Behavior and Social Science

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Emancipated if <18 Married, living alone, military

Root cause analysis identifies Problems that couldve been prevented

REM rebound Increase in REM after stopping long term EToh
abuse, dreams, toss and turn.
Abruptly stopping paroxetine REM rebound
Drugs that suppress REM COCAINE, lithium, phenelzine, barbiturate, TCA,
Neurotransmitter that induces REM acetylcholine
SANDman Serotonin initiates slee, Ach high in REM, NE low
in REM, Dopamine wakes you up.
How to get rid of bacterial spores Hand wash w/ soap (alcohol based doesnt get
Intense fear of being in certain situations where Agoraphobia
escape is difficult (in car, out side of home)
Panic criteria 3 attacks in 3 weeks out of th eblue
Adverse event that doesnt reach patient Near miss, good catch, close call (penicillin
allergy almost given penicilliln)
Adverse event reaches pt but no harm occours No harm event (wrong med)
Metatarsal stress fracture Prolonged exercise in anerexia nervosa
Black box warning: phase IV
Phase III: ramping up

POS and HMO are same except for Pt can see out of network physician
Not sharing needles, type of prevention? Population primary prevention
Makes up storries Wernicke korsakoff, unconsciously, mammillary,
etoh abuse, younger (fiftys)
Alchohol withdarawl Convulsions, tremor, Halucinations
Drugs w/ no withdrawy Hallucinogen & marijuana
Cooperative play age 4
Never event Surgery on wrong site (should have never
Dignosis based on IV drug traks Framing effect, listen to pt and symtpoms only
Payment @ time of service Copay
Unanticipated adverse event (drug reaction) Do root cause analysis after, interview
identification defense mech Adopt characteristics/activities, makes losing
loved one easier
Lab value tests for recent etoh relapse Serum GGT (elevated before LFTs)
Comprehensive revoew of meds before dispensing Drug utilization review
angry patient 1. Apologize, 2. Gather information
Body dysmorphic is a form of Obsessive compulsive disorder
City sponsered construction of walking trail Population primary prevention (every can
SARS (china travel, airbone disease) management? Put in negative pressure room
ECT Side effects Amnesia, headache, cardiac ischemia
Dr. applies cast without asking Failed to get consent, Battery action, touching.
% HIV transmission to baby 20% chance, breast feeding increases risk
Incident that results in pt injury as a result of Adverse medical event
medical intervention
Forrget lapse
Doctor CHOOSES to forgoe through history procedural Violation
Doctor FROGETS to do through history Lapse
Inject insulin IV instead of SUBq SLIP (fatigue, tired)
Limits amt of money fed gov pays for each case Diagnostic related group (fixed fee, medicare)
ants crawling on me Etoh or cocaine withdrawl
Avoid what drug in old pt w/ htn Alpha1 blocker terazosin (falls, beers criteria)
You dont know what pt is talking about Ask, dont assume
Ventilator assiociated pneumoniia MOA Nosocomial 48 hrs post intubation, aspiration of
stomach bacteria into lungs
Agree to give birth control to 16 year old, what do Review benefits and rsisk s of all options before
you do next? prescribint
Tops that dont need parental involvment STD tx, Substance tx, Birth control, prenatal care
What step do you check for drug reaction At dispensing by the pharmacist
Vivid visual images in room when wakes up Narcolepsy
Muscle paralasis REM sleep
Man complans of long standing erectil edysf. Next What meds are you taking?
Alcoholic w/ cirrosis has tremmins tx? Lorazepam, oxazepm, temazepam (LOT)
PTSD goes away, prognosis Never will come back, cured
APGAR total 10, max of 2 per category
Embarrased about something (too anxious to eat Social anxiety
or go pee, public speeking)
Specific TCA for OCD Clomipramine (if unresponseive to SSRI)
MOOD STABLIZER that causes thrombocytopenia Valproic acid
Mistrust of others Paranoid
Autism spectrum chromosomes 11 and 15
Man didnt finish highschool, has job, 3 word Fetal alcohol syndrome

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