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Lessons 1&2 @P Listen and read. Hello. My not Zoe. | come from Canoda. I'm 11 Character: sporty and artistic Interests: the Olympic Games, athletics Welcome back to the Tiger ‘Tracks Social Learning i | Network! This year, We: sm © communicate with children | from different English-speaking countries © share ideas and opi ® learn amazing facts about the world © learn about different cultures © do interesting ond creative projects © prepare for secondary schoo! Hi there. My nome’s Florence. I'm from Jamaica, I'm 12 years oid, Choracter: scientific and Interests: nutrition and cooking Ambitions: to present o TV programme obout food from around the world ©™ Listen and repeat. FA say and identify. (One thousond on {Listen and say which number. 1,000} 1,005} 1,440 2,500| 5,555 10,000] 12,700| 22,880| 99,005| 100,000 @ BY hitnere. my name's Flan. tm trom veond. | miayearsoi. — - y J Character: ortistic and imaginative =) Y) interests: comic books, theatre Ambitions: to write and direct Hello. I'm Becky, | live in England. I'm 12 Choracter: scientific and techy Interests: famous scientists and invent Ambitions: to be o doctor ond work in a hospital Hello, everyone! My name's Ed. I'm from Wales I'm 13 years old Character: musical and sporty Interests: musical instruments and foot Ambitions: to play ina band and travel round the world Hello there. I'm Scott | ive in New Zealand. Gide "” Choracter: sporty and odventurous Interests: nature and geogrophy Ambitions: to ‘limb mountain fe EU Ou te uae CUO STM a hog >) Listen and say. Play Who is it? oO — © PRBAsk your friends. Tell the class. She's creative. She's interested in What type of person ave you?) cooking. She wants to present — TV programme about good food. Chet ore you interested in? ‘What do you wont to do in the future?) ® In this unit: 1 | name and talk about free time [find out about Welsh and UK culture. activities. & Lact out inviting a friend toa concert in [listen to and read asuccess story —_a role play. A talented boy. '® I reod about different longuages, and 1 | talk about what activities people —_write ond present a project. like doing. Lesson] @"®™ Listen and say. () Pence) ‘which activities I do. make things: L i | practise a foreign language 90 fishing ©® Listen and find out. Which activities does EP Listen and do the 9 Ed do at the youth club? [jf Now ask vocabulary quiz. and talk about you. —<—<——as need a board Cymponenvar terme) Gian ote 2) iepealisutugas extent.) Cannes.) You road a hirg and qucen aL INTER roxt(Z] @ Here’s some information about the youth club I go to. | think it’s iB | a great dub. What do you think? Lesson 2 QM Listen and read. z ‘Are you between 10 and 16 years old? E Have you got lots of free time? Do you like doing lots of different activities? TB) 'fyour answers are YES, YES, YES, then the Collecting and BER streetwise Youth Club is the place for you. | making things Rae ‘Many of our members are 1 a very creative. We collect i = You can play chess, cards and ld magazines, plastic many other games. You can bottles and old clothes, Fe play football table tennis and and we make things fom many other sports. We organise these recycled objects, compettions with other youth ean flue around the UK Goi nia At the Steetise Youth edhe Club you can leam new At the weekend, we sometimes go on I excursions. We goto interesting museums and ‘great pop concerts. We explore the countryside J around our town, ‘computer skills. You can also practise a foreign language o learn to play ‘a musical instrument I The Streetwise Youth Club is open every afternoon after school and all day on Saturday. ‘Membership: £10 a month. You can come once a week, twice a week, or every day of the week, You choose! rae ee find information quickly. ae © Answer the questions. © PD Work in groups. Remember and write. 1 How old ore members of the youth club? eon: 2 How meny sports are nomed in Pin Fok THINKING SKILLS the text? Pai things Raney ‘When is the youth dub open? 4. Can you go to the youth «lub sik is 5 How much does it cost to be a @ Think and say. member of the youth club? I think going to a youth club is a good idea because you can maot other children [SROENINRIEIED csc cn sen at ti aoa eur crit © w This is a success story "OG ‘bout some people | know Lesson 3 (J x at the Streetwise Youth Club. ¢ Z % ‘hope you like it. ©® Listen to and read the story. s y ntl GS ‘* What activity is David good at? * What does David's brother do? Soe S David is at the Streetwise Youth Club Pacing hits Tom and Lucy like playing chess. They play together every Thursday, i Tom. Hi, Lucy, Hi there, David. My name's Tessa. Let me show you the activities you can do here. BE dont ke ployng My ome’ || Shescor making hg Devi wnat do Uenatne Gait making th gourtke dng J) dub is boring ike dancing, Did you hear that? He likes dancing! © Read and say True or False. Correct the false sentences. el oom “BRS Evoryday phrases: oa Me too. And we love <> going to the youth cub. J @ Ask and say. a 1 Do you like the story? Why? / Why not? IEA pottnene Crone 2. What's your favourite part of the story? That's amazing! 3 Do you think it's easy to be a street-dance Youtre really goed! chompion? That's ivcrediblet 4 Do you like dancing? GRAMMAR TRACKS Lesson 4 @P tisten and read. who does more sport? Anthony is 12, He goes to the Streetwise Youth Club with his Julia is 1S years old and she's brother every Friday @ member of the Streetwise after school. They like Youth Club. She likes going juggling, and ploying to the club because she can board gomes, football and table tennis see her friends. They like at the club. Anthony doesn''t like playing using the club computers to computer games, but he likes using do thelr homework. Julia doesn't like playing toble the internet to find out about science. tennis, but she sometimes plays football. And she’s Anthony is also learning Chinese at the earning to play the drums at the club. She loves club with @ boy from China. He likes playing the drums learning foreign languages @ FRBAsk and answer. ike going to the youth club. ©®®\ Listen, repeat and learn. (_) like + ...jng {revision and extension) W/You/ je swimming. J WYoul — don'etike simming. . We/They juggling. | He/She likes playing ches: We / They juggling. He/She doesn’t like playing chess. Do you swimming? Ido. don't. like juggling? Yes, lo, { Does he she plouina chess? he / she does. he / she doesn’t. ©® Be a grammar detective! Look at page 7 in the AB. When there is a verb after /ike, what form cometh} of the verb dowe use? ele What are the short answers to questions of like + i beginning with Oo you like...? creat y . OP 1457 mack Grammar Write five sentences about what you and your family like doing. Do you like playing fSotboll? No, | like playing besketball Do you ike listening to pop music? Me listening t0.cBsical music @© Listen and say True or False. Correct the false sentences. nc eon Anna coo Joke Is it a boy oF o gitt? a Does he like doing puzzles? Does he like playing chess? Are you thinking about Billy? ©® Talk about you and your friends. Idon't like playing computer games, but | love using the internet. My friend Paul likes taking photos. ee eee ees Wales isa small country, but Post its culture is rich and varied. It has got its own language, Welsh, and strong troditions in music and sport z —_—— Lesson 6 OH Listen and read. Welsh Culture LANGUAGE und behind the There a rugby teams, too. famous forts male voice choirs. Many boys and men ofall ages join choirs They meet every week to practise. They sing songs in Welsh and in English. men's rugby teams an WINS Tad aad ee nN greed @ Read and guess. say the answers. Listen and rost(z] How much do you know about Wales? Do this culture quiz. ? 9 ————— Culture quiz time: Wales What's the copital of Wales? a) Cardiff b) Edinburgh <) Dublin ?) What's on the flag of Wales? 0) a blue bird ) a yellow flower «) a red dragon Which languages do many people speak? o) English and Welsh b) English and Spanish ©) English ond French Who is the patron saint of Wales? 0) St George b) St David) St Andrew Which vegetable is the national symbol of Wales? 0) the leek) the carrot) the potato Which famous writer is from Wales? a) J.K. Rowling b) Enid Blyton <) Roald Dahi > 900 0208 ] {Inthe UK there are many "°* & places to watch sports and pop “= |= concerts. Wembley Stodium is Lesson 7 @© Listen and read. say True or False. 1 Wembley Stadium is in London. 2 itis bigger than all the other stadiums in Europe. 3 The stadium has a capacity of 90,000 people for a football match. V 4 Every year, the final of the football World Cup is at Wembley Stadium. 5 Some football matches at the Olympic Games in 2012 were at Wembley Stadium. 6 Famous pop stars such as Shakira, Justin Beiber and One Direction sometimes give concerts in the stadium, Everyday chit-chat Orr invite a friend to a concert @E© Listen and repeat. a stadium ‘@ pop concert @ Listen and read. Repeat. (3) Carrie: Hello? Ed: Hi, Carrie. It's Ed. Carrie: Hi, How are you? Ed: I'm fine, thanks. I'm calling to see if you're free on Saturday night. Carrie: Yes, | am. Why? Ed: Well, my family has got tickets to see One Direction, at Wembley stodium. Carrie: Wow! You're so lucky. One Direction is Corrie: Hi, Ed. My dad says ! can go. I'm my favourite pop group. so excited! Ed: ‘Well, would you like to see the Ed: Good. We can pick you up from concert with us? My brother has got a your house at quarter past three on bad cold, so we've got a spare ticket. Saturday afternoon. Carrie: Oh yes. Wow! I'd love to! Just let me Carrie: OK. That's great. Thank you, Ed. ask my dad. @ PHP 00 « role play Hi there! In Wales, lots of people are bilingual. 1 speak °0>"(7) A English at home. At school, | speak Welsh, and I’m learning French, too. Here's an article from our school magazine. <@ tm} | Two people talk about the languages they're learning. Lesson 8 @ listen and read. oe mad ‘There are more than 6,000 different languages in the world. Some of these languages have similar vocabulary evale tearaled (ersten eunuesiet | Be ere aay Seon Harry. Im learning Japanese because my brother Foc ramp Perecanbls there weary votcobopton” ‘© Some languages give nouns a gender. The nouns can be mascusine, wclnoure don terea gender Dac evap ord and nouns 3 gender ing ernlae or sera, Oar langeages nit hve noune 4 goatee writing in Japanese is very difficult for me. There. ‘© Some languages use the letters of an alphabet to write words, are thousands of different characters to learn. And Other languages use characters instead of words. when you read a sentence, you don’t read it fom ‘© Some languages don't conjugate verbs. Other languages have ee eee eae cea = as , Vanessa. t'm English, but live in Wales. How do you soy ‘De you te i rece eee tne oponese | live in Weles” in Welsh? Wolsh Friends in Welsh In English, nouns don't FS] chorocter for have a gender, so it's difficut for me to remember Yo Yen ginoywsea | Serdar Bt ive span ee Nghymru? language, and I'm very happy with my progress. THINKING SKILLS © PR Pley Read and change. sy ‘Comparing and contrasting There are more than 6,000 different Tonguages in Europe. Stop! It doesn't soy Europe. It soys the My words to remember letters of an alphabet characters gender conjugate verbs Japanese Welsh Project: Free time survey © Look at the graph. Listen and read. Yesterday, | presented ro7"(7 this project in class. Which | asked 20 people at my schoo! about activities are very popular? the activities they like doing in their free ‘Which activities are not popular? time. Here ore the results of my survey: hg Bey Mat ap gS fe ete teh £ | wosn't surprised to find out that our favourite ‘activities are using the internet and watching films. But | was very surprised to find out that nobody juggles in their free time. love juggling, It’s one of my fovourite activities ) THINKING SKILLS Co Mn You can also present your pee e ere eke ne ae esr heme eit 2 interview people. © ring fining — @ sotecting cts 3 draw your results. © Poyng toed © sing pussies © AB page 12 Do the Unit 1 Review and self-assessment Write and present lagrerinling (Activity Book page 12). Complete your Tiger Tracks Progress Journal for Unit 1. In this unit: ; A I name and describe geographical | find out about New Zealand and features. UK culture. listen to and read a biography J act out describing what | can see Sir Edmund Hillary, ina role play. | talk about the highest and longest | read about volcanoes, and write and geographical features. Present a project. D> Listen and say. (—) a ~ Hi. My name's Scott. I'm from New Zealand. My. — country is famous for its beautiful landscapes, > Listen and find out. Which geographical Listen and do the features are there in New Zealand? vocabulary quiz. WB Now ask and talk about your country. (Are there any volcanoes in your country?) fa made of ice. J A Ie moves very slossly Yes, there are.) (mot sure, J ( No, there orerr Corneearey (Corer ( y ©) (em EEEETTETD rin cut how teri from ew Zelond te Aur, Here's a website about the Post 2 incredible landscape of New Zealand! ‘Which island do you think is more interesting to visit? Lesson 2 © Listen and read. 200 naw> ‘Now Zealand s a country inthe Southern Hemisphere. has got two main islands. One is ‘calod North island and the others caled South See ean | \Westiand National Pork Mount Ruapehu. argest oko ison Nexth land. Waterfall in the Whirinaki Rainforest THINKING SKILLS Comparing © PB Pioy o memory game. © Answer the questions. (Where can you see coves? 1 Which is bigger, North Island or South Cece) Islond? \ 2 Which island has got more mountains? (Qa iors ond) ‘stnd!) 3 Where can you see New Zealand's lorgest lake? 4 What is the nome of the largest © choose and say. “CE national pork? I want to visit New sae als because | want 5 Whot is the Southern Alps? to see the volcanoes. ox | This story isthe biography of Sir Edmund. °°*"17] Hillary, a fomous climber from New Zealand. He lived from 1919 to 2008. His image is on the New Zealand $5 note. He is one of my favourite © people from history. Enjoy! © Listen to and read the story. PE TTC TC pc iosorestotitome ston It is 1931. Edmund is eleven. On the train to ‘As @ young man, Edmund climbs cliffs, mountains school, he often reads adventure stories and ‘and volcanoes in New Zealand. He sometimes: limbs with friends, but he often climbs alone. In the future, ! want to be an explorer. =” in the expedition to climb Mount Everest, there are 11 Itis 1953. Edmund is 33. He goes to Nepal «limbers, o journalist, « photogropher, a doctor, ond 350 to climb Mount Everest, the highest mountain Porters to carry all the food and equipment. Edmund in the world. talks to Tenzing Norgay, a climber from Nepol. CHINA t's good to see you |, ogain, Edmund, INDIA © Read and answer the questions. 1 What types of books does Edmund read as a boy? ‘When does Edmund go to Nepal? How many porters are on the expedition to climb Everest? Edmund nearly dies during the expedition. How? How high is Mount Everest? How long do Edmund and Tenzing stand on top of Everest? pure Beer {1s it sometimes important to work os 6 team? Why? When do you work in ‘@ team? auawn (a The climbers begin their ascent. Edmund During the expedition, Edmund falls through a crock in climbs with Tenzing. A rope connects them. | _the ice. Tenzing reocts quickly ond saves Edmund's life. Its extremely cold, And very windy. Don't worry! You ore sae. she climbers cimb forsixtong weeks. At 7,900 metres the temperature is extremely cold. The oxygen is thin. Some of the climbers can’t fee! their feet. Some of ‘them feel sick. We can’t reach the top. | We cannot continue. ‘We did it, my friend! We did itt TTenaing, we con reach the top. | know we can do it. ‘moments in the history of climbing. @ Ask and say. 1 Do you like the story? Why? / Why not? 2) What's your favourite port of the story? 2 Does anything in the story surprise you? 4 Do you want to climb Mount Everest? Which is the highest ‘mountain in the world? Which it the widest river in the world? Which is the smelliest frog in the world? Which is the most dangerous shark in ‘the world? When you ask questions like these, where do you find the answers? Do you look for the answers on the intemet. or in an encyclopaedia? Or do you look in.a book called Guinness World Record? Be a grammar detectivel Look at page 17 in the AB. When do we use superlative adjectives? How do we make superlative adjectives? - a reference book Cunnenverdtecrirecrteoe MBeKeeN, book. It contains information about the highest, the smells, the hotter the ~~ longest and the most exceptional things “fl inthe word For example, Mount Everest isthe highest mountain nthe weld the Sohora ithe hotest desert, the Amazon s the widest river, onc the — 4 Pacific is the deepest ocean There ore also Guinness World Records museums ond a. Guinness World Records website The smelliest frog is the venezuelon skunk frog. And the most dangerous shork in the world is the greot white shork. 7 HH Work in groups. Cunien the) Z the Play Team Reading Race. —“(_ is.) ~& (highest eounton in yey ; " world? : {D Listen, repeat and learn. (_) ow ‘Superlative adjectives rm toll. tm talk You're young. You're young) person He's noisy. He's noisi place the world. She's big, She's bigo: animal in our clos. It's strange. It's strang) my family. We're intelligent. We're ttelligent people They're interesting, They're interesting animals Care Era Cr ae ty find in the story? ¢ This bird’s nest isn't the ¥ cheapest, but it’s the best. 4 It's the biggest and the strongest and it’s a lovely place to rest. a> Are you the youngest?) CAre you the most musical? - \ — Seah) \Cire you theories) = ‘ Nealon You're Jane! ) Yes, that's right. Talk about you and your friends. John is the youngest. Lisa is the most scientific, Laura hasn't got the longest hair. i : Cr ye The kiwi isa bird that livesin. —"0*t) New Zealand. It is o symbol of my country. Many other birds also live in New Zealand. In fact, the country is sometimes calied “the land of birds’, @H Listen and read. re many animals in New Zealand that you cannot The blue penguin lives in many parts where else in the world. There are very rare types of New Zealand. There are 17 species det, dolphin, lzard and se9 bon. of penguin inthe world, and many of But New Zealand fs most famous them lve in New Zealand. The blue forts birds. Many of these birds penguin has got blve-grey feathers and are unique to New Zealand Its the smallest species of penguin, Ris because they are fightless about. 30 em lang and itweighs about birds. They cannot fy hey cannot travel to other countries ‘one inlogram, ‘The kiw isa fightless bied with a very Jong beak A kiwi is about the same The kakapo is a type size asa chicken. But a Kia's €99) of paniot. It isthe only ts six times larger than a chickens parrot in the 99! The male ki incubates the world. The adults can 699 and looks after it for about 80 weigh over three kilograms, lays. 80 days! That's the longest 0 the kakapo Is ais t incubation period of any bird in heaviest species of parrot in the world Mette dhe a Are any of them flightless birds? rostl Now it’s my turn to give you o culture quiz on New Zealand. Are you ready? © Read and guess. “> Listen ‘ond say the answers. 1. 2 Culture quiz time: New Zealand AL What's the capital of New Zealand? «) Queensland b) Wellington ¢) Auckland A. Whocre the indigenous people of New Zealand? a) the Mooris b) the Aborigines) the Inuits 2 A What are the official languages of New Zealand? a) Maori and English b) English and French ¢) Maori and Spanish What's the population of New Zealand? a) 4 million b) 14 million ©) 24 million What is New Zealand money called? a) euros _b) dollars <) pounds 2 What are people from New Zealond sometimes called? a) penguins b) parrots _«) kiwis 1. There ore more than 1,000 different bird species in the UK. 2. The RSPB is an organisation that protects birds in the UK. 3) Many families in the UK feed wild birds in their living rooms. 4 Some families have got bird boxes in their gardens. S_ The robin is one of the most common birds in UK gardens. 6 Collecting birds’ eggs is a crime in the UK. Everyday chit-chat QPEL. esctive what you can see EE listen and repeat. RRR & re Carrie: ® FH 00 a role play. @©& Listen and read. say True or False. A We've got some interesting f birds in the UK. And bird binoculars horizon hills building Listen and read. Repeat. (3) Look. The view from up here is great. Yes, it is. What's that big white building over there? Thot's the hospital. And on the right of it, you can see my school. ‘Oh yes. And what's that over there, on the horizon? Those are the hills where we went yesterday and had a picnic. Can I have the binoculars for o moment? Of course. What can you see? Not o lot. Because you've got the binoculars the wrong way round! ‘Oh yeah! You're right! Ah, thot's better! What is a voleano? Inside the earth, there is a layer of very hot quid rock, A voleano is a place where this hot rock can ‘escape through a hole in the surface. When this happens. we callit a volcanic ‘eruption When a voleano erupts, the hot quid rock cools down in the air and solcifies on the surface around the hole. Because Of this, most volcanoes are mountains THINKING SKILLS Defining Define these words: 1 volcano 2 magma 3 lava 4 volcanic eruption Hi there! In New Zealand there are lots of | 057 volcanoes, At school, we learn about volcanoes in our geography lessons. This text is a project from my geogrophy class. It tells you all about volcanoes. The tallest volcano The tallest volcano in the 1 ‘world is a dormant volcano called Mauna Kea. It is 00 ] the island of Hawaii The base ‘of Mauna Kea is 6,000 metres below sea level. The summit is 4,205 metres above sea level From the base to the summit Mauna Kea is 10,205 metres tall Types of volcano. “The largest volcano in the solar system ison Mars. Its called Olympus Mons. Its an |. Active voleanoes erupt quite often, incredible 25 Klorictres ight 2, Dormant or inactive volcanoes erupted a ‘That's three times higher than long time ago, but they can erupt again. Mount Everest! 3. Extinct volcanoes cannot erupt again. ‘We can put volcanoes in three categories: €® FW Play Volcanic words. co Leurten) . eZ) Read and define. 3° Wy @ ° =) « ; ed he €) Think and say. Are there any volcanoes in your country or in a country near you? What types of volcano ore they? My words to remember dase summit VoleaniorocR lava eruption magna ® Titi iaaL/t CMW Find out the name of the most active volcano in the world. Project: Superlative quiz €©©™ Listen and read. Yesterday at school, I mode _°051{7] A these superlative quiz cards. Con you | answer the questions? 2 Whats te widest | river in the wor Pe) 2c") scplccierumes | } a the Thames ‘What's the widest river a j in the world? Is it — —— 0) the Amazon, b) the a Nile or ©) the Thomes? basen is the moot Friend: | think the answer is the Nile, Becky: I'm sorry. It isn’t the ted ery | | China . Wea , i a) India 2 Ss Nile. The widest river E 9) the UK in the world is the Amazon. The Nite is the longest. | EEE © Plan your project. THINHING SiILLS pret sete got cd ead Find out supertative facts about animals and geographical features. 2 Prepare your questions. Pe ei pe Man heed Think of two 3 incorrect answers for ‘each question. ‘Wits ond present Do the Unit 2 Review and Self-assessment 4 {your quiz. (Activity Book page 22). Complete your Tiger Tracks Progress Journal for Unit 2. In this unit: © Iname and describe different types ® I find out about Jamaican and of food, UK culture. © Ilisten to ond read a survival story mL act out giving instructions in the The hurricane and the coconut tree. ichen in a role play Losk and answer questions .ad about products from trees, ‘bout food. ‘and write and present 6 project. } = EE / Lesson 1 OH Listen ond say. (7) BS ee (QM Listen ond find out. Which foods does OD G listen and do the 9 Jamaica produce? Fj Now ask and talk vocabulary quiz. © about your country. - \\ Does your country produce coffee? They're gelow . and green. Theyve got INTERNET TRAC Lesson 2 (© Listen and read. Today's recipe is a cake full of Jamaican flavours. There's some coconut in it, but there are ako two more ingredients from Jamaica: chocolate and lime. The cake i delicious and very simple to make. Ingredients 175g of butter 100g of brown sugar 1 tablespoon of honey Seger 175g of flour, with 2 teaspoons of {baking powder of a teaspoon of salt 50g of coconut The juice of a lime 50g of grated dork chocolate *— THINKINGSKILLS | * Explaining and sequencing es © Answer the questions. 1 What type of climate has Jamaica got? 2 Which three ingredients from Jamaica are in the cake? Hove learning about food and cooking. This is one of my fovourite food blogs. | always find interesting information here, and simple but tasty recipes too! Do you think this cake looks good? Se portant rae rernve peti) | Instructions 1 Fist of all, put the butter, sugar and honey into a bow. Mix until the mixture is smooth, Then, add the eggs one at a ime. Mix after each egg. Slowly add the flour, coconut and grated chocolate and mix well, Then add the lime juice and mix again. Next, pour the mixture into ‘2 greased baking tin. Last of all, putit in the oven and bake it for 30-35 minutes at 2 180°, Leave the cake to cool, Serving Suggestion Serve the cake with a of lemonade. Enjoy! (© PR Play Read and change. OS™, Jamaica is @ Coribbeon city, [Serena It doesn't say (Saree It says island. 3 How many teaspoons of salt do you need? 4 How long do you bake the cake for? 5 What drink is good with the coke? Misam! @ Think and say. Ithink Jamaican La Cake looks delicious. Iwant to try i Sometimes there are hurricanes -os:( in Jamaica. Our grandparents all remember very bad hurricanes. Lesson 3 &) Mice Wa ell get eiiv ol sng ated (CH Listen to and read the story. Us. This is one story. | hope you like it. THE HURRICANE AND THE COCONUT TREE — row aise ne coconut wee? Zoch and his mother are on holiday in Jamaica. They are visiting their friends Alice and Joke. ‘One day, in Jamaica, there's an important Look, Mum! There are coconuts in the tree, Hurricane Gilbert is moving towards the iland af lomoica It is @ force five hurricane. Tach, let me tell you a My story obout this tree. ° Everybody on the island prepares for the hurricane, They Later, the sky is very cloudy. The wind protect their houses and their animals. They put extra is very strong, The hurricane is near. food and drink in their cupboards. . Te ‘Are there any bottles of water? Is there any bread? believe it! * Look! There's o girl » with atent under the coconut tree.) f five bottles of water and } there's some bread. We've 4 got everything we need. © Read and say True or False. Correct the false sentences. 1 Zach and his mum live in Jamaica. 2. People hear about the hurricane on the radio. 3. Alice and Joke see a girl in « car under the coconut tree. Is it important to prepare 4 The girl in the story is Zach's sister. ed eS ‘weather? Why? 7 og jow do you prepore : Zoch’s mum saved Alice and Jake's life. Eeka nase nie In picture 9, the coconut tree is more than 20 years old. country? G8) in 1988. Ask and say. Do you like the story? Why? / Why not? What's your favourite part of the story? 1 2 3 4 Ahhurricane is coming It isn't safe to stay here under this tree. Please, come H The doy after the storm, there aren't many trees standing. The girl feels very lucky to be alive. . It destroyed towns, farms and the countryside. Sadly, it also Killed 200 people. inside with us, =< ‘The girl in the story was your mother, mote than 25 years ago. When the eye of the hurricane travels across the Island, It destroys everything in its path. It picks up the coconut tree and drops it on top of the gir!’s tent. was very silly to put my tent under a tree. Jake and Alice soved my life. And o week after the hurricane, | planted this coconut tree to say thank you and to help repair the land. _] Srey I think the tree likes J {yous Zech. I's giving ‘Kyou coconut! Can I try some coconut = \ milk now, please? Everyday phrases: learn and use! Try some, It’s delicious! The wind is very strong. Do you think it was a good idea to plant atree —_t dowt believe it! to say thank you to Jake and Alice? Do you want to visit Jamaica? Please, come inside with us. y @) GRAMMAR TRACKS Lesson 4 DE Listen and read. Predict what they want to make. Is there any flour in the cupboard? Yes, there is. There are two packets of flour. And there are three boxes of sugar. 1s there any milk in the fridge? Yes, there is. There are four bottles ‘of milk. And there’s some butter, ‘too. " Are there any eggs? ‘Yes, there are. There are three, four, five eggs. : OK. We've got all the ingredients we need. Let’s make ... @ PMP Act our the dialogue. ma ®EH Uisten, repeat and learn. (_) Countable and uncountable nouns isn't @ bottle of milk. oren’t any bottles of milk. is on egg. ore some eggs. There | There there Are any apples? No, onapple? |) there is. there isn't. there ore. * there aren't. Uncountable nouns There is some milk. There isn’t any flour. Is there any flour? | Yes, there No, there isn't Can you find five li ©® Be a grammar detective! Look at page 27 in the AB. all Can you count flour? in the story? Can you count packets of flour? Dowe use There is... or There are... with uncountable nouns? ea et LM Led en heal erie) Lesson 5 oe Listen and read. What do you notice about the words in green? Listen and repeat. Look! There are two chickens sitting on their legs. ieee eS leh ©@ PRM Ploy which cupboard? (Cis there ony orange juice? No, there isn’t. But there are two oronges, ) ¢ « (Ate there ony e995? Yes, there are, There are five eggs. WT a vcestockina Y ‘Are you looking ——d \ atcupboard 2? Yes, tomt © Write a list of five foods in your fridge. FM Ask and answer questions. (Have you got any milk in your fridge? No, I haven't. Have you got any cheese in your fridge?) (ies, thave. Ive got some cheese. Ss In Jomaica, you can eat lots ros of different kinds of international food. This article makes me want to aettils ‘around the wor! {© Listen ond read. Eating out in Kingston, Jamaica Inkingston, the capital of Jomoica, there are many itferent types of restaurant and café. They cook food from lots of different ‘couniries around the world. There {are Spanish bars where you con try topas ond poella, There re areiiiatan pizzerias where you con try different types ‘of pasta ond pizza. There ‘ore Jopanese restavronts ‘where you can fry sushi. Or how about a curry at an Indian restouront? Or a chillicon carne ‘ata Mexican restaurant? They'te ‘all delicious. But if youre on holiday in Jamaica, why not try o rodiional Jomoican dist? Jamaican cooking Includes lots of the ingredients. that the island produces. is often fruity and spicy. Read and guess. ©.” Listen and say the answers. ~ @ Where's the island of Jamaica? (in the Caribbean Sea © Whot's the copital of Jamaica? 3 Whot's the official language of Jamaica? © What type of music comes from Jamaica? © Whot foods does Jamaica produce? ‘and tea) milk, cheese and yoghurt athletics try dishes from different countries Culture quiz time: Jamaica 0) in the Mediterranean Seo ) Kingston ») Queenston ¢) Princeton g ©) French b) English <) Spanish s)jazz 6) reggae ) pop 2) bananas, sugar and spices © In. which sport does Jamaica have a lot of world champions? \4 Jamaican rico with red beans This very popular dish is made vith rice, coconut mik, onions, spices ond red beans. i's delicious. Jomaicans often have it with chicken for hunch ‘on Sundoy, ‘Baked Jomokon bononas —_—_ In Jamaica you can eat red bonanas! Thy are smoller and sweeter than yellow bananas. You con bake ‘them with butler, sugar, ime juice ond spices. People eat them hot with ice cream, Mmm. Delicious FF ienonnde ; ‘This cool, refreshing drink is very popular oll year in Jamaica, t's made with lemons, limes, water, brown sugar and | spices. A gloss of lemonade with ie really is the laste of Jomaica! Meerut emacs ins What traditional dishes are popular in your country vost) ? about Jamaica? Let's find out. b) in the Pacific Ocean b) olives, pumpkins 2. a 2) swimming) feetball The UK is famous for fish "O11 and chips, and for roost beef. It Is also famous for a traditional cooked breakfast. )\ Listen and read. Say True or False. 1 Atraditional cooked breakfast includes eggs, bacon, sausages, tomatoes, mushrooms, baked beans, toast and a large cup of tea or coffee. 2. In the past, it was the breakfast of farmers and workmen who needed lots of energy. 3 Nowadays, most people have lemon juice, cereal and toast for breakfast, 4 People never have a traditional British breakfast at the weekend. 5 “Brunch” isa combination of the words “breakfast* and “lunch” Everyday chit-chat QPITEEET. sive instructions in the kitchen © Listen and repeat. slice of bread cream cheese slices of apple crisps EH Listen and read. Repeat. (3) This is my favourite type of sandwich. : What'sin it? Cream cheese, apple and crisps. : That's unusual! How do you make it? It’s really easy. First, you put some cream cheese on a slice of bread. Then you put some slices of ‘apple on the cheese. Carrie: Then what? Ed: Then you put some crisps on top of the apple. : Carrie: OK. That isn’t difficult. Whot next? owe Ed: Next, you put some more apple on top of the crisps. Last of S all, you put another slice of bread on top of the apple and you press it down. Then you cut the sandwich in half and eat it. ‘ Mmmmt | don’t believe it! It’s delicious! @® PH 00 a role play. a Carrie: Hithere! I love trees. They give us coconuts, r0s1[7) bananas and spices. But there are mony other things that come from trees, too. Here's o website which telis us about some of the products we get from trees, Lesson 8 ©] Listen and read. 000 Generous trees ] Trees give us so many things. They give us fruit, chocolate and coconuts to eat and coffee to drink. They give us wood to make houses and furniture. And did you know that natural rubber comes from a tree too? Here are some more things that come from trees. Oxygen Theres one thing that af trees ove us. Youcarit seit butits al around us t's Inthe ain. its oxygen ina process called photosythess trees absorb carbon Cork Hive you gota cork noticebourd at school? Where does the cork come from? Itcomes from the bark ofa special type of ‘uk tee. The tee grows i Spain, Portugal tonde and tum it into oxygen. Medicines Many types of medicine come from tees. Aspinn for exam. Aspirin natural product that comes fom the bark of willow tees. n the 1th century, people used wilow bark to mati 3 type of tea ‘and France. People tate the bark off the trees. This process does not harm the tree. The bark grows back every 7 to 10 years. "THINKING SKILLS ™ ‘the most important? Why? = Find in the text: * two things you can read * three counties © thee parts ofa tree five things you can eat tue types of gas to things you ean dik Paper Thema ingredient of paper is wood fibres. Factores mbx wood fibres wth water and chemicals to make paper aut || factories can also makenew paperfiom — | | ‘old magazines and newspapers. It’ important torecycle paper becauseitsavestiees. ‘Chewing gum Natural chewing gum Is made from a thick quid that comes fom the sapodita tree People cut Deciding and justifying | © Think and say. em How many trees © Read and onswer. mR ogee 4” Write glist of twelve things which come from trees. eres ; 2. In your opinion, which three things on your list are Mat Boss of My words to remember medicines core, oxyaen. paper chewing gum natural rabber NTERNET TRACKS Project: A recipe HD Listen and read. Baked apples with ice cream Introsuection We've got an copie tree in cur garden so we eat lots of apples Boked apples with ice cream is one of my favourite dessorts and #5 very easy 40 mci Opies the some sae 2 tablespoons of sutonas { teaspoon of cinnamon, 4+ teaspoons of butter Find out what ingredients you need. THINKING SKILLS Explaining and sequencing | This is my favourite recipe. t's. °051(Z] easy and delicious. Have you got all the ingredients? Do you want ‘to make it? ‘Insinetions « Fest of al, put ne adtanas, the brown and the crnaenon in O Dow Ord yea thew toggtner 1+ Then, wash the apples Cut out the centre of each opie (Be very careful Don't cut yourseof Ask someore 40 help yuu) + Next, gut the apples in a dish Pt the sutanas, Cinnamon Ord sigpr enicture into ech Oppie Acts put 0 teaspoon of butter on top « Last of of, put the dish into tne oven Boke the apples at 200" for 20 40 25 mwutes beara ima Dowi with ce crear, Oe eo ees es Ot Re First of all, put the sultanas, the brown sugar ond the cinnamon ima bowl and mix them together. Find out how to moke the dish. © AB page 32 Do the Unit 3 Review and self-assessment & Write and present (Activity Book page 32). Complete your your recipe. Tiger Tracks Progress Journal for Unit 3. ® In this unit: mI nome and describe places in towns am | find out about irish ond UK culture. ‘ond cities. ® | act out finding out about opening ond 1 I listen to and read a detective story —_—_closing times ina role play. The alibi. 1 | read about how people use technology, & | talk about where people were at ond write and present a project. different times yesterdoy. Lesson? @® tisten and say. ome botanical garden sports stadium a theme pork shopping centre main square _ tourist information office © Listen and find out. Which places hasn't OL | listen and do the 9 Dublin got? FJ Now ask and talk about vocabulary quiz. ow. town: Has your town got an airport? = Waa place where you yes. ithas,) (think s0,) (don't think so, (Wo ithese.) can see chips and boats. iam: Lesson 2 OS® Listen and read. English. Yesterday, | helped her write this letter to her friends ct home. Do you think Dublin is « good city to visit? At the moment, a girl from Spoin is °0*7 (7) 8 | @ | staying with my family. She's learning Dear al This letter is in English because T need to practice writing Finn 1 helping me. Tim having lots of Firn in Dublin Ws ageat ct OO The people are Friendly and my host family 0 fartashie, especialy Finn. Theyve got a very nice house in the, city centre, T can sex Dublin Castic from my bedroom window. ) From Monday to Friday T go to schoo! with Finn and his sister The school isn't in the erty centre. Tt fakes hoenty minutes fo go by bus, but there's ls fo Sea on the, journey. Dublin 13 30 beautiful! There art parks and msstisams, There are some meredible bridges over the river. There's a port. And. of couse, there art lols of shopping centres. Fartushe! T lve shopping! GO) Last Sahwday, Twas ab the sports stadium for a pop concert The music wasn't very good @) but the stadium wo amazin My favourite place in Dublin 1s the. Botan THs gorgeous! T love ooking af all the o gprden Wout ‘plants See your Soon Best arches, Ane PS.T hope you like the photos ened can help you understand heater eer et THINKING SKILLS Reporting © FRB Play Read and change. Ry WWcada mas 1 Ana says Dublin is a horrible city. 2 Ana says she con see a park from ‘Stop. It doesn't say \ her window, ‘everyone. It soys ol 3. Ana says she hates shopping, 4 Ana says her favourite place is &S the stadium. @ Think and soy. 5 Ana says she loves looking at | want to stay with a fomily in Dubin exotic animals. becouse I like people from Irelond. In my free time, | like writing and illustrating stories. + 7 | ; Thisis one of my detective stories. |hope you enjoy it. Lesson 3) © Listen to and read the story. * Where does the robbery happen? + How many people plan it? ‘Suddenly, a woman bumps into the Inspector. He falls to Inspector Smith is from London, but today ae he's ot the airport in Dublin, UBLIN It’s five past two. My plone was on time. It's o sunny doy, This is the perfect stort to my holiday, ‘Oh no! Oh dear! ‘Are you OK? My nome’s Olivia Jones and I'm not |/ Please don't wor usually so clumsy. | Miss Jones. I'm fir ‘Wait, Miss Jones, Your eorring! ‘The next day, Inspector Smith is reading his newspaper in the botanical gorden. LEDUBLIVEWS & WOMAN STEALS DIAMOND FROM DUBLIN MUSEUM Attwo o'ock ae WE ‘But thot isn't possible.) Mix Chea ‘Miss Jones was atthe | TSSuadnte Girport ot five past two. Officer, I'm afraid this is a cose of mistaken identity. This woman has got an alibi, She was with me at the time of the robbery, © Read and answer the questions. oe Y 1 Where is the inspector from? Who is the woman at the airport? iE knporecink (otal he When did the robbery happen? police if you know something What is special about the diamond? aaa! a a Where do the police find the diamond? Ee oetae How does the inspector know that Olivia has an identical ® twin sister? an eun BI Tonk you so much, Inspector. ‘My pleasure, Miss Jones. And here's your eorring, | What? You con’t arrest me. I'm innocent. I've got an alibi. That isn’t my earring, \s Inever wear them. i The diamond was Wal You were right, Inspector inherotel com. Jy) This is Olga Jones, the twin sister of Olivia Jones The sisters planned the robbery together. At the airport, Olga said she was Olivia becouse they wanted you to give Olivia an alibi | think this woman is the thief. | think she wos at the museum yesterday. I think the woman at the airport was A her identical twin sister. . Identical twins always have Goodbye, Inspector Thank you for your different fingerprints. hase. Mew annoy f your holiday, How did the Inspector know that Olivia had a twin sister? Do you know the answer? ® Ask and say. Everyday phrases: learn and use! 1 Whot type of story is The alibi? My pleasure. 2. Do you like the story? Why? / Why not? 3 What's your favourite port of the story? 4 Doyou like writing stories? ‘You were right Thawle you for your help Bo you know the answer? @ GRAMMAR TRACKS Lesson 4 @E Listen and read. PR Act out the dialogues. Policeman: Mr Green, where were you at ten past two yesterday afternoon? Mr Green: Iwas in the museum souvenir shop. Policeman: Did you see Olivia Jones? MrGreen: Yes, | did. She was in the shop, talking on her mobile phone. She said, “I've got the diamond. Meet me at the Dragon Hotel in half an hour.” Policewomon: Mrs Brown, where were you yesterday afternoon? 1 was in the Dragon Hotel. Was Olivia Jones in the hotel? Yes, she was. She was in the hotel reception at ten to three. She was with her sister. @ FM Ploy Guess the time. ©L Listen, repeat and learn. So was and were + at (place) + at (time) was he/she 10:00 Where ot 14:00 yesterday? were you/ they 17.45 the park 10,00. the park at school at 14:00. at school home 1745, home Washe/she ot home? he/she wos. | No, he/she wosn't ‘es, lo, Were we/they ot the park? we / they were. ‘we / they weren't. © be a grammar detective! Look at page 37 in the AB. _ SUR Do we use was and were to talk about Sa tor the future? So oar bao area , What time is it in each \s five to three before or after three otlock? Sipe Is five past three before or after three o'clock? Cine aa Write five sentences about where you were yesterday. Lesson 5 ond te, ©" isten and identify. Listen and repeat. Point and say. a) It’s holf past three. It's twenty-five to four. It’s twenty to four, It's quarter to four. It’s ten to four. It's five to four, It’s four o'clock, © Listen and say True or False. Correct the false sentences. ‘Where were you at five HL Where were you ot twenty past three? was ot Isabel's house. Yes, that's right! © PMB Tolk about where you were yesterday or last Saturday. ‘Where were you yesterday J. don't remember. | think ot quarter post four? wos at a friend's house. a In Ireland, there are lots of post traditional songs which most people know. This article is about one of our ‘most famous songs. Lesson 6 © listen and read. Molly Malone : 4 (ct gn ye The statue of Molly Malone in Dublin is famous. But who is Nelly Malone? Through streets broad and narrow, Molly Malone is a character Crying “Cockles and mussels, alive, froma raditional song. Almost Ale liv, oh, Alive alive, oh’, Coping “Cockles and mussels, alive, Sia /sfaie kardon espe tinaeaieet ey pea vig iwlee on as, peace rer ia Song. tis possibly one of the eB BD most famous and popular songs ike coinky Acockle Arnussel re The song tells Molly's story. She Later in the song, Molly dies of a Cae is.a beautiful gitl who sells fresh fever. People miss her, but they Ce US Uke seafood in Dublin. She doesn't believe thet her ghost continues to Are there any traditional songs work in a shop. She sells the walk in the streets of Dublin, crying id ~ seafood from a wheelbarrow. Cockles and mussels, aliv sib elit atin Cee @) Read and guess. “> Listen @ linen ecistocnctorn as 1 | Ate you ready for a culture quiz and say the answers. ‘on Ireland? Good luck! t Gh What's the capital of ireland? o) Cordiff b) Edinburgh ¢) Dublin ? What are the colours of the Irish flag? a) red, white and green ) red, white and blue €) green, white and orange Who is the patron saint of Ireland? 0) St George b) St David _¢) St Patrick Which musical instrument is a symbol of Ireland? a) a guitar b)aharp adrum What's the most common surname in Ireland? a) Murphy) Smith <) Jones 2 Ge What type of animal doesn’t live in Ireland? 9) snakes b) mosquitoes ¢) pigeons Inthe UK, most statues *s"12) ‘are of real people from history. But some statues are of very famous characters from literature, like Sherlock Holmes. © Listen and read. Say True or False. Sherlock Holmes is a detective from English literature. Sherlock Holmes lives at 212A Boker Street. In his free time, Sherlock plays the drums. 2218 Boker Street is now the address of the Sherlock Holmes Museum, There is a souvenir shop at the museum. There is a statue of Sherlock Holmes outside Baker Street underground station. Everyday chit-chat QPEREZEE. fine out about opening and closing times @© Listen and repeat ek 2 O Pe = information wheelchair access. lift restaurant awn aw €)™ Listen and read. Repeat. (F3) Woman: Good morning, This is the Tourist Information Office. How can I help you? Ed: Hello. Can you tell me what time the Science Museum opens on Saturdays, please? Woman: It opens at 10 o'clock in the morning. It loses at 6 o'clock in the evening. Ed: Does it close for lunch? Woman: No, it’s open all day. And there are cafés and restaurants in the museum. Ed: Are there any special exhibitions on this month? Woman: Yes. There's an exhibition about robots, You can find information about it on the museum website. Ed: One last question. Is there wheelchair access? Woman: Yes, there is. The wheelchair access is very good and there are lifts to every floor. Ed: Thank you very much. Woman: You're welcome. ® PH 00 a role play. I'm not very techy but | use a Postl computer program to create my comic strips. This article is about how other people from Dublin use technology, Lesson 8 €©™ Listen and read. 200 naar : 5 ae ta aS ae ered) Porm eerste atts ake Pet cen ng TECHNOLOGY) in the city ——_s*# technology in the city. 4. SATNAV 2, TABLETS Fm 9 tax n We use a tablet to go ucky, Ive gota F've got satna in th Ve look uy n 1op. Huse it to use it to find addresses in o ails and to chat museums. We al t ow the city It also tels me if a those things in the city centre here are any traific problems, Satnav what's on at the cinema and what time Decause there are lots of places with technology makes my job a lot easier. IB the films start. k's easier, cheaper and quicker than » phone eal 4. APPS & SMARTPHONES the park. I can do my homework I'm learning French. | & and get fresh air at the tame tel haven't got much tim Hove online shopping. practise. But now lim I send my shopping list to learning words and market and they oxpressions with an app on my smartphone. I's great because | can use it anywhere in the city, THINKING SKILLS SRE © [Brey Five reasons why. 7 Paraphrasing ft €@) Read and complete the sentences. { because you can take photos 1. He likes using satnav becouse it... ‘Assmartphone is useful because you con 2 They use a toblet to... take photos ond send text messages. 3. He uses wifi zones and his laptop to... 4 She uses an app on her smortphone €) Think and say. to... How does technology affect your life? 5 She does online shopping because Which electronic gadgets do you use it. ‘at home and at school? P My words to remember | wifi zone online shopping app goonline chat smartphone | Miu Project: A guide for tourists Read my project about post[Z) } Liverpool. What can you see from the top of the Echo Wheel? What | @™ Listen and read. Paces to visit in : Liverpool a ts ty in the tech west of Enaiand T Loa tanrieetes, reccommend, NOE ed MW) Droject in this way. © Plan your project. Explaining This is 0 photo of Sefton Park. It is one 1 Crees a village, town of the biggest parks in Liverpool. Jun) ‘or city you know. & Write and present your oO AB page 42 a Do the Unit 4 Review and Self-assessment (Activity Book page 42). Complete your Tiger Tracks Progress Journal for Unit 4. © ) @ Ingenious inventions '® I name and talk about inventions. & | find out about English and UK culture. ® [listen to and read o true story ® | act out talking about what | did at The discovery of vaccination. school in a role play. ® 1ask and answer questions obout 1 | read about the history of an invention, people's lives in the past. and write and present a project. + Lesson 1 QD listen and soy. (7) Primo tsa) microscope bilingual dictionary digital thermometer Discuss with a partner. Write your 1 © Listen and do the ? i fe ‘ ideas. > Now listen and find out. vocabulary quiz. ‘How old isthe light bulb?) (It’s more than 200 years old. Not ah bi then go fore .) a ta (ewan) Gimeno Meee * ove finding out about great rosr[Z] 8 scientists and inventors from history. Here ‘are four mini-biographies about four of my favourite inventors. Which do you think is. Lesson 2 © listen and read. + the most interesting? Four Inventors Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) Leonardo da Vinei painted the Mona Lisa, which is perhaps the most famous | painting in the word. But Leonardo was also a scientist and an inventor. He invented | some musical instruments and a type of clock | | Heabo designed this fying machine. Josephine Cochrane (1839 - 1913) In about 1880, Josephine Cochrane had an idea. She wanted to design a machine to wash dishes. So she studied science and mechanics, She learned how to draw. She worked on her design for six years. Finally, in 1886, her dishwashing machine Was complete. Thomas Edison (1847 ~ “Thomas Edison invented | many things. He invented | the phonograph (a machine for recording sound), a type of battery and a type of car, But his most famous J invention was a type of light bull, He was not the first Person to invent a light bulb, but his design was the *} most efficient. Nowadays, there ae light bulbs for bicycles, mobile phones, fridges and microscopes Can you imagine life without tight bulbs? George Lemer (1922 ~ 1995) In 1949, George Lerner invented a plastic toy called Mr Potato Head, AL first, the toy was not a success. But in 1952, Mr Potato Head appeared in a television commercial. Then every child wanted the toy Today, Mr Potato Head is one of the most popular toys in the world. He is * THINKING SKILLS * amemary game! ee © Fl Peso memory game Who invented 0 eo Put these events in type of clock? chronological order. * Leonardo do Vinci painted Leonardo da Vinci, oman the Mona Lisa + Mr Potato Head appeored SERS ‘on television. * Thomas Edison died. 2 Think and say. ¢ Josephine Cochrane invented I think two of the greatest inventions are the the first dishwasher. mobile phone and the car. Thisisa true story about O°") A one of my fovourite scientists. Lesson 3 3) It’s the story of one of the most 11 important discoveries in history. OH Listen to and read the story. ) bene usu tech The discovery of vaccination ;Whstwe:smalioox In the 18th century, a terrible disease called smallpox killed 10% of the population every yeor. It killed ‘men, women and children. It killed rich people and poor people. It killed kings and queens. | work on a farm. Where do you work? In 1796, Edward Jenner was a doctor. He worked in a small village in England. Hello, Sarah, "ve got a headache What's the and lots of spots. | think I've got smallpox. Jenner noticed that people Jenner asked a boy from the village to do. | Who got cowpox didn’t get ‘an experiment with him. He rubbed pus from one of Sarah's spots into @ scratch Se <4 — ' “zh XCunnere cid you ive) Hived inthe USA. 7 P| What did you do? |wos.n inventor. Linvented plasters, © FRB Act out one of the role plays for your friends. One of my favourite places to visit “72 isin Cornwall, in the south west of England. It's called the Eden Project. It’s a great place to learn about natural science. Lesson 6 © Listen and read. The Eden Project ‘An amazing place to visit These buildings are called biomes. Inside, you can see trees and plants that normally grow in other countries. In the Mediterranean biome you can see lemon, orange and olive trees. n the Rainforest biome there are waterfalls, and you can see bbanana, cacao, and chewing gum trees. f youre observant, you can also see tree frogs, butterflies, lizards and birds. The Eden Project isn’t just a garden, It teaches people about plants. There are information sheets that explain why many of the plants are important. “The Eden Project gardeners also give lessons on gardening, They can teach you how to grow vegetables at home. There are many other reasons to go to the Eden Project. There's an ce rink in winter, there’s a rock climbing club, and there are beautiful sculptures in ee the gardens. And if you like adventure sports, you can go.on the longest dae ad 2p wire in England! your country? For more information on the Eden Project, why don't you What's your favouri Visit the Eden Project website? ~ pat Her sd sostid) How much do you know about England? @ Read and guess. © Listen and say the answers. Are you ready for the culture quiz? Culture quiz time: England Who is the patron saint of England? a) St Patrick b) St David ¢) St George Which river runs through the capital city of England? @) the Severn) the Thames ©) the Mersey Which English actor plays Harry Potter in the films? a) Daniel Craig b) Daniel Radcliffe ©) Rupert Grint Man United is o football team in which city? 9) Oxford b) Liverpool) Manchester Where does the Queen of England live?) Westminster Abbey b) Buckingham Polace ©) The Tower of London ‘What's the national sport of England? a) cricket _b) tennis _c) rollersk €)\ uisten and read. Say True or False. 1 s Everyday chit-chat QPETETAL. tok cbout what you did at schoo! HD Listen and repeat. Do you like doing science P0571) | a projects at school? In the UK there {s 0 national competition for the Le 2s best science project. The National Science + Engineering Competition is every year. The compet 21 years old, You can't enter a maths project in the competition. You can enter the competition as a teom or as an individual The competition takes place all over the UK, and the final is in London, The winning projects receive a prize. Ed: Dad: the 19th century electricity batteries on idea @LH Listen and read. Repeat. (F) What did you do at schoo! today? Lots of things. Art, maths, science and Spanish. And we started a history project. A project! What's it about? It’s about the invention of machines in the 19th century. It’s really interesting. | like history. What did you learn in science? Something about botteries and electricity, | didn’t really understand it. It wos very complicated Well, why don’t we go to the Science Museum at the weekend? The museum always explains things simply. That's o great ideo. Can | ask a friend to come with us? Of course. @® PRB 00 a role play. Lesson 8 @ listen and read. At the beginning of the 20th century television didn’t ext. in the evenings pecpla taked and played ‘games, They looked at books. ‘Some people played musical \nstruments. After 1920, some ‘people listoned to the radio, Wo was vary ctteront In the 19308, there wore two hours of televiaion programmes ‘very day inthe UK. But most people didnt havo a television at nome. Television wasn't popular. People rotorred the radio. post Hi there! I think television is on ‘amazing invention. This timeline shows the development of television in the UK. In 1959, los of people wantod toby a lievision because they wantod to waten the coronation of ‘Queen Ekzabet I ‘Suddoniy, television In 2000 26% of homes in the UK had at joast no television was popular Jn 1926, a Scottish engineer Called John Logie Baird demonstrated the frst working television in the UK. The images on the screen ware in Black and white, and they worer't vory clear, but it was an important moment in the development of talavision lachnology. THINKING SKILLS NO Sequencing @) Put the events in chronological order. * Some progammes were in colour for the first time. * People watched the coronation of Queen Elizabeth Il, * 96% of houses had a television. * Televisions didn't exist. ‘+ There were two hours of programmes every day, * AScottish engineer demonstrated a type of television, People think wo pow. © FW Play True or False? AY (orn osie wos English. ) © (Foise. He wos scottish © Think and say. Is television important to you? Why? How much time do you spend watching television? My words to remember image flat sereen clear television programunes channels at the beginning of the 20th century @) amirmemmrnmrrere ie sit cot stn tet eal When and wna i eed Project: Inventions Lost week at school, we did a rost{Z] project about inventions. | wrote this timeline about the invention of the train, How old is the train? © Listen and read. Trains ‘At the boginaing of the 19th century, trains didn’t exist, People travelled by horse and cart. ‘They needed more than a day to travel 150 kilometres. -—— 1800 1814 1830 The 2st century 4 ge Stephe line for paseengers. The line opteraber 1830. k transported p also designed the Today, century train ner. faster a nfortable th the past. Thore are gi-speea trains people ge and hi design ncheater to Liverpool ia aon. Robert Stephenson, Ahigh speed train Sepheron Roce] 1 think the train is a great invention. Trains save us lots of imo, We can countries by train. And trains are more ecological than ears. Can you imagine life without trains? by Ba THINKING SKILLS Contrasting bith ee ers yous Project in this way. Today, modern trains ore © | very fost ond comfortobl nen! Think of an invention. Find out who invented it and when. Think about life before and after 2 the invention, What did people do before the invention? Do people use the invention today? How? 33, Do ou think Iti 0 great invention? Why? Why not? DAB page 52 Do the Unit 5 Review and Self-assessment teehtcametates Op) & Helping p eopie = / | In this unit: — Iname and talk about chores. find out about Canadian and listen to ond read o modern fairy UK culture. tale The red running shoes, Jact out asking for and giving directions ask and answer questions about ino role play. what I did and didn’t doin the past, ® | read about children who help other people, and write and present a project © Listen and say. J a*B Hi. My name's Zoe. | live in Toronto, in Canada. At home, everyone in my family helps to do the housework. Which of these chores do you think 1 do? Who does these chores in your home? take out the rubbish tidy up clean the windows (2 oy Li water the plants sweep the floor wash the car {Listen and find out. Which chores does Zoe © Listen and do the y do? Pj Now ask and talk about you. vocabulary quiz. Say ‘Who motesyourbet)) (usu co) the missing words vy Fearyone belps to ap in my Cagmother/tather/brther/sster does.) paucn, Ge da t together — w— © w ATG COSC soa SRST GS TIE My mother is an ice hockey champion. She | °°"(2) needs to train and practise for mony hours every doy. My dad, my brother and | help do the chores, This is a typical day for my family. Is it similar in © your family? Life in my family ‘After school my brother and | usually do some From Monday to Friday, my mather gets chores. We tidy up. Itake out the rubbish, My brother tee rede aucteieea feeds the cat and waters the plants. Our dad does the banana He likes cooking. He esti arte pee eee ee eee ee quarter past seven with my dad and my + sv clock, the house Is tidy and dinner is ready. We Bie bostiier haves sens ad Oe always have dinner together. and we talk about what. essed. And then the whole family has breakfast together we did at school saree Last weekend, my mother played an important my an wearin rit eaienes mateh. Her team didint win, but she scored lots of work She has a parttime job ina laboratory, ee tional hs bec afternoon, she goes toa sports centre with an ice fink. ote fel salsa ‘At the sports centre she meets the other members of ‘You don’t need to read eee teins oan © Answer the questions. o PP Plcya memory game. | joie ass 1 Who woters the plants? % 2 Who takes out the rubbish? ee 3 Who prepares the food? Genser doe.) 4 Who works in a laboratory? 5 Who comes home at six o'clock? (© Think and say. ‘ES At home, I do the washing up and | sweep the floor. | don’t really like doing chores, but I think it’s important to help. © 8 © Listen to and read the story. Once upon a time, there was a boy called Josh. He lived in Conada with his stepfather and his two stepsisters. lL eal Put that magazine away, Josh Make our beds and take out the rubbish. ‘Then suddenly there was a flash! ae Don't forget to do} the washing up Read and answer the questions. Where did Josh live? Were his stepsisters kind to Josh? When Iwas younger, Hliked 5112) | traditional fairy tales. Now I'm older, | prefer modern fairy tales. This one is set in Canada, Enjoy! © ‘+ What traditional fairy tale is this similar to? + Two people help Josh. Who? Josh dreamed of winning marathons. But ‘on the day of the marathon in his town, his stepsisters took his running shoes. You can’t run in the ‘morathon today. We wont you to tidy the house. The fairy godfather waved his magic wond, and suddenly Josh was in different clothes. Now run, run, runt But be |i home before 12 o'clock. KV, Tv! What did the fairy godfather give Josh? Who did the washing up on the day of the marathon? Was Josh the fastest runner in the marathon? What is Josh doing now? ts itimportant to share housework? Why? Do wou and your famity share the chores? © Josh was the first runner to finish the marathon. in ted isthe winner! AAW AS EL : I _ ‘ ALY 7 ae ‘And the fairy godfather did the washing up. made the beds and took out the rubbish. ‘One week later, an athletics coach visited Josh’s house. He put the running shoe on Josh's foot. , = The shoe fits! You are the ¢ SS winner of the marathon! Now, Josh Is training for the next Olympics, And his stepsisters do their own cleaning. ‘A marathon is 42.195 kilometres Jong. The fastest marathon runners can complete the race in less than two anda half hours! Everyday phrases: learn and use! Ask ond say. 1 Do you like the story? Why? / Why not? Eee reae 2 What's your favourite part of the story? Tam here to help you. 3. Has the story got « hoppy ending? Dont forget to do the washing up 4 Do you know any other modern fairy stories? Be home before 12 o'clock. O {© Listen to and read the poem. <= Avisit from the Queen Yesterday morning | did some chores. I made the beds and | swept the floors. I wonted the house to be very clean For a visit from Her Majesty the Queen. | took out the rubbish in the afternoon. | put things away ond I tidied my room. I wanted the house to be very clean For a visit from Her Majesty the Queen. (Cs meaning | se cores ~« Sho isn’t at home. Toke me back to the potace, please. But when the Queen arrived for tea, At exoctly quarter past three, I didn’t hear her knock at the door, You see, | was exhausted from too many chores. Iwas asleep in my rocking chair ‘And Her Majesty the Queen thought | wasn’t there. WH Work in groups. Play Team reading race. made the beds and | swept the floors. 1 Listen, repeat and learn. {_) Irregular verbs in the past Can you remember how to form a regular verbin the past? Isthere a rule to help you form irregular verbs in the past? Every day Yesterday 1/You/ toke out the rubbish. 1 You! ‘out the rubbish. We/ They feed the dog, ‘We / They fed the dog. He/She does the washing up. He/She the woshing up. J . J by xy i don't take out the rubbish. ars t4 ‘out the rubbish, jes They feed the dog. fer They the dog. He/She — doesn’t do the washing up. He/She the washing up. the dog? Il yous hes \/you/she/ pis | yout het they, the floor? |¥* they No. they } Be a grammar detective! Look at page 57 in the AB. Ceara eeu ies leu Ree Cn murs r ty Lesson 5 (DEH Guess the end of the sentences. Listen and check. Listen and repeat. ‘She didn’t dean the I didn’t finish my windows, ... geography test, ... +» but she scored @ goal. ««. but she swept the floors. —_.., but | got a. good mark. (@DD Listen and say True or False. Correct the false sentences. $e {ee Ruth Daniel Emma Duncan @ PM Ploy who amir Did you toke out the | Yes,1 did. And rubbish yesterdoy? mode my bed. (Did you do the (tess) washing up? © You're emma! (Yes, that’s right! (© PRBAsk ond say what you did yesterday, (Oid you do any chores yesterday? ) (Yes. | did. | put my clothes away. ) ate Ln Td ore ent Lette os Sport isan important part rost(Z) ‘of Canadian culture. Winter sports ‘are especially popular. And almost everyone in Canada loves watching the Winter Olympics. Lesson 6 HL listen and read. Canada at the Winter Olympics The Waiter Olympics take place once every four years | Sports at the Winter Olympics include sking, skating, ice hockey ding, These are sports that need ice and snows assionate about ice hockey always very interested in the Winter Olympics. The country usually eve, 4005 very well A In 2010, the Winter Olympics were in Vancouver, on the west coast of Canada, The Canadians wen 14 gold medils, and the women's ice hockey team and the men's 12 hockey team both wen gold medal ssa Virtue and Scott Moir were the ice dance the youngest people to win an Olympic gold medal in the J Champions at the 2010 Winter Olympics. They were history of their sport! Pte ecu ge eee eee Ai © Read and guess. > Listen vost] ‘and say the answers. How much do you know about Canada? ‘Are you ready for the culture quiz? Culture quiz time: Canada What's the capital of Canada? a) Ottawa b) Toronto <) Montreal What's the largest city in Canada? 9) Ottawa b) Toronto «) Montreal What can you see on the flag of Canada? )a red bird b) cred flower ¢) a red leaf Which language isn’t an official language of Canada? a) English _b) French ¢) Spanish Which famous waterfalls are in Canada? a) Victoria Falls b) Niagara Falls) Angel Falls Conada is the second largest country in the world. How big is it? 0) about 13 million km? b) about 10 million km? ©) about 6 million km* The 2012 Summer vos] | Olympics were in London. They were incredible. | loved watching 201 | all the different sports. ©@ Listen and read. Say True or False. 1 The Olympic Park is in West London. 2. The park includes a stadium and an aquatics centre. 3 Exoctly 200 countries participated in the gomes. 4 More than 10,000 athletes participated in the games. 5 The British team won 75 medals: 29 gold, 17 silver and 19 bronze. 6 The UK post office printed stomps of all the UK Olympic champions. Sr PETIT. ok for and give directions ©) SE — ™ Listen and repeat. om) ao US a turn left at the turn right ot ‘go straight on go under the bridge traffic lights the post box { Listen and read. Repeat. (=) Ed: Hello, You look lost. Can I help you? Woman: Do you know the way to the sports stadium? Ed: Yes. It’s very near here. Go straight on and turn left at the traffic lights. Left ot the troffic lights. Then go straight on and go under the bridge. Under the bridge. After the bridge, turn right at the post box. Right ot the post box. And then the sports stadium is on your left. OK? I'm sorry. I'm French and my English is not very good. Can you repeat it? can show you the way. It isn’t far. Oh. OK. That's very kind of you. Thank you. It's this way. WH 00 a role play. D™ Listen and read. 208 Children and teenagers in action {All around the world, children and teenagers are helping to make their communities better places. They give up thelr free time to help neighbours and charity organisations. Their actions improve many people's tives. Holp an elderly neighbour This ts Gemma. She lives with her family ln Michigan in the USA. Theirneighbour, bp Molly, s86 years old. Gemma visits Molly” every day and offers help. She sweepsher © garden path and waters her plants, And she talks to Molly about her life at school Clean up the countryside Nick and his friends help to clean up the countryside in the UK. They meet at | I'mvery sporty. Every Soturday rost{Z] | work as volunteer at a sports club for young children, help the adults monitor the children. It's fun. This webpage explains how teenagers around the world help other people. Rady Walk dogs Leroy and his younger sister are volunteer dog walkers. Every weekend they gotoacharity for abandoned dogs in Dublin. They take the dogs fr walksin the park or in the countryside. They ako help to train the dogs. Visita retirement home Lisa's favourite subject is ICT.She's ‘good with computers. a, omce a week she visits a retirement home Jn Wellington. She teaches the pensioners how to send emails ‘and how to use a social the weekend once a month. They goto network. With Lisa's Can you do tives, beaches, parks and forests to pick pacers Pores ai peniee up all the litter they can find. Sometimes pensioners are : they havecompetiionsto see whocan ate your community? find the most tex. ©) FP RMPPlay Question challenge. THINKING SKILLS Analysing Se . (vinere does Gemma live? CO} Read: think and answer. B ‘She visits on elderly neighbour ‘What is a good way to help In the USA, Hi does she help? j= (every I Every day called Molly. How often does people in your community... she visit Molly? you're very techy? - you like walking? Think and say. pie, ‘you like the countryside? “Do you help people in your community? 4% ‘you like chatting to people? Can you think of new ways to help s = if you like animals? people in your community? N My words to remember retirement horne charity pick up litter dlderty neighbour walkethe dog pensioner Project: How we can help EH listen and read. A Thisisa project ro) we did at school. Do you like my ideos for helping? How T hulp people at home T ine with my mother and father. my little x brother and cur dog, Buster, At home Hy ideas for helping people A I often help my parents do the chores in cur community 2 mal T aay mae my bed and push my things say fsovatiogs hts a the bah [DEAT T feed and walk our dog. I never do the | We all Anse toys that wt dom? seat op Foon os got aston: | aed Tre on cin pt ol ob Gt Tila. the ditas of of te dahunster amma foyo Benes argues ard my mothur pats them sassy fham to « chibdrerrs hospi How T helped people last ane Last weak T hulped my grandmother the computer And T halpedd my ther to carry bays of shopping From the sepermaiat RF school T tidied the bookshelves in our Ergish classroom and T picked up Utter from te plagroure 0 buck, TDEAZ We all Amt books wt dorrt reed any more. We can organise » book sale at school We can give the money wt raise te chacthy ‘You can also present peer ee eens Rd > THINKING SKILLS § Analysing et How do you help at home? How did you help Last week, | helped my grondmother to use the computer. How can your class help the community? 3 © AB page 62 4 Weteand present Do the Unit 6 Review and Self-assessment uour project. (Activity Book page 62). Complete your Tiger Tracks Progress Journal for Unit 6. @ Acamping trip In this unit: @ Iname ond describe camping ® I find out about places to visit in Yorkshire. equipment. ® | talk about going to secondary school in & Ilisten to and read photo story —a role play. The tiger thieves. 1 I read about dramatic weather, and write ® {talk about plans in the future. ‘and present a project. Lesson 1 ¢ @ Listen and say. (—) met) woterproof jacket blanket sleeping bog first oid kit towel toothbrush and toothpaste map and compass © PW discuss with a partner. write your}! {3} Listen and do the ideas. So Now listen and find out. vocabulary quiz. * = Ithink he needs ) {| ogre. A torch is important. | don't Thia ie. big and Flat. You put it to toke torch. Think he needs to take a penknife. on your bed shen ite cold. a ERNET TR Lesson 2 ©® Listen and read. THINKING SKILLS © Look at the pictures. EY | We're at the campsite. t's in the Yorkshire vosr{Z) ‘ Dales, near a big forest. The countryside is really beautiful! This is the list of the campsite rules. Do you think they ore good rules? sed creek Preece eg ean Please keep the campsite tidy. Do not drop litter. Use the bins and recycing bins. Please do not make @ noise, especialy at night when people are asleep. Do not play bail games in the tent area. You can play ‘bal games on the sports field Do not make fires to cook. There is a barbecue area ‘on the campsite where you can prepare food. ‘When you leave the campsite, always tell someone where you are going. Please respect the forest and the countryside around the campsite. Mr Thorepson Director ofthe Yorkshire Dales Compsite gy \ © FW Play dictate and write. Remembering and memorising Beat the clock. agg Do not play boll games in Say the rules. the tent area, @ Think ond say. ‘Please keep the campsite tidy.’ This is a. good rule because nobody wants to see litter on the campsite. © Hieveryone. 'mviriting °° this from the campsite. This photo story is about an adventure we had yesterday. | hope you enjoy it Lesson 3 J &) QLH} Listen to and read the story. e e + What have the tiger thieve ? The tiger thieves (wns, The children are having breakfast at the campsite, They are talking about what they are going to do. “ ee vi ore _ owes |want to cman i a ost ae Ley: te eM s T F Last night, man anda woman took six tiger cubs Thot's an excellent Shhh! Listen |p {fom a wildlife pork, The idea! I want to do . police believe they took the D that, too. to the radio. FMP cuts to make o fur cout. - ne Later that doy, Zoe, Scott and Florence hear a conversation. | don't believe itt They're the tiger thieves! The tiger cubs have got beautiful fur. And they've got stripes on their tals. When are they going to arrive? ~ You two tell the director of the campsite, I'm going rere to tell Ed, Becky and Finn. Sy This ofternoon at 3:20. A man is going - to bring them to the campsite in a von. = ack © Read and answer the questions. a: %, 1 How many tiger cubs are missing from the wildlife pork? 2. What time is the van going to come to the campsite? [sit important to protect 3 What do the children think is in the van? endangered species? 4 Why do the man and woman want the toy tigers? Why? ? What con you do to 5. Are the man and woman angry with the children? iad gel seb gobs 6 What are the children going to do with their toy tigers? pulve? ‘We work for @ charity called Save the Tigers, ‘These toys ore to help 3) us promote the charity. : So you aren't BMGT te tger tnieves? ‘At 3:20, the van arrives at the campsite. Everybody is there. tg a \ rm Mr Thompson, the campsite director. Ineed to know what you've got in the boxes Brie No, we aren't We love tigers. We wont to give each a of you a toy tiger ol P ict, Mr Thompson tokes a photo of the children. 87 abel Thank you. What , © lovely souvenir of our holiday 2) Good idea. t'm going to tell all my friends about it, tm glad you aren't the tiger thieves. Itdoesn't matter. the chority. We can You were right to help save the tigers tell Me Thompson, —_—. . 7 6 ae P Here is the news. Earlier today, the police cought the tiger thieves. The tiger cubs are back, with their mother, at In the wortd. Today, there are dA 7 the wildlife park. Do you know...? In the year 1900, there were approximately 100,000 tigers J Jess than 4,000. rn and use! Everyday phrases: @ Ask and say. 1 Do you like the story? Why? / Why not? 2. What's your favourite part of the story? 3 Do you think the children were right to tell Mr Thompson about the man and the woman? don't believe itt 4 Do you want to go on acamping tripin the UK? —_ it doesw't matter. That's an excellent ideat Oh mot That’s terrible, Lesson 4 @® Listen and read. ts Becky worried about secondary school? Does Ed like his school? ro ; Ed: What ore you going todo after this holiday? y Becky InSeptember, Pm going to start ot secondary schoo Ed: Are you worried about? Becky: No.1 think it’s going to be great. My best friend Is going to be ‘with me. We're going to have new teachers and we're going to make new friends. We're going to study interesting new subjects. ‘And we think the school uniform is really cool Ed: That's good. Becky: What obout you? Are you going to start secondary schoo! this year? Ed: No. I started lost yeor. Becky: Really? Do you like It? Ed: Hovelt, Allthe teachers are great. And I love learning German ‘ond French, \ a 43. © 8 OL Listen, repeat and learn, () ; going to I'm t'm not He's / She's new subjects. | | He/ new subjects. at You're new friends. She isn’t make new friends. Were s new teachers. | | You/We/ new teachers, They're They oren't Ave you secondary school? tam. t'm not, ‘i Yes, No, Ishe/ she ‘a new uniform? he/she is. he / she isn’t | @® 8e o grammar detective! Look at page 67 in the AB. Do we use going to + verb to talk about the past or the future? What verb do we always use before going to? How many Couey going to + verb Curnur iy Cues @ PHB act out the dialogue. Change the words to make it true for you. | i A Lesson 5 godt Qe @EP Listen and identify. Listen and repeat. © bp “F What are you going to do today? Tim going to read abook.) (1m going to take photos. Ym going to walk the dog.) (i'm going to play chess. (Ym going to watch a fim.) —(rmnot going to do anything, ) © Listen and say True or False. Correct the false sentences. Saturdoy @ a. @ PR Play who ami? Are you going to play tennis on Soturdoy? ‘Are you going to go to ‘a concert on Sunday? NX tevtedonet_) Jane @ Talk about you and your friends. I'm going to play football tonight. Tobu is going to watch the football match, FAST TRACK GRAMMAR Write five sentences obout your friends! plons for this weekend © Hello, everyone! Here's on °27() ‘eacellent website that we're using to plan our holiday. Guess what we're going to do tomorrow. Lesson 6 @©EH listen and read. OO 1 Do some sport in the Yorkshire Dales National Park ‘The National Park is an outdoor paradise for sporty people ‘There are paths where you can go trekking. cycling and horse riding, You can also go rock climbing, canoeing and sling, But the best thing about the parkis the beauty of the countryside. t's spectacular! 2 Travelby steam trai Hyou dor'tlike trekking. a journey by steam train isa reat way to see the Yorkshire countryside. Youcan see the beautiful hills and valleys from the comfort of your train. % Go shoppingin York The centre of York has got lots of excellent shops. t's the perfect place to buy your holiday souvenirs. And when you need a break. you can stop for a sandwich anda drink in a traditional café or a tearoom. Scott and Zoe Ed ond Finn, Becky and Florence @® What are they going to do? ™ Listen and answer. 4 Visit York Castle Museum Find out about life in the past through photos and exhibitions, Walk down a Victorian street to see how people lived 150 years ago. Go into the shops and talk to the people in Victorian costume. This fascinating museum i i the centre of York. in front of the castle, Check the museums website for opening times and special exhibitions. 5 Spend aday at the Yorkshire Wildlife Park ons, lemurs, parrots and lizards = there are animals rom ail around the worldin the park. You can also see one of the rarest species of tiger in the word: the Siberian tiger. All the animals live in big open spaces in the park and visitors can see them from the footpaths. 6 Viait the Yorkshire Sculpture Park Hyou like walking and you like art. this is the place for you. Walk around the park to s#e¢ more than 64 sculptures in the beautiful gardens. There are also exhibitions in fe lndoor galleries. There are restaurants, cafés and souvenir shops, Check the park's website for opening times and special events, 7 Soo aplay or a pop concert Yorkshire has got lots of theatres. Pop, film and television stars often perform here. ‘Check the theatre guide tofind a theatre fear you. Pethaps your favourite pop star is going te perform tonight! Lesson 7 @E listen and read. (=) What were their favourite places in Yorkshire? Which activities did they enjoy doing? post{Z) Here's « group photo of us in a café in ‘York on the last day of our comping holiday. Read ond find out our ‘opinions of the holiday, One day, we travelled by The best activity for me was rock {liked all the places we visited. steom train. | think old trains climbing in the National Pork. But number one for me was ‘re fantastic, so that was my hod « really good instructor ond the beautiful old shopping favourite activity. And the we climbed for three hours. The streets in York. | love shopping! most interesting place was the most interesting place for me was ‘And my favourite activity sculpture park. I reclly like art. York. There were so many amazing ||) was cooking at the campsite, | think some of the sculptures buildings ond things to look ct. thelped prepare some of were amazing. Really cool It's 0 beoutiful {really enjoyed cycling the countryside. Yorkshire I reclly enjoyed trekking in the countryside because Yorkshire the meals. It was fun. (One evening, we saw 0 concert at an open-air theatre. | think that was Is very green. The views are is 30 beautiful. The views ore my favourite activity. | didn’t know spectacular. My favourite incredible. But my favourite the pop group, but their music was place? | think it was the wildlife kx place was the Castle Museum great. And I think my favourite place pork, We saw some awesome in York. Hove history, soit was the compsite. I loved it. It was nimols, especially the big cats. M™ was really interesting. It wos lots of fun, The drama with the tiger They all looked really healthy ‘amazing to see how life was in cub toys wos exciting, too, And now ond hoppy the past. we've all got fantastic souvenirs! @© Listen and say True or False. Correct the false sentences, “a ©® say where you want to go and what you want to do in Yorkshire. I want to go shopping in York and see the Castle Museum, Lesson 8 @E Listen and read. 200 What do imoteorologits ot Thunder and BD ightning 7 Lightning is electricity that comes from aac aaa Re exon hot I's hotter thon the Gurkstd of ie stol Taio eet pei very quickly. It happens RS Heilstorms In a hailstorm, — simati batts of ike fall from the sky. Sometimes, the bolls of lice can be bigger than golf bolls! Tornados tornado is when lightning strikes. cskans OF PG Heatwaves spinning oi. The top Aheatwave touches storm clouds and Is when the the bottom touches the temperatures are higher ground. Tornados con than normal fora long move at more thon 300km period of time. ‘on hour, —— THINKING SKILLS ‘Associating The weather forecast was very important during our holiday in Yorkshire, so I'm posting this article cbout weather stations ond weather Let “forecasts. Do you know who writes the weather forecast? Read ond find out. post (7) aoa © Read and answer. 1 What do meteorologists study? 2 What else do meteorologists do? 3° Where con you read a weather forecast? 4 Who needs to know about... * thunder storms * hailstorms © heatwaves '* tornados @ Think and say. ~~ Whot's the weather like today? Are there sometimes tornados, storms ‘and heatwaves where you live? My words to remember hailstorm thunder lightning tornado heatwave \ weather forecast INTERNET TRACKS am I'm going to go away for the weekend *os'[) | © Listen and read. with my mum. This is what we're going to do. Do you like our plans? What I'm going to do Next weekend. Im going to go to Edinburgh wah my mo the train from Manchester on Friday after arrives in Edinbut going to tak quarter ain. And we're going to take san 10 stay with my aunt, my me vis: Edinburgh castle on Saturday morning, shopping in the city ce ening. we're going fo see a play at the theatre. 7. want to buy belore ain back unday wete going to walk in the botanical gar lunch. Then, i oon, wer to Manchest The weather forecas. says By Becky SKILLS THIN © Plan your project. Planning See Be Set et OR Rb ie ( Decide where to go and how to get there. Decide what you're going to do at your destination, We're going to vist Edinburgh castle on Saturday morning ‘Check the weather forecast. Write and present your plans. © AB page 72 Do the Unit 7 Review and Self-assessment (Activity Book page 72). Complete your Tiger Tracks Progress Journal for Unit 7. ® Thanksgiving in Canada (The second Monday in October) Hi there. Thanksgiving Dayisone TL) J of my favourite days. I see all my ’ grondparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. This fe Website tells you about how we celebrate Thanksgiving in Canada. t hope you like it. The second Monday of October Thanksgiving is a time when is Thanksgiving Day in mary families meet and have dinner parts of Canada. People together. The meal usually don't work, Children don'tgo _ includes roast turkey, lots of to school vegetables and a spicy pumpkin Traditionally, Thanksgi Pe ie cee day to celebrate and give thanks Many Canadians also enjoy for the harvest. Nowadays, watching American football many people simply calabrate on Thanksgiving Day. There and give thanks for everything _is always a special match on that is good in life. For example, television. The match is called good health, good friends and The Thanksgiving Day Classic. good fortune. POTS eee te TTC R Ce ET y {bE tools BP) 15s bo Hi there. In New Zealand, December is Post in the summer. We don't have snow for Christmas. This website tells you about how people celebrate Christmas in New Zealand. ‘hope you enjo: €i warm and merry Christmas in New Zealand ‘Many Christmas traditions in New Zealand The main difference between Chvistmas. ‘are similar to Caristmas trations inthe in New Zealand and Christmas inthe UK UK. From November, te siops decorate the weather. in New Zealand. i's warm thei wiadows with snow, Santas, ‘and sunny, Many people are on holy ‘eindeers and other traitonal Christmas at campsites oron the beach, They don't decorations. Many people decorate their want toeat a big, traditional lunch on ‘homes. On Christmas Day, people ge Christmas Day. They want to cook light - ‘resents and have a special lunch. Roast sumer food. They cook prawns and fish What's the same and different about turkey with lots of vegetables is very on the barbecue. Cee ena Eases trite or Tey ott Pancake Day in Wales and the UK CY A-E P-L 3 2) CP ott ht __ Listen and read. Hi everyone! Pancake Day is one of my ros7(7) fovourite days because | love pancakes. Here's an excellent website where you con find out all about Pancake Day in Wales and the UK. A Vassist Make it. Toss it. Catch it. Eat it. The date of Pancake Day changes every year, but it is ovays a Tuesday, It is ohvays 47 days before Easter Sunday, The period between Pancake Day ond Easter is called Lent. in the past, many people didn’t eat eggs during Lent. They made pancakes on Pancake Day to use all the eggs before Lent. Poncoke Day isn't « notional holidoy ond They eat them with sugor and lemon, or cheese and ham, or chocolate. There are many different pancake fillings. One of the funniest traditions on Pancake Day is the pancake race. Adults ond children run with a pancake in a frying pon. As they run, they toss the pancake in the air and catch it in the pan. It isn’t ‘e0sy, but it’s fun to do and very funny not everybody celebrates it, but many to watch, people make ond eat pancakes on this doy. tc Naar: fete CHE TC try (One week after Easter) > Listen and read. ; Hi love Carnival. During Carnival, the ost island isa very happy place, full of music and colour. This website tells you all about it. hope you like 6 = 900 Carnival in Kingston Carnivals happen in many countries around the world. The carrivats in ‘New Orleans (USA), Venice (tly) and Ro de Janeio (Brazil) are three of the most famous. Some of these carnival traditions are hundreds of years od (Camival in Jamaica isn't very old. A famous Jamaican musician started the tradition in 1990. Itwas a very small event. But every year, Jamaica's ccamival gets bigger and bigger. Today, it is the biggest cultural event on the island. I attracts musicians and tourists from around the world. ‘The main Carnival parade in Jamaica happens on the Sunday after Easter. You can see thousands of people wearing spectacular and Colourful castumes. They dance to the rhythms of reggae and calypso ‘music. There are prizes forthe best costumes and the best bands. St Patrick's Day in Ireland (17th March) St Patrick's Day is vost] one of my favourite days of the Lear. This blog tells you about some ‘of the ways Irish people celebrate the day. I hope you enjoy ‘St Patrick is the potron saint 17" March is a national holiday of Ireland. He was 9 real in Ireland. It is the day when Irish person. He lived from the year: people celebrate the life of St 385 to the year 461. There Patrick and everything Irish, There ‘are many stories and legends : ore lots of parades. Many people ‘about St Patrick. One ofthe : wear green clothes. Many people most famous stories tells us also wear a shamrock, which is an that he made all the snokes emblem of Ireland. A shamrock is leave trelond. Today, there easy to identify because it has got ‘oren’t any wild snakes in three leaves on every stem. Wrelond, PMS Pace Seto ttl yt ea Cae (1st April) |; Hi. H love April Fools’ Day. It’s rost{7) |. the day when people play practical jokes = on their friends. This website can tell you ‘about some of the best jokes. Enjoy. Bete Cm cay ‘One of the most popular practical Another isn’t only people who play practioal jokes. Jokos is the whoopee oushion. You popular triok Sometimes television channels do i, too. On ‘low air into the cushion. You put is to stick & Z}\, st Apri! 2008, people tn the UK watoned a ‘the cushion on somecne’s chair, coin to the §& fy documentary about penguins on television When thay sit down, the cushion floor or the ‘Tho documentary showed ponguins flying. makes a noite. I's hilarious! pavement. Penguins oan’ fly, but many poopie believed ‘Then you the documentary. The director of the watoh and documentary was called Prof Alid Loyas. laugh as people try to pick # «The name was an anagram of April Fools’ lap. Why don't you try it? But Day. be oareful with the glue. You don't want the coin to stick to your fingers! Has your country got a similar celebration’ Na en tee Ta @ Songs bank © Everyone's welcome at our youth club 3 {ike running, climbing. | love seuba diving. —< My sister likes painting, writing and designing, My brother likes playing the clarinet. ve got a friend. He likes using the internet. Chorus I, Musical, technical, scientific, | Adventurous, sporty or artistic, We're all different, that's OK We don’t want to be the same. Everyone's welcome at our youth club, ‘Our super cool, very coo! after schoo! youth club. Everyone's welcome at our youth club. | ike juggling, swimming. | love going fishing. My sister likes reading, singing and just thinking. My brother likes playing basketball, And I've got a friend. She doesn’t like sport at ail © My superhero |) ‘Some superheroes can climb mountains high. ‘Some superheroes can catch waterfalls. Some superheroes can fly in the sky. ‘Some superheroes can crash into wall. ‘Some can jump across the seas. Some can lift a thousand kilos. ‘Some can save the forests and the trees, Some can stop erupting volcanoes. My best friend cannot climb. ‘My best friend cannot climb. He isn’t strong, He connot fly. She isn't strong, She cannot fly. But my best friend is very kind. But my best friend is very kind. He's the kindest, most generous person iknow. She's the kindest. most generous person I know. My best friend is my superhero! My best friend is my superhero! ‘My super, super superhero! ‘My super, super superhero! © Chocolate cake 3 Let's bake, Let’s bake. Let's moke a cake. A.cake for friends and forily. ‘A.cake we con hove with o cup of tea | Aaup of tea There's some flour, There are eggs, There's some sugar and spice. There's some butter and chocolate, Mmmm! That's very nice. © WHO'S GOT THE STATUE? |) “= Put it in a bowl, Mix it with @ spoon, Put it in the oven, And very, very soon, you've got o chocolate cake. A chocolate cake. Yeoh! Everybody loves a chocolate cake. Mmmm! Delicious. (Repeat, replacing chocolate with coffee) \ Chorus Who's got the statue? Who? Who? Who? Did you take the statue? THE DAILY NEWS STATUE MISSING At ten past three yesterday afternoon the statue of the king. was in the centre of the square. At twenty past three, the statue was missing. Where were you at quarter past three yesterday afternoon? Did you see the robbery? Do you know who has got the statue? Was it you, you or you? Itwosn’t mi Iwosn’t there. Iwas nowhere near the square. Iwas at the theme park at quarter past three. You can ask my sister, She was there with me. Chorus It wasn't me. Iwosn't there, wos nowhere near the square. Iwas at the oirport at quarter post three. ‘You can ask my brother. He was there with me. Chorus © Inventions, inventions Chorus Inventions, inventions, some are truly great. The microwave, the dictionary and the rollerskate, Inventions, inventions, some ore truly hip. The microscope, the microphone and the paperciip. What did Grahom Bell invent? Was it something great? Where did he invent it? ‘And do you know the date? Chorus What did Roland Hill invent? ‘Was it something great? Where did he invent it? ‘And do you know the date? Chorus What did Orville Wright invent? ‘Was it something great? Where did he invent it? ‘And do you know the date? Chorus © We're gonna go camping Chorus We're gonna go comping in the country, We're gonna sleep in a tent tonight. ‘We're gonna go camping in the country. We're gonna have fun on a campsite, 'm packing @ penknife. 'm packing o rope, | Toothbrush and toothpeste and some soap. | think I've got everything I'm gonna need. Don’t forget to take a book to read. Chorus {'m packing a blanket. I'm packing my shoes, Sunglasses, sun cream and shampoo, | think I've got everything, 've got it al. Don't forget to take a bat and ball. Chorus 'm packing @ compass. 'm packing a map, Waterproof jacket and a

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