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1.0 - Description

Figure 1: Retreament plant overview

Mini Mill (Retreament plant) is one of the Treatment plants at Rahman Hydraulic Tin Sn. Bhd. The
processes involved in Mini Mill processing plant are grinding, gravity concentration, tin dressing,
drying, upgrading and bagging.

The existing water delivery system for Retreatment plant is started from Pump 1 to Pump 2.
Pump 1 functions as back-up water supply to Pump 2 in case of water shortage. Pump 1 operating
approximately around 5 hours/day to ensure Pump 2 have enough water capacity. While pump 2
serves as a water delivery system from Pond R to the treatment plants. In other word, 2 pumps are
needed to ensure Retreatment plant have enough water capacity for daily operation. The existing
water delivery system from Pump 2 to Retreatment plants is an open system (no loop) which resulting
in wastage of water and electricity. In fact the distances between Pump 2 and Retreatment plant may
cause difficulties regarding maintenance jobs.

The new system had been constructed in order to conserve energy usage regarding water
delivery system at Retreatment plant. The idea of the new system is to reuse the discharge water from
the Retreatment plant for plant operation. The new system use a smaller pump (CK Hercules 200 X
200 315) compared to the existing pump (CK-Ulysses 200 x 200 400) due to smaller head.
Therefore, it may reduce the electricity usage for pumping. The recycle pump was designed as a closed
loop system to increase the efficiency and may operates 24 hours/day. The existing pump at Pump 2
will be used to increase the water capacity at the tailing pond.
2.0 Principles used in Energy Efficiency

2.1 Head

Head is the linear vertical measurement of the maximum height a specific pump can deliver a liquid
to the pump outlet. Recycle pump has lower head compared to Pump 2. Therefore, smaller pump
and motor needed for the new system. Instead, less power used for the recycle pump since it use a
smaller pump to deliver water from Mini Mill discharge tailing pond to Mini Mill water tank.

Pumps Psi Head

Pump 1 64 148ft
Pump 2 74 171ft
Recycle Pump 18 42ft

2.2 Pump and motor selection

Oversized pumps result in higher pumping system electricity costs and require more frequent
maintenance than properly sized pumps. This is due to excess flow energy increasing the wear and
tear on system components, resulting in valve damage, piping stress, and excess system operation
noise including flow noise and pipe vibration. There are also increased system maintenance costs
associated with oversized pumps. Therefore, selecting a pump of correct size to begin with, or even
replacing an over-engineered pump, can be a cost effective exercise.

Existing System:-

Pump Specification Description Pump Specification Description

Power 130 Amp Power 110 Amp
RPM 1470 RPM 1480
Pump 1 Psi 64 Pump 2 Psi 74
Operating Hours 8 hours Operating Hours 24 hours
System Open system System Open system

New System:- Pump Specification Description

Power 39 Amp
RPM 1470
Recycle pump Psi 18
Operating Hours 24 hours
System Closed System
2.2 Trimming Impeller

The original diameter of the pump impeller is 340mm. However, its operating far from
pump best efficiency point (BEP) which may cause high levels of noise or vibration. The recycle pump
also need excessive throttling to control the flow. Such an example, only 25% throttle valve opening
needed to supply water from pump to water tank when the impeller diameter is 340 mm. It shows
that the recycle pump is oversized and may results in higher pumping system electricity costs and
require more frequent maintenance.

One way to solve this problem without high expense is by trimming the impeller. The
impeller diameter was trimmed from 340mm, 315mm, 300mm and 280mm to achieve the best
efficiency point of the pump. By using diameter impeller of 280mm, recycle pump able to operate
with 100% throttle opening valve which may reduce vibration and increase the efficiency. It will also
use less energy for daily operation. Instead, it will reduce the noise and vibration of the pump.

CK Hercules Pump 200 x 200 315 (Recycle Pump)

Impeller size Throttle Valve Amp Pressure (psi)

340 mm 100% 62 40
315 mm 100% 56 32
300 mm 100% 48 24
280 mm 100% 39 18

2.3 Throttling effect

Throttling control is a process to control the delivery flow rate of the pump. When the throttle valve
are slightly open, it will reduce the pump flow and increase the upstream backpressure. By
increasing the backpressure on a pump, throttle valve will make a pumping system less efficient.

From the experiments conducted, energy use for 25% throttle valve opening are 35 amp and the
delivery pressure is 22 psi. While the energy use for 100% throttle valve opening are 39 amp which
are slightly higher compared to a smaller throttle valve. However, 100% throttle valve opening may
decrease the backpressure on a pump which may also increase the efficiency of the pump.

CK Hercules Pump 200 x 200 315 (Recycle Pump)

Impeller size Throttle Valve Load (Amp) Pressure (Psi)

25% 35 22
280 mm 50% 38 20
75% 38 19
100% 39 18
CK ulysses 200 x 200 400 (Existing Pump)

Throttle Valve RPM Load (Amp) Pressure (Psi)

100 % 1480 110 82

From data above, its proves that the recycle pump save a lot of electricity usage compared to the
existing pump. By using recycle pump, company are able to save 71 amps electricity usage.

2.4 Dimension of the pipe size

Diameter of the new recycle pump pipeline is slightly bigger (10) compare to the existing system
(8). Diameter of the pipe, distance and pipe fitting are among the factors that may increase the
frictional power. In other words, higher friction may also increase the static head and higher power
needed for pumping operation. In fact, it may also increase the lifetime of the delivery pipeline due
to lower friction and pressure.

4.0 Cost Calculation

1. CK-Ulysses 200 x 200 400 (Existing Pump)

Operating hour = 8000hr

3 415 110 0.83
Pin = = 65.63kw

Baseline power = 66 kw

Baseline energy = 66kw x 8000hr

= 528,000KWh

Energy cost = (528,000KWh x RM 0.25/KWh) + (60kw x RM29.80 x 12)

= RM 153,456

2. CK Hercules 200 x 200 315 (Recycle Pump)

Operating hour = 8000hr

3 415 39 0.83
Pin = 1000
= 23.3kw

Baseline power = 23.3kw

Baseline energy = 23.3kw x 8000hr

= 186,400KWh

Energy cost = (186,400KWh x RM0.25/KWh) + (23.3kw x RM29.80 x 12)

= RM 54,932

Saving cost = RM153,456 RM54,932

= RM98,524

Investment cost

Equipment Unit Price (RM)

30 KW 3 phase, 415V, 4 Pole 1 RM 3300/ per unit
squirrel-cage Induction motor
30 KW Auto trans starter 1 RM 5000 / per unit
CK Hercules Pump 200 x 200 1 RM 24,000
10 OD Sirim/ISO certified HDPE
Pipe PN10 in 12m/length

Total RM 32,300

Payback period = investment cost/ saving cost

RM 32,300
= 96,874

= 3 months
CK HERCULES MODEL 200 X 200 315 (Recycle Pump)

CK-ULYSSES 200 x 200 400 (Pump 2)

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