Journal of Hydrology: Mahyat Shafapour Tehrany, Biswajeet Pradhan, Mustafa Neamah Jebur

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Journal of Hydrology 504 (2013) 6979

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Spatial prediction of ood susceptible areas using rule based decision

tree (DT) and a novel ensemble bivariate and multivariate statistical
models in GIS
Mahyat Shafapour Tehrany, Biswajeet Pradhan , Mustafa Neamah Jebur
Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM, Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia

a r t i c l e i n f o s u m m a r y

Article history: Flood is one of the natural hazards which occur all over the world and it is critical to be controlled
Received 11 August 2013 through proper management. Severe ood events in Kelantan, Malaysia cause damage to both life and
Received in revised form 21 September 2013 property every year, and therefore the development of ood model to recognize the susceptible areas
Accepted 22 September 2013
in watersheds is important for decision makers. Remote sensing (RS) and geographic information system
Available online 29 September 2013
This manuscript was handled by Geoff Syme,
(GIS) techniques could be useful in hydrological studies while they are able to fulll all the requirements
Editor-in-Chief for comprehensive, rapid and accurate analysis. The aim of the current research is to compare the predic-
tion performances of two different approaches such as rule-based decision tree (DT) and combination of
frequency ratio (FR) and logistic regression (LR) statistical methods for ood susceptibility mapping at
Flood susceptibility Kelantan, Malaysia. DT is based on the rules which are created precisely and strongly by considering
Decision tree (DT) all the characteristics of the variables which can enhance the performance of the ood susceptibility
Ensemble mapping. On the other hand, LR as multivariate statistical analysis (MSA) has some weak points. For that
GIS reason, FR was used to analyze the impact of classes of each variable on ood occurrence and overcome
Remote sensing the weakness of LR. At rst, ood inventory map with a total of 155 ood locations was extracted from
Malaysia various sources over the part of the Kelantan. Then the ood inventory data was randomly divided into a
testing dataset 70% (115 ood locations) for training the models and the remaining 30% (40 ood loca-
tions) was used for validation purpose. The spatial database includes digital elevation model (DEM), cur-
vature, geology, river, stream power index (SPI), rainfall, land use/cover (LULC), soil type, topographic
wetness index (TWI) and slope. For validation both success and prediction rate curves were performed.
The validation results showed that, area under the curve for the results of DT and integrated method of FR
and LR was 87% and 90% for success rate and 82% and 83% for prediction rate respectively.
2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction tives. Generally, damages can be direct and indirect, or tangible

and intangible which all should be considered in ood damage
Flood is considered as a severe natural hazard and the coverage assessment (Merz et al., 2004; Smith and Ward, 1998). Opolot
of its damages is not measurable (Rozalis et al., 2010). Kron (2002) (2013) stated that between 2000 and 2008 almost 99 million peo-
describes ooding as a result of heavy precipitation and snow ple per year were affected by ood alone worldwide. The frequent
melting that makes the rivers overow form their normal border increase of ood events are mainly due to rapid urbanization and
and temporarily covers the land which was not used to be covered civilization along the rivers, and also cutting the forests (Bronstert,
by water. This type of ooding is classied as river ood. While 2003; Christensen and Christensen, 2003). For that reason, suscep-
there are two other types of ash ood and coastal ood exist, tible areas to the ood should be detected in order to avoid gener-
but river ood can be predicated through proper methods (Jonk- ating more development in these areas and also to be able to have
man, 2005). In natural hazard management especially in ood fast emergency response in various circumstances.
management time is one of the most important factors i.e. the em- High frequency of the ood occurrence in Malaysia made this
ployed model should be fast in order to assist the early warning disaster as the most important natural hazard causing many
and prevention measures. Many studies have been done in order deaths, loss of properties and damages to the ecosystem (Pradhan
to measure and classify the ood impacts from various perspec- and Youssef, 2011). Since the 1920s many reports have been re-
corded about the ood occurrences in Malaysia. Department of Irri-
Corresponding author. Tel.: +60 3 89466383; fax: +60 3 89466459. gation and Drainage (DID) stated that 9% of land area (29,800 km2)
E-mail addresses:, (B. Pradhan). in Malaysia is susceptible to ood and also 22% of the population

0022-1694/$ - see front matter 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
70 M.S. Tehrany et al. / Journal of Hydrology 504 (2013) 6979

(4.82 million) is affected by this disaster (Pradhan, 2010a). Kelan- used, it makes the entire modeling process time consuming (Gha-
tan is one of the 13 states of Malaysia and is highly affected by lkhani et al., 2012). However, fuzzy logic model has more transpar-
the annual monsoon oods during last decades. Recently, heavy ent structure than ANN and has been employed in a variety of
monsoons rainfall has triggered oods in Malaysia and especially hydrological applications (Tilmant et al., 2002). Also some qualita-
threatens some states such as Kelantan, Terengganu and Pahang tive methods like analytic hierarchy process (AHP) require expert
which are located along Malaysias east coast (Pradhan and You- knowledge and contains many biases (Matori, 2012). This method
ssef, 2011). The ood cost nearly million dollars of property and is recommended to be used for regional studies, while the global
many lives which could have been prevented or mitigated if an solution and transferable method is required in ood applications
early warning system was in place. Human activities such as inter- (Ayalew and Yamagishi, 2005). Fernndez and Lutz (2010) used
ference in natural cycle by land use/cover (LULC) changes, un- multicriteria decision analysis of AHP for the purpose of ood map-
planned urban expansion near to the bank of the rivers, and ping over the cities of Yerba Buena and Tucuman in Tucumn Prov-
uncontrolled construction of buildings can inuence the spatial ince, Argentina. They also stated that the method can be affected
and temporal pattern of hazards. Therefore, an assessment of the by the judgment of the experts (Chang et al., 2008).
basin structure, climate condition, and susceptible areas, assists Traditional methods are mostly based on linear assumption
to prevent the damages which threat the human lives and which is not proper for catchment studies which has nonlinear
properties. structure (Liu and De Smedt, 2004). While the aforementioned
Usually, ood management can be done through four stages: methods contained some weak points, GIS analysts has been trying
prediction, preparation, prevention and damage assessment (Kon- to develop more sophisticated and ensemble methods to minimize
adu and Fosu, 2009). The efciency of RS and GIS made the revolu- the disadvantages of previous methods. For instance adaptive-net-
tion in hydrology and specially ood management which could work-based fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) which is a combination
fulll all the requirements of each stage. Different types of analyses of ANN and fuzzy interface system (FIS) is found to be optimal
can be done prior to the ood occurrence, during and after its (Tien Bui et al., 2012b; Akgun et al., 2012). It needs minimum input
event. Traditional ood models are increasingly improved or re- from expert and performs fast, thus appears better suited to the
placed by rule-based and automated methods which are more ro- ood environment studies. The problem is, it entails a large num-
bust in hazard analyses (Hostache et al., 2013). So oods can be ber of parameters which limits its use and reduce the demand due
predicted and the ood risk and vulnerable areas can be mapped to the difculty of data collection (Chau et al., 2005). Similarly, ge-
out. Through susceptibility analysis the areas which have high po- netic algorithm-based articial neural network (ANN-GA) which is
tential to the ooding can be recognized and therefore; early warn- a hybrid integration of ANN and genetic algorithm (GA) algorithms
ing and emergency response can be performed in order to facilitate is another example of such modeling that takes advantage of the
early preparations and decrease the effects of the disaster (Kia characteristics of both schemes (Wan et al., 2012). Although this
et al., 2012). method can increase solution stability and improve the perfor-
mance of an ANN model, it requires longer computation time
and additional modeling parameters are needed (Dawson et al.,
2. Previous studies 2006).
For statistical approaches it is the rule to dene strict assump-
In the recent years, many methods have been developed and tions prior to study which is considered as a drawbacks of such ap-
applied in ood susceptible mapping. Some hydrological models proaches (Benediktsson et al., 1990). Also, it is difcult to utilize
such as WetSpa (Liu and De Smedt, 2004), HYDROTEL (Fortin them for real-life applications. However, statistical based logistic
et al., 2001) and SWAT (Jayakrishnan et al., 2005) are integrated regression model (LR) could overcome these drawbacks and pro-
with RS and GIS for the purpose of data collection and spatial anal- duce an easy way of analysis which does not require prior assump-
ysis. But more robust and automated methods are needed to be tion and can be ensemble with other bivariate statistical analysis
used in order to solve the disadvantages of the traditional hydro- (BSA) methods such as frequency ratio (FR) (Ayalew and Yamagi-
logical methods (Li et al., 2012). Townsend and Walsh (1998) is shi, 2005). Although multivariate LR is a robust method among
one of the pioneer studies that proved the possibility of ood pre- other statistical methods, it still has some disadvantages to analyze
diction through RS modeling in GIS environment. In the literature, the classes of each ood inuencing parameter. To eliminate those
many methods have been reported using these techniques such as weaknesses some studies used LR as bivariate to solve this prob-
Youssef et al. (2011), Pradhan (2010a), Pradhan et al. (2009), Gar- lem, but LR has some limitations to perform BSA as it uses the clas-
ca-Pintado et al. (2013), Stephens et al. (2012), Prakash et al. ses as an indicator and does not consider it in the analysis (Szen
(2012), Degiorgis et al. (2012), Hostache et al. (2010) and many and Doyuran, 2004; Pourghasemi et al., 2012b, 2013a,b). Another
more. Although some of them were able to produce acceptable re- statistical method is FR which is able to perform BSA and analyze
sults, still they contain some weak points that need to be improved the impact of classes of each variable on ooding. The weak point
(Matgen et al., 2007). of this method is the relationship between the variables which is
For instance articial neural network (ANN) as a popular meth- mostly neglected. A recent study by Lee et al. (2012) is a proof of
od in ood and other disaster modeling is considered as a black box this statement as they applied individual FR model to map the
which has complex procedure, needs high computer capacity and ood sustainable areas in Busan, Korea. So combination of FR and
its performance is not easy to understand (Maier and Dandy, LR can produce a comprehensive method, which can analyze the
2000; Pradhan and Buchroithner, 2010). Flood susceptibility map- inuence of classes of each conditioning factor on ooding. So
ping using ANN methods have been applied in various parts of the the current research aims to use FR to perform BSA in order to pro-
world (Dixon, 2005; Islam et al., 2001; Kia et al., 2012). Kia et al. duce the information of classes of each variable, and use them as
(2012) used ANN model and simulated the ood-prone areas at Jo- an input of LR to overcome the disadvantages of both the methods.
hor River Basin, Malaysia. They stated that this technique is able to On the contrary, DT as an advanced method which is very new
deal with uncertainties in the input dataset and can extract infor- in the area of ood analysis compared to other methods such as
mation from incomplete or contradictory dataset (Oh and Pradhan, ANN (Saito et al., 2009). DT which is based on machine learning
2011; Pradhan, 2010a). But poor predictions can be expected when theory and is a type of statistical analysis, unlike other statistical
the validation data contain values outside of the range of those methods, makes no statistical assumptions and can handle data
used for training. In the case where large number of variables are from various measurement scales. It performs fast and permits to
M.S. Tehrany et al. / Journal of Hydrology 504 (2013) 6979 71

identify homogeneous groups with various susceptibility levels.

Also it can facilitate the construction of the rules for making pre-
dictions about individual cases and for complex relationships (Tien
Bui et al., 2012a). Saito et al. (2007) and Pradhan (2012) are good
examples of studies that utilized DT to map the susceptible areas
for landslides and they indicated that DT models are efcient for
this purpose. However, DT has not been used for ood susceptibil-
ity assessment.
The current research aims to perform ood susceptibility map-
ping for the part of the Kelantan River basin using an advanced
rule-based DT and ensemble statistical method of FR and LR. The
proposed methods have not applied before in ood susceptibility
mapping. Therefore, it is expected that using rule based method
the weak points of previous methods as reported in the literature
will be solved. Also, as the LR and FR are able to generate the model
separately, they were used individually in most of the studies.
However, both LR and FR have some limitations that the authors
believe that the results can be enhanced through their

3. Study area and data

This study focuses on the part of Kelantan River Basin in North Fig. 1. Flood location map with hill-shaded map of Kelantan state, Malaysia.
East part of Peninsular Malaysia, covering 923 km2. Kelantan state
is one of the 13 states of Malaysia and Kelantan River is the major
river in Kelantan state. About 85% of the Kelantan states has been
contains ood conditioning factors was prepared and con-
covered by the basin.
structed. The selection of the conditioning factors varies form
Due to the geographical location of the study area, it attracts
one study area to another based on different characteristics of
much tourism. Unfortunately monsoon oods affect the area every
each place. As one variable can have high degree of impact in
year. In this study, the ood event of November 2005 was used as
ooding in a specic area, it can be without any inuence in an-
ood inventory. This event was recorded as the worst ooding in
other region (Kia et al., 2012). For current research these vari-
Kota Bahru. It resulted in strong ooding of urban and rural areas.
ables were selected based on eld survey and the information
Based on the location and characteristic of this state and the pre-
obtained from the literature (Kia et al., 2012). A total of ten con-
dicted climate condition in this area, it is obvious that Kelantan
ditioning factors were used in ood susceptibility mapping: dig-
is highly susceptible to the ood occurrence. Kelantan state gener-
ital elevation model (DEM), curvature, geology, river, stream
ally contains at slope and moderately sloping areas, but the upper
power index (SPI), rainfall, land use/cover (LULC), soil type, topo-
catchment which is located in the southern part of this stat can be
graphic wetness index (TWI) and slope. Table 1 shows all the
considered as major run-off zone to the Kelantan River (Pradhan,
conditioning factors and their characteristics. Each factor was
2010a). The study area contains various soil types and ne sandy
transformed into a grid spatial database by 15  15 m size and
loam is the dominant soil type in major part of the catchment
the grid of the Kelantan area was constructed by 2449 columns
(Pradhan and Youssef, 2011).
and 2622 rows (4,102,724 pixels; 923 km2). All conditioning fac-
tors were classied using quantile method for FR modeling (Aya-
3.1. Flood inventory map lew and Yamagishi, 2005).
These days, topographic data with high precision are becom-
The precision of the historical ood events has very high impact ing increasingly available for ood application studies in most of
on the accuracy of the ood susceptibility map (Merz et al., 2007). the countries. It has direct impact on the output of modeling and
Flooded locations were identied and an inventory map was pre- many studies limits by lack of the proper topographic data
pared using November 2005 ood event. The inventory map was (Bates et al., 2003). This conditioning factor and its derivatives
split to 70% and 30% for the purpose of training and testing respec- play major role to recognize the susceptible areas to ood occur-
tively (Ohlmacher and Davis, 2003). The training ood locations rence (Pradhan, 2009). Mostly the ood prone can be detected in
(115 points) were selected randomly to produce the dependent low elevation and at areas. A digital elevation model (DEM)
data which made up by 0 and 1 values. As the value of 1 represents was used as a perfect source to derive topographic factors of
the existence and the value of 0 illustrates the absence of ooding slope, curvature, SPI and TWI. Rapid ows are made by steeper
over the area. Additionally, same numbers of points (115) were se- slopes, but oods tend to occur on gentle slopes. In the DEM
lected as non-ooded areas to assign the value of 0 to them. It is (0865) map, ten categories were constructed as can be seen
expected to enhance the precision of the results through the con- in Fig. 2a. Curvature was classied into three classes such as
sideration of non-ooded areas in the analysis. The rest of the ood concave, convex and at (Fig. 2b). In the study area, various
events (40 points) were used for the purpose of testing. Fig. 1 types of geological formations can be found in different catch-
shows the map of the Kelantan area and the ooded areas. ments. The main lithology of the study area consists of igneous
rock, limestone and sedimentary rock (Fig. 2c) (Pradhan and
3.2. Flood conditioning factors Youssef, 2011). Sedimentary rocks cover more than 72% of the
study area making it high potential for ooding. In the case of
The ood conditioning factors and their relationship with the the river map, eleven buffer categories (5 m, 15 m, 25 m, 50 m,
ooding need to be assessed (Liu and De Smedt, 2005). In order 100 m, 200 m, 400 m, 800 m, 1000 m, 2000 m and 4000 m) were
to perform susceptibility analysis the spatial database that compiled using the multi-ring buffer tool in ArcGIS 10 software
72 M.S. Tehrany et al. / Journal of Hydrology 504 (2013) 6979

Table 1 Table 1 (continued)

Results of ensemble FR and LR in each case.
Factor Class FR Logistic coefcient
Factor Class FR Logistic coefcient
0.2 to 1.8 0.8
DEM 219 2.2 0.009 1.92.8 0.5
19.120 1.1 2.93.9 0.5
20.134 2 45.4 0.8
34.139 0.9 5.57 1
39.140 1.5 7.18.4 1.3
40.160 1 8.59.5 1.6
60.198 0.3 9.617.2 1.7
98.1144 0.5
Slope 0 1.5 0.014
144.1230 0.2
0.11.5 1.2
230.1865 0.1
1.62.1 1.9
Curvature Concave 0.8 0.017 2.24.3 1.2
Flat 1.2 4.48.2 0.6
Convex 0.8 8.313.2 0.5
Geology Igneous rocks 1.4 0.009 13.317.7 0.2
Limestone 0 17.822.1 0
Sedimentary rocks 0.9 22.227.3 0.5
27.487.6 0.2
River 5m 0 0.006
15 m 2.1
25 m 0.7
50 m 1.4
100 m 1.3 (Fig. 2d). In the SPI (13.8 to 10.8), map, ten categories were
200 m 1.7 constructed (Fig. 2e).
400 m 0.7 Rainfall data was acquired from the water level station and was
800 m 1.1
1000 m 0.7
categorized into ten classes (Fig. 2f). It is obvious that there is a
2000 m 0.6 negative relationship exists between occurrence of ooding and
4000 m 0 vegetation density. Rainfalls on the bare lands ow rapidly com-
SPI 13.8 to 10.2 1.3 0.02 pared to the farmlands and forest areas. This indicates that urban
10.3 to 7.7 0.9 areas with impervious surfaces yield more storm runoff compared
7.8 to 5.6 1.1 to similar areas covered by mass vegetation and forest. For that
5.7 to 4.3 1.6
reason, landuse/landcover (LULC) map was extracted from SPOT
4.4 to 2.8 1.9
2.9 to 1.4 0.9 5 imagery acquired in 2005 and classied into ten classes: mixed
1.5 to 0.6 0.7 horticulture, brush (shrubs), paddy, mangrove, urban, grassland,
0.7 to 0.1 0.3 rubber, clear land, forest and oil palm were constructed for this
0.21.1 0.7 conditioning factor (Fig. 2g). Rubber covers 56% of the study area
1.210.8 0.4
which is considered as the dominant land cover. The study area
Rainfall 23052669 1.5 is characterized by twelve different types of soil series as can be
26702842 1.9
28432985 1.1
seen in Fig. 2h)). In the TWI (9.3 to 17.2) and slope (087.6) maps,
29863094 0.7 ten categories were constructed for each factor (Fig. 2i, and Fig. 2j
30953221 0.9 respectively). Nearly 70% of the Kelantan basin has slope angles
32223333 0.2 ranging from 0 to 5 which indicates high potential for river
33343456 0.4
34573579 0.6
35803712 1.8
37133847 0.7
LULC Mixed horticulture 3.9 0.08 4. Methodology
Bush(shrubs) 0
Paddy 3.4
4.1. Statistical analysis
Mangrove 1.4
Urban 5.5
Grassland 3.7 The use of ood susceptibility maps for the purpose of LULC
Rubber 0.9 planning has increased signicantly during the last few decades
Cleared land 6.1 (Cerra and Prange, 2012). Such mapping assists to recognize and
Forest 0.2
Oil Palm 0.3
categorize the areas which are threatened by present or future
ooding. In this paper, statistical analysis was chosen. For model-
Soil types 1 3.7 0.015
2 3.2
ing purpose, both DT and ensemble FR and LR methods were used
3 1.7 to compare and evaluate their efciency in ood susceptibility
4 2.5 mapping.
5 0
6 0.3
7 1.6
8 2.1 4.1.1. Bivariate statistical analysis (BSA)
9 1 FR as an efcient BSA method is used to evaluate the inuence
10 0.9 of classes of each conditioning factor on ood occurrence (Lee
11 0.1
et al., 2012). The FR is dened as the ratio of the probability of
12 0
an occurrence to the probability of a non-occurrence for given
TWI 9.3 to 4.2 0.7 0.011
attributes (Lee and Pradhan, 2007; Pradhan et al., 2010, 2011).
4.3 to 0.1 1.3
Usually FR is an easy method and its performance is understand-
able for the users (Yilmaz, 2007). The greater the FR is, the stronger
M.S. Tehrany et al. / Journal of Hydrology 504 (2013) 6979 73

Fig. 2. Input thematic layers: (a) DEM (b) Curvature (c) Geology (d) River (e) SPI (f) Rainfall (g) LULC (h) Soil (i) TWI (j) Slope.

the relationship between ood happening and the variable (Prad- the weights for each conditioning factor which can be used in GIS
han, 2010b). to produce the probability map of ood occurrence.
Flood conditioning factors were classied using quantile meth- SPSS V.19 software was used to perform the multivariate LR
od in order to perform FR analysis in GIS (Fig. 2). FR was applied analysis and coefcients were measured and listed in Table 1.
and the weights were assigned to each class of each conditioning The higher the logistic coefcient, the more impacts on occurrence
factor (Table 1). The higher number of ratio indicates the stronger of ooding will be expected (Ayalew and Yamagishi, 2005). The
relationship between the conditioning factor and ooding and vice probability map can be generated using the derived logistic coef-
versa. If the FR value is higher than 1 it represents that there is cient through the formula that can be expressed as:
strong relationship exist, and if it is less than 1 the relationship
P 1=1 ez 1
is weak (Pradhan et al., 2011). In order to use these results as an
input to LR, all the acquired weights were normalized and all con- where p is the probability of ooding which is acquired between 0
ditioning factors were reclassied using these normalized values. and 1 on an S-shaped curve. Z is linear combination and it follows
that LR involves tting an equation of the following form to the
4.1.2. Multivariate statistical analysis (MSA) data:
LR is a popular type of MSA which considers several parameters z b0 b1 x1 b2 x2 b3 x3 bn xn 2
that may affect the probability of ood occurrence. The advantage
of this method is that the data does not need to have normal dis- where b0 is the intercept of the model, bi(i = 0, 1, 2, . . ., n) represents
tribution and the conditioning factors can be either continuous the coefcients of the LR model, and xi(i = 0, 1, 2, . . ., n) denotes the
or discrete, or any combination of both types (Lee and Pradhan, conditioning factors (Lee and Pradhan, 2007).
2007). The LR was rst introduced by McFadden (1974) which
measures the probability of any disaster in an area using specic 4.1.3. Rule-based decision tree (DT)
formula that generates using the conditioning factors. This tech- DT is a powerful rule-based technique and is widely used in
nique is capable to analyze the relationship between binary depen- data classication, predictive modeling and many more (Bhaduri
dent variable with the scalar and nominal values as the et al., 2008; Murthy, 1998). DT with hierarchical structure separate
conditioning factors (Shirzadi et al., 2012). In the current research, and classify the conditioning factors into the homogeneous groups
ood is used as dependent variable (binary) representing the pres- with various susceptibility levels. DT describes the structural pat-
ence or absence of ooding by values of 0 and 1. The LR produces terns of the dataset and their relationships as tree structures
74 M.S. Tehrany et al. / Journal of Hydrology 504 (2013) 6979

Fig. 3. DT for classifying ood susceptibility.

(Witten and Frank, 2005). Decision rules will be generated through CHAID was used and at each step where the conditioning (predic-
the precise analysis in order to predict outcome from a set of input tor) factor has the strongest relationship with the dependent vari-
variables (Myles et al., 2004). This method is capable to model rela- ables are chosen. The classes of each conditioning factor will be
tionship between variables without having any strict assumptions merged if they are not signicantly different between them with
about the distribution of data. Also no specic rules are needed for respect to the dependent variable (Berry and Linoff, 1997). Exhaus-
the data format as it can be either nominal or scalar (Bou Kheir tive CHAID is made by the modication of CHAID algorithm that
et al., 2010). Moreover, its procedure is much easier to be under- examines all possible splits for each conditioning factor (Biggs
stood compared to other methods like ANN (Saito et al., 2009). et al., 1991). CRT rst applies the segmentation on the dataset to
DT tries to achieve brief and clear representation of the relation- dividing the homogenous parts based on their interaction with
ship between dependent variable and conditioning factors (Xu dependent variable. And the results of this process will extract
et al., 2005). The tree is constructed by a root node, a set of internal the pure nodes (Kusiak et al., 2010). CHAID method is a proper
nodes, and a set of terminal nodes. Each node of the tree produces choice for hazard modeling among others, as its performance is fast
binary decision that separates the classes. This analysis continues and it has the ability of multi-way node splitting (Kusiak et al.,
and the tree moves down until the terminal node (Schneevoigt 2010). In literature, it is possible to see some applications of DT
et al., 2008). The conditioning factors that have signicant impact in natural hazard modeling such as landslides (Pradhan, 2013; Tien
on ooding will be used in the processing, while the others will be Bui et al., 2012a).
rejected by the program (Pal and Mather, 2003). The CHAID algorithm was implemented in SPSS V.19 and the
There are different ways to perform the DT modeling such as criteria were selected based on the literature (Lee and Park,
Chi-squared Automatic Interaction Detection (CHAID), Exhaustive 2013; Ture et al., 2009). Splitting and merging categories can be se-
CHAID, Classication and Regression Trees (CRT), Quick, Unbiased, lected between the ranges of 01. The value of 0.9 and 0.001 were
and Efcient Statistic Tree (QUEST). (Roe et al., 2005). In this paper, set for splitting and merging parameters which achieved through
M.S. Tehrany et al. / Journal of Hydrology 504 (2013) 6979 75

the many times trial and error. The next criterion was selected for to the ooding. FR analysis produced the ratio of 5.5 for urban
Chi-square statistic. areas which shows a strong relationship with ooding. For the soil
conditioning factor, the highest ratio was achieved for the soil
types of 1 and 2 with ratios 3.7 and 3.2 respectively. Classes of 5
5. Results and discussion and 12 of soil types showed 0 which represents there is no impor-
tant relationship exists among them and ood occurrence. In the
5.1. Flood susceptibility mapping using integrated FR and LR model case of TWI, the FR ratio was highest (1.7) for the class of 9.6
17.2, and it was lowest (0) for the class of >17.3. Slope results
The rst results achieved using FR method represents the can be used as another indicator that proved the existence of
weights for each classes of each conditioning factor. The FR for strong relationship between ooding with low elevation and at
15 factors was calculated from their relationship to the ood areas. FR ratio more than 1 illustrated that ood mostly happened
events, as shown in Table 1. in the areas with the slope range of 04.3. Also the ratio was less
Through FR analysis the relationship between ood occurrence than 1 and near to zero for the steeper areas with 4.487.6 degree
and the classes of each conditioning factor was found. As can be of slope. It can be stated that as the slope is higher the occurrence
seen in the Table 1, the results of DEM analysis showed that the of ooding in lower parts of the catchment will be increased as
lowest class (219) was the most inuential class and the highest well.
class (230.1865) was the least inuential class of this condition- The LR model was constructed based on the conditioning fac-
ing factor on ooding. This can be proved by the natural character- tors that have been reclassied using the weights achieved from
istics of the oods that they mostly happen in the vast areas with FR method (Table 1). The relationship between the ood occur-
low elevation, while in the peak of mountains it is not possible to rence and ood inuencing parameters was extracted in SPSS
be occurred. In the case of curvature, ood mostly occurred in the V.19 software. The coefcients and signicances were measured
area that has at curvature. In the case of geology, among the three using LR and are listed in Table 1. Among the conditioning factors,
types of geology, the ratio was highest for igneous rocks (2.97) fol- just curvature showed the negative relationship (0.017) with
lowed by sedimentary rocks (0.9) and limestone (0). Distance from ooding, while the rest of the conditioning factors had positive cor-
the river is one of the most important factors in the ood suscep- relation with ood occurrence. The highest logistic coefcient
tibility mapping. Based on the results, distance of 15 m from the (0.08) was assigned to the LULC as it had the most signicant im-
river had the most signicant impact in ooding (2.1 ratio). Also pact on ooding. In order to produce probability map the values
the range of 50100 m showed the ratio more than one which rep- obtained from LR were transferred to the ArcGIS 9.3 software
resented the long coverage and spread alluvial ood over the and Eq (2) was applied to the conditioning factors.
Kelantan area. Also the impact of the SPI was evaluated in ood
occurrence. The ratio was highest (1.9) when SPI was 4.4 to Z 4:979 0:009 DEM 0:017 curvature
2.8, and was lowest (0.3) when SPI was in the range 0.7 to
0.1. The highest ratio for rainfall classes as a main conditioning fac- 0:009 geology 0:08 LULC 0:006 river
tor of ooding was related to the area by 26702842 mm precipi- 0:017 slope 0:015 soil 0:02 SPI
tation by the ratio of 1.9. Also the range of 35803712 for rainfall,
0:007 rainfall 0:011 TWI 3
showed the ratio more than 1.8.
There is a strong relationship exist between LULC and ooding. In the next step, from Eq. (1), probability index was calculated
The analysis produced the highest FR ratio of 6.1 for clear area and which has the range from 0 to 0.99. Fig. 4 shows the thematic
the lowest ratio of 0 for the areas which covered by shrubs. In bare map of the ood probability. This index represents the predicted
lands as there is no vegetation coverage to control and prevent the probabilities of ood for each pixel in the presence of a given set
rapid ow of water on the ground, this condition increases the po- of conditioning factors. Susceptibility map was prepared through
tential of ooding over the area as has been proved by the current the popular method adopted in the literature by dividing the prob-
results. While the areas which covered by shrubs were able to mit- ability map into specic number of classes (Ayalew and Yamagishi,
igate and stop ooding. Urban areas are mostly covered by the 2005). The range of values of ood probability map was classied
impervious surfaces such as asphalt which is strongly susceptible using quantile method into ve categories of very low (00.27),

Fig. 4. The probability map obtained from: (a) ensemble FR and LR analyses and (b) DT.
76 M.S. Tehrany et al. / Journal of Hydrology 504 (2013) 6979

low (0.280.5), moderate (0.510.76), high (0.770.94) and very catchment with sedimentary rock (Fig. 3c). The areas that con-
high (0.950.99). The ood susceptibility map produced using tained all three decisions up to this level, they were classied as
the ensemble FR and LR model is shown in Fig. 5. very high susceptible to ooding. The fourth decision (distance
from river less than 400, Fig. 3d) showed that catchment with fre-
quent ood occurrence mostly happened in current areas which
5.2. Flood susceptibility mapping using DT model
was located in the southern most part of Kelantan. And the last
decision was the LULC of mix Horticulture and grassland (Fig. 3e).
Using DT, rules were applied to dataset and visualized as a tree
The second important branch was related to the rubber class
structure (Fig. 3). One of the characteristics of the robust method is
of LULC with slope less than 2.134, and igneous rock. This area
using less number of parameters be able to perform modeling and
contained the soil types of 1, 3 and 7, and TWI less than
generate the susceptibility map with high accuracy. As all the con-
3.328. The area which had these characteristics was classied
ditioning factors that have been entered as an input into the mod-
as 83% susceptible to ood occurrence (Fig. 3). The next impor-
eling does not have signicant impact on ooding, so DT selected
tant branch was related to rubber class of LULC with slope less
as the most important ones and hence generated the model based
than 2.13. Similarly sedimentary rock and TWI exceeding 3.32
on them. In some cases two variables have same or almost similar
and rainfall more than 3317 were other characteristics of the
impact on occurrence of ood; one of them is enough for analysis.
mentioned area. The area that contained all the mentioned deci-
So the program performs the modeling using one of them. In the
sions was categorized as 82% susceptible to ooding (Fig. 3). The
current research, DEM was rejected to be used in DT modeling
ood susceptibility of 0 was achieved for the area which had
and the rest of the other nine conditioning factors were utilized
LULC of oil palm, forest and brush (shrubs). This region had
for this purpose. In order to describe the relationships among ood
TWI exceeding 3.32, soil types of 6, 9 and 11, and curvature
susceptibility and conditioning factors, the structure of the DT was
exceeding 0.4 (Fig. 3). It can be concluded that the areas cov-
analyzed. The tree is composed of 9 variables and 22 leaves as each
ered by the vegetation and forests were classied as the least
leaf illustrates the ood susceptibility (Fig. 3). The top-down struc-
susceptible areas to ood occurrence as they can control and
ture of the DT represents the conditioning factors that are higher in
mitigate the ood.
the order of the tree structure with more signicant impact on
Fig. 4 depicts the ood probability map derived from DT rules.
ooding than the ones which placed in the lower order.
The probability of the catchments was then classied into ve clas-
Through this characteristic of DT, the most important condi-
ses by adopting the same procedures applied in FR and LR models.
tioning factors contributed in high ood susceptibility of Kelantan
Fig. 5 shows the ood susceptibility map of Kelantan using DT rule-
catchments were found. These conditioning factors consist of all
based method.
the classes of LULC except vegetation and geology of sedimentary
Qualitatively, all thematic maps have acceptable and repre-
rock, and TWI exceeding 3.32. This decision root continued by
sentable appearance. Visually, the highest ood susceptibly of
the distance from river less than 400, and mix horticulture and
Kelantan catchment is located on the northern east and northern
grass of LULC. The area that had these characteristics was found
west part of the study area. The ensemble FR and LR method
to be 100% susceptible to ooding. This area is located in the north
produced more ne output compared to DT. However, some dif-
part of the catchment (at part of catchment). This branch can be
ferences can be seen among their results, as the upper catch-
inferred as; the rst decision showing high ood susceptibility of
ment classies as very low susceptible from ensemble FR and
Kelantan that tends to have all the LULC except the vegetation clas-
LR method, but DT recognized some portion of upper catchment
ses (Fig. 3a). If this condition is fullled, the catchment is assigned
as high susceptible to ooding. But generally, both the models
to the rst left branch. Leaves under the mentioned left branch had
have agreement about the very high susceptible areas which is
higher ood susceptibility. The second important conditioning fac-
located along the Kelantan River. One of the advantages of DT
tor was geology with sedimentary rock (Fig. 3b). This second deci-
is that there is no classication required for conditioning factors,
sion means, if the dominant geology of the catchment is
whereas for FR method, reclassication before and after analysis
sedimentary rock, the ood susceptibility will be increased. This
was needed. This can be considered as one of the characteristics
area can be seen in the northern part of the catchment. A third
of DT that leads to have fast performance and can make it
decision of TWI with more than 3.32 was examined for the entire

Fig. 5. Flood susceptibility map produced from: (a) ensemble FR and LR model and (b) DT.
M.S. Tehrany et al. / Journal of Hydrology 504 (2013) 6979 77

Fig. 6. ROC curve (a) the ensemble FR and LR method (b) for DT method.

optimal in natural hazard modeling. As it is not scientic to do order to control and mitigate it during the last decades. Most of
any judgment without considering and evaluating the statistics, such actions and strategies are practiced in developed countries
validation have been done using area under curve (AUC) method in which large amount of spatial database are available for analy-
which is explained in the next section. sis. Susceptible areas to the ooding should be detected to predict
its spatial distribution for future events. This study addressed ood
5.3. Model validation susceptibility mapping using data mining method of DT and
ensemble method of FR and LR which are traditional statistical
The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves are very pop- methods. The aim of this study was to assess efciency of these
ular method due to their comprehensive, understandable and visu- two models and compare their performance to map the susceptible
ally attractive way of accuracy assessment. Prediction and success areas along the Kelantan River and surrounding areas in Malaysia.
rate should be evaluated as an essential outcome of every program For ood susceptibility mapping, a total of 10 conditioning fac-
(Pourghasemi et al., 2012a). The validation process was imple- tors were prepared and ooded inventory map was used to make
mented by comparing the existing ood data with the acquired the ood dichotomous dependent layer. Both models were applied
ood probability map. The model was validated using quantitative and the relationship between the ood occurrence and each vari-
method of ROC curve in which the basis of the assessment is the able was assessed. DT rejected to utilize DEM in its performance,
true- and false-positive rates (Tien Bui et al., 2012b,c). The range as other conditioning factors were existed in the dataset which
of the AUC varies from 0.5 to 1.0, as the value of 1.0 represents had similar impact on ooding i.e. same as DEM. The ensemble
the highest accuracy showing that the model was completely sat- method of FR and LR showed that there is negative relationship ex-
ised to predict the disaster occurrence without any biased effect isted between the proposed conditioning factor and the ooding.
(Pradhan and Lee, 2010). So the closer the value of AUC to the Also LR revealed that LULC as the most inuential conditioning fac-
1.0, the model is considered to be more precise and trustable. Also tor. Generally the areas receiving higher rainfall with less vegeta-
the success rate result was obtained using the training dataset i.e. tion and lower elevation are recognized as very high degree of
70% of the inventory ood locations (115 points). The success rate susceptibility to ooding. Flood susceptibilities were then mapped
curves can be seen in Fig. 6. As the training ood layer was used to for each method and AUC was used to validate the results. Both
generate the model, therefore this data cannot be used for the pur- methods detected north part of catchment as the most susceptible
pose of validation, as it does not represent the real efciency of the area to ooding. The high and very high susceptibility zones de-
developed model. So prediction capability of model cannot be rived by ensemble FR and LR made up 19.5% of the total study area.
achieved using the training data. The prediction rate shows how The results from this study demonstrated that the use of an
well the model can predicts the ooding in an area (Tien Bui ensemble FR and LR methods could solve the weak points of each
et al., 2012b). For that reason, 30% (40 points) of ooded locations method. By using individual FR the lack of relationship between
that was saved for the purpose of testing were used to measure the each conditioning factor with ooding reduce the efciency of this
prediction rate. So the models generalization ability can be mea- method for MSA. And LR has some disadvantages to perform BSA.
sured through this method. The ensemble FR and LR model pro- The current research could overcome these disadvantages and pro-
duced the value of 0.906 for area under the curve (AUC) which duced more precise method for ood susceptibility analysis by
represents 90.6% success accuracy (Fig. 6a). The prediction curve integrating both the methods. To quantitatively compare the re-
is illustrated in Fig. 6 as it shows the AUC of 0.835, which corre- sult, the AUC was performed for both methods. The verication re-
sponds to the prediction accuracy of 83.5%. The AUC for DT method sults showed that the area under the curve for ood susceptibility
showed 0.87 and 0.82 for success and prediction accuracies, map acquired from the proposed ensemble method is 90.6% and
respectively (Fig. 6b). 83.5% for success and perdition rates respectively. From the results,
it is obvious that, the proposed method could enhance the results
6. Conclusion of previous works which used individual FR or LR methods.
The DT was applied and conditioning factors were ordered
Flood is one of the serious catastrophes that the human society based on their importance. The results achieved from current re-
is facing for many decades. Many attempts have been made in search proved that DT is an efcient tool in ood modeling and
78 M.S. Tehrany et al. / Journal of Hydrology 504 (2013) 6979

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