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1) A Vowel Letters

Letter's Position Followed by + / - Pronounce Example

beginning of a Word A hmed , a rabic , a nagry
beginning of a Word E Letter in the last Word Cake ,Take
Middle of a Word / C a r , F a r , L a rge /- C a t , H a t , F a t
anywhere Previous Or Next W as AW/WA A w ful , W a nt , W a ter
anywhere Y Next , as AY Pl a y
anywhere L Or/- LL Next , as AL / ALL S a l t , F a ll , W a ll
anywhere I Next , as AI W a i t , r a i n , expl a i n , rem a i n , n a i l ,
br a i n , cont a i n

2) B
Letter's Position Followed by + / - Pronounce Example
End of a Word Previous M Or/- Next T La m b , Co m b , De b t , recei p t
if Not

3) C
Letter's Position Followed by + / - Pronounce Example
anywhere Letter Next ( I Or E Or Y ) C e nter , C i ty , Merc y , Plac e
anywhere If Not Come , Cut , Cover , Camel
anywhere Next ( ia ) as Cia Offical , Spe cia l , Finan cia l , artifical
Commer cia l , ini tia l , So cia l
anywhere Next ( ie ) as Cie Effi cie nt
anywhere Next ( IO ) as CIO Effica cio us
anywhere Next ( ial ) as Cial Judi cial
anywhere Next ( ian ) as Cian Techni cian , Politi cain , electri cian ,
physi cian , beauti cion
anywhere H Next , As CH Chicken , Chair , Cheap , Cheat
anywhere H Next , As CH School , Mechanic , Stomach , Headache ,
Chemistry , Cholera , Schedule , Cholesterol ,
Chronic , ache , echo , character , architect ,
technician , technical , christmas
Machine , brochure , chef , moustache , chicago
anywhere H Next , As CH , chandelier , michigan

4) D
Letter's Position Followed by + / - Pronounce Example
anywhere Door , Do , Dark , Dinner , Doctor
Ab-Normal Soldier , Education , Gradually , Schedule ,
Procedure, Granduate

5) E Vowel Letters
Letter's Position Followed by + / - Pronounce Example
beginning of a Word egg , Eleven , Enemy , End
Middle of a Word Ten , Pen , Tell , Well
End of a Word Table , Care , Give , Live , Like
Ceiling , Achieve , Chief , Piece , Field , Grief ,
anywhere I Previous Or Next as IE Or EI Siege , Brief
Mahmoud Wasfy , internal auditor 1/4
Letter's Position Followed by + / - Pronounce Example

6) F

7) G
Letter's Position Followed by + / - Pronounce Example
anywhere Y Or I Or E , as GY , GI , GE gentle , ginger , religion , energy , apology
if any Good , Goal , Go , Glass , Great

8) H
Letter's Position Followed by + / - Pronounce Example
Ab-Normal Honour , Hour , Honest

9) I Vowel Letters
Letter's Position Followed by + / - Pronounce Example
It , Is , IF , In , Inside, Ill , Item Iron , Ice , Idea ,
beginning of a Word / Idle
Middle of a word Milk , Fill , Will , Swim , Ship , Pill
Middle of a word E in the last Word ( ) File , Five , Time , Life , Wife , Line , Die , Lie

10 ) J
Letter's Position Followed by + / - Pronounce Example
anywhere Jam , Just , Job , Joke , Jorden , June , Juice

11 ) K
Letter's Position Followed by + / - Pronounce Example
beginning of a Word N , next AS KN Knee , Knife , Knob
if any

12 ) L
Letter's Position Followed by + / - Pronounce Example
Ab-Normal Chalk , Talk , Could , Half , Calm , Almond

13 ) M

14 ) N
Letter's Position Followed by + / - Pronounce Example
anywhere Previous M as MN bymn , condemn
if any

15 ) O Vowel Letters
Letter's Position Followed by + / - Pronounce Example
beginning of a word On , Of , October , Open , Office

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Letter's Position Followed by + / - Pronounce Example
Middle of a word Love , Come , Monday , Honey , Company ,
Nothing , Body
anywhere Preivous Or/- Next ( E Or R ) hope , Rope , Stone , Store , horse , Force ,
Worse , Support
anywhere I Or/- Y Next , as OI / OY Oil , boil , Join , Coin , Spoil , Point , Soil , Boy ,
anywhere U Next Plus R , As OUR Court , Course , Journal , Four , Sour , Source

Middle of a word O Next as OO fool , tool , Food , Poor , Pool , Spoon , Room ,

16 ) P
Letter's Position Followed by + / - Pronounce Example
beginning of a word S next , as Ps Pseudo , psoriasis , Psycho

17 ) Q
Letter's Position Followed by + / - Pronounce Example
beginning of a word UA next AS QUA Quarter , Qualify
beginning of a word UE Or/- UI Next AS QUI , QUE Question , Queen , Quiet , Quickly

18 ) R
Letter's Position Followed by + / - Pronounce Example
Road , Repeat , Read , Ready , Remember ,
anywhere Reward

19 ) S
Letter's Position Followed by + / - Pronounce Example
beginning of a word See , Spell , Sit , Sun , Small , Say , Speak
Middle of a Word Vowels Letters Please , Easy , Use , Disease
End of a Word Previous ( K Or T Or P ) Books , Students , Cups
End of a Word if Not ( K , T , P ) Trees , Fees , boys , Girls

anywhere double and Next U as ( SSU ) Pressure , Fissure , issue , Tissue , Sure , Sugar
Ab-Normal Isle , Island , Islander

20 ) T
Letter's Position Followed by + / - Pronounce Example
ab-normal Castle , Fasten , Listen , Often , Wrestle
End of a Word URE Next , as TURE Future , Picture , Furniture , Lecture , Nature ,
Culture , Signature , Literature , Feature

Pronunciation in British UK
Pronunciation in American US if middle of Vowels Letters Water

21 ) U Vowel Letters
Letter's Position Followed by + / - Pronounce Example
beginning of a word Under , Up , Uncle , Until , Umbrella

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Letter's Position Followed by + / - Pronounce Example
Middle of a Word fund , cup , hut , luck , Sunday
anywhere E in the last Word use , abuse , tube, huge , amuse
anywhere R Next As ( UR ) Turn , Burn , Burst , Curt , Further
anywhere I Or / E next as ( UI - UE ) fruit , Suit , Blue , Juice

22 ) V

23 ) W
Letter's Position Followed by + / - Pronounce Example

beginning of a word Wax , West , Went , Want , Wait , We , What

End of a Word Few , New , Dew , View , New , Mew , Knew
End of a Word blew , drew , grew , threw
Ab-Normal HO Or/- R Next , as WHO , WR Who , Whole , Whoop , Whose , Wrist , Write ,
Wrong , Wry , Wrestling

24 ) X
Letter's Position Followed by + / - Pronounce Example
beginning of a word
beginning of a word Between Two Vowel Letters Exact
beginning of a word Between Two Vowel Letters Luxury

25 ) Y
Letter's Position Followed by + / - Pronounce Example
beginning of a word
yes , You , Your , Year , Yemen , Yellow , Young
End of a Word by , buy , try , fry , cry , rely , why , july , my

26 ) Z

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