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BLG111E-Introduction to Computer Engineering

Paper Evaluation

Title of the paper: Privacy in the age of the Smart Phones

Author(s): Peter Corcoran
Published in: September/October 2016
Brief summary of the paper

(at most half page, in your words)

The world is experiencing series of breakthroughs in technology which has never

witnessed before,enabling individuals to generate digital data up to their
likings.Telivision,computer,internet are the major determinants of such technology
revolution but smartphones are considered to be the most major contributer to
the individual level.

It is not wrong to say that we are living in the age of smart phones.Smart phones
offers countless oppurtunities and characteristics to people such as
messaging,internet browsing,games,managing data,banking and etc.Even though
with its countless benefits,it does pose a serious privacy threat of our personal
data and day to day activities which makes it vulnerable.If such kind of delicate
information ends up in the wrong hands,we are the ones who may suffer the
consequences of such flaw.
Comments related to the paper

(definitely your comments, no longer than 1/2 page)

As we are progressing to the world of technology,we are getting benefits along

with serious privacy threats of our personal data and lives.We are generating data
such as our pictures,videos,messaging,tracking and etc, believing we are the only
one to have access to this data,whereas recent findings proved that device
manufacturers can track your activities in elusive ways.Hence, it is of utmost
important that we should be guaranteed by service providers that our privacy
should be discreet and no one other than us can have access to such information
and data including them.
By .. Abdul Samad (150160906)
Date: 25-10-2016

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