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Being born again.

Jesus is telling somthing .. that - for many - can be difficult to understand:

"If you aren't born again .. you cannot see The Kingdom of God."

What does he mean by that?


To understand it .. we must first understand .. that we have a spirit AND a soul.

Since there are many people who claim - either .. that we have:
-a soul .. and not a spirit.
-a spirit .. and not a soul.
...we should try to get a better understanding - of what a soul .. and .. a spirit IS...

We start at "Letter of James 1,21"

Here we can se .. "The word that is inplanted (or: engrafted) in you" .. "are able to
save our souls".

We must put aside all "filthiness" .. and receive this "word" (that must not be confused
with "Logos" .. in the first verse of "The Gospel of John" - "In the beginning was The
Word" [In the beginning was Logos]) - with meekness.

When we come to 4,5 .. in the same letter .. we can see what this is:
He (God) let a spirit .. live in us.
Don't look upon the word "Jealous" .. as negative.
This word .. only express .. the longing:
-God .. has for the spirit .... and
-The Spirit .. has for God.

God want the spirit to come back to him.

The spirit want to come back - to God.
BUT .. the spirit has a mission - and if this mission is fulfilled .. then one of the
parabels to Jesus .. is fulfilled - "pretty different .. from "The average opinion"
of this parabel.
(A master .. gave 3 of his servants: 1 , 3 and 5 dinars ... etc)
To be born anew .. happends to the first 2.

This is also in accordance with:

"Those who will not take up their cross .. and follow me - cannot be my diciple."
(IE. There is no salvation for them.)
This is changed .. to a certain degree - as "The Grace is extendend .. because of
the lack of humans understanding".
But .. this is "another chapter" - to express it .. a way.
We have now started .. on "a path" .. to understand - The Real Meaning of the
Salvation under Grace .. that Jesus is offering us.
So let us continue - because it becomes .. "pretty complicated", before we have

The conclusion .. until now .. is:
The word that is inplanted in us (1,21) .. is the spirit He Let Live In Us (4,5)
BECAUSE .. it is mighty to save our souls (1,21).

The next question is;

Is there another book in the Bible .. that can CONFIRM this conclusion?

The answer is: "Yes, there is!" (It took me two years to find it.)

1 Chor 2,11:
"And who knows better what live in a human .. than the spirit that IS IN HIM."
(And who knows better what live in God .. than The Spirit Of God.)

The First Line in this verse gives .. a better confirmation .. that we could hope
Luckily for us.

The next question I asked myself .. was:

"When did it start"?

The answer .. we find .. in The Creation:

"He blew The Spirit of Life - into his nostrals - and man became a living soul."

We now go to The Aramaic Language .. which is the language .. most books,

in The Old Testament - is translated from.
(Many say .. Hebrew. Hebrew and Aramaic - has the same alphabet - but there
it stops.)

In Aramaic (and Hebrew .. for that matter) - all words have .. at least - 5 different
meanings .. often more.
As we are interesting .. to understand those two expressions (Soul and Spirit),
better - we try to find meanings .. that can be compared with one another.

Both words can mean: "Invisible creature" (that can be interesting enough, but in
another connection). IF one looked at that connection, there IS something .. that
MUST be adressed - but we shall not look at it .. at least - not now.

We are interesting to find .. somthing that can be compared.

-The Spirit of Life .. is translated from: Ruah.
-Living Soul .. is translated from: Nefersh.

Ruah .. can mean: The Third Lowest Spiritual Condition.

Nefersh .. can mean: The Lowest spiritual condition.
These can be compared.
AND .. when we DO that - we see (from 1,21 - in The Letter of James):
The Spirit (Ruah) .. shall teach (save) .. The Soul (Nefersh).
This is in accordance .. with the meanings of the words.

Let us take a short summary, before we continue.

1: We have a spirit .. living in us.

2: We also have a soul .. living in our body.
3: The spirit has a task .. and that is .. to save the soul.
4: This means that .. it shall teach the Soul - how to become a spirit.
5: This is necessary beacuse .. a soul can fall for temtation, a spirit can not.
....Which is the first part - of the salvation for the Soul...

Here we MAY come in "a nasty situation", if we ask:

Shouldn't Jesus .. save us?

Preliminary .. we just accept - that this is a part of the salvation to Jesus,

we are talking about.
It extends beyond this point, but it is too early - to explain this now.
We haven't reached the necessary level of development, to understand it,
so we accept it .. (only) as a preliminary fact.
(It will become true .. "by itself" .. i due time.)

Then we can continue.


Can we now answer the question:

What is the difference between .. Spirit and Soul?

Yes we can!
The difference between Spirit and Soul - is: Knowlege Wisdom and Insight.
(On this level of development .. nothing else.
On a higher level of development .. a divine ability (in addition) - that
we shall come back to.)
In The Garden of Eden .. Adam and Eve - could talk with God - every day.
Here we must add - an understanding:
Adam and Eve .. are two things:
1: The leaders of Humanity.
2: A representation of humanity.
...Therfore we change the last statement to - "In The Garden .. WE could talk with
God - every day"...
If we saw God .. to-day .. we would die - instantly.

Than we have the right to ask:

What did we have .. at that time - that we don't have to-day?
The answer is:
We had a divine nature.

So .. when God said: "Those who eat from this tree . shall surely die" - HE said:
"Those who eat from this tree - shall loose their ' divine nature ' " (read: 'divinity').
For a God .. to loose ones divinity .. IS - to die. (Notice I say: "For a god" - and
not: "For God".)

SO .. THIS IS what Jesus refer to - when he says:
Joh 3:3 Jesus answered and said to him, "Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born
again, he cannot see the kingdom of God."

If we add:
Joh 3:6 "That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is

Psa 82:6 I said, "You [are] gods, And all of you [are] children of the Most High.
Joh 10:34 Jesus answered them, "Is it not written in your law, 'I said, "You are gods" '?
Ekstra information:
What is between two rows of "stars" (as you see over - on this page) - has following
- It is copied DIRECTLY from "The DataBible".
-Not ONE letter - in the message .. is changed.
-Not one .. comma, point or another sign - is changed.
-The letters can be converted to "Italic letters".
-They can be marked.
-They can be .. underlined.
-They can be .. all of them.
- And .. none of my own comments .. are permitted .. inside those two rows.
....The comments comes before and after...
Then this continues.

We must usually understand a statement from Jesus - as - Spiritual .. OR .. we

usually will have misunderstood the statement.
(No rule .. without exeption.)

Jesus is telling us .. something important about ourselves:

We Are Gods
and .. with the addition we now have got .. we change it to:
We were Gods .. but lost our "divine nature" (read: "Godly Nature" - if you wish),
when we disobeyed God - and ate from the tree (to use that image).

SINCE there was a curse .. connected to this action .. someone had to lift this curse
Jesus .. became that person.

So .. the salvation of Jesus .. becomes:

Jesus .. suffered - died - and shown us the victory over death .. so that we could
get back .. our divine nature!

The humans sin .. was: We disobeyed God and ate from the tree, He had
forbidden us to eat from!
As long as no-one had suffered .. to take away this sin - it would stay!

(There is also another part to it .. that I barely know about.
The way we have sex .. is a sinful way.
Therfore .. we are all born in sin.
Since I know too little about this now - I stop here.
I just mention .. that this is a part .. of "The Knowledge" - from "The Tree of
Knowledge - of Good and Evil".)

What we were MEANT to do .. was:
First: Learn from The Tree of Good.
Second: Learn from The Tree of Evil.
Third: THEN .. learn from The tree of knowledge (also called: The Tree of
Then .. this knowledge would not have destroyed us (as we can see .. to-day,
from The Mad World .. we are living in).

To say the complete name of The Tree (so no-one shall wonder:
"The Tree of Knowledge of Good and evil".
Mat 24:21 "For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the
beginning of
the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be.
This is connected to .. what I am talking about.
Since we don't understand .. that we - ourselves - have contributed to this .. God has
no choice - but to make us understand.
'The clensing .. can be "pretty unpleasent" '.
But .. we stop here. I just want to show you - that I have a background, for my claim..
Jesus base on this knowledge .. in his statement.
The whole world would have known .. that to avoid the clensing .. we would have to
repent .. and converted --- IF --- we had got the knowledge .. the way we were meant
to have it.
Satan knew it too (that this knowledge - got .. the wrong way - would destroy us) .. when
he lured us .. to "eat" from it.
Here is much more .. but this is not what I want to share with you.
So we continue.

The Spirit .. that God let live in us - has a mission.

He shall lead us .. "outside the vail" .. so that we shall "see".
This is .. "saving The Soul" .. which is the beginning - of salvation.

What is the Soul .. in this?

The Soul .. is my personality. (In effect .. me.)
Do I know "The Soul" under another name or title?
Yes I do. I know him under the expression (read: title .. if you wish) "Personality".

What is the spirit (do we know him under another name or title)?

Yes we do. We know him under "the expression" (read "title" .. if you wish),

I make you aware of this .. as it is a preparation for .. the most difficult explanation
that I have received.
It was .. close to impossible .. to find the words - to describe it .. in my own "Mother
So I am NOT looking forward .. to try this - in a foreign language.
But - I will try .. as I think this is SO important - for SO many people .. to understand.

So since we have "slided out" - with many other views .. we go back - and repeat
the foundation.

1. We have a spirit (Ruah).

2. We have a soul (Nefersh).
3. We are searching for the understanding of .. being born again.
4. We have understood .. that The soul must be thaught up to be spirit.
5. This way .. the soul is saved.
...AND .. that the claim is - that this is part of - "The Salvation Of Jesus"...

Our personality .. is the soul.

Our conscience .. is the spirit.

Our body .. is "the Clothing" provided by God .. when he expelled us from The
Why did he expell us?
Was the most important thing .. for him .. to punish us - for our disobediance?
No .. it was not.

To understand why he HAD to do it - we must elaborate.

As long as we had our divine nature .. God didn't need to protect us, from
Our light .. protected us. (Yes .. we were created as LightBeings .. in the beginning).

When we lost it .. he had to protect us - even if he only should give us a short message.
Even for God .. this is difficult --- not impossible .. but difficult.
So .. to protect us - against himself - he had to expell us.

A sin .. has two sides.

The one that can be forgiven .. and
The one that MUST be purged (read: cleansed).

He forgave us .. the part that can be forgiven.

The cleansing part .. is a part of "The Nature Laws" (here: "The Higher Laws"), that
has SO SPECIAL meaning - that God will not make any exeption .. for this part.
This is .. the other part .. of why we were expelled.

God .. CAN remove this part .. as nothing is impossible for God.
MAYBE Jesus also can do it (probably He can).
But .. none of them .. WILL do it .. because it is - a so important part - to what
personality you will develop - WITH it .. and .. WITHOUT it.

If you are spared (that went a long way .. for Paul) - there are things .. you will
never understand .. without SPECIAL HELP .. from "LightWorkers" with a
HIGH understanding - working for God.
To know this .. is enough .. for those who search.
Later .. there will be more.

So .. what we know .. is: To be born again - we shall NOT be born as humans,

BUT - as Gods.

We don't have problems to understand, that an alkoholic, a druguser or an atheist,

that receive Jesus in his life - will call this .. "Being born again".
We must not be lead astray .. by expressions like this - as this can be - a way Satan
and other evil forces .. USES .. to lead us away from the truth.
This does NOT mean, that what happends here, is valueless.
It has great value.
Every one who find Jesus .. find an opportunity to be saved.
So .. these people get a new LIFE .. and it can FEEL as .. being born again.
AND .. there is nothing wrong with that feeling.
But it is not the same .. as coming "back to the beginning".

The most important thing : I have tried to explain, here - is:
If we shall be .. borne as Gods (plural, not singular) .. and think that we shall
be borne as humans - then this will inflict on our understading .. on a later
part of the development.
Therefore it is important .. to be aware of.

The first time we were created - we were given a (holy) name, by God.
He had a plan for us .. to the least detail.
This happened first .. in His mind.
(THIS - is - the main ansver to: Who am I?. [The next question we shall look at.])
After The Manifeststation .. we were given .. "The Right To Choose" - and we
developed - to something, we were not meant to be.

So let us hold clearly in our mind .. what Jesus is talking about .. so we don't
let ourselves be lead astray -- and begin to belive in something, that will make
it more difficult -- to understand what we are searching for.

Now we come to the next important question:

Who am I?

We can ask if we didn't answer it .. in connection to .. that our soul - is our personality?
The answer is: No .. we didn't .... although .... this is connected.

The answer to "Who am I"? - is extensive.

It begins with Gods answer to Moses: "I am .. who I am" (in the burning bush).

The first "I am" .. is - I am .. from "The Daily Language".

The last "I am" .. is - "The representation of The Divine".

What He actually says is: "I am God" (Or .. "I am The Divine").

Since God .. has made - most of "The Higher Laws" .. it is included:

"I am .. WHAT .. I am" .. also.
But .. for - when WE are born .. as Gods - BOTH will be true .. therfore we must
understand both.

I am .. who .. I am (The divine part / The representation of God).

I am .. what .. I am (The Higher Laws).
We must represent both .. to "be divine" (or .. represent God).

An example of this is:
"The sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful.
They came to the earth .. and married .. whoever they wanted."
(Said simple.)

What we can see here .. is: They had a power .. and .. they misused it - to get
whoever they wanted.

When we are "Born again" (read: Born of God) - we will be given a power, like
the one we see .. misused, here.
Therfore .. we must obey The Higher Laws .. as a part of being a God.
This is the protection .. for everybody .. who doesn't have this power.

I insert here:
When I say "One of The Gods" .. I do NOT mean: "The Highest God of All
Gods" - I mean_ "One of his minions". (Not in the meaning of "Slaves", but
in the mneaning of .. what all people are - to their King - in a Kingdom).

Psa 95:3 For the LORD [is] the great God, And the great King above all gods.
***** always true.

Obeying .. The Higher Laws .. is connected to the soul (and something more).
Representing the divine .. is connected to The Spirit (and something more).
We are born of flesh. Now we shall be born of spirit.
So now .. I begin on the most difficult - to find words for .. but not so difficult to
understand - when you "have got the picture".
Well .. there is one more thing we must look at .. before we can continue.
The prayers of Jesus .. for the Apostles - and elaborate the meanings .. of some of
"I and The Father .. is one".
What does that mean .. especially if we look at the statement:"The Father is greater
that I"?

I have my spirit.
You have your spirit.
He has .. his spirit.
She has .. her spirit.

What about God and Jesus?

They have .. the same spirit .. The Holy Spirit. (Preliminary explanation.)
So Jesus and God .. is one - in The Holy Spirit.

Look then .. at this prayer:

Joh 17:22 "And the glory which You gave Me I have given them, that they may be one just
We are one:
Jesus has given them "The Glory" .. to be one with Him (in The Holy Spirit) as He is
one with God (in The Holy Spirit).
This he does .. after he had promised .. to send The Holy Spirit .. to them.
He even says:
Joh 14:16 "And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may
with you forever --
Joh 14:17 "the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him
knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you.
The Spirit of Truth, The Helper and The Holy Spirit .. is the same spirit.
(It can be proven .. by means of The Bible, for those who need it - but I am not doing
it now.)

Jesus promise to send The Holy Spirit .. to the Apostles.

IF .. we begin .. with The Holy Spirit - why didn't The Apostles - do the same?

We begin with Ruah (a very few .. with Neshama).

IF .. we "find our spirit" (and The Proverb chapter 8 .. promise that - every one who
search for Him .. will find him) then:
1. He will teach the Soul .. to become spirit.
2. According to what Jesus show us .. in his prayers .. The Holy spirit (The Spirit of Truth),
then will come and lead us to .. the whole truth.
This becomes our foundation .. for being born again.
Here we see .. "a revealed - hidden" .. initiation.

What does it mean .. to be ONE - with God?

It means that we will "drink" 'from the river of ': (The Divine) Knowledge, (The Divine)
Wisdom, (The Divine) Insight - AND "Eat" from The Tree of (The Divine) Abilities - of God.
It does not mean .. to be like Him - in every way (that one can get an impression of).

But being permitted to "Eat" and "Drink" - from "Knowledge, Wisddom Insight and Abilities",
of Divine Nature (Read: belonging to God) .. is a special permission, called: "To Be One with
So let us look again on:
Joh 17:22 "And the glory which You gave Me I have given them, that they may be one just
We are one:
Jesus call it here:"The Glory which you gave me" .. and now, we understand what kind
of glory - He is talking about.

This is measured by Jesus - to prevent us from "being drunk" (read: from thinking we are
more special" than other people). [When The Apostles quarreled about who were the
greatest of them .. they "were drunk" - from this "wine".]

An important part of The Initiation .. is to learn about this.

When we ACHIEVE this .. we can DO - more than other people - but that does not make
us more special.
We have however, the right to be respected for the work we have done. The rest .. belongs
to God!

Here we can .. more and more clearly - see .. that we have come closer to the promise from
Jesus .. when he says:
Joh 14:12 " Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will
do also; and greater [works] than these he will do, because I go to My Father.
-We have defined .. what it means .. to belive in Jesus.
-We have searched the knowledge and understanding .. of the secrets of being born again.
-We understand that .. Being One with God .. is NOT - BEING God!
...Which give more meaning to the words (of Jesus):

Joh 14:28 "You have heard Me say to you, 'I am going away and coming [back] to you.' If
you loved Me, you would rejoice because I said, 'I am going to the Father,' for My Father is
greater than I.
So .. If I and The Father is One --- and
The Father is greater than I - then
.....I cannot be .. Equal to The Father.....
So .. the answer is .. The Glorification (mentioned in Joh 17:22)...
Through this glorification .. we will become .. one of The Gods.
Being One of The Gods .. will make us able to be .. One With God (Through The Holy
Spirit [which is a part of .. the glorification]).
"The Christ Consciousness" is another part.
We CAN see it through .. those who are declared saints .. that they are people who has
reached this state of consciousness (...just as an example...).

What does it mean .. to SEE .. The Kingdom of God?

The beginning is .. to understand what Gods Kingdom .. is.

A part of it .. is:
-So high vibrations .. that blood and meat .. cannot survive in it.
-Neither .. can - dishonesty.

1Co 15:50 Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of
nor does corruption inherit incorruption.
-Unfearness .. is no room for .. in The Kingdom of God.
-The Higher Laws.
-The Divine Knowledge.
-The Divine Wisdom.
-The Divine Insight (Seeing the effect a thing [of to-day] can have - in the future).
-The Divine Abilities (Being able to create, being able to heal, etc...). mention some of the things - that ought to be - important for us to understand...

Just to state:
A Divine Thought .. is NOT the same as .. A Human Thought.
So "Divine Knowledge" is a knowledge - that .. in general - is unknown to man.

We are now beginning to "see" .. The Kingdom of God.


This will continue.

Greetings Aage.


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