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10 Must-Read Articles from HBR as of 2010/2/5

Title: Innovation: The Classic Traps. (cover story) Kanter, Rosabeth Moss1 2010/08
Harvard Business Review; Nov2006, Vol. 84 Issue 11, p72-83

From Abstract
Four major waves and classic mistakes of innovation enthusiasm she's observed over the past 25
-Strategy Mistakes: Hurdles Too High, Scope Too Narrow
-Process Mistakes: Controls Too Tight
B -Structure Mistakes: Connections Too Loose, Separations Too Sharp
E -Skills Mistakes: Leadership Too Weak, Communication Too Poor
F Remedies
-Strategy: Widen the search, broaden the scope
-Process remedy: Add flexibility to planning and control systems
-Structure remedy: Facilitate close connections between innovators and mainstream businesses
E -Skill remedy: Select for leadership and interpersonal skills, and surround innovators with a supportive culture of
KeyWord : innovation strategy, process, structure, and skills assessment:
Interesting Point

Important Concept from my view or author’s

마지막 두 개 단락의 말!! 명심, 또 명심
F I got an idea!
R Etc.
Ernest L. Arbuckle Professor of Business Administration, Harvard Business School, Boston, tenured professor

73 매 6 년(‘management generation’-재미있는표현!)마다 성장동력(growth enabler)으로 혁신을 재조명한다
74 지난 25 년을 4 개의 competitive challenge 관점에서 구분한다면?
1. 70 년대말~80 년대초(글로벌 Information age): ex.APPLe, IBM, TQM
2. ~80 년대말(인수합병, 조직 재구축시대): ‘rallying cry’, process innovation(AA’ Sabre system)
3. ~90 년대(WWW age): 고객보다 자본시장에 관심 쏠림, 수익이나 매출 없이 부자되는 기업들..
4. ~현재: 닷컴붕괴 및 세계불황, 본연의 성장(organic growth)에 관심 집중, 고객/시장 중심, CSR
(대표 혁신사례, iPod, Swiffer)
75 World community Grid (of IBM): AIDS researcher sponsorship
74 Innovation dilemmas,
Books: In Search of Excellence , The Change Masters, Interapreneuring
 Relieving potential innovators of bureaucratic constraints
75 Winning Through Innovation: more ambidextrous organizations
When Giants Learn to Dance: managing tensions btwn powerful org’ mainstream and fragile new stream
The Innovator’s Dilemma: listening to current customers can inhibit breakthrough innovation
75 Strategy Mistakes: Hurdles Too High, Scope Too Narrow
대박 혁신만을 기대하면서 작은 혁신은 성에 안차는 현상 (2 년 안에 수억 달러를 벌어들일 수 있는 것만!)
80 년대, 90 년대의 P&G, Pillsbury, Quaker Oats 도 이런 전철을 밟았음
76 ‘Time Incorporated’ of Time Warner – before and after Don Logan (1992, took office)
76 To get more successes, you have to be willing to risk more failures.
76 Process Mistakes: Controls Too Tight
현 사업에 적용되는 사업계획수립, 예산, 평가에 대한 프로세스를 불확실할 수 밖에 없는 (inherent
uncertainty of the innovation process) 혁신 추진 조직에 적용하려는 실수
76 AlliedSignal(now Honeywell) in 2000 case: 기가 막힌 프로젝트가 분기예산 심의절차를 기다려야 했음., Want to share knowledge and wisdom with you ^^
77 Band of Boston(now part of Bank of America)의 90 년대 초 사례
77- Structure Mistakes: Connections Too Loose, Separations Too Sharp
비주류인 혁신조직이 주류(mainstream) 조직과의 관계가 너무 느슨하거나 너무 밀접해서 생김
Case: Saturn of GM, U.S. charter schools, CBS, 90 년대말 Gillette, AT&T Worldnet, Arrow Electronics
78 Skills Mistakes: Leadership Too Weak, Communication Too Poor
“구슬이 서말이라도 꿰어야 보배” 혁신조직의 수장은 최고의 기술자가 아니라 최고의 communicator 여야
78 MIT research: 상품화 소요기간 24~26 개월 vs. 혁신조직 멤버 존속기간 18 개월
79 Good case: Dr. Craig Feied – MedStar Health
79 The Lessons of Innovation (표)
Strategy: ‘Innovation Pyramid’, Transformative idea
Process: 이유식 먹은 아이에게 삼겹살 먹이는 꼴, 예외를 인정해 줘야..
Structure: 별동부대라고 따로 놀면 실패 가능성 높아.
Skills: 강한 리더십과 소통능력이 필수, 돈 줄을 잡고 있는 조직(mainstream)과 소통은 필수,
80 Innovation Remedies
80 Strategy remedy: Widen the search, broaden the scope
‘Innovation Pyramid’
InnovationJam on the Web of IBM: 37,000 ideas, 104countries, 140,000 employees and client
81 Gillette (2003~2004): innovation pyramid model 채택, 마케팅 HIT, ‘get out of jail free’ cards
81 Process remedy: Add flexibility to planning and control systems
혁신 프로젝트를 위한 특별예산,
BBC (before and after 2000), IBM-$100m. innovation fund related to InnovationJam
82 Following the rhythm of the project rather than a fixed quarterly or annual calendar. (옳소!)
82 Structure remedy: Facilitate close connections between innovators and mainstream businesses
Overlapping relationship, rotation, etc.
Publicis – ‘holistic communication, AlliedSignal, Williams-Sonoma
82 Skills remedy: Select for leadership and interpersonal skills, and surround innovators with a supportive
culture of collaboration
Shelly Nandkeolyar of Williams-Sonoma, Gail Snowden of Band of Boston’s First community Bank
CEO Sam Palmisano, EVP Nick Donofrio, vp Stanley Litow of IBM

End of page, Want to share knowledge and wisdom with you ^^

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