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Managing Diversity in Uncertain times

Katherine Chua’s comments on paper:

A good choice to use a multinational organization, like KPMG, for case study. Paper
can be further improved as follows:

1.Definition of Diversity: Research and quote definition from scholarly articles instead of
Wikipedia. At degree level and for competitive purpose, students should do more
research work.

2. No citation. Ensure citation is in accordance to the requirements. More research

work to be done and to cite references, examples, definitions and to cite accordingly.

3. The paper is merely `telling’ and is not `showing’ the issues, implications,
assumptions, interpretation and questions on the topic on diversity and what leaders
are doing about it. Paper can be more impactful and thought provoking by using
questions to address the challenges and to create an element of suspense and
creativity. Below is an example on how to organize the paper and to ask leading
questions to make the paper more impactful.

4. Quality of analysis: Analyse, synethesise and evaluate valuable information/

statistic from KPMG. To utilisate information and create inferences

5. Why quote example from General Motors? Quote more examples from KPMG to
demonstrate focus on the selected organization. More research to be done on KPMG.

6. Report Requirements
Please identify and define two relevant areas of concern: For example:
- Talent Management
- Gen Y, Gen X, Baby Boomers
- Worklife Balance
- Relationship Management
- Leadership
- Virtual teams
- Knowledge Management

7. Diagnose the two areas of concerns (30 points)

- What are the challenges? What are the causes?
- Why is the issue a problem?
- Who is contributing to the problem? Is the leader aware of it? Who is
- When should it be addressed?
- Which department?
- Application of HR concepts and theories

8. Establish and evaluate alternatives/solutions (35 points)

- What did KPM G do well to address the areas of concern?
- How can KPMG do to improve?
- How else can KPMG do differently to resolve the areas of concern?

9. Make recommendations (20 points)

Quote examples of what other organizations like ExxonMobil or Shell or IBM are doing
to manage the two areas of concern

10. Pay attention to following requirements on “General Guidelines for Report Writing”
• Depth of discussion/illustration
• Clarity in writing
• Application of HR concepts/theories
• Substance and comprehensiveness
• Coherence, well fragmented arguments, logical appeals
• Feasibility of recommendations

Comments by:

Katherine Chua 21/12/09

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