Russerction Season 7 Episode 18

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Russerction Season 7 Episode 18


(Ottawa, Canada)
(Talk Show)

The camera was zoomed in on Dr. Jackson and a man whos name was Calvin
the owner of the talk show...they were discussing Dr. Jacksons book.

Calvin: So...Dr. Jackson your book goes over the events that happened
beyond the the area where the dead rule the that correct.

as he said that Dr. Jackson said.

Dr. Ethan Jackson: yes...thats correct.

as he said that Calvin continued

Calvin: also in your book it describes in great detail the journey your group

as he paused Dr. Jackson looked at Calvin and he saw that he was waiting for
Dr. Jackson to finish the sentence for him...and as Dr. Jackson saw this he

Dr. Ethan Jackson: the Michigan Group Survivors.

as he said that Calvin said.

Calvin: yes...the Michigan Group and your people went through
so much beyond that wall...just to get here...and youve lost so many
lives...tell me Dr. Jackson do you remember every person youve lost in your

as he said that Dr. Jackson said.

Dr. Ethan Jackson: yes I do...I see them every night in my sleep...thats why I
made several pages dictating the book to the fallen
make sure they didnt die in vain.

as he said that the room went silent and as it did Calvin said.
Calvin: well thats all the time we have here today with Dr. Jackson...I want to
thank you for joining us on my show and for taking time out of your busy

as he said that Dr. Jackson shook hands with Calvin and as he did Dr.
Jackson said.

Dr. Ethan Jackson: No problem.

as he said that Calvin held up a copy of Dr. Jacksons book and as he did he

Calvin: and where can the audience by a copy of your book.

as he said that Dr. Jackson said.

Dr. Ethan Jackson: you can buy them at any local book store or any pharmacy
or local grocery store.

as he said that Dr. Jackson started walking off the stage and as he did Calvin

Calvin: thank you for joining us...and that was Dr. welcome my
next guest...

the camera stayed with Dr. Jackson and as it did he walked out to a limo and
as he did he got in the back and as the door closed after he got in he told the

Dr. Ethan Jackson: take me back to my apartment.

as he said that the limo started driving towards his apartment

(Ottawa, Canada)
(Dr. Ethan Jacksons Apartment)

the camera shown a shot of the outside of Dr. Jacksons apartment and it was
a 20 story building and he was on the 10th floor and as the camera was
zoomed out Dr. Jacksons limo pulled up to the front of the building and as it
did Dr. Jackson got out of it and walked into the building.

As he got inside the building he waved to several people as he walked

towards the elevator once he was inside the elevator he pressed the button
for the 10th floor and the elevator doors closed and after several seconds
opened up on the 10th floor...Dr. Jackson walked out of the elevator and
walked to his he opened it the camera shown the 9 other Michigan
group survivors he was staying with and they were some of Jamess old
family members.

Pat Jeffries
Julie Jeffries
Evan Jeffries
Jim Gac
Janet Gac
Andrew Gac
Adam Gac

As Dr. Jackson entered the room they all looked at him and as they did Dr.
Jackson said.

Dr. Ethan Jackson: Has he spoken yet.

as he said that Pat shook his head no and as he did Dr. Jackson let out a long
sigh and as he did he said.
Dr. Ethan Jackson: Ok...leave him to me.

as he said that Dr. Jackson started walking towards the bathroom and as he
did he walked into it closing the door behind him and as he did Dr. Jackson
turned and faced the tub as he did the camera stayed facing Dr. Jackson and
as it did Dr. Jackson started to roll up his coat sleeves and as he did he said.
Dr. Ethan Jackson: ok...heres hows its going to go...your going to start
talking and telling me where your from and who your working for...and your
going to tell me where the rest of my group is...and if you dont Im going to
get angry wont like me much when Im angry.

as he said that he leaned into the tub and as he did the camera shown a man
in his mid 20s in a solider uniform hand cuffed and gaged with his feet tied
and the camera also shown that he was already beaten on and tourted and as
the camera shown him Dr. Jackson smirked and said.

Dr. Ethan Jackson: Lets begin.

(Fort Frances, Canada)(Hotel)(Morning)The camera jumped to the hotel that

David and his group were staying at and as it did the camera jumped to David
and he was lying on one of the beds watching TV and he was watching the
talk show that Dr. Jackson was just on and as he was Ralph was on the bed
next to him and Ralph was watching the show with he was Mr.
Teller walked into the room and spoke into Ralphs ear and as he did Ralph
Ralph Biggs: you need me now.

as he said that Mr. Teller shook his head yes and as he did Ralph said.
Ralph Biggs: all right...give me a second.

as he said that he got up from the bed and he followed Mr. Teller into another
room that was connected to the hotel David saw them leave he
noticed he was the only one in the room now and as he did he got up from his
bed and walked to where the others where as he found them he saw they
were all surrounding a map laid out on a was a map of Canada.

As David saw it he said.

David Pegouske: whats this.

as he said that everyone looked to David and as they did Ralph said.
Ralph Biggs: David...we didnt hear you...come on in...well fill you in on
everything...this is a map of the insurgence group that Josh Coe has been
operating with...its all of the places that the group has stuck.

as he said that David looked at the map and as he did he said.

David Pegouske: it looks like theyve attacked mostly goverment
buildings...and only a few civilian buildings.

as he said that Mr. Teller said.

Mr. Teller: yes...from what we gathered were thinking that there slowly
making there way to Fort Frances and attacking the prison that President
Truman lies in.

as he said that David said.

David Pegouske: really...does Josh really have that many men.

as he said that Graham spoke up and said.

Graham: weve heard news reports saying that hes had groups of people
attack of up to 30 men and beyond that number.

as he said that David said.David Pegouske: with those forces we could do

some damage to President Truman.

as he said that Ralph said.

Ralph Biggs: yes...exactly...thats why were trying to find them...weve already
pointed out where theyve attacked in the past and we think we know where
they accoinly meet up.

as he said that David said.

David Pegouske: and how do you know if we find them theyll just let us join
there group.

as he said that Ralph said.

Ralph Biggs: well tell them we are the leaders of the Michigan group
survivors and that we know Josh Coe.

as he said that David said.

David Pegouske: and you really think thatll work.

as he said that Ralph said.

Ralph Biggs: well its better then sitting around here and doing nothing and
besides the closets meeting place is right up the street from this hotel...we
can go and see if it is true and see if we get it.

as he said that David looked at everyone else and said.

David Pegouske: are we all sure about doing this.
as he said that everyone agreed and as they did David said.
David Pegouske: long as Im not the only one risking my life...then lets
do this...Ralph lead the way.

(For Frances, Canada)

the camera jumped to an alley way and as it did it showed Aubrie walking
down it wearing a hoodie with the hood up covering her face and as she was
walking 2 men started walking a short distance behind her and they were
wearing black clothes and as they were flowing her she started to notice

As she did she started to pick up her pace and then after a few seconds she
started running and then she turned a coroner and pulled out her
she did the 2 men were right behind her and they also had guns and as they
were they also had pistols out and were walking slowly to the corner that
she was hiding behind and as they were Aubrie had her gun aimed at them
and as she did the guys got to the edge of the corner and as they did Aubrie
had her gun pointed at one guys face and as she did she said.Aubrie: dont

as she said that the guys kept there hands on there guns and as they did
Aubrie didnt hear the man behind her sneak up on her until the last second
once she did she heard a gun being pulled on her and once she did she turned
around and as she did she smiled because she noticed a familiar face.

(Fort Frances, Canada)(Afternoon)(Prison)

the camera showed an above shot view of the prison and as it did the camera
quickly jumped inside the prison and it shown the solider that Aubrie held
hostage on the other side of the wall walking through the prison.

As he was walking the solider stopped at one of the doors and as he did he
stared at it for several seconds and as he did he said to himself.

Solider 1: this isnt right...this isnt right...I have to do something about this.

as he said that he walked off and as he did the camera stayed behind to show
the door he was staring at and the camera jumped behind the door and it
shown that it was Dazmans prison cell and it shown that Dazman was
yanking at his chains trying to get free from them.

(Ottawa, Canada)(Afternoon)(Dr. Jacksons hotel room)

The camera jumped to the bathroom that Dr. Jackson was in and as it did Dr.
Jackson had his knife still out and the solider was all cut up and as he was
Dr. Jackson said.

Dr. Ethan Jackson: so...are we going to keep this up all day...or are you finally
going to talk.

as he said that Dr. Jackson was about to bring the knife to the soldiers throat
and as he was the solider said.
Solider 2: all right...all right...Ill talk...Ill talk.

as he said that Dr. Jackson pulled his knife away from the solider and as he
did the Solider said.
Solider 2: Ive only been a guard at the prison for a couple of months
now...and Ive only meet the people youre talking about a few times with in
those months before I was captured.

as he said that Dr. Jackson said.

Dr. Ethan Jackson: do you have all of our people.

as he said that the solider said.

Solider 2: No...No...we just have...Dazman Hodge...Madeline Barone...Ryan

Fantin and Maddie Naurloa...

as he said that last name Dr. Jackson leaned into the solider and he gripped
his knife and as he did Dr. Jackson said.
Dr. Ethan Jackson: if I gave you a pen and some paper could you draw me
what the inside of the prison looks like and could you point out where
President Trumans office is.

as he said that the Solider said.

Dr. Ethan Jackson: yes...I could.

as he said that Dr. Jackson reached into his pocket and he gave him a pice of
paper and he also pulled out a he did he said.
Dr. Ethan Jackson: youve got several seconds to do this...starting now.

as he said that the solider began drawing as fast as he could on the pice of
paper and as he could Dr. Jackson saw him labeling the paper after he was
down outlining the building and as the solider finished drawing he handed Dr.
Jackson the paper and as he did the solider said.

Solider 2: here.

as he said that Dr. Jackson took the pen and paper from the solider and
looked at the piece of paper and as he did Dr. Jackson said.

Dr. Ethan Jackson: are you sure this is the right.

as he said that the soldier said.

Solider 2: Ive been there for several months...yes its right.

as he said that there was a moment of silence in the room and as there was
Dr. Jackson gripped his knife and made his way towards the solider and as he
did Dr. Jackson said.
Dr. Ethan Jackson: thank you sir...for giving us this information.

as he said that the solider said.

Solider 2: No...Wait.

as he said that Dr. Jackson brought his knife up to the soliders head and he
stabbed him right in the brain. As he did Dr. Jackson looked at the soliders
dead body and as he did he took the knife out of his head and he cleaned the
blood off the knife and he put it he did he left the bathroom and
closed the door behind him to tell his group the news he just learned.
As he entered the living room everyone looked up at him and as they did Pat
Pat Jeffries: so what did he say.

as he said that Dr. Ethan Jackson said.Dr. Ethan Jackson: same thing as the
others said...they have 4 of our people still held prisoner the others are all
free spread out among this country...and we dont have a way to find them.

as he said that Dr. Jackson put the drawing of the prison on a table that had 3
other prison drawings on it and as he did Andrew Gac spoke up and said.
Andrew Gac: What are we going to do.

as he said that Dr. Jackson thought for a second and as he did he saw that
the TV was on but it was on mute and he saw that there was a story about
Josh Coe and his group and they had attacked another building and as he
saw it Dr. Jackson smirked and as he did he said.

Dr. Ethan Jackson: I know exactly what were going to do.

(Fort Frances, Canada)(Streets)(Davids group)

Davids group was walking down the streets of fort Frances to the meeting
place that Ralph had found...As they were walking down the sidewalk Ralph
was looking at the buildings signs and as he was the group got to an
abounded deli and as they did Ralph looked at his map and as he did he said.
Ralph Bigs: Well this is it.

as he said that the others looked at him questionably and as they did Mr.
Teller said.

Mr. Teller: are you sure...because this building looks like its been
abounded...long before the end of the world started...and long before we ever
showed up to this place.

as Mr. Teller said that Ralph said.

Ralph Biggs: we wouldnt have marked it on the map if this wasnt the
place...this is the place.

as he said that David looked right at the front door and it was closed and as
he looked at it he said.

David Pegouske: well theres only one way to find out if this place is really
what it is.
as he said that the camera jumped inside the building and it was dark and as
the camera shown inside the place it was zoomed out on the entrance doors
and as it was David was the one to open the doors and he was also the first
one to enter the building and as he entered it the rest of his group follow
closely behind him.

As they got into the building they looked around it and as they did Graham
Graham: this is just an empty building.

as he said that several seconds of silence went by and as it did David looked
at Ralph and they passed glances and as they did David said.

David Pegouske: well lets just have a...

as he was about to finish his sentence the doors were shut from the outside
by 2 men and as they were David and the group held up there hands and as
they did all of a sodden a group of 15 african americans jumped up out of
know where...they were all in there mid 20s and early 30s and they all had
assault rifles and as they did David and his group got into a circle formation
and as they did Brent said.

Brent Coe: David what are we gonna do...they have weapons and a shit tone
of them and we littearly have nothing.

as he said that David said.

David Pegouske: stay calm and do nothing unless they do something first.

as he said that the leader of the group of men that held Davids group
hostage stepped forward and as he did he walked right up to David and
stared at him right in the eyes menacing and as he did David stared back and
this went on for several long seconds and as it did the man spoke and said.

Dontae: are you David Pegouske?

as he said that David looked to his group and they were just as shocked that
the man knew his name and as David looked at his group Mr. Teller and Ralph
both shook there heads yes and as they did David looked back at the man
and said.

David Pegouske: yes...Im David.

as he said that the man spoke to his group.

Dontae: gentlemen we have found them...or should I say they have found us.

as he said that the group of men cheered and as they did David and his group
were still confused as to what was going on and as they were Justin spoke
up and said.

Justin Harmon: what in the hell is going on.

as he said that the man spoke again and said.

Dontae: Im so sorry...where are my name is Dontae...I am the
leader of the rebels that attack the goverment...I was sent here by your man
Josh Coe.

As he said that David said.

David Pegouske: Josh sent you.

as he said that Dontae shook his head yes and as he did he said.

Dontae: Josh is back at headquarters with the rest of your group...the only
ones who are missing are Dr. Jackson and the people who are with him Ive
already sent 4 of my best men to find them and theyll join us shortly.

as he said that Mr. Teller said.

Mr. Teller: the others...there alive.

as he said that Dontae said.

Dontae: and they cant wait to meet you...come on lets go were burning day
light...we dont want that bastard Truman to catch us now do we.

as he said that David said.

David Pegouske: how the hell are we going to get out of here with you and
your men sporting assault rifles.

as he said that Dontae led David and his group towards the back of the
building and into a storage room and there was a hole in the ground with a
latter leading into the sewers as David and his group saw this Dontae spoke
up and said.
Dontae: We travel under ground the soliders dont go down there.

as he said that Ralph spoke up and said.

Ralph Biggs: thats how youve been able to attack all of those goverment

as he said that Dontae said.

Dontae: yes follow me...we have a big day ahead of us.

as he said that David said.

David Pegouske: Big day...what are you talking about big day.

as he said that Dontae said.

Dontae: the reason Josh wanted me to get you so early in the first place...and
the reason he had my men collect your group...were launching an all out
attack on Fort Frances prison to wipe out the President and end his rain of
terror once and for all.

As he said that Dontae was the first to enter the sewer followed by several of
his men and then David and his group followed closely behind them.

(Fort Frances, Canada)(Prison)(Afternoon)President Truman was in his office

and as he was...hew as talking with a group of his guards...

President Truman Oliver: So are things in place in case of an attack.

as he said that one of the guards spoke up and said.

Maximum security guard 1: yes sir...after weve gotten word from our spys
over at Dontaes that Dontaes men would launch an attack on our base weve
set security up here at maximum.

as he said that President Truman said.

President Truman Oliver: and what about over at the arena....we know that
one of the main reasons that Dontae is even revolting is because were
keeping the dead around to kill them for the place protected.

as he said that the same guard said.

Maximum security guard 1: yes sir...its protected...weve got some of our

best guards over there.

as he said that President Truman said.

President Truman Oliver: good.
as he said that he thought for a second and then he looked over to Maddie
Naurloa who was in the room with them and as he looked at her he said.

President Truman Oliver: guards give us the room.

as he said that the guards left the room with out question and as they did
President Truman started writing down something on a piece of paper and as
he did Maddie spoke up and said.

Maddie Naurloa: what is it you want to speak to me about sir.

as she said that President Truman said.

President Truman Oliver: Ive sent a message to Josh Coe who is currently
commanding Dontaes men.

as he said that Maddie said.

Maddie Naurloa: how do you know this sir.

as she said that President Truman said.

President Truman Oliver: Like I said earlier...Ive got spies over at Dontaes
headquarters...and Ive got spies following Davids group...I know everything
and I see everything.

as he said that Maddie said.

Maddie Naurloa; why are you telling me this sir.

as she said that President Truman said.

President Truman: because on the message I sent Josh I told him I want to
meet with him at an old church near Dontaes headquarters...and thats also
close to hear...a halfway point Id call it...its a church so its mutual ground...I
told them not to bring weapons into gods house because I wouldnt be
bringing any.

as he said that Maddie said.

Maddie Naurloa: do you really think hed by that.

as he said that President Truman said.

President Truman Oliver: No...but thats where you come in...I know Josh is at
least going to bring knives and a couple of crossbows and some swords to
the church and maybe a few hand guns...but you will have several of my
toughest marines with you hiding out in the church...armed to the
teeth...lying in wake...youve worked sided by side with the Michigan group
survivors you know how they work and fight...Im depending on you to be
there down fall...can you do this mission.

as he said that he looked Maddie right in the eyes and as he did she said.

Maddie Naurloa: I can sir.

as she said that President Truman said.

President Truman Oliver: my men are waiting for you right out are
dismissed solider...dont let me down...dont let your nation down.

as he said that Maddie walked right out of the room and as she did she
closed the door behind her and as she did President Truman leaned back in
his chair and poured himself a glass of scotch and turned his chair to face his
window and he he looked out the window.

(Ottawa, Canada)(Afternoon)(Dr. Jacksons hotel room)

Pat Jeffries: are you sure this is a good idea.

as he said that Dr. Jackson said.

Dr. Ethan Jackson: well its the only idea weve got...and its better then
sitting on our asses.

as he said that Adam spoke up and said.

Adam Gac: Hes right.

as he said that Pat said.

Pat Jeffries: I still think we should find Josh before we go half cocked on this
mission and attack President Truman with barely 10 men.

as he said that Dr. Jackson said.

Dr. Ethan Jackson: look...they have 4 of our people held...

As he was about to finish his sentence there was a knock at the door and as
there was everyone looked at the door and as they did Pat said.

Pat Jeffries: whos that.

as he said that Dr. Jackson said.

Dr. Ethan Jackson: I dont know...wasnt excepting company.

as he said that Dr. Jackson walked to the door and opened it and as he did
there were 4 african americans standing right outside his room and as they
were Dr. Jackson said.

Dr. Ethan Jackson: who are you.

as he said that one of the men spoke up and said.

Dontaes men 1: are you Dr. Ethan Jackson?

as he said that Dr. Jackson looked back at Pat and the others and as he did
he said.

Dr. Ethan Jackson: yes...I am whos asking.

Dontaes man said.

Dontaes men 1: its your lucky day doc...were here to bring you to Josh
Coe...and the rest of your group.

as he said that Dr. Jackson and his group looked at each other questionably
and as they did Dontaes man said.

Dontaes man: we have to go now...before President Trumans men notice

were here...come on hurry.

as he said that Dr. Jackson said.

Dr. Ethan Jackson: Grab the maps...hurry.

as he said that Andrew grabbed the maps and as he did he followed the
others out of the room and as he did Dr. Jackson and his group followed
Dontaes men through the hotel to the basement of the hotel and as they did
Dr. Jackson said.

Dr. Ethan Jackson: so Josh sent you to get us.

as he said that Dontaes man spoke up and said.

Dontaes men 1: yes he did.

as he said that Pat said.

Pat Jeffries: How do we know your not lying to us and this isnt a trap.

as he said that the man smiled and chuckled a bit and as he did he said.
Dontaes man 1: David Pegouske is with us...he wants to take the fight to
President Truman like you come on were wasting day light.

as he said that Adam said.

Adam Gac: where do you except us to go.

as he said that Dontaes man opened up a man hole in the basement of the
hotel and as he did he said.

Dontaes Men 1: Doctors first.

(Dontaes Headquarters Underground, Canada)


David and his group of people were being led through the sewers and as they
were David spoke up and said.
David Pegouske: how much longer are we from your headquarters.

As David said that Dontae said.

Dontae: not much further...were almost there.

as he said that they walked for several more minutes and they reached a wall
and as they did David and his group passed glances towards each other and
as they did Ralph said.
Ralph Biggs: now what.

as he said that Dontae knocked 3 times on the wall and then he waited and
as he did the group heard 2 knocks in return and as they heard the knocks
the wall started to turn side ways and open...the wall was a secret door. As
the door was open Dontae walked into the headquarters first and as he did he

Dontae: David and fellow Michigan group survivors I want to welcome you to
the base of our operations...this is where the revolution began.

as he said that David and his group entered the room and as they did the door
closed behind them and as they did..they all looked around the room and saw
about 30-60 men all armed with guns and as they saw them Ralph said.
Ralph Biggs: your all are you all armed.

as he said that Dontae said.

Dontae: after we attack the presidents bases we take the soldiers

weapons...thats how we get our supplies...we have many weapons...all we
need are the soldiers to fight with them.

as he said that David looked around the room and as he did Dontae saw him
doing so and as Dontae looked at him he said.

Dontae: are you ready to be reunited with your group.

as he said that David looked at Dontae and as he did David said.

David Pegouske: there this facility.

as he said that Dontae smiled and said.

Dontae: yes they are...come with me.

as he said that David and his group followed Dontae to a hanger where they
kept there vehicles and as they did Dontae said.
Dontae: we dont have that much living space so theyve been staying here
for the time being.

as he said that they got to the area where the group was staying and no one
was there and as David and his group saw this Graham spoke up and said.
Graham: where in the hell are said they would be here.

as he said that Dontae looked just as confused as David and his group was
and as Graham said that Dontae said.Dontae: I dont know where they

as he said that he spoke to a man in his late 30s who just walked by him and
he stood to attention and as he did Dontae said.

Dontae: you know where the Michigan group survivors went.

as he said that the solider spoke up and said.

Solider 2: sir...Josh took the remaining Michigan group survivors and 20 of our
men to a church in Fort Frances to meet with President Truman...he told any
of us to tell you when ever you got here to get to the church when you found
David and his group because Josh has a plan to take out the president there.

as he said that Dontae said.

Dontae: dismissed solider.

as he said that the soldier left and as he did Dontae looked at David and as
he did David said.

David Pegouske: an old church do you know what hes talking about.

as he said that Dontae said.

Dontae: yes I do...its not that far from here a few minuets drive at the
furthest...somethings not right about this. It feels like a trap.

as he said that David said.

David Pegouske: well lets get going and help Josh and the others.

as he said that Dontae said.

Dontae: All right well take one of these military trucks itll fit all of us.

as he said that Dontae got into the truck and started it up and David and his
group got in the back of the truck and as they did Dontae started to back up
to the truck and as he got to the entrance of the bunker he spoke to the
guard and said.
Dontae: were going to meet up with Josh to help him...we don't know if this
meeting with President Truman is a trap or not...we should be back shortly if
its not.

as he said that the guard just nodded his head and as he did the guard
opened the gate entrance and Dontae drove out. Making his way towards the

(Fort Frances, Canada)(Afternoon)

the camera jumped to an old looking church in fort Frances and as it showed stayed focused on it for several seconds...then the camera jumped
inside the church and as it did the camera shown Josh Coe with Dontaes 20
men all armed and Jamess family and they were all armed and as the camera
shown them they were in the center of the church and Josh was looking
around and as he was Paul spoke up and said.

Paul: where is President Truman...the note did say to meet him here right.

as he said that Josh said.

Josh Coe: yes the note said to meet him hear but it didnt clarify what time
hed be here.

as he said that Josh reached for his radio and as he did he spoke into it and
Josh Coe: Hey Aubrie how are things going outside.

as he said that the camera jumped to a back ally and Aubrie was with 2 of
Dontaes men that Josh brought with him and all 3 of them were armed with
assault rifles and as they were Aubrie spoke into her walkie talkie and as she
did she said.
Aubrie: things are going good back here Josh...just checked all the areas out
here and things are all clear no sign of the president or any of his men...were
going back to do another sweep of the are just to be sure.

as she said that Josh said.

Josh Coe: sounds good to me...over and out.

as she said that the camera stayed with Aubrie and as it did Aubrie said.

Aubrie said.
Aubrie: Over and out.

As she said that she looked to her left and right at the men and said.

Aubrie: lets go boys were going to check this place one last time.

as she said that they made there way to the front of the church and as they
did the camera turned into scope view and someone was watching them from
the roof top of another building close by through the scope of there assault
rifle and the camera zoomed out of the scope and it showed that Maddie
Naurloa was with a group of over 30 soldiers and they were all armed with
Ak-47s and sub machine guns and as they were Maddie saw Aubrie walking
in front of the church and as she did the soldier said.

Solider 3: Sir...shes right there and Josh and the rest of the Michigan group
survivors are right inside...we should attack now.
as he said that Maddie said.
Maddie Naurloa: No...not until David and Dontae show up...were not attacking
until the rest of the group is here so we can take care of all of them once and
for all.

as she said that the camera pointed to the front of the church and as it did
Maddie could hear the roar of a truck engine and as she could she said.

Maddie Naurloa: and speak of the devil.

as she said that the camera shown Dontae pulling up to the church with
David and his group in the back of an old military truck and as they did the
camera stayed with Maddie and as it did Maddie said.
Maddie Naurloa: Its show time boys...all right bring out the boss.

as she said that the camera jumped to Dontae and David and as it did they
were talking with Aubrie in front of the church and as they were Aubrie said.
Aubrie: everyone is inside the church and all were waiting for now is for
President Truman to show up.

as she said that Dontae said.

Dontae: he hasnt shown up long have you guys been waiting here

as he said that Aubrie said.

Aubrie: weve been here for 3 hours already.

as she said that David said.

David Pegouske: that long.

as he said that Aubrie said.Aubrie: yes...and Josh said were giving the
president until midnight then well bring the fight to him since were all
together now.

as she said that Dontae said.

Dontae: I second that option.

as he said that Dontae entered the church leaving David and Aubrie alone and
as they were together David hugged Aubrie for several seconds and as he did
he looked at her and said.

David Pegouske: Im glad that you made it out alive.

as he said that Aubrie said.

Aubrie: Ive done things to survive...terrible things.

as she said that David said.

David Pegouske: and when were done dealing with the president Ill be glad
to talk with you.

as he said that Dontae poked his head out the church entrance door and as
he did he said.

Dontae: David...Josh and I need to speak with you.

as he said that David looked at Aubrie and said.
David Pegouske: Ill talk with you later.

as he said that David walked into the church and he walked into the room the
others were in and as he did David said.

David Pegouske: all right what do you guys need to talk about.

as he said that all of a sodden they heard President Trumans voice and as
they did President Truman said.
President Truman Oliver: yes Mr. Coe...what is it you need to speak with Mr.
Pegouske about...I thought you came here to speak with me.

as he said that everyone in the room stood up and aimed there weapons at
him and as they did there were more then 30 soldiers standing by around and
in front of President Truman and they were all armed and as they were the
camera shown that Maddie was standing right next to President Truman and
she was wearing the soldiers uniform and as she was David was shocked and
as he saw her Josh spoke up and said.

Josh Coe: you brought men and there armed.

as he said that President Truman spoke up and said.

President Truman Oliver: so did you...and I cant believe you brought everyone
here just to meet not everyone is here are they I dont see Dr.
Jackson or some members of the Gac family around...and all I can ask is
where are they.

as he said that Josh said.

Josh Coe: Like Id tell you.

as he said that President Truman looked around the room and as he did he

President Truman Oliver: all right here are the terms Im willing to discuss
peace with you over...1) all of you need to put all of your weapons in a pile
and they need to be out of reach and out of this room. 2) I will only speak
with the leaders which implys to you Josh Coe, Dontae and David Pegouske.

as he said that he paused to let them think about it and David and Josh
passed glances and they David shook his head no and as he did Josh agreed
and as he did Josh said.
Josh Coe: We disagree with your terms...we will not be disarmed and my men
and my group and Dontaes men will not leave. You have men and guns and
so shall we.

as he said that the presidents eyes narrowed and as he did he glared right at
Josh and as he did he said.

President Truman Oliver: I want you to know that you brought this on your

as he said that President Truman Oliver pulled out Jamess old .357 colt
python 44 magnum revolver that David had and he aimed it right at Josh and
he aimed it at Joshs heart and as he did he pulled the trigger. As he did
everyone looked on in shock and as they did Josh slowly dropped to the
ground dead.

As he did the president aimed the revolver at David and as he did Ralph saw
this and as he did he was right next to David and he pushed him right out of
the way just as the president fired the second bullet in the revolver. As he the
President fired the second shot it hit Ralph right in the throat as he pushed
David to the ground.

As David hit the floor with Ralph falling right on top of him the camera shown
the rest of the group and they were pissed and they all pointed there guns at
the soldiers and they unloaded there guns. As they did the president unloaded
his gun one last time and the last bullet hit Dontae right in the center of his
chest and he dropped to the ground but didnt die immadtley but he started
gasping for air.

The camera jumped to the president as the gun fight started to happen and
he was being led out of the church by a group of 5 soldiers and Maddie and as
he was he got into the helicopter and looked right at Maddie and said.
President Truman Oliver: You bring me Pegouskes head.

as he said that Maddie said.

Maddie Naurloa: Yes sir.

as she said that she and several of the other soldiers started to make there
way back to the church as the helicopter took off. Back inside the church the
camera jumped to David who was with Ralph who was bleeding to death
because he was shot in the neck and as he was David said.

David Pegouske: Im sorry I dont know what to do...Im sorry...Im so

sorry...Im sorry.
as he said that Ralph took his last few breaths and as he did David let go of
Ralph and he closed his eyes as he did David crawled across the floor over to
Dontae who was also bleeding to death but still alive and as he was David
David Pegouske: there a way to get out of here.

as he said that between breaths Dontae said.

Dontae: yes...there is a sewer tunnel...several blocks away from

can find it...its by an old burger joint.

as he said that David said.

David Pegouske: Im sorry.

as he said that Dontae said.

Dontae: Live to fight another...

as he was about to finish his sentence he died and as he did a pool of blood
started to form underneath his body from where he was shot. As David saw
him die he closed Dontaes eyes and took his assault rifle and joined the fight
and as he did he saw Maddie towards the back of her firing squad and he
started to make his way towards her.

The camera jumped outside to Aubrie and as it did Aubrie said.

Aubrie: man it sounds really bad in there.

as she said that one of the guards said.

Guard 4: Our job is out here let them do there job in there.

as he said that she kept hearing screams coming from in side the church
followed by gun shots and as she did she said.

Aubrie: But it sounds like they really need our help.

As she said that she started for the door and as she did the other guard
grabbed her arm and said.
Guard 5: were needed out here what if...

as he was about to finish his sentence 3 military trucks full of soldiers all
armed with machine guns pulled up to the church and as they did they parked
there cars and got out and aimed there guns at Aubrie and the guards and as
they did Aubrie said.

Aubrie: Shit.

as she said that her and the guards found cover and as they did Aubrie

Aubrie: open fire.

as she said that the camera jumped back inside the church and as it did
David kept firing his gun and trying to get close to Maddie and as he did she
had her own gun and every time she saw David get close to her she killed
someone close to him...first Harry then Justin...then she shot Graham...then
Mr. Teller.
As David saw her shooting down his group his family he kept getting angrier
and angrier and each step he took he got closer and closer to her. As he got
closer the camera zoomed in on Maddie and as it did she said.
Maddie Naurloa: where the hell is that back up.

as she said that the gun fight kept up for a good several minuets and then 40
more men entered through the back door and as they did David saw them and
he said.

David Pegouske: shit...shit.

as he said that he ran out of ammo and he picked up another dead persons
gun and as he did he found himself at the front door and out side by Aubrie as
he found himself outside he looked at Aubrie and said.

David Pegouske: Where are your guards.

as he said that Aubrie said.

Aubrie: there dead.

as she said that David said.

David Pegouske: come on were leaving.

as he said that Aubrie stopped firing her gun for a second and as she did she

Aubrie: What...did you just say what I thought you said.

As she said that David said.

David Pegouske: Yes were leaving.

As he said that Aubrie said.

Aubrie: what about the others.

as she said that David said.

David Pegouske: there all dead.

as he said that Aubrie looked at him shocked and as she did he grabbed her
hand and said.
David Pegouske: come on.

as he said that they ran and the camera jumped to the ally that Dontae told
them about and David opened the sewer entrance and as he did David let
Aubrie go first and he went second and closed the top as they went down into
the sewer.

The camera jumped back to the church and as it did one Maddie was staring
at one of the bodies and it was Dr. Pops body and as she was staring at it the
camera shown that the church was covered in the Michigan group survivors
bodies and as it was a solider came up to Maddie and said.

Solider 5: sir they escaped shall we look for them.

as he said that Maddie thought for several seconds and as she did she said.

Maddie Naurloa: no...let the presidents plan take action...theyll be after us

soon for these bodies take the ones whos heads werent shot to
the arena the rest leave them in the church then burn it.

as she said that the next scene shown Maddie driving away from the church
with all of the soldiers and it was night and the church was in the review
mirrors and Maddie was looking back at it and it went up in flames.

(Dontaes underground headquarters, Canada)(Night)The camera shown David

by himself in Dontaes old office and as he was there was a knock at the door
and David said from his chair.

David Pegouske: what is it.

as he said that a guard spoke through the door and said.

Guard 6: sir Dr. Jackson and his group just arrived.

as he said that David said.

David Pegouske: Ill speak to them later.

as he said that the door opened and as it did Dr. Jackson entered the room
and as he did the guard tried to stop him and as he did David told the guard.
David Pegouske: its all right you can leave.

as he said that the guard left and closed the door behind him and as he did
Dr. Jackson said.

Dr. Ethan Jackson: David Ive been traveling with the others for a long time
now and we were expcting to see the rest of our group here...and we all want
to know...where are the Michigan group Survivors.

As he said that David looked up at Dr. Jackson and he looked him straight in
the eyes and said.

David Pegouske: there all dead.

(Screen goes black)(End Scene)

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