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Worksheet 6.

The landscape chant

1. Colour the words according to the code. Write the number of the corresponding
flat landscapes = green; mountainous landscapes = brown; coastal landscapes = blue

beach plateau headland mountain plain

cliff mountain range depression valley

1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9

2. Use the words above to complete the chant.

Landscapes, landscapes Ap ,
Different landscapes. Ap ,
High land, high land A low d .
What can you see? Coastal land, coastal land
Am , What can you see?
Oxford University Press Espaa, S. A.

Av , Ac ,
Am r . Ab ,
Flat land, flat land A round h .
What can you see?
Worksheet 6.3
The landscape chant

1. Colour the words according to the code. Write the number of the corresponding
flat landscapes = green; mountainous landscapes = brown; coastal landscapes = blue

beach 3 plateau 6 headland 9 mountain 4 plain 5

cliff 1 mountain range 7 depression 8 valley 2

1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9

green: plain, plateau, depression; brown: mountain, mountain range, valley;

blue: beach, cliff, headland

2. Use the words above to complete the chant.

Landscapes, landscapes A p l a i n,
Different landscapes. A p l a t e a u,
High land, high land A low d e p r e s s i o n.
What can you see? Coastal land, coastal land
Amo u n t a i n, What can you see?
Oxford University Press Espaa, S. A.

Ava l l e y, Ac l i f f,
Amo u n t a i n r a n g e. A be a c h,
Flat land, flat land A round h e a d l a n d.
What can you see?

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