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West Bengal Act X M of 1958'

Ben. ACI X of 1959.

Ben. Act XI11 of 1944.

Atr Act to provirle for rlle arsClilation of certait~l a ~ ill

~ ~force
x ill rlre
terrifories rrul~sferredfro111~ f l eSrare of Birrat- to I ~ I EState of LVesr
BetlgnI by s e c t i o ~3~ of rile Billor artd Wesr Berrgal (Trmrsfer of
Terriruries)Acr. 1956, ro rfle blvs it1force it1 [he Slate of West Berrgol.
WHEREAS i~ is expedicnl to provide for !he assirnilation ofcenain laws
in forcc in the rerrirorics rransferrcd from the Slarc oTBihar io rhc State of
-10 of 145h- West Bcng;~lby section 3 or the Bihar and Wcs~Bengal (Transfer of
TcniIories) A C I , 1956, lo ~ h laws
c in rorcc in lhe resl of Wes~Bengal;
11 i s hcrcby cnacted in the Ninth Ycnr OF lhc Rcpuhtic of India. by [he
Lcgislarure of Wcst Bengal, as iollows:-

1. (1) This Act may becallcd the West BcngalTransfcrrcdTerritorics shon lirle
(Assimilation OF Laws) ACI,1958. cornrrsnce-
(2) Ir shall come inlo2rorceonsuch date as rhc State Government may, mcnl.
by notificuion in h c Oflcial Gnzerte, appoint.

2. In this Act, unless ~hercis anything rcpugnan! in the subjecl or Dcfinitions,

. (a) "appointed day" means the date appoin~edundcr sub-
section (2) of scclion 1; :
(6) "Staw law" means so much or any enaclmcnt, ordinance or
regula~ionas rela~esto any 01thc rnatlers enumerated in
Lists 11 and IJI in [he Scvcnlh Schcdule 10 the Constitution
and includes any order, by-law, rule. scheme, notification or
othcr instrumen[ having Ihc forcc of law;
(c) "lransierred Ierri[ories"means thc lemrorics uanslerred Ifom
the Slate OF Bihar to the Slarc of West BcngaI by seclion 3
of Lhc Bihar and West Bcngal (~ransfcrof Terrirorics)
Act, 1956.

'For Slalcnrnt olobjrcts and Rczons, set rhc C~lcurroG o ~ f ~ rEcrri~urdir~nr),

e. of the
41h July, 1458. Pan IVA. pagc 2184: for proceedings 01 thc Wcsi BcngaI Lcgisla~ivt
Asscn~bly,see rhc proceding or~hr:mecting ollhai Asscrnbly he:d on thc 17th July. 195%:
and for proceeding of the Wcsr Bcnpl L c ~ i s l ~ ~Council.
ive are thr proceedings or rhe
n~cctiogor rhat Council held on ~hr:7th A u g u s ~ 1958.
'Thc Act c a m into rorce on thc Is1 July, 1959. Vide norification No. 5407-J.,dated the
24rh Junc. 1959, publishcdinrhe Cnlcirr~Grrxerre. Erfrdordirrup. of 1959, Pan I.pagc 1355.

T l ~ eWest Bengnl Tratt~ferredTerrifories(Assimi1atio)l

of h v s ) Act, 1958.
[West Ben. Act
(Section 3.) .,

, .
. . . . .. , ..
. .
. .
~ssin~ilarion 3. ( 1 ) All Sralc laws which, immediately before the appointed day, . .
oC Slale
extend ro. or arc in rorcc in, ~ h Srarc
c of WcslBcngat, bur do not cxtend lo,
or arc nol in forcc in, thc Iransrcrrcd tcrritorics shall as from [hat day,
cx~cndlo or, as rhc casc may bc, come inlo force in, the rransfcrred

Provided h a t the Srate law specified in Schedule I shall exlend to the

~ rhc amcndrncn t specified i n that Sc hedule.
rransrcrrcd tcrrilorics s u b j c c 10
(2) All Stalc laws which, immedialcly bcfore the appoin~edday, are
in force in the whole o r any pan of [he Iransferrcd rerrirories bur not in thc
resl of West Bengal shall, on lhat day, stand repcalcd in h e rnnsferred
Provided Lhal such rcpcaI shall no1 aficct-
(a) the previous operation of any S m e law so repealed or
anything duly done or suffered thereunder; or
(h) any right, privilege, obligalion, or liability acquired, accrued
or incurred under any State law s o repealed; or
(c) any penally, forfeilure or punislunent incurred in respect of
any offence commir red against any Slate law so repealed; or
(d) any invcstigalion, lcgal proceeding or remedy in respect of
any such right, privilcgc, obligation, liabiliry, penally,
forfei~ureor punishmcnl as aiorcsaid;
and any such invcsligation, legal proceeding or remedy may be instiluled,
condnucd orenforced, and any suchpenalty, foriei ture orpunishment may
bc imposcd, as if this ACLhad not bccn passcd.
(3) Notwirhslanding anything contained in sub-sections ( I ) and (2),
thc Starc laws spcciLed in Schedule II as in force in the whole or any p m
ol' thc ~lransicrredtcrritorics immcdiarely bclbre the appoin ted day shall
continue in force rhcrcin afrcr [hat day, '[subjecl to such adaptations and
modificalions, whclhcr by way of rcpcal or amendment, as h e Stale
Governmcnr may,from rimc lo !imc bur bclbrc the expiration of onc ycar
liom [hat day, by notification in h e Oficiul Gazette, rnmakc in any such law
fnr the purpose of Facililaling the applicarion thcrcof in relalion lo West
Bcngill,] and the State laws specified in Schedule UI shall no1 exlend to,
or comc into force in, the whole or such parl of the bansferred territories,
as ~ h case
c may be:
Provided Lhal the Slate law specified i n i tern (16) of Schedule I1 as in
Force in [he ~ransrcrrcdterritories immediately before the appoinled day
shall coniinue in forcc, afrer that day. only in the territoj referred to in

nnnn,l ~ - ~ ~ r ~ --rnrr;rni.,r
,rl IA~~:-:I-,:-~
* C T n.l.rj A ~ . . ~ , I - ~ - I -.
'Thcsc words wirhin the square brackets were hscned by s. 2 01 rhc Wcst
A rncn 1 1 1 1 . ~ 1n

The W e s BerrgoI
~ Trarisferred Terrirories (Assi~lrilutio~i
of La~vs)Act,1956.
X I S of 1958.1
(Secriotl 4 and Schedrrle I.)

clausc (b) of sub-sccdon (1) of section 3 of [he Bihar and West Bengal
40 of 1956- (Transfer of Tcrri[ories) Act, 1956, and rhc Statc laws spccificd in ilcms
(9) and ( 10) of Schedule III shall no1 extend to, or comc inlo iorcc in, such
Provided furrhicr that, subject to [he provisions of the proviso ro sub-
scclion (2) and of section 4, the State laws specified in Schedule II shall
s ~ a n drepcalcd or [he State laws specified-in Schedule TJI shall cxtcnd to,
or conlc inro force in, the [ransferred lerri~oricsor any part rhcrca f. with
cflcct from such datc or darcs as ~hcS~a~cGovcrnmcnt may, by notification
issued in [he OfJicialGuzetre, from cime 10 lime, appoint in [his behalt

4. 1 B n y dificully miser in giving effecl lo [he provisions of [his ACI,

morc par~icularlyto the proviso to sub-scction (2) orscclion 3, ~ h Stalcc
Govcrnment may, by no1iLcotion in thc Oficial Guzetle issued in this
(j) specify the authori~y,ofliccror pcrson who shall becomperent
to exercisc such powcrs or funcrions in any par[ of the
~ransfcrrcd tcrrilories as may be mentioned in the
narificarion under any State law referrcd roin sub-sccdon (2)
of scclion 3 or in Schedule 11, or
(ii) pass any other orders not inconsis~en~ wirh ~ h purposes
c of
h i s Acl as may appear lo it to be neccssay or expedient,
fur thc purposc of removing such difficulty.

[See seclion 3(1), pmviso.]
The West Bengal Cinemas (Regulation) Act, 1954
(West Bengal Act XXXIX of 1954).

Mrer seclion 14, the following section shall be added, narnc1y:-

"Tms,i~ional 15. Nolwihslanding anything contained in any other
lor liccnsrs law or in this ACI or in the rules made under [his Acl or in
undzr Bihu [he license, a license granted or rcnewcd undcr thc Bihar
Cinemas (Regulalion) Act, 1954 shall bc dccmcd for all
purposes to have been gran~edorrenewed undcrthis Act and rhccondilions
and rcs~ricdonsprescribed by the rules under this A d shall, until a new
licensc is grantcd under this Ac!, be deemed lo have bccn incorporaled in
such liccnsc:
Provided that the ljccnsingau~horitymay gran t tirnc, orcxtcnd [he limc
<n nrnnrrd Fnr rnninliance wirh anv siich ctlndirinn nr restric~inn.".

Tile Wesr Berrgal Tra~lsferredTerritories (Assi~rrilatior~

01lalvs) Act, 1956.
[West Ben. Act

. . . . . ,. . . . . . . .. . . .
. -.
. ., . . , . . -

(1) The Bihar Panchayat Raj Act, 1947 (BiharAct7 of 1948.)

(2) Thc Biliar Tcnancy Acl, 1885 (Acl8 of 1885).
(3) The Chota Nagpur Tenancy Act, 1908 (Bengal Ac! 6 of 1908).

(4)Thc Bihar Land Rcforms Act, 1950 (Bihar Ac[ 30 of 1950).

( 5 ) Thc Bihar Recovery of Arrears o I Rents of Outgoing Proprie~ors
and Tenurc-holders(Vested Estales and Tenurcs) Act. 1953 (Bihar Ac[ 3
or 1953).
(6) The Bjhnr Disqualified Owners' (Management of Properly) Act,
1952 (Bihar Act 2 of 1955).
(7) The Chora Nagpur EncumberedEstatesAct, 1876 (AcIG of I 876).
(8) The Chola Nagpur Tcnure-holders' Rent Accounl Act, 1929
(Bihar and Orissa Act I of 1929).
(9) The Cho13Nagpur Tenures Acl, 1869 (Bengal Act 2 of 1869).
(10) T h c Land Rcgis~ra[ionAct, 1876 (Bcngal Act 7 of 1876).
( 1 1) The Bihar Evacuce Intercst (Sepamtion) Supplementary Act.
1953 (Bihnr Ac[ 23 of 1953).
(12) Thc Bihu Hindu Religious Truss Act, I950 (Bihar Acr I or
( 13) The Bihar Private Forcsls Act, 1947 (Bihar Act 9 or 1949).
(14) The ~ i h and
x Orissa Municipal Act, 1922 (Biharand Orissa ACI
7 of 1922).
( 1 5 ) The Bihar and Orissu Village Adminis(ra[ion Act, 1922 (Bihar
and Orissa Act 3 of 1922).
(16) l i e Bihar and Orissa Local Sell-Govcrnmen~Act of I885
(Bengal Act 3 of 1885).
' ( 17) Thc Bi har Blroodurr Yagrla Act, 1954 (Bihar Act 22 of 1954).
'( 18) The Chora Nagpur Rural Police Acl, 19 14 (Biharand Orissa Acr
I of 1914).

'Ircms i17) and (I 3) I\-crc addcd by s. 3 01 rhc \Vest Bcngf Translcmd Tcmrtltits
(r\qsimil:.rinn nf I g w c l Arnrnrlmrnr A,., IO<O rllmrk n.., +-. v ..r Inctll

The W~sr3ellgal Tratwjerred Territories ~Assirriilorio~~

of h t v s ) Act. 1958.

[See sec~ion3(3).]

( 1 ) The West Bengal Panchayat Ac!, 1956 (Wes~Bengal Act 1 or


( 2 ) Thc Bengal Tenancy Act, 1885 (Acl VlII of 1885).

(3) The West Bengal Estatcs Acquisition Acl, 1953 (Wcsl Bengal Act
I ol 1954).
(4) The Wcsl Bengal Land Reforms Aul, 1955 (Wcst Bengal Act X
of 1956).
( 5 ) The Wesr Bengal Privale Forests ACL,1948 ( W e s ~Bengal Act XIV
of 1948).

(6) The Bengal fiinoceros Prcservalian Act, 1932 (Bengal ACLVIIt

of 1932).

(7) 1 1 eBengal Municipal Act, 1932 (Bengal ACIXV o f 1932).

(8) The Bengal Village Self-Government Act, 19 19 (Bcngal Act V of


(9) The Bengal Local Set [-Government Acl of 1885 (Bcngal Act III
of 1885).

(10) Thc Bengal (Rural) Primary Education Acl, 1930 (Bcngal Act
MI of 1930).
[ ( I 1) The Land Registra~ionAct, 1876 (Bengal ACLVLI of 1876).

'Itcm ( I 1 ) rvas addcd by s. 2 or the W a r Bcngd Tmslcrrrd Temtoncs (Assimilation

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