Architecture; Business model; Strategy; Model dynamics

1. Introduction 2. Literature review

Ventures fail despite the presence of market opportu- 2.1. What is a business model?
nities, novel business ideas, adequate resources, and
talented entrepreneurs. A possible cause is the underlying No generally accepted definition of the term business
model driving the business. Surprisingly, little attention model has emerged. Diversity in the available definitions
has been given to business models by researchers, with poses substantive challenges for delimiting the nature and
much of the published work focusing on Internet-based components of a model and determining what constitutes
models. The available research tends to be descriptive in good model. It also leads to confusion in terminology,
nature, examining approaches to model construction, business model, strategy, business concept, revenue model,
noting standard model types, citing examples of failed and economic model are often used interchangeably. More-
and successful models, and discussing the need for new over, the business model has been referred to as architecture,
models as conditions change. Yet, no consensus exists design, pattern, plan, method, assumption, and statement.
regarding the definition or nature of a model, and there It is possible to bring order to the various perspectives.
has been no attempt to prioritize critical research ques- content analysis of key words in 30 definitions led the authors
tions or establish research streams relating to models. to identify three general categories of definitions based
The purpose of this study is to review existing perspec- their principal emphasis. These categories can be labeled
tives and propose an integrative framework for charac- economic, operational, and strategic, with each comprised
terizing the entrepreneurs business model. a unique set of decision variables. They represent a hierarchy
in that the perspective becomes more comprehensive as one
progressively moves from the economic to the operational
the strategic levels.
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-315-443-3164. At the most rudimentary level, the business model
E-mail address: (M. Morris). defined solely in terms of the firms economic model. The

0148-2963/$ see front matter D 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
doi:10.1016/j.jbusres.2003.11.001 2/15
4/7/2017 The Entrepreneur's Business Model: Toward a Unified Perspective (PDF Download Available)

M. Morris et al. / Journal of Business Research 58 (2005) 726735

concern is with the logic of profit generation. Relevant business plan, but the plan deals with a number of start-up
decision variables include revenue sources, pricing method- and operational issues that transcend the model. It is not
ologies, cost structures, margins, and expected volumes. strategy but includes a number of strategy elements. Simi-
Hence, Stewart and Zhao (2000) approach the model as a larly, it is not an activity set, although activity sets support
statement of how a firm will make money and sustain its each element of a model.
profit stream over time. At the operational level, the model
represents an architectural configuration. The focus is on 2.2. What do we know about business models?
internal processes and design of infrastructure that enables
the firm to create value. Decision variables include produc- Interest in business models is relatively recent, with
tion or service delivery methods, administrative processes, much of the research appearing in the past decade, a time
resource flows, knowledge management, and logistical period associated with the new economy. The popularity
streams. Mayo and Brown (1999) refer to the design of of the term is evidenced in a keyword search using
key interdependent systems that create and sustain a compet- Google search engine and the ABI-Inform database. Results
itive business. Definitions at the strategic level emphasize from these two sources indicated 4,326,812 and 2387
overall direction in the firms market positioning, interactions entries, respectively, for business model.
across organizational boundaries, and growth opportunities. The largest volume of research has come from electronic
Of concern is competitive advantage and sustainability. commerce (Mahadevan, 2000). Early work focused
Decision elements include stakeholder identification, value capturing revenue streams for web-based firms. Subseque
creation, differentiation, vision, values, and networks and efforts identified model types based on product offerings,
alliances. Slywotsky (1996) refers to the totality of how a value-creating processes, and firm architecture, among other
company selects its customers, defines and differentiates its variables. For a detailed inventory of these models,
offerings, defines the tasks it will perform itself and those it As it b
will outsource, configures its resources, goes to market, came evident that the number of potential models was
creates utility for customers and captures profits. limitless, researchers began focusing on model taxonomies.
Among the available definitions, strategic elements are In spite of this foundation, progress in the field has been
most prominent. Further, an analysis of models frequently hindered by lack of consensus over the key components of
cited as being well conceptualized (e.g., Dell, Nucor, Wal- model. Table 1 presents a synopsis of available perspectives
Mart, IKEA, Walgreen) suggests that the elements making regarding model components. The perspectives are notable
these models unique transcend the architecture of the firm both for their similarities and differences. The number
or how it makes money. More than the sum of its parts, components mentioned varies from four to eight. A total
the model captures the essence of how the business 24 different items are mentioned as possible components
system will be focused. Accordingly, the following inte- with 15 receiving multiple mentions. The most frequently
grative definition is proposed: A business model is a cited are the firms value offering (11), economic model
concise rep resentation of how an interrelated set of (10), customer interface/relationship (8), partner network/
decision variables in the areas of venture strategy, archi- roles (7), internal infrastructure/connected activities (6), and
tecture, and economics are addressed to create sustainable target markets (5). Some items overlap, such as customer
competitive advantage in defined markets. relationships and the firms partner network or the firm
To illustrate the distinction between a business model revenue sources, products, and value offering.
and related concepts, consider Dell Computer, a firm that This lack of consensus has hindered progress on
has grown to over US$32 billion in annual sales in just number of related issues. Few insights are available
20 years. The companys products include a mix of PCs, regarding the conditions that make a particular model
notebooks, workstations, servers, and software products. appropriate, ways in which models interact with organiza-
Their business concept involves selling customized com- tional variables, existence of generic model types, and
puter solutions directly to customers at competitive pri- dynamics of model evolution, among other questions.
ces. However, the Dell business model integrates strategic Attempts at model decomposition acknowledge the exis-
considerations, operational processes, and decisions relat- tence of interdependencies among components but shed
ed to economics. It is designed around elimination of little light on the nature of the relationships. Limited
intermediaries, systems built to order, highly responsive progress has also been made in establishing methodologies
customer service, moderate margins, rapid inventory turn- for evaluating model quality.
over, speedy integration of new technologies, and a
highly efficient procurement, manufacturing, and distribu- 2.3. Theoretical underpinnings of business models
tion process. Adherence to these elements guides opera-
tional decision making and the firms ongoing strategic Issues of theory represent another area receiving scant
direction. attention. A notable exception can be found in Amit and
The business model is related to a number of other Zott (2001), who approach the business model construct
managerial concepts. It captures key components of a a unifying unit of analysis that captures value creat 3/15
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728 M. Morris et al. / Journal of Business Research 58 (2005) 726735

Table 1
Perspectives on business model components
Source Specific components Number E-commerce/ Empirical Nature of data
general support (Y/N)
Horowitz (1996) Price, product, distribution, organizational 5 G N
characteristics, and technology
Viscio and Pasternak (1996) Global core, governance, business units, services, 5 G N
and linkages
Timmers (1998) Product/service/information flow architecture, 5 E Y Detailed case
business actors and roles, actor benefits, revenue studies
sources, and marketing strategy
Markides (1999) Product innovation, customer relationship, infrastructure 4 G N
management, and financial aspects
Donath (1999) Customer understanding, marketing tactics, corporate 5 E N
governance, and intranet/extranet capabilities
Gordijn et al. (2001) Actors, market segments, value offering, value activity, 8 E N
stakeholder network, value interfaces, value ports,
and value exchanges
Linder and Cantrell (2001) Pricing model, revenue model, channel model, 8 G Y 70 interviews
commerce process model, Internet-enabled commerce with CEOs
relationship, organizational form, and value proposition
Chesbrough and Value proposition, target markets, internal value chain 6 G Y 35 case studies
Rosenbaum (2000) structure, cost structure and profit model, value
network, and competitive strategy
Gartner (2003) Market offering, competencies, core technology 4 E N Consulting
investments, and bottom line clients
Hamel (2001) Core strategy, strategic resources, value network, 4 G N Consulting clients
and customer interface
Petrovic et al. (2001) Value model, resource model, production model, 7 E N
customer relations model, revenue model, capital model,
and market model
Dubosson-Torbay Products, customer relationship, infrastructure 4 E Y Detailed
et al. (2001) and network of partners, and financial aspects case studies
Afuah and Tucci (2001) Customer value, scope, price, revenue, connected 8 E N
activities, implementation, capabilities, and sustainability
Weill and Vitale (2001) Strategic objectives, value proposition, 8 E Y Survey research
revenue sources, success factors, channels, core
competencies, customer segments, and IT infrastructure
Applegate (2001) Concept, capabilities, and value 3 G N
Amit and Zott (2001) Transaction content, transaction structure, 4 E Y 59 case studies
and transaction governance
Alt and Zimmerman (2001) Mission, structure, processes, revenues,legalities, 6 E N Literature
and technology synthesis
Rayport and Value cluster, market space offering, resource system, 4 E Y 100 cases
Jaworski (2001) and financial model
Betz (2002) Resources, sales, profits, and capital 4 G N

arising from multiple sources. They argue for a cross- (Barney, 1999) and relates to transaction cost economics
theoretical perspective, concluding that no single theory (Williamson, 1981).
can fully explain the value creation potential of a venture. Most perspectives on models include the firms offer-
The business model construct builds upon central ideas ings and activities undertaken to produce them. Here,
in business strategy and its associated theoretical traditions. management must consider the firms value proposition,
Most directly, it builds upon the value chain concept choose the activities it will undertake within the firm, and
(Porter, 1985) and the extended notions of value systems determine how the firm fits into the value creation net-
and strategic positioning (Porter, 1996). Because the busi- work. Based on Schumpeters (1936) theory of economic
ness model encompasses competitive advantage, it also development, value is created from unique combinations
draws on resource-based theory (Barney et al., 2001). In resources that produce innovations, while transaction cost
terms of the firms fit within the larger value creation economics identifies transaction efficiency and boundary
network, the model relates to strategic network theory decisions as a value source. Positioning within the larger
(Jarillo, 1995) and cooperative strategies (Dyer and Singh, value network can be a critical factor in value creation.
1998). Further, the model involves choices (e.g., vertical part of its positioning, the firm must establish appropriate
integration, competitive strategy) about firm boundaries relationships with suppliers, partners, and customers. 4/15
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M. Morris et al. / Journal of Business Research 58 (2005) 726735

Models implicitly or explicitly address the internal com- dation level, a need to make generic decisions regarding
petencies that underlie a firms competitive advantage. This what the business is and is not and ensure such decisions
is consistent with resource-based theory, where the firm is are internally consistent. Because the foundation level
viewed as a bundle of resources and capabilities (Barney et addresses basic decisions that all entrepreneurs must
al., 2001). Competitive advantage can emerge from superior make, it permits general comparisons across ventures
execution of particular activities within the firms internal and the identification of universal models. At the propri-
value chain, superior coordination among those activities, or etary level, the models purpose is to enable development
superior management of the interface between the firm and of unique combinations among decision variables that
others in the value network. Also, where the model has result in marketplace advantage. At this level, the fram
proprietary innovative elements, resource advantage theory work becomes a customizable tool that encourages
holds relevance (Hunt, 2000). entrepreneur to focus on how value can be created
The economics of the venture is featured prominently each of the six decision areas. The usefulness of any
in business model research. An effective model encom- model is limited, however, unless it provides specific
passes unique combinations that result in superior value guidance and discipline to business operations, necessi-
creation, in turn producing superior returns to the firm, tating a third level in the model. The rules level delin-
consistent with Schumpeterian theory (Schumpeter, 1936). eates guiding principles governing execution of decisions
At the same time, the growth and profit aspirations of made at levels one and two.
entrepreneurs vary considerably. Aspirations reflect the
firms relationship to the entrepreneurs career and life 3.1. Foundation level: defining basic components
and influence enterprise objectives. Business models will
differ for ventures with more m oderate versus more At its essence, a well-formulated model must address
ambitious aspirations. Various theoretical traditions have key questions (see Table 2). These questions have been
implications for entrepreneurial intentions regarding the derived based on commonalities among the various per-
nature and scope of the venture. Self-efficacy theory is a spectives found in the literature, including those summa-
case in point, with its emphasis on role of an entrepre- rized in Table 1. Moreover, each has a foundation in
neur s cognitive capabilities and skills assessment in theoretical work discussed earlier. The most consistently
determining outcomes. Alternatively, the theory of effec- emphasized components concern the value proposition,
tuation suggests that entrepreneurs make conjectures about customer, internal processes and competencies, and how
the future, determine what can be done, and goals emerge firm makes money. To these four, a competitive strategy
over time (Wiltbank and Sarasvathy, 2002). element has been added, reflecting the need to translate core
An additional theoretical perspective approaches the competencies and the value proposition into a sustainable
business model as interrelated components of a system that marketplace position. Finally, a useable framework should
constitutes the firms architectural backbone. With systems apply to all types of ventures, reflecting the design consid-
theory, the business is viewed as an open system with erations neces sary to a ccommodate d iffering levels
varying levels of combinatorial complexity among subsys- growth, time horizons, resource strategies, and exit vehicl
tems and bounded by the environment and open information Thus, the sixth decision area captures growth and tim
exchange (Petrovic et al., 2001). objectives of the entrepreneur. Let us examine each in more

3. Model development: an integrative framework 3.1.1. How will the firm create value?
This first question concerns the value offering of
Building on these conceptual and theoretical roots, it is firm. Decisions here address the nature of the product
possible to develop a standard framework for characterizing service mix, the firms role in production or service
a business model. To be useful, such a framework must be delivery, and how the offering is made available
reasonably simple, logical, measurable, comprehensive, and customers. There is no business without a defined value
operationally meaningful. In seeking generalizability, the proposition, and the creation of value provides a just
extant perspectives tend to oversimplify a firms model. The cation for the business entity. Its inclusion in the model
challenge is to produce a framework that is applicable to is supported by the work of Afuah and Tucci (2001)
firms in general but which serves the needs of the individual Chesbrough and Rosenbaum (2002), and Rayport an
entrepreneur. Jaworski (2001), among others.
Accordingly, a framework is proposed that consists of
three increasingly specific levels of decision making, 3.1.2. For whom will the firm create value?
termed the foundation, proprietary, and rules levels. This question focuses on the nature and scope of
Further, at each level, six basic decision areas are market in which the firm competes. To whom will the firm
considered. The need for three levels reflects the different sell and where in the value chain will it operate? Custom
managerial purposes of a model. There is, at the foun- types, their geographic dispersion, and their interaction 5/15
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730 M. Morris et al. / Journal of Business Research 58 (2005) 726735

Table 2 3.1.3. What is the firms internal source of advantage?

Six questions that underlie a business model
The term core competency is used to capture an internal
Component 1 (factors related to the offering): How do we create value? capability or skill set that the firm performs relatively better
(select from each set)
. offering: primarily products/primarily services/heavy mix than others (Hamel, 2001). Hence, Federal Express delivers
. offering: standardized/some customization/high customization a benefit of on-time delivery based on its competency
. offering: broad line/medium breadth/narrow line logistics management, and the organization is configured
. offering: deep lines/medium depth/shallow lines around this competency. Development and enhancement
. offering: access to product/ product itself/ product bundled with other
this competency solidify the firms role in the external value
firms product
. offering: internal manufacturing or service delivery/ outsourcing/ chain and become the focus for the internal value chain.
licensing/ reselling/ value added reselling These competencies lie at the heart of the business model
. offering: direct distribution/indirect distribution (if indirect: single or (Applegate, 2001; Viscio and Pasternack, 1996). A firm can
multichannel) attempt to build advantage around one or more competen-
cies, with general sources of advantage identified by vario
Component 2 (market factors): Who do we create value for? (select from
observers (e.g., Siggelkow, 2002).
each set)
. type of organization: b-to-b/b-to-c/ both
. local/regional/national/international 3.1.4. How will the firm position itself in the marketplace?
. where customer is in value chain: upstream supplier/ downstream Core internal competencies provide the basis for exter-
supplier/ government/ institutional/ wholesaler/ retailer/ service provider/ nal positioning. The model must delineate how the entre-
final consumer
. broad or general market/multiple segment/niche market preneur intends to achieve advantage over competitor
. transactional/relational (Amit and Zott, 2001). The challenge is to identify salient
points of difference that can be maintained. The entrepre-
Component 3 (internal capability factors): What is our source of neur attempts to define a unique, defensible niche enabling
competence? (select one or more) the firm to mitigate ongoing developments in the environ-
. production/operating systems
. selling/marketing ment. Given the ability of firms to quickly imitate one
. information management/mining/packaging another, the entrepreneur seeks a positioning basis that
. technology/R&D/creative or innovative capability/intellectual more than transitory.
. financial transactions/arbitrage
. supply chain management
3.1.5. How will the firm make money?
. networking/resource leveraging
A core element of the firms business model is
Component 4 (competitive strategy factors): How do we competitively economic model (Linder and Cantrell, 2000). The eco-
position ourselves? (select one or more) nomic mode l prov ides a consistent logic for earning
. image of operational excellence/consistency/dependability/speed profits. It can be approached in terms of four subcompo-
. product or service quality/selection/features/availability
nents: operating leverage or the extent to which the cost
. innovation leadership
. low cost/efficiency structure is dominated by fixed versus variable costs;
. intimate customer relationship/experience firms emphasis on higher or lower volumes in terms
both the market opportunity and internal capacity;
Component 5 (economic factors): How we make money? (select from each firms ability to achieve relatively higher or lower margins;
set) and the firms revenue model, including the flexibility
. pricing and revenue sources: fixed/mixed/flexible
. operating leverage: high/medium/low revenue sources and prices.
. volumes: high/medium/low
. margins: high/medium/low 3.1.6. What are the entrepreneurs time, scope, and size
Component 6 (personal/investor factors): What are our time, scope, and Entrepreneurs create different types of ventures, ranging
size ambitions? (select one)
. subsistence model from lifestyle firms to rapid growth companies. Differences
. income model among venture types have important implications for com-
. growth model petitive strategy, firm architecture, resource management,
. speculative model creation of internal competencies, and economic perfo
mance. As such, an integrated business model must captur
the entrepreneurs time, scope, and size ambitions or what
requirements have significant impacts on how an organiza- might be termed the firms investment model. Examples
tion is configured, its resource requirements, and what it four such models are subsistence, income, growth, and
sells. Failure to adequately define the market is a key factor speculation. With the subsistence model, the goal is to survive
associated with venture failure. Support for the role of and meet basic financial obligations. When employing
customer considerations in delineating a firms model can income model, the entrepreneur invests to the point that
be found in Gordijn et al., 2001, Markides, 1999, and business is able to generate on ongoing and stable income
Timmers, 1998. stream for the principals. A growth model finds significant 6/15
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M. Morris et al. / Journal of Business Research 58 (2005) 726735

initial investment, but also substantial reinvestment in an to a particular venture. Where the foundation level
attempt to grow the value of the firm to the point that it generic, the proprietary level becomes strategy specific.
eventually generates a major capital gain for investors. In a The foundation level model is fairly easy to replicate
speculative model, the entrepreneurs time frame is shorter competitors; the proprietary level is not. Replication
and the objective is to demonstrate venture potential before especially difficult because of interactions among
selling out. proprietary-level components. In the earlier Dell Comput
er example, the Dell Direct Method results from pro-
3.2. Proprietary level: creating unique combinations prietary approaches to defining the value proposition and
organizing internal logistical flows.
While the foundation level is adequate to capture the
essence of a model for many firms, sustainable advantage 3.3. Rules level: establishing guiding principles
ultimately depends on the ability of the entrepreneur to
apply unique approaches to one or more of the founda- Once implemented, a models success can be tied to
tion components. Having determined that the firm will basic set of operating rules. These guidelines ensure that
sell some combination of goods directly to businesses or models foundation and proprietary elements are reflected
will sell in consumer markets at high margins and low ongoing strategic actions. Eisenhardt and Sull (2001) discuss
volumes, the entrepreneur identifies novel ways to ap- the concept of strategy as simple rules (see also Nelson and
proach such decisions. This is referred to as the propri- Winter, 1982). They discuss priority rules that determin
etary level of the model, as it entails innovation unique how Intel allocates manufacturing capacity and boundary

Table 3
Characterizing the business model of Southwest Airlines
Foundation level Proprietary level Rules
Component 1: Sell services only Short haul, low-fare, high-frequency, Maximum one-way fare should
Factors related Standardized offering point-to-point service not exceed US$___
to offering Narrow breadth Deliver fun Maximum food cost per person
Shallow lines Serve only drinks/snacks should be less than US$ ___
Sell the service by itself Assign no seats/no first class
Internal service delivery Do not use travel agents/intermediaries
Direct distribution Fully refundable fares, no advance
purchase requirement

Component 2: B2C and B2B (sell to individual travelers Managed evolution from regional airline Specific guidelines for selecting
Market factors and corporate travel departments) to servicing to 59 airports in 30 states cities to be serviced
National Careful selection of cities based on fit 85% penetration of local markets
Retail with underlying operating model
Broad market

Component 3: Production/operating systems Highly selective hiring of employees At least 20 departures per day
Internal capability that fit profile; intense focus on from airport
factors frontline employees Maximum flight distance should
Do not operate a hub and-spoke route system. be less than ___ miles
Fly into uncongested airports of small cities, Maximum flight time should be
less congested airports of large cities less than ___ minutes
Innovative ground operations approach Turnaround of flights should be
Independent baggage handling system 20 minutes or fewer
Use of Boeing 737 aircraft
No code sharing with other airlines

Component 4: Image of operational excellence/ Differentiation is achieved by Achieve best on-time record
Competitive strategy consistency/dependability stressing on-time arrival, low fares, in industry
factors passengers having a good time (spirit of fun)
Airline that love built
Component 5: Fixed revenue source Short-haul routes and high frequency of Maintain cost per passenger
Economic factors High operating leverage flights combined with consistently low prices mile below US$___
High volumes and internal efficiencies result in annual
Low margins profitability regardless of industry trends

Component 6: Growth model Emphasis on growth opportunities Managed rate of growth

Growth/exit factors that are consistent with business model 7/15
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732 M. Morris et al. / Journal of Business Research 58 (2005) 726735

rules that govern the types of movies Miramax decides to fit, where the former is concerned with a coherent
make. Girotto and Rivkin (2000) explain how Yahoo! adheres configuration of key activities within the firm and the latter
to a set of guiding rules in the formation of partnerships, a addresses the appropriateness of the configuration given
critical part of the firms business model. At Dell Computer, a external environmental conditions.
rule might involve turning inventory in 4 days or less. Rules Internal fit includes both consistency and reinforce-
are important at the level of execution of the business model. ment within and between the six subcomponents of
Consistent adherence to basic principles can distinguish two model. An economic model with high operating leverage,
companies having otherwise similar models. low margins, moderate volumes, and fixed revenue sour-
ces may, by itself, be untenable. Further, the economics
3.4. Applying the framework must fit with the other components of the model.
given economic model might not be workable when
Southwest Airlines has a robust business model that has selling in a regional b-to-b market where significant
sustained company growth for 30 years, including the investment in customer relationships is required or when
aftermath of the 9/11 terrorist tragedy that devastated the selling a value offering involving extensive customi
industry. Not surprisingly, the Southwest model has been tion. If the economic model calls for penetration pricing
copied in whole or part by others (e.g., JetBlue, RyanAir, with low margins and high fixed costs, this may imply
United Express). While some have achieved achieve note- value proposition that centers on medium to low quality
worthy performance, none of these firms has achieved the a target market that is fairly broad and relatively price
level of success as Southwest, especially in head-to-head elastic, competitive positioning based on cost leadership,
competition with the firm. Southwests superiority in and a growth-oriented investment model.
exploiting this model also makes it clear that a well- Ultimately, each component affects and is affected
conceptualized business model affects and is affected by the other components. While each is vital, the firm
such organizational variables as culture and leadership investment model effectively delimits decisions made
quality. all the other areas. For instance, a speculative business,
In Table 3, the Southwest model is first captured at the with its shorter time horizon, may require a cost structure
foundation level. Here, the focus is on what the firm is with lower operating leverage and a customer focus that
doing, as opposed to how. This level is concerned with is not predicated on long-term customer relationship
basics of the firms approach in terms of a standardized set Alternatively, if one is building a lifestyle business,
of questions. Next, at the proprietary level, Southwests firm is apt to have a more narrowly defined product and
model reflects innovation that has changed the ways in market focus, may be more dependent on customer
which other airlines operate, while reflecting an approach relationships, and is likely to require an economic model
that is difficult to replicate. From Table 3, it can be seen how that includes lower volumes. With the lifestyle venture,
the model components are exploited for advantage in an may not be necessary to invest as much in the model
innovative yet internally consistent manner. The proprietary proprietary elements.
model centers on Southwests core competency, its unique External fit is concerned with consistency between
operating system. This operating system (e.g., employee choices in the six areas of the model and conditions
policies, airport and route selection, no code sharing, the external environment. As environmental conditions
independent baggage handling, standardization of aircraft) change, the model may require adaptation or wholesale
makes possible a unique value proposition (short haul, low- change. Rindova and Kotha (2001) describe the morph-
fare, direct service that is on-time and fun). Finally, it ing of Yahoos business model from provider of search
would be easy to deviate from this model given competitive functions to supplier of content to source of interactive
and regulatory pressures. However, a number of rules help services. When confronting highly turbulent conditions,
management avoid strategic or tactical moves that are strong internal fit can undermine the firms adaptability
inconsistent with the model. Rules regarding maximum the face of a poor external fit. Companies must work
fares or flight turnaround times effectively delimit appro- disrupt their own advantages and those of competitors.
priate courses of management action, while reinforcing the Adaptability may require models with loosely fitting
strategic intent of the firm in the minds of employees. elements or introduction of new elements that change
the dynamics among existing elements.

4. Business model fit, evolution, sustainability 4.2. Emergence and evolution of models

4.1. The issue of fit Although some entrepreneurs have a clearly formulat-
ed model when undertaking a venture, many start with
Sustainability requires that model components demon- partially formed models and incomplete strategies.
strate consistency, as in the Southwest example. Consisten- process of experimentation may be involved as the model
cy can be described in terms of both internal and external emerges (and a viable model may never emerge). Lessons 8/15
4/7/2017 The Entrepreneur's Business Model: Toward a Unified Perspective (PDF Download Available)

M. Morris et al. / Journal of Business Research 58 (2005) 726735

are being learned regarding what is required to make ent activities than competitors or about performing similar
money o n a sustainable basis. As compe tencies are activities in different ways. He juxtaposes strategy against
developed, keener insights may result regarding sources operational effectiveness, a concern with performing similar
of innovation or advantage as they relate to those activities better than competitors. The business model has
competencies. The entrepreneur is also likely to become elements of both strategy and operational effectiveness. For
more strategic in his/her view of business operations over instance, a low-cost advantage deriving from a novel
time. proach to distribution might be central to the way in which
In terms of the proposed framework, a firms model firm creates value, reflecting Porters (1996) notion of strat-
might be expected to evolve from the foundation level egy. Similarly, the model might call for internal manufactur-
toward a more complete articulation of the proprietary and ing, where production processes are fairly similar to those
rules levels. Initially, the entrepreneur may have a fair competitors and the firms competitiveness in this area is
picture of the foundation level and limited notions about function of operational effectiveness.
some components at the proprietary level. As the firm Central to Porters (1996) recent work is the concept
develops and learns, it is able to flesh out more compo- of activity sets. Organizations configure activities
nents at the proprietary level, furthering its advantage, and unique ways, with advantage deriving from how activities
develops rules that guide operations and ongoing growth. fit with and reinforce one another. Activity systems can
Model evolution can also be linked to the type of venture be mapped so as to capture the evolution of organizations
being pursued. Models for survival, lifestyle, growth, and along discernable developmental paths. Siggelkow (2002)
speculative ventures might be expected to vary in formal- characterizes activity sets in terms of core elements,
ity, sophistication, and uniqueness. For instance, the pro- elaborating elements, and interactions. He notes
prietor of a lifestyle business may have an implicit model emergence over time of seven core elements in his study
in mind at start-up, and the model may never develop of the Vanguard Group. Implied in this work is a large
beyond basic decisions at the foundation level. He/she universe of potential core elements from which a subset
might develop a set of rules of thumb that support the is created and elaborated upon as a firm evolves.
basic model, such as how much inventory must move at The business model organizes these core elements and
certain times of the year. This entrepreneur may periodi- activities around six key decision areas. The model
cally deviate from the model, introducing elements that are captures all of a firms core elements, although more
inconsistent with existing elements. Alternatively, a more than one core element can fall into a given decision area.
formal, comprehensive, and potent model is needed to Further, each of the six decision areas and the interac-
provide direction and attract resources to a high growth tions between areas are supported by a variety of activity
venture. Decisions at the proprietary level become vital for sets. Unfortunately, the mapping referred to by Porter and
sustainable advantage. Siggelkow (2001) occurs after the fact. The business
Conceptually, it is possible to envision a business model model represents a framework for doing this constructing
life cycle involving periods of specification, refinement, in the early stages of a venture and for conducting
adaptation, revision, and reformulation. An initial period predictive, what-if s cenario analysis. For early stage
during which the model is fairly informal or implicit is entrepreneurs, many of the potentially most productive
followed by a process of trial and error, and a number of core activity sets are less apparent, as the firm has little
decisions are made that delimit the directions in which the experience, highlighting the importance of entrepreneurial
firm can evolve. At some point, a fairly definitive, formal vision.
model is in place. Subsequently, adjustments are made and The business model encourages the entrepreneur to
ongoing experiments are undertaken. Siggelkow (2002) conceptualize the venture as an interrelated set of strategic
characterized such adjustments in terms of augmentation, choices; (b) seek complementary relationships among ele-
reinforcement, and deletion. A basically sound model will ments through unique combinations; (c) develop activity
typically withstand economic downturns and modest distur- sets around a logical framework; and (d) ensure consisten-
bances but can become dysfunctional if major discontinuities cy between elements of strategy, architecture, economics,
occur. When external changes undermine a model, it typically growth, and exit intentions. Strategic choices that charac-
cannot be recalibrated; a new model must be constructed. terize a venture are made both intentionally and by defaul
Hence, Grove (1997) describes strategic inflection points The business model makes the choices explicit. The model
in the respecification of Intels model over time. is a relatively simple way to delimit and organize key
decisions that must be made at the outset of a venture.
4.3. Linking the business model to strategic management the foundation level, the model provides a framework
concepts deciding what not to do (e.g., what services not to offer)
and assists the entrepreneur in assessing consistencies and
The business model is consistent with a number of recognizing trade-offs among decisions. At the proprietary
emerging concepts from the field of strategic management. level, truly unique configurations are produced that can
Strategy, in Porters (1996) view, is about performing differ- result in sustainable advantage. 9/15
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734 M. Morris et al. / Journal of Business Research 58 (2005) 726735

5. Conclusions needed. Methods are also needed for appraising the model
fit with changing environmental conditions; just as critical
The business model can be a central construct in entre- are issues surrounding model implementation. One chal-
preneurship research. This article has sought to provide lenge concerns the translation of model components into
direction in addressing some of the more vexing questions operational decisions, where the importance of fit will likely
surrounding models. The model represents a strategic frame- differ by activity area. Another challenge involves exper-
work for conceptualizing a value-based venture. The pro- imenting with new strategic moves in ways that do
posed framewo rk allows the user to design, describe, compromise the model. Finally, further insights are needed
categorize, critique, and analyze a business model for any into the dynamics of model emergence and evolution.
type of company. It provides a useful backdrop for strate-
gically adapting fundamental elements of a business. By
specifying the elements that constitute a model, the frame-
work enhances the ability to assess model attributes. A
model that ignores one or more of the specified components Afuah A, Tucci CL. Internet business models. New York: McGraw-Hill/
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Citations 937 References 51

There is no single correct de nition of the elements of a business model.

However, literature review reveals that most of the business model
researchers (e.g.,Sahlman and Haapasalo, 2011;Johnson et al., 2008;Suikki
et al., 2006;Morris et al., 2005;Hedman and Kalling, 2003) seem to end up
with a very similar set of elements, i.e. value proposition and offering, value
creation system, and revenue model (i.e., value capturing) (Pekuri 2015).
These three elements (Fig. 3.) give an explanation of how value is created.

ITS service platform: in search of working business models and ecosystem

[Show abstract]

Full-text Article Dec 2017

Aki Aapaoja Juho Kostiainen Zulkarnain Zulkarnain Pekka Levikangas

Pekka Levikangas

Read full-text

Value is intended as sustainable value, thus expressed in terms of

economic, social, ethical environmental performances. Many studies have
focused on the analysis of business cases based on unique and successful
BMs (Magretta, 2002;Morris, Schindehutte & Allen, 2005). If one considers
the BM as a re ection of the strategy implemented by a company (Shafer et
al., 2005;Casadeus-Masanell & Ricart, 2010) and the " how " an organization
tailors its business model and strategy to respond to the external
environment (and the relative risks and opportunities it faces) it becomes
then important to understand how the BM is bound and it is linked to the
mission, governance and the accountability and to what extent it is resilient.

Renewing and improving the business model toward sustainability in theory and practice
[Show abstract]

Full-text Article Dec 2017

Mara Del Baldo Maria-Gabriella Baldarelli

Read full-text

sessment of EEP. Despite the relevance of business models for academics

and practitioners, there is an absence of literature and research on this
topic. Perhaps, an explanation behind the inexistence of speci c literature
lies in the lack of consensus on the conceptualisation and de nition of what
a business model is (Teece 2010; Zott et al. 2011). Morris et al. (2005refer
that there is not a generally accepted de nition of " business model " ,
instead a diversity of terminology is being used (e.g. business model,
business strategy, economic model). Another possible explanation is
related with the fact that the business model design within the
entrepreneurship eld is a recent topic (Trimi and Berb


[Show abstract] 12/15
4/7/2017 The Entrepreneur's Business Model: Toward a Unified Perspective (PDF Download Available)
Full-text Article Oct 2017

Asliza Yusoff Noor Hazlina Ahmad Hasliza Abdul-Halim

Read full-text

This led to a vast number of divergent de nitions and concepts which are
mostly determined by the different underlying perspectives (Klang et al.,
2010;Schallmo, 2012;Shafer et al., 2005;Wirtz, 2010). While Stewart and
Zhao (2000) present a quite nancial stance, other scholars choose a more
cautious approach and provide full concepts (BadenFuller and Morgan,
2010;Magretta, 2002;Morris et al., 2005;Ricart and Casadesus-Masanell,
2011). In recent years, value chain approaches have gained increasing
acceptance in business model theory.Teece (2010, 179), for example,
claims that " it's about the bene t the enterprise will deliver to customers,
how it will organize to do so, and how it will capture a portion of the value
that it delivers ".

Upcrowding energy co-operatives Evaluating the potential of crowdfunding for business model
innovation of energy co-operatives
[Show abstract]

Article Aug 2017

Mathias Dilger Tanja Jovanovic Kai-Ingo Voigt


However, rms compete in changing and often turbulent markets, and

therefore need to continuously improve and reshape their business models
(Trkman et al. 2015), performing decisionmaking processes on different
levels. Hence, a business model should integrate strategic considerations,
operational processes, and decisions related to economics, and its funding
elements should guide operational decision making and the rm's strategic
direction (Morris et al. 2005). A business model concept also fails
sometimes to depict the dynamic changes that occur at a rmlevel, and
how business model principles guide the decision-making of the

Stakeholders' roles for Business Modelling in a City Logistics ecosystem: towards a conceptual
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Full-text Conference Paper Jun 2017 Journal of Environmental Management

Giovanni Zenezini Alberto De Marco J.h.r. (Ron) Van Duin L.A. Tavasszy L.A. Tavasszy

Read full-text

This perception is consistent with most approaches in academic literature

(Wirtz, 2011;Zott and Amit, 2010). Similar to the variety of existing BM
conceptualizations, academic literature contains manifold con gurations of
BMs in terms of constituting components (e.g.Frankenberger et al.,
2013;Hendrix, 2005;Morris et al., 2005;Snchez and Ricart, 2010;Shafer et
al., 2005). For the further proceeding, it is necessary to agree on one
de nition. 13/15
4/7/2017 The Entrepreneur's Business Model: Toward a Unified Perspective (PDF Download Available)
The Driving Role of the Industrial Internet of Things for Strategic Change: The Case of Electronic
Engineering Business Models
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Full-text Conference Paper Jun 2017 Journal of Environmental Management

Christian Arnold Daniel Kiel Kai-Ingo Voigt

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