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Bengal Act I1 of 1919

(Thc BengaI Juvenile Smoking Act,1919.)'
(a) The Government of India
(Adaptation of Indian
Laws) Order, 1 937.
(b The Indian Independence
(Adaptadon of Bengal and
Punjab Acts) Order, 1948.
( c ) The Adaptation of Laws
_ Order, 1950.

AH Acr for tlre prevenriotl of Stnokitrg by Jrtveniles.

WHEREAS it is expedient to make provision for the prevenlion of Prcamblc.

smoking by young persons;
It is hereby enac~edas follows :-

1. ( I ) This Act may be called the Bengal Juvenile Smoking Shorttitle.

Ac~,1919. local cxtcnt
2 I r extends in rhe first instance to Calcutta,as defined in clause rncnl.
"'- 'I1 (7) of section 3 of the Calculla Municipal Acl, 1899' :
01 1899.

o orSlarcrnenl of Objccls and Rcuons. .rcc rhc Calcrirra Gazerre of 19 17. Pl.IV.
pagc 18 : and for Proceedings in Council. scc ihid, Pt. IVA, pagu 853-559. and see
rhc Colc-urra Gortrre of 19 18, Pr.IVA. Q J ~ C S1030- 1035. and page I 194. and pages
'8cngal Acl I I I or 1899 was repcalcd and re-cnacrcd by thc C a l c u t t ~Municipal
Ac1.1313 (Bcn.Aci Illof 1923) which Acl was again repealed and rc-enacted by thc
Calcutta Municipal Act,1951 (Wcsl Bcn.Act XXXlII of 195 1 ) which was finally
repcalcd md rc-cnacicdby \he Calcuna Municipal Corporation Act. I980 (We51Ben.
Act L I X or 1980). and this rcfcrcnce should now Ix construed as a rcfcrrncr lo clausc
19)OF sccrion 2 o i the Iasl mentioncd Act.

[Ben. Acl I1 j

Provided hat the '!State Government] may, from lime lo rime, by

nolil'ication in the '[Oflciol Gozelrrl, extend-' this Act to any other
town or place in 'LWest Bengal].
(3) It shall come inlo force on such date5 as the '[State Govern-
mcnt] may,'by notification in the 'IOflciol Gazerre], direct.
2. In this Acr unless there is anyrhing r e p u g n a n t in the subject or
(0) "cigarertes" include cut tobacco rollcd up in paper,
tobacco leal'or nther material in such fomi as to becapable
of immediate use for smoking ;
(6) "police-officer" means a membcr of an es~ablishedpolice
force above the rank of a head c o n s t a b l e ; and
( c ) "lobacco" means tobacco in any form, and includcs any
smoking mixlure inrended as a s u b s t i t u t e for tobacco.
Prohihiiion 3. ( I ) No person shall sell or give toa person apparently under !be
agarnsl snlc
ur iobacco. age ofsixteen yearsany tobacco, pipes or c i g a r e l t e p a p e r s , whether for
21C.. IU his own use or not :
persons. Provided [hut a person shall nor be guilty o f an offence under this
sub-section for selling tobacco, other than cigarertes, to a person
appnrcnrly under t h e age of sixteen years if he did nor know,and had
no reason to belief, [hat il was t'or the use of [hat person.

'Thc rvords "Provincial G D W C F ~ ~wcrc

C ~ Luriginally
" substituted lor the \vords
"Lncal Govcrnmrnt" by paragraph 4 ( 1 ) of I hc Govcrnmcnr or India (Adapia~ionor
Indian Laws) Ordcr, 1937, and Ihcrcaricr rl:c word "S~a!c" was subsrirurcd,for rhc :

word Provincial" by paragraph 4 l I)

" oi thc Adapiation of L r v s Ordcr. 1950.
'Thcsc wnrds wcrc ~ u b s i i ~ u l lor
c d (lit words "Cnlcrtrrr~G ~ Z C I Iby
~ "paragraph
J(I) uT Ihc Govcrnmcnt of India (Adaplation o f Indian Laws) Order. 1937.
?he provisions ollhis AcI wccc c ~ l ~ n d I-c d
( I ) Ihc town ui Bcrhampore with cffccl from lhc 15.4.21 by noliiication
NO.l 130 P.H.. dalcd rhc 8.4.21. published in t l ~ cCalcirrrrr G U ~ F OF
1921, Parr 1. pagr 542.
(21 rhe iown or Jalpaiguri with elrecl from rhe 15.4.19 by nolilicalion
No.IOlR.P.H.,dated 3.4.19.publishcdin1l~cColcrtrrt1 Gozetre o f 1919.
Par1 I. page 667,
s placcsin Wesi hcnga!, whert: thcsc have nor already bccn
(3) all ~ u w n and
cxrcnded, with cffcci from illc 151 Jilnuary. 1957, by nolificalion
No.P.H.1205319S-6155. dalcd 2 1.8.56. publishcd in rhc Calcttirn Go-
zcrrc or 1Y.56. Pam 1. pngc 3453.
'Thcsc \vords w r r t subsli~ulcdTorthc word "Bengnl" by paragraph ( 2 ) oTArljclc
3 of the Indian Indcpndencc (Adaptation or Bcngal and Punjab Acts) Ordcr.I94E.
Thc 1st Fcbruary,l919. see notificotiun No.] IJSan., datcd thc 271h Janu-
;qrv 1919. nl~blishedin lie rcrk-rrrm Cn~ellr
or 1919. PI. 16. V ~ P 22.

Tire Berl~aiJtrverlile Sttrokit~gAct, 1919.

(2) JF any person conkravenes the provisions of sub-section (I), he

.:! shall be liable on summary conviction beforea Magismate to a finenot
exceeding [en rupees, and in the case of a second offence to a fine no1
exceeding twenty rupees. and in the case of a subsequent offence to a
fine not exceeding fifiy rupees.
4. .It shall be lawful for police-officer in unifdrm, or any other PowcroC
person or class of personsduly authorised by the '[State Government] a,d . .

in this behalf, to seize any robacco, pipes or cigarelre papers in the o~hcrsto
possession of any person apparently under the age of sixreen years
whom he finds smoking in any street or public place, and to destroy
2~:;~ . . .
. .
ctc., in the
any such article. posscssion
of a young
pcrson in

5. No Magistrate shall take cognizance of an offence under this Inslilulion

Act, except upon a complaint made by, or at the instance of, the parent proceed-
or guardian of the young person concerned or a police-officeror other ings.
person empowered to make seizure under section 4.

6. The provisions of this Act shall not apply when [he person to Acr no1 to I

whom the tobacco, p i p s or cigareue papers are sold, or in whose

possession they are found, was at the timeemployed by a manufacturer cases.
of, or dealer in, such aflicles either wholesnleor retail, for rhepurposes
of his business.

'See root-norc 1 on page 566, ntrrc.

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