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30 1.3 (a) The simplest way to derive the Schwarz inequality goes as follows. First observe ((o| + (5D - (Ja) +.A15)) > 0 for any complex number }; then choose ) in such a way that the preceding inequality reduces to the Schwarz inequility. (b) Show that the equility sign in the generalized uncertainty re lation holds if the state in question satisfies AAla) = A Bla) with \ purely émaginary. (©) Explicit calculations using the usual rules of wave mechanics show that the wave function for a Gaussian wave packet given by (le) satisfies the uncertainty relation Larry Prove that the requirement (Arlo) = Gmaginary number)(:/|Ap|o) is indeed satisfied for such a Gaussian wave packet, in agreement with (b). (a) We know that for an arbitrary state |c) the following relation holds (d ‘This means that if we choase |e) = Ja) +\[3) where A is a complex number, we will have ((al + *(3)) - Qe) +.]9)) 2 0 => (ala) + Mal) + *(3Ja) + APQ313) > 0. 1, FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS: 31 If we now choose A= —(3]a)/ (3]) the previous relation will be (ala) - “pig - Seige + ARE > 0 (ala)( 9) > KiatayP. (29) Notice that the equality sign in the last relation holds when [0 = le) +A] =0 fa) ==a)9) (1.30) that is if Ja) and [9) are colinear. (b) The uncertainty relation is (QAPABY)> THEA BDE- (st) ‘To prove this relation we use the Ja) = Ala) and |) = ABla) whicl (AAPM(AB)?) > KAAMBIP. (3) Jhwarz inequality (1.29) for the vectors gives ‘The equality sign in this relation holds according to (1.30) when AAla) = Bla). (1.33) On the other hand the right-hand side of (1.32) is KAMP = ThA. BDF + EKA AYP (134) which means that the equality sign in the uncertainty relation (1.31) holds if TIAAABYP = 0 ({A4,AB})=0 = ((JAAAB + ABAAla) = 0°? X*(al(AB)"Ia) + Xal(AB?Ia) =0 = (At ¥\(a(ABP Ia) = (1.35) ‘Thus the equality sign in the uncertainty relation holds when AAla) = Bla) (1.36) with A purely imaginary. 3 (0) We have (2[Axla) = (lee—(e)I0) = 2" = (= (2)\eo). ) — eX) On the other hand (etevle) = r= (ne) = 2 fee) — (Mele) (138) But a ney 2 [iat _ wy)” ae cg, [eee = = cto get'- ©] (139) So substituting in (1.38) we have (SHle) = (nKe'la) +H e= Gy la) = lea) = ame (2) (ala) = Be eatcla) > = (elspa). (1.40) (vlAzla) 1.4 (a) Let x and p, be the coordinate and linear momentum in one dimension. Evaluate the classical Poisson bracket, Fe, F@2Ybstassicl + (b) Let x and p, be the corresponding quantum-mechanical opera- tors this time. Evaluate the commutator [rou (c) Using the result, obtained in (b), prove that. exp(S*) |e), (ale) =e) 1, FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS: 33 is an eigenstate of the coordinate operator , What is the corre- sponding eigenvalue? (a) We have [2 FOeMlnuias = FeO — Se oro) (al) (b) When 2 and pe are treated as quantum-mechanical operators we have ipa) _ | Sia) 8] _ 1 a) f0($)] = BES] -Sasren ce wt =i Direlesrelee Ta mF - yi (8) at = = Be Ima) a Aut = ~¥ ao (7 =—aexp (4) . (42) (© We have now «foo Bey] & on Bt) ty oon BA) = teep (B) 2) -cexp(H*) kr) = (ae (S) 1). (1.43) So exp (2) [z) is an eigenstate of the operator x with eigenvalue wf — a. So we can write |v =a) =Cexp Sr ), (44) where C is a constant which due to normalization can be taken to be 1. 1.5 (a) Prove the following: ) Gflelay = inZo(re (ii) (Bela) = [ater Xo, where @a()/) = Q/la) and @a(j’) = (/|3) are momentumrspace wave functions. (b) What is the physical significance of on(® where xr is the position operator and = is some number with the dimension of momentum? Justify your answer. (a) We have @ Wleley = fle J de'|2"\(2!|a) = / dz!(g|x|2/)(2'Ia) = / da'd(p\e\X2'\a) © = Afar a () cineetay = ng, [ [aca e)] ange aetigte\(eta)] = nZ (a) > (lela) nh (45) (i) (lela) = fas (abi\tela) = f arto ined i, (146) where we have used (1.45) and that (3) = d4(/) and (j/le! bal). 1, FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS: 35 (b) The operator exp (4) gives translation in momentum space. This can ified by calculating’ the following operator So when this commutator acts on an eigenstate |’) of the momentum oper- ator we will have P [ew (F afew (= (f+) fe ( wk @an= =) W/)| # [eo =)|) = (1.48) W)=4W +2), (149) where A is a constant which due to normalization can be taken to be 1. 36 2 Quantum Dynamics 2.1 Consider the spin-procession problem discussed in section 2.1 in Jackson. It can also be solved in the Heisenberg picture. Using the Hamiltonian n=-(2) ~ me. write the Heisenberg equations of motion for the time-dependent operators S,(¢), Sy(!), and S.(¢). Solve them to obtain S;,y,. a5 fune- tions of time. Ses Let us first prove the following (As, Bs] = Cs > [An Bul = Cr. @a) Indeed we have (An, Bul = UAL U' Bot] =U'ASBL -U'BsAgM = U'[As, Bs]U =U'CSU = Cy. (2.2) ‘The Heisenberg equation of motion gives Lig Lie (1am) w . © 4 = Shu. 1A) Ong) = wSy, (25 Ff Se Hl = alse FS) Sy. 2:3) lee Le sn) wd \ a qn = aS» 170) Fans (24) Se = Fis. m)] “E05 seonstant. 25) Differentiating once more eqs. (2.3) and (2.4) we get A 25. > S(t) = Acoswt + Bsinwt > S(O) Sy => Sy(t) = Ccoswt + Dsinut > Sy(0) =C. But on the other hand as, a —Awsinwt + Bweosut = —Cwooswt — Desinut > D C=-B. (2.6) —wSy > 2. QUANTUM DYNAMICS: 37 So, finally 2.2 Let (1) be the coordinate operator for a free particle in one dimension in the Heisenberg picture. Evaluate [e®,2O)]- ‘The Hamiltonian for a free particle in one dimension is given by nu£ (2.10) =: neans that: the Heisenberg equations of motion for the operators 2 and L _ PO] _ = qeomor= F[OSE] <0 10) eu) = te meth 22)-—- — Hi ean 20) Tae = FOS |= San MO t = iP) +2(0). (2.12) ‘Thus finally EO,2(0)]= [4n(0) +200), 210) 2.3 Consider a particle in three dimensions whose Hamiltonian is given by =Fuy Hes tV@- 38 By calculating [7 H/] obtain air =(E) -@-9), ‘To identify the preceding relation with the quantum-mechanical analogue of the virial theorem it is essential that the left-hand side vanish. Under what condition would this happen? ee m, Let us first calculate the commutator [2-7 H] iP oe eR] [rnZav @l = [yan @ =i E[-#] Pit Oeil. V(@)]- (2.14) a ‘The first commutator in (2.14) will give [-# (2.15) ‘The second commutator can be calculated if we Taylor expand the function V(Z) in terms of ; which means that we take V(@) = Cndn? with an independent of 1;. So Ve = fp Suet] = Dealetl= Dae Se bee Loyd Flor = yp lvalee ri + bei piles) = FplosiMbis + Mi;ms) = Dan iia! = ih Taare = it LY anc >. Oe, a (9 = EVO. (2.16) ‘The right-hand side of (2.14) now becomes a ih O amy [e-7.H) = ye pips + Mg VO) = Sip ine-YV@. im 2. QUANTUM DYNAMICS: 39 ‘The Heisenberg equation of motion gives dag = Lpepm O2B—7.8y ger = geen ewes fey = (B\_ wey ‘ Ge) = (6) (ePV), (2.18) where in the last step we used the fact that the state kets in the Heisenberg picture are independent of time. ‘The left-hand side of the last equation vanis Indeed we have Lote oi = qivll- BH] |) = (Env flr) — Ein fAn)) = 0. So to have the quantum-mechanical analogue of the virial theorem we can take the expectation values with respect to a stationaru state, ics for a stationary state, ca 2.4 (a) Write down the wave function (in coordinate space) for the state You may use m= Msston]-a(2) (~ (4)"): (b) Obtain a simple expression that the probability that the state is found in the ground state at / = 0. Does this probability change for 1 >0? (a) We have ip Jot=0) = exo (=) > (a/lo,t=0) = ) Jo) P29 (e! —aloy (2.19) (b) This probability is given by the expression KOla.t =0)F = Kee (=) OP. (2.20) It is (on (=) J da!(Qx"Xa"'|exp =") » = [drag exp [- 2] wage xexp [- ( = [datas - defur| — Fort >0 HOlo,)F = Koke(s)lo,¢ = 0/2 = KOfexp (#4) loot = OF = |" (Olo,1=0)f = Kola. = OP. 2.5 Consider a function, known as the correlation function, defined by C(t) = (e()x(0)), (2.24) where (1) is the position operator in the Heisenberg picture. Evale uate the correlation function explicitly for the ground state of a one-dimensional simple harmonic oscillator. 2. QUANTUM DYNAMICS: Al ‘The Hamiltonian for a one-dimensional harmonic oscillator is given by PO 4 tate? 2.95 Hah + hme" (t)e (2.25) So the Heisenberg equations of motion will give 1 PO ante A [er + Fru*a*(t) = FE 5 leo PO] + mt fe), 27(0)] elt) _ de 0,20 + dwt 0] SS [-2ite(t)] = -rm* (1) Differentiating once more the equations os) and (2.27) we get x(t) _ dit) en _ — hee - _ qe = de a(t) > 2(t) = Acoswt + Bsinwt > x(0) = A Ph) _ Lde(t) @2 de ~ mat —2’p(t) = p(t) = Ceoswt + Dsinut > p(0) =C. But on the other hand from (2.26) we have dt) _ A), dm —wo(0) sinwt+ Bocoswt = WO osutt4 sinwt > =H) = me: 23 =2 D=-mex(0). (2.28) So x(t) = 2(0) coset + wo sinwt (229) and the correlation function will be CO = (e(Dx(0)) © 2) cost + (KOO) sinet. (2.30) 2 ince we are interested in the ground state the expectation values appearing in the last relation will be (20) = Os labatyatatyo) = 5 (X0)2(0)) = [oat ~aj(a+a')l0) 2m ‘Thus 2.6 Consider a one-dimensional simple harmonic oscillator. Do the following algebraically, that is, without using wave functions. (a) Construct a linear combination of |0) and 1) such that (r) is as large as possible. (b) Suppose the oscillator is in the state constructed in (a) at ¢ = 0. What is the state vector for i > 0 in the Schrédinger picture? Evaluate the expectation value (x) as a function of time for ¢ > 0 using (i) the Schrédinger picture and (ii) the Heisenberg picture. (c) Evaluate ((Ar}) as a function of time using either picture. (a) We want to find a state Ja) = al0) + er]L) such that (x) is as large as possible, The state a) should be normalized. This means 1>lal=yi-leP. (234) We can write the constands ¢ and ¢; in the following form lo? + Ie (2.35) 2. QUANTUM DYNAMICS: 43 ‘The average (r) in a one-dimensional simple harmonic oscillator is given by (2) = (alela) = (Ol + ef(1)) x (a0) + ell) = leof (Ol |0) + cfer(Ole[1) + efeo(fe10) + let eH) P, ‘| ‘| = jal ‘oe +a'|o) + ay sole +a") +efeo Baths sella + att) he Tw (Ger) (2.36) ae) _ aal~” ) —6)=05h=h+nT, neZ (2.38) Bat for (c) maximum we want also Fa <0Sn=%, kez. (2.39) abt I=Sanax So we can write that fe) =e Io) + orp) = cL) +1). 00) Be a va We can always take dy = 0. Thus (241) (b) We have Jas fc) = Ja). So lastest) = Ultto = O)la,to) = a) = Se 7 1 12 12 L = Sy (0) +1) = Spee? (0) +“) (3) In the Schrédinger picture ()s = (a,tostlesla,tost)s 1 int (2, iate/ 2, mivt/2| iusst/2| [se lo) + e/2(1))| x B /219) + e%*/2]1)) Lee/2—H/ (fr ]1) + Ae#/2—4/2), 1 fr ]0) (ii) In the Heisenberg picture we have from (2.29) that an(t) = 2(0)esut +O sinut. mw (alenlay [2501 + Zp] (:io)ax wt mm) [Jgo>= 510] = Seoswt (Ole) + $oaswt(Ifx|0) + ¢ cL sinat(oblt) (c) It is known that (Ary) = (2?) = (2)? (2.45) 2. QUANTUM DYNAMICS: 45 Tn the eans that YS = (a,tostle?]o,tos!)s = [Lew sit 2 [LL (mista icity = [Beal +2) 2? | (A I0) +e") va v2 3 I2 2 i = [Fee Gfaa!]0) + fe faat IL) + H(Jaal1)] tS hoot = figayey OAT = B84 go ant ea) So s - pagewte in? wt. (2.48) In the Heisenberg picture : 0) oil) = [a anur+ sina = r%(0) cos*wt + 4 LOK) ma cosutsinut + 2O2O) cos sctsinwt re = et tal? + aat + ala) oot ut rr mio (a? +a! — aa — ata) sin? wt i fn — t\(at — ta ng taal a i fiw, sin? ma Sms ~ O0+F nh = se? tal 4 cat + ata)cat wt Imo aoe? +a! at —ata) sin2uct + (al? a2) Brew Bmw = A ty at Tes hi 2? cog 9 = lal tala) + Fw cos dot + 5 ral eos it ata = 0?) sin Wot, (249) which means that in = leila) = s| ! 1+ Zot x [aat + ata + a? coset + a! coset + i(al? =a = A [lolattoy + (feat + (etal) h = ensetys, (2.50) Arne) me 251) 2.7 A coherent state of a one-dimensional simple harmonic oscil- lator is defined to be an eigenstate of the (non-Hermitian) annihi- lation operator «: ald) = AD), where ) is, in general, a complex number. (a) Prove that Pp) = PRP") is a normalized coherent state. (b) Prove the minimum uncertainty relation for such a state. 2. QUANTUM DYNAMICS: AT (© Write |d) as DP) = LC). a Show that the distribution of |/(n)[? with respect to n is of the Poisson form, Find the most probable value of n, hence of F, (@) Show that a coherent state can also be obtained by applying the translation (finite-displacement) operator ¢~'"/* (where p is the momentum operator, and / is the displacement distance) to the ground state. () Show that the coherent state |A) remains coherent under time- evolution and calculate the time-evolved state |)(/)). (Hint: di- rectly apply the time-evolution operator.) (a) We have al) = F/2a¢%"I0) = cP? [a] 0), (2.52) since a0) = 0, The commutator is [ae] = [oS 1 uty] = $8 Las fataty] = yay Yat [a,at] (at = > te yay mim et mam = = ad S0uly = (2.53) An So from (2.52) afd) = PP? e"]0) = Ad), (2.54) which means that |A) isa coherent state, Ifit is Indeed normalized, it should satisly (ol PRG 22t9) 1 ma fm) = ehh PP], (2.55) (b) According to problem (1.3) the state should satisfy the following relation Ar) = cpp), (2.56) where Ar = x —(Alr[A), Ap = p— (Apa) and c is a purely imaginary number. Since |) is a coherent state we have ald) = AD) > lat = QD". (2.57) Using this relation we can write a[\) = \ ar) = (2.58) and «) = ov) = Fale tat) = fom) + Olen») = pan (2.59) and s0 i “ (9 AP) = @—(2))P) = yg — A). (2.60) Similarly for the momentum p = 4/24(at — a) we have Ins inks . pA) = vi 5 a))) =4/—=(a' — ap) (2.61) 2. QUANTUM DYNAMICS: 49 and is , ”) = Mle'D) = Aled) = (2.62) and so Ap) = (p—(r))A) = = Ap). (2.63) =x) > xp) So using the last relation in (2.60) Az) (Say = An) 61) za and thus the minimum uncertainty condition is sat (©) The coherent state can be expressed as a superposition of energy eigen- states b)= Loeb) = dso). (2.65) = = for the expansion coxflidents f(n) we have Fr) = (ad) = (nfe“PP2e™"Y0) = ePP/¢nfe™" fo) PGS Hoatyn|oy = che? SS 4 Aan 4% smi "(n|(aty"I0) epee . vid Nt (2.66) = WAS 1 ymin dam le = QO \which means that the distribution of [/(n) with respect ton is ofthe Poisson type about some mean value 77= [A[?. exh?) or) ‘The most probable value of n is given by the maximum of the distribution [f(x) which can be found in the following way » ert ; espe 4 PP) _ APS V@Pr ~ Beppe) nti which means that. the most probable value of n is [AP (d) We should check if the state exp(—ipl/fi 0) is an eigenstate of the an nihilation operator a, We have exp (—ipl/M) [0) = [a,e-*”) [0) (2.69) (268) since a0) = 0. For the commutator in the last relation we have [acon] yr* (2.70) where we have used that [a7] ez) So substituting (2.70) in (2.69) we get lexi) 0) (2.7) which means that the state exp(—ip!/h) |0) is a coherent state with eigen- value 1,/3%. (c) Using the hint we have alesp(—ipl/f) [|= mn even A =o vit DO) = UMD) =*"p) "In) 2. QUANTUM DYNAMICS 5 = 12 1 (23.9) Ca sit 4 1 = iEnt/Me=|AP/2, 71.) (289) FE twln+9) --P/2, 7 = emurehe Spy 2 Ye DoW aarhn) = = mA beeen’ iat /2] emia) (2.73) a ‘Thus alo) cP a)er™) de™ [X(0)). nist mista] emit 2.8 The quntum mechanical propagator, for a particle with mass m; moving in a potential is given by: Keeysh) = [dee K(0.y.0)= AL ago where A is a constant. (@) What is the potential? (b) Determine the constant A in terms of the parameters describing the system (such as m, r etc. ). We have K(ayE) = f de® K(a,y;1,0) = £ dtr, tly,0) = [Pacem ay) = fp ae Leakey) = [tc LeMaoly) = Loaledentu) [et erar = Danii = Yawsug (215) So Fy (2.76) an eigenvalue Fy, and eigenfanetions ¢n(.r) are given by a(t) = = m7) Comparing with (2.76) we get $= L= and J 0 frd Or dh Be P4+we=0. (2.82) which is the equation of motion for the system, This can be solved to give 2(0) = Acoswt + Bsinwt (2.83) with boundary conditions x(t=0) = m=A (2.84) = rp =aycoswl + BsinwT = BsinwT = rp — rpcoswT => erm tocol” _ nat 2.85) B= So at) = sinw! H) = With these at hand we have a fo = y= 2 dma = ff duc(a.a)= ff at (fe? - rats?) = f at [i rh) — — “(or - soc.) + aces] = 2eoe7] (2.88) 2.11 The Lagrangian of the single harmonic oscillator is c= bt bie! (a) Show that exo 2] 40, 15305ta) where S. is the action along the classical path xy from (sta;/.) to (2oyf) and G is GO, 1450, ta) = (estifeata) 2. QUANTUM DYNAMICS: 55 din, [din nda ( pot where c= A=. (Hint: Let y(t) = 2(¢)— xa(t) be the new integration variable, a(t) being the solution of the Euler-Lagrange equation.] (b) Show that G can be written as ) fen wsadyyerp(—nTon) where n= | ; | and ni is its transpose. Write the symmetric . UN matrix a. (© Show that aN [ai --duverd—nTon) = f ane mas Viet [Hint: Diagonalize by an orthogonal matrix.] (d) Let (2%)” deter = detory = py. Define j x j matrices 0 that con- sist of the first j rows and j columns of of; and whose determinants are pj. By expanding 0%, in minors show the following recursion formula for the p,: Pit j (2.89) ©) Let ¢ the limit ep; for t= 1, + je and show that (2.89) implies that in + 0,1) satisfies the equation & de wl) with initial conditions (¢ = 1.) =0, “2 (f) Show that tokats) = ear 45 rae t+) os(u)— 20} where T= ly — las (a) Becanse at any given point the position kets in the Heisenberg picture form a complete set, it is legitimate to insert the identity operator written as J do|et)(ct| = 1 (2.90) So (totiltata) = him, / daydry.... dey astlayty)(axty|twartwe) «+X (wepaliga eit) -..(ritilrata). (2.91) Tt is (vaprtisaled:) = (wisafe™ Mf) = (espa ae) = (eaafeTHOF er.) (Gince c is very small) = (ri fete =|) = HIE oy OFF), 2.92) For the second term in this last equation we have EF “£2, (eile FF) =f dpslavale**[p)(oske) =f dove (eon br(nlei) 1 = ma sa | os a 1 [ane Bali Ronen Bearer] ah HE cpdeareey/n = pyres / dpectrea PPB} 2. QUANTUM DYNAMICS: = ete ah = (2.93) Substituting this in (2.92) we get = (PL)? eAlibesrni-tont 2.94 (cisatiga biti) = Sane) © (2.94) and this into (2.91): (ifsleate) = J Drexp {Este} = . op fiw lim, fan. wdey (s ) esa Let ft) = a(t) rat) > a( boundary conditions y(t.) = w(te) have Dr = Dy and ‘ Ske] = Swy+ael= f" cet aani+ tad is -[° oe Sl ve S| oa ae |* al al so Se La), (east) = J woe ft [sng arty] a} e— jones} . y(t) +ralt) > £(t) = Gt) + fa(t) with 0. For this new integration variable we iL Lea fl bmi? — drau?y? dt. So with G (0,00, ta) = alin, fan weedy (b) For the argument of the exponential in the last relation we have m x my [Rua ~ ua ema?uj] 9) ; BL agiay, OID) wos —uuon) ~ 5 Do seme adiy) Es na? & , Th x yidizyj(2.96) tep is written in such a form so that the matrix o will be we have 2uidisys — uidisrrrys — vides Mi) — _) [apse duverh non) (297) with 2-1 0 0 0 0 -1 2-1 0 0 0 o-1 2 00 0 fot fot Ps) 0 0 0 2-1 0 00 O..-1 2 1 (©) We can diagonalize o by a unitary matrix U. Since o is following will hold o = Uap =o? = UT on(UtY = UT op" =o > U (2.99) So we can diagonalize o by an orthogonal matrix R. So o=RopR and detR=1 (2.100) Which means that [arncton =f dinero Hote BES | UN cerre = [faerer@] [f acon] ...[f deve] eT PR aN xp an VTL a (2.101) 2. QUANTUM DYNAMICS: 59 where a; are the diagonal elements of the matrix op. (@) From (2.98) we have (2.102) We define j x j matrices of that consist of the first j rows and j columns of oy. So 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 det of, = det : 0 0 0 0 0 0 From the above it is obvious that det of — det of > "pj — jar for j= 2,3,.. det of 44 Div (2.103) with py = 1 and p, (©) We have OD = Hla + 52) = le +G +0) = => tte) So. Motte) 2 SS a td Lb dt wilt) > From (c) we have also that le) and # Kat a) ‘The general solution to (2.105) is, At) = Asin(wt +5) and from the boundary conditions (2-106) and (2.107) we have Hla) =0 = Asin(wla +5) = 0 5=—wh, tne neZ which gives that (@) = sinw(t — ta), while Ay 297) ‘Thus sinw(t— ta) = (1) Gathering all the previous results together we get . m_\wHy pNP @ = tn (Se) el = w(t). (2.105) (2.106) (2.107) (2.108) (2.109) (2.110) (211) 2. QUANTUM DYNAMICS: 61 -y2 me, x - (5) [te (# deto ann) (2.112) So from (a) (otoltata) = [2 + 22) cos = 222] 2.12 Show the composition property [eek hex by rist)Kp(argtrstosto) = Ky(025t25:005t0) where K;(1,l130;l0) is the free propagator (Sakurai 2.5.16), by explicitly performing the integral (i.e. do not use completeness). We have [der Kyl2astast1,h)K 2r5 ts toto)

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