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IPTC 11657

Reservoir Rock Behavior Pre and Post Pore Collapse during Production
Hadi Belhaj, SPE, Texas Tech University, Texas and Alireza Nouri, University of Alberta, Canada

Copyright 2007, International Petroleum Technology Conference

Rosepiler3 showed this effect is still significant even at low
This paper was prepared for presentation at the International Petroleum Technology porosity and permeability. It is also understood that stress
Conference held in Dubai, U.A.E., 46 December 2007.
paths have a large influence on horizontal and vertical
This paper was selected for presentation by an IPTC Programme Committee following review
of information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as
permeability and also on porosity.
presented, have not been reviewed by the International Petroleum Technology Conference
and are subject to correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily
reflect any position of the International Petroleum Technology Conference, its officers, or The elastic uniaxial strain model is mostly used in reservoir
members. Papers presented at IPTC are subject to publication review by Sponsor Society
Committees of IPTC. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper
engineering to describe production-induced changes in
for commercial purposes without the written consent of the International Petroleum Technology horizontal stress due to pore pressure decline (pressure
Conference is prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not
more than 300 words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous depletion). It predicts the total horizontal stress by using
acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write Librarian, IPTC, P.O.
Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435.
overburden stress, reservoir pressure decrease, and material
mechanical parameters. The principal assumption in this
Abstract model is that there is no lateral deformation (zero horizontal
It is very common that effective stresses increase as reservoir strain condition) during the depletion process.
fluids being produced from both shallow and deep reservoirs.
It may seem reasonable to assume that permeability and For a sandstone rock, Ruistuen et al.4 showed that the ratio of
porosity decrease as pore pressure declines, since effective change in minimum effective horizontal stress to the change in
volumetrical stresses become intensified during reservoir effective vertical stress in a reservoir depletion process was
depletion. However, laboratory results show that this is not 0.53. This effective stress relationship was believed to be the
always the case. same for production-induced or geologically-induced changes
in pore pressure, i.e. before reservoir disturbed by production.
A series of very delicate experimental procedures was Schutjens et al.5 concluded that in an elastic domain of
conducted to reveal some of the most interesting phenomena deformations, permeability reduction is predominantly
in pore collapse and their impact on permeability. Sandstone controlled by mean effective stress increase and not by stress
samples were tested using a triaxial set-up. Experimental path.
results show that porosity is certainly decreases as a result of
the compaction process, which allows the breakage of grain- Depletion of the reservoir may contribute to the failure of the
to-grain cement bonds. Grain particles will become more formation in two ways. Pore collapse is one of the
compacted as both lateral and axial effective stresses increase. mechanisms which in fact is a volumetric failure. This
On the other hand, permeability shows no definite trend. mechanism is mainly activated where lateral displacement is
either zero or small. In this case, shear failure cannot take
In weak reservoir formation, pore collapse does not occur place and the only mechanism for material disaggregation
suddenly. Rather, rocks gradually compact as grain-to-grain would be pore collapse through volumetric failure. For this
cement bonds break down. It was found that permeability mechanism to be activated, material must have a high porosity
indeed changes as effective stresses increase. Nevertheless, and low strength. If the stress path meets the cap, i.e.
the pathway to permeability was found to be much more volumetric failure surface, volumetric failure takes place.
complex than previously stipulated. It was discovered that Another failure mechanism induced by depletion is shear. As
enhancement or damage to permeability is not a function of the reservoir pressure depletes, effective stresses increase. The
pore collapse alone. Other factors, such as stress path, initial increase of effective stresses around the wellbore deforms
porosity, particle size, and particle shape and distribution play perforation cavities and shears them. Depletion induces shear
a major role in determining the type of permeability alteration stress increment, which adds to the shear stress induced by
and the severity of this change. pressure drawdown. As depletion increases, shear failure
develops, which, in the worst condition, fails it.
As reservoir production continues during pressure depletion Even though the pore collapse phenomenon has been studied
process, effective stresses within the reservoir increase. It may to understand the driving mechanism of land subsidence of oil
seem reasonable to assume that the effect of stresses on fields, it has not been taken into account in solid production
porosity and permeability of the reservoir is more severe when studies. Under large depletion the overall disaggregation may
porosity and permeability are high, although some take place in which compressive strains break down the
experimental studies like Hubbert and Willis1, Voight2, and bonding among the sand grains, i.e. pore collapse. This
2 IPTC 11657

depletion-induced volumetric failure starts from near the to 60 Mpa for Danian and Maastrichtian chalk samples that
wellbore and weaker zones and then spreads to other parts of were in a range of 35 to 50% porosity.
the reservoir. The key point is that effective stresses around
any opening recover very quickly inward. On the other hand, Tronvoll et al.12 discussed the possibility of pore collapse
pore pressure changes are much more moderate. Therefore, occurrence in the Northern Adriatic field. According to their
effective stresses near the wellbore can be more than inside the numerical results, during drilling, near wellbore formation
reservoir. Later, as oil production continues, the pressure of reaches the stage of large plastic flow, which produced sand
the whole reservoir depletes and pore collapse, which initially upon oil production. The contradictory point in their work is
started from near the wellbore, may spread to the whole that pore collapse only takes place with drawdown and mainly
medium. depletion. At the time of drilling, i.e. before production starts,
no pore collapse has the chance of occurrence.
The overall volumetric failure of the reservoirs consequent to
depletion has been reported for a number of reservoirs, e.g. In the following, the results of the experiments on four
Ekofisk field (Lawrence et al.)6. Hamilton and Shafer7 studied different types of samples are discussed and their behaviour in
pore collapse characteristics of a high porosity diatomite and both elastic and plastic domains is investigated. Permeability
carbonate rock. Lawrence et al.6 studied pore collapse by using and porosity tracking are checked with mechanical behavior in
stresses resulting from shut-in pressure data of hydraulic the same graph for more in depth understanding of their
fracturing tests over the production period of the oil wellbores behaviours.
in the Ekofisk field. Simulating the same stress path in
laboratory experiments, they concluded shear failure rather Experimental Program
than volumetric failure had occurred in the reservoir. What Two kinds of outcrop sandstones and two kinds of synthetic
they did not notice was that hydraulic fracturing tests yield the sandstones were tested in the experimental program. In all of
minimum stress near the wellbore, where shear failure may cases, samples were first brought to in-situ stress condition.
have a possibility of occurrence. But this may not be true a bit Then, the depletion process was simulated by decreasing the
away from the open-face inside the reservoir. As a matter of pore pressure. In each defined interval, permeability was
fact, the radial stress gradient near the wellbore is very sharp, measured. The only type of sample in which depletion was not
and that makes the interpretation of these test results difficult. practiced by decreasing the back pressure was the glass sand
type. Nevertheless, in all of the experiments uniaxial strain
On the other hand, generally speaking, the volumetric yield condition was imposed. In all of the tests, fluid flow was
pressure of most of the rock material has been reported to be performed in the axial stress direction. Therefore, permeability
high. Therefore, if the prospective effective stresses of a was measured parallel to the major principal stress. The
reservoir are not expected to meet the cap, pore collapse and samples were saturated with water and the same water was
consequently material disintegration would not take place. The flowed through the samples for measuring permeability.
pore collapse pressure, which corresponds to the cap pressure,
highly depends on porosity and UCS (or any other strength Behaviour in Elastic Range
representative) of the samples. As an example, Soares and Two consolidated sandstone samples were experimented
Ferreira8 reported test results of pore collapse experiments on under uniaxial strain condition, which showed elastic
limestone samples taken from Campos Basin as having a behavior. Table 1 shows some properties of these two
porosity in the range of 25 to 35%. Cap pressure of these materials, namely, GSF, fine-grained glass sandstone and
samples ranged from almost 40 Mpa for samples with 31% MBH, the Middle member of the Horton Bluff formation. The
porosity to almost 90 Mpa for those with 20% porosity. fine-grained glass sand samples were taken from the upper
member of the Horton Bluff Formation. The unit is dominated
On the other extreme, Hamilton and Shafer7 experimented fine (90% or more) by quartzarenites. MBH samples are composed
grain diatomite with porosity over 50% and reached a cap predominantly of black to grey shale, coaly shale, siltstone and
pressure of almost 3 Mpa. They also performed the same test nodular carbonate beds.
on carbonate samples with over 20% porosity, and the cap
pressure was 24 Mpa. For the Ekofisk field that pore collapse In the GSF sample, after bringing the confining pressure to
of chalk medium resulted in over four meters of sea floor 8000 kpa, the axial stress to 15000 kPa and back pressure to
subsidence. A cap pressure of almost 22 Mpa was concluded 3000 kPa, the axial stress is increased while the cell volume is
(Lawrence et al.)6. kept constant. As seen in figures 1 and 2, loading is in the
elastic domain. Also, it is evident that confining pressure has
Similar tests were performed by Ditzhuijzen et al.9 on samples only marginally changed with axial loading. This suggests that
from offshore Sarawak. Mouldic limestone and dolomite the sample has deformed little radially. This small deformation
samples ranged from 26.8 to 40.7% in porosity. Mouldic would be enough to increase lateral stresses in a stiff rock, but
limestone samples resulted in 15 to 36 Mpa vertical failure not in rather compressible oil that was controlling the
stress. Dolomitic samples ranged from 33 to 47 Mpa. Smits et confining pressure. Fig. 3 shows the change of permeability
al.10 reported a pore collapse vertical effective stress of 20 with mean effective stress. Mean effective stress is defined as
Mpa to 50 Mpa for Mouldic limestone with porosity in range one third of the first invariant of the total stress tensor minus
of 27 to 39%. They also concluded a failure stress of 18 Mpa the pore fluid pressure. As seen, permeability is decreased
exponentially with increasing mean effective stresses.
IPTC 11657 3

In the case of MBH sample, first axial stress was from the original strain hardening behaviour. More porosity,
increased, keeping radial pressure and backpressure constant. less strength and high mean effective stresses at relatively low
Permeability was measured when the sample was loaded and differential stresses increase the chance of volumetric failure.
also after it was unloaded. Fig. 4 depicts this phase of loading A cap model is needed to capture this behaviour in a
and unloading. Obviously in Fig. 6, no significant difference mathematical modeling.
resulted in permeability. This can be attributed to the fact that
even though mean effective stress, which is a compaction Besides the GSF and MBH samples, uniaxial strain tests
source, is decreasing, at the same time shear stress, which is a were performed on artificial samples of two kinds. In one
dilation source, is also decreasing and these two balance each series of samples, Portland cement was used to bind sand
other. grains together while in the second kind, sodium silicate was
applied. Permeability and porosity were measured in different
In the next stage, total stresses were increased on the stages. Porosity change was calculated form the initial
sample when effective stresses remained almost constant. In porosity to the end of the test using the following formula
this stage, permeability increased from 0.017 mD to 0.042 mD (Schutjens et al.)5:
(Fig. 6). This is believed to be the result of grain
compressibility of the rock or rock matrix compressibility V p
under the huge backpressure that assists in void enlargements ( 0 )
Vb 0
and therefore increases the permeability. = ( (1)
V p
Depletion of the sample under uniaxial strain condition is Vb 0
the next stage of the experiment. Fig. 5 depicts the effective
axial increase as sample pressure depletes. Radial effective Where is Biot-Willis coefficient and is defined as
stress increased almost as much as axial stress did. This is follows:
because this sample has a high stiffness that makes it
minimally deformed in radial direction. Therefore, radial
pressure would not appreciably decrease in the course of = 1 (2)
depletion. The permeability of the sample decreases with C bc
depletion. Permeability changes as a result of depletion, as
depicted in Fig. 6. As shown in the first 10 MPa of depletion, C r is grain compressibility and C bc is bulk volume
more than 75% of all reduction in permeability takes place. compressibility.
This can be attributed to the fact that in this depletion interval,
the MBH sample deforms more sharply than the rest of the 1 Vr
depletion course. Cr = ( ) Pc = PP (3)
Vr P
Finally, another set of unloading and then depletion was
followed and permeability values were measured in each step. 1 Vb
C bc = ( ) PP = 0 (4)
Fig. 7 captured the entire permeability data together. This Vb Pc
graph, along with the graph in Fig 8, shows that permeability
significantly changes even in an elastic range. With a
Cement Samples
depletion of as much as 30 MPa, permeability of the GSF
To prepare these samples, Portland cement was used to
sample was reduced by as much as 66% of the initial value. A
bind sand grains. The process of sample making was
permeability reduction of near 100% of the initial permeability
consistent for all the samples in order to make sure that they
was concluded with 58 MPa depletion of the MBH sample.
would provide reproducible results. Two slightly different
More importantly, most of the permeability reduction took
compositions were used for preparing the samples that are
place in the initial phase of depletion.
shown in Table 2.
Behavior in Plastic Range
Synthetic Samples
At relatively high mean effective stresses and low
The manufacturing of synthetic sandstone is based on a
differential stresses, volumetric failure, i.e. pore collapse, is a
method developed by Holt et al.12. The process employs sand
possible mechanism of failure. In brittle material, pore
with a sodium silicate solution. These components are mixed
collapse can be very quick, while in more compressible
into slurry, and then slightly pre-compacted when filling. By
material it can be very gradual. When pore collapse takes
using this technique, samples with unconfined compression
place, pore pressure increases in the failed zone because of the
strength ranging from 0 to 10 MPa and porosity as high as
tendency for material compression. In this case, effective
40% can be produced.
stress decreases. Following pore collapse, compaction
At relatively high effective mean stresses and low
behaviour takes place at a lower stress level. With increasing
differential stresses, sedimentary rocks with relatively high
strain, the average intergranular stress increases, and very high
porosity show volumetric failure behavior, i.e. pore collapse.
strains may be achieved in high stresses. The strain hardening
Post pore collapse, material shows compaction behaviour.
behaviour after pore collapse occurs in a completely different
microstructure than the original one, and is therefore different
4 IPTC 11657

Results and Discussions Figures 11 and 12 show the results of a uniaxial strain test on
Petrophysical properties data are very crucial for reserves another cement sample. Unconfined compressive strength of
assessment and fluid flow characterization of petroleum this sample measured 1.1 MPa. This sample was first brought
reservoirs. A great deal of money and effort are usually to in-situ stress state of 25000, 24700, 24000 KPa for axial
assigned in order to accurately estimate these properties. stress, confining pressure and back pressure respectively.
Permeability and porosity are among those properties and are Depletion process then followed while measuring permeability
by far the most important. Porosity is the key for reserves in each 4 MPa intervals. For this sample pore collapse took
estimate while permeability is the main parameter to predict place at a mean effective stress of 5000 kPa (axial effective
flow rates, design drawdown and therefore wellbore stress of 8070 kPa and radial effective stress of almost 3200
completion. Until recently, the common belief was that, once kPa). At the time of total stress increases in the beginning of
determined, these properties remain constant throughout the the test, porosity and permeability increased. With the start of
production life of the reservoir. Studies4,9,13-15 including this depletion process, porosity and permeability started
paper showed that this is not a realistic assumption. decreasing. In elastic domain, permeability significantly
Experimentations on both cement and synthetic samples in this decreased and the pore collapse more decreased the
study stress the same conclusion. permeability and porosity. Permeability rate decline dropped
in the depletion course, even though porosity continued its
Fig. 7 depicts the stress-strain behaviour of the sample Cement steady decline. This fact indicates the important role of big
1. In the beginning, axial and confining pressure as much as pores in fluid passage capability. Moreover, Figure 12 shows
700 and 1000 kPa respectively were applied to the sample and a drop of permeability at the time pore collapse took place.
a permeability test was conducted at this stage (first point in
permeability graph of figures 7 and 8). In the next stage, axial As for the synthetic samples, sample Synthetic 1, a confining
and confining pressures as well as backpressure were pressure of 16000 kPa, axial stress of 16500 kPa and
increased simultaneously. A small effective stress of 1000 kPa backpressure of 15000 kPa are applied on the sample. Then,
for radial and 2000 kPa for axial were applied at this stage. the sample pore pressure is depleted. Figures 13 and 14 show
According to the permeability curve of Fig. 8, permeability of the behaviour of the sample Synthetic 1. Fig. 13 shows that
the sample was increased after the second stage was pore collapse took place after the sample was depleted as
completed. This difference of permeability is due to the grain much as almost 10 MPa. Following pore collapse, pore
compressibility, and therefore the increase of porosity of the pressure was increased since pore fluid could not be expelled
sample. In the next step, the depletion process is started. After instantly following pore collapse. Fig. 14 shows that the
each 4 MPa depletion, a permeability test is performed. Fig. 7 porosity of the sample was decreased with increasing mean
shows that after almost 3 MPa of depletion at which porosity effective stress. Following pore collapse, porosity decreased
of the sample has only slightly reduced, the sample starts to sharply. This indicates more compressibility of the sample at
extensively deform, which is an indication of pore collapse. In this stage. Permeability of the sample also shows a significant
this process, cementation of the sample is totally destroyed change from almost 2000 mD in the beginning of the test to
and axial strain increases almost 4%, under almost constant almost 7 mD at the end of the test.
effective stresses. Increase in the permeability during the
course of pore collapse can be attributed to the breakage of the Synthetic 2, on the other hand, did not show a distinctive pore
grain-to-grain bonds as a result of the sample failure. Further collapse. In this sample, first axial stress of 16000 kPa,
depletion reduced the porosity and permeability. confining pressure of 15700 kPa and backpressure of 15000
kPa have been applied on the sample. This followed by the
Figures 9 and 10 depict the behaviour of sample Cement 2. depletion process. The high axial strain in the beginning of the
The loading process was first to apply a small confining loading process, shown in Fig. 15, seems to be due to the
pressure and axial stress to sit the membrane and pistons separate of the sample from the end pistons. This theory is
attached to the sample. Then confining pressure and axial confirmed in Fig. 16, where the porosity of the sample did not
stress and backpressure were increased to 51, 55 and 50 MPa change in that stage. Fig. 16 shows a constant rate decrease of
respectively. In this stage, porosity increased from 39 to porosity with an increase of mean effective stress in the
almost 50%. After the sample was brought to in-situ stress depletion course. Permeability change of the sample also
state, the depletion process started. According to Fig. 9, pore shows a similar trend. Less compressibility of the sample in
collapse took place at an effective axial stress of higher stress conditions also clearly shows the compaction
approximately 8 MPa. After pore collapse occurred, the behaviour of the sample from the beginning of the loading
compaction stage initiated and therefore porosity started process.
decreasing, as shown in Fig. 10. Consistent with the results
presented previously, permeability significantly dropped down Conclusion
in this stage as shown in Fig. 10. During the unloading stage In both elastic and plastic segments of behaviour, undrained
of this sample, only a small portion of the deformation increase of stresses highly increases porosity and permeability.
returned, which indicates the highly plastic behaviour of the Permeability increased as much as 60% in the MBH sample in
sample as a result of pore collapse. This can be deduced from elastic range, while this increase was more significant in the
changes in axial strain and porosity during unloading, as cement sample. Porosity was also increased in this stage as
shown in Figures 9 and 10. much as 10 to 25% in cement and synthetic samples. This
IPTC 11657 5

change, as well as the amount of pressure increase, would be 4. Ruistuen, H., Teufel, L.W., and Rhett, D.: Influence of
very different for various samples. reservoir stress path on deformation and permeability of
weakly cemented sandstone reservoir, SPE-36535, in
In those circumstances in which pore collapse is a plausible Annual technical conference and exhibition proceedings,
mechanism, permeability of the sample can change v. omega, Formation evaluation and reservoir geology:
significantly. A difference must be noticed between the Society of Petroleum Engineers, p. 463-470, 1996.
behaviour of the sample at the time of pore collapse and 5. Schutjens, P.M.T.M. et al.: Completion-Induced
afterwards. When pore collapse takes place, porosity of the Porosity/Permeability Reduction in Sandstone Reservoirs:
sample may significantly decrease while cement bonds of the Data and Model for Elasticity-Dominated Deformation,
grains break. Permeability of the sample in this stage may be SPE 71337, Annual technical conference, Loisiana, 2001.
enhanced because of porosity decrease, as a result of cement 6. Lawrence W.T., Douglas, Rhett W., Farrell, H.E.: Effect
breakage. But clearly in the compaction phase after pore of Reservoir Depletion and Pore Pressure Drawdown on
collapse, permeability always decreases. In some of the In Situ Stress and Deformation in the Ekofisk Field, North
samples permeability decreased as much as two orders of Sea, Rock Mechanics and Multidisiplinary Science,
magnitude. Balkema, Rotterdom, 1991.
7. Hamilton, J.M., Shafer, J.L: Measurement of Pore
Finally, it should be noted that there is a considerable Compressibility Charachteristics in Rock Exhibiting Pore
difference between the behaviour of the material near and far Collapse and Volumetric Creep, SCA conference paper
from the wellbore. Inside the reservoir, uniaxial strain Number 9124, 1991.
condition (or near to this state) dictates the stress path of the 8. Soares, A.C., Ferreira, F.H.: An Experimental Study for
medium. Therefore, volumetric deformation and thus failure Mechanical Formation Damage, SPE international
mechanism are usually predominant. In the well face on the symposium and exhibition on formation damage control,
other hand, shear failure mode is predominant and therefore Lafayette, Louisiana, 2002.
dilation of the material after yield may significantly enhance 9. Ditzhuijzen, P.J.D., Waal, J.A: Reservoir Compaction
permeability in the shear failed zone. and Surface Subsidence in the Central Luconia Gas
bearing Carbonates, Offshore Sarwak, East Malaysia,
Acknowledgement SPE 5th offshore south east Asia conference, Singapore,
The authors appreciate the financial support provided by 1984.
different Canadian industrial and governmental organizations 10. Smits, R.M.M., Waal, A., Kooten, J.F.C.: Prediction of
to carry this research work. Abrupt Reservoir Compaction and Surface Subsidence
Due to Pore Collapse in Carbonates, 61th annual SPE
Nomenclature conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, 1986.
C bc Bulk sample compressibility 11. Tronvol, J., M.B. Dusseault, F. Sanfilippo, and F.J.
Cr Grain Compressibility Santarelli: The Tools of Sand Management, SPE 71673,
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Pc Mean total stress Orleans, Louisiana, 2001.
Pp Pore pressure 12. Holt, R. M., Kenter, C. J., Unander, T. E., Santarelli, F.:
Bulk volume Unloading effects on Mechanical Properties of a Very
Weak Artifical Sandstone: Application to Coring,
Vp Pore volume Geotechnical Engineering of Hard Soils-Soft Rocks,
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13. Belhaj, H.A., Ryan, R.J., Butt, S.D., Frempong, P.,
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References 14. Palmer, I., Moschovidid, Z, and Cameron, J.: Coal
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6 IPTC 11657

120000 12000

100000 10000

80000 8000
effective axial

radial stress
60000 6000

40000 4000

20000 2000

0 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 120000
axial strain axial stress

Figure 1. Axial stress increases under Figure 2. Radial stress increases under
uniaxial strain condition uniaxial strain condition while axial stress increases


Effective axial stress

Permeability (mD)

35 40000
30 -0.6776
y = 20975x
25 2
R = 0.9858
0 0
0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95
mean effective stresses (kPa) axial strain

Figure 3. Permeability decreases with mean Figure 4. Axial loading of sample under a confining
effective stress increase pressure of 3500 kPa and back pressure of 2000 kPa

0.045 25000 49

e ffective stresse s (kPa), Pe rmeability

Permeability (mD)

15000 effective axial

0.025 effective radial


0.02 permeability
10000 porosity
0.005 37

0 0 35
0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000 0 5 10
mean effective stresses (kPa) axial strain

Figure 5. Depletion of the sample under uniaxial Figure 6. Permeability change of MH samples with
strain condition mean effective stress increase
IPTC 11657 7

1600 49
40000 53

1400 47 51

Effe ctive stre sse s (kPa), Pe rme ability


1200 49
45 30000
perme ability (mD)

1000 47
25000 effective axial


45 effective radial

41 porosity permeability
600 15000 porosity
39 41
200 37
5000 37
0 35
0 35
0 5000 10000 15000 20000
0 2 4 6 8
mean effe ctive stress (kPa) axial strain

Figure 7. Physical and mechanical behavior of Cement Figure 8. Variation of petrophysical properties of
Sample 1 Cement Sample 1 with mean effective stress

1800 55 30000 42

1600 53
effe ctive stresse s (kPa), Permeability

1400 51

49 40
pe rme ability (mD)

1200 20000
47 effective axial


1000 permeability effective radial


45 15000
800 porosity permeability (mD)
43 porosity
600 10000
41 37
400 39
200 37

0 35 0 35
0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 0 1 2 3 4
me an e ffective stre ss (kPa) axial strain

Figure 9. Physical and mechanical behavior Figure 10. Variation of petrophysical properties
of Cement Sample 2 of Cement Sample 2 with mean effective stress

6000 42 25000 50

20000 40
40 35
Pe rme ability (mD)

15000 30 effective axial


permeability effective radial

3000 25
porosity permeability
38 10000 20 porosity
37 15

5000 10

0 35 0 0
0 5000 10000 15000 20000 -2 3 8 13 18
Me an effective stre ss (KPa) axial strain

Figure 11. Physical and mechanical behavior Figure 12. Variation of petrophysical properties of Cement
of Cement Sample 3 Sample 3 with mean effective stress
8 IPTC 11657

25000 50 2500 46

20000 40 2000

pe rme ability (mD)

15000 30 effective axial 40


effective radial permeability
25 38
10000 20 porosity 1000
5000 10 500
5 32

0 0 0 30
-2 3 8 13 18 0 5000 10000 15000
axial strain me an e ffective stre ss (kPa)

Figure 13. Physical and mechanical behavior Figure 14. Variation of petrophysical properties of
of Synthetic 1 Synthetic 1 with mean effective stress

30 30 47

25 25 45
Effective Stresses (kPa)

permeability (mD)

pe rme ability (mD)

20 20 43
effective axial

15000 permeability
15 effective radial 15 41
10000 10 10 39

5000 5
5 37

0 0
0 35
0 5 10 0 5000 10000 15000 20000
axial strain me an e ffe ctive stre ss (kPa)

Figure 15. Physical and mechanical behavior of Figure 16. Variation of petrophysical properties of
Synthetic 2 Synthetic 2 with mean effective stress
IPTC 11657 9

Sample Initial Porosity d (gr/cm3) sat (gr/cm3)
23 2.00 2.23 45
13 2.24 2.37 57
39 1.55 1.92 ~0.50
Cement 1
39,39,39,39 1.59,1.56, 1.54 1.98,1.95,1.91 ~0.7,0.50, 0.50
Cement 2 (3,5,6)
34,37 1.71,1.64 2.05,2.01 1.01,1.15
Cement 3 (8,9,10)
40 1.61 2.00 ~0.75
Synthetic 1
40 1.61 2.00 ~0.75
Synthetic 2

Table 1. Characteristics of the samples used in the experimental program

Sample Sand Weight (gr) Cement/Sand ratio Water/Cement weight ratio

Cement 1 416.5 11.4 1.25

Cement 2-3 428.4 11.1 1.00

Table 2. Composition of materials used for making cement samples

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