Sit Writing 2009 Sample

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To: Ms Beatrice Chong, Principal of Dunman Secondary School

From : Angeline Tan , Class Chairman of Secondary 4B

Date: 10 June 2010

Report on Class Outing to celebrate the end of the school year

I am the class chairman of Secondary 4B. Recently I have been tasked with
organizing a day’s outing in Singapore for the members of my class to celebrate
the end of the school year. After many meetings with the class committee to
discuss about this outing, we have finally reached a concensus on a class
barbeque at Pasir Ris Park.

Pasir Ris Park was chosen as it is in close proximity to the school and has
options for many activities such as cycling, swimming and walking as well as
picnic area where the class can hold their barbeque. This will cater to the diverse
interests our class may have.

A shuttle bus will be booked to ferry the students from school to Pasir Ris Park.
This is so that the class can go as a group to their destination. This will also
ensure nobody misses out on the fun because they have lost their way.

We chose to have a barbeque at Pasir Ris Park as the scenery there is

wonderful and it is easy for the class to move around to use the various facilities
available there. In such a relaxing environment, the students will be able to enjoy
the company of their friends and relieve the stress they faced in the run-up to the

Each student will have to pay about six dollars each, which will be used to pay for
the shuttle bus as well as the food that would be catered for. Once we have
reached our barbeque pits, the class will be split into groups of three, one group
to set the fire for the pit, one group to cook and the last group to help out. The
groups will rotate their tasks to allow everyone to interact and enhance their

As this is a class outing, food is included hence the class need not worry about
settling their own meals. It would also be different from the previous barbeques
the class had attended before as it would be the first time having a barbeque with
the whole class present.

The form and co-form teacher will be accompanying us on this trip. As such
parents need not worry as we will be in good hands. Our teachers will be able to
guide us in our activities and be there for us should the need arise.
With the many advantages of this location, it can be seen the students will indeed
have an enjoyable time and have a fulfilling trip and have fond memories of their
time together. I hope you will take this into consideration and look at this
suggestion favourably.

Reported By : Angeline Tan

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