How To Register Unisim Excel User Interface Tools

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How to re-register the USE-IT unisimexcelinterface10.

xla Add-In

Solutions Tree UniSim Design USE-IT

Topic #: 4238-1279 Date Created: 05/05/2015 Last Modified Since: 01/04/2016 Viewed: 95


How to re-register the USE-IT unisimexcelinterface10.xla Add-In to fix issues where the Add-In does not appear on the Excel menu and error messages
about a missing xla on opening

More Information

Issues are normally first observed when the user installs the UniSim Excel Interface tool (USE-IT) - and on opening the USE-IT template workbook,
cannot see the Add-In tab or anything relevant to USE-IT on the Excel ribbon menu. Additionally, an error message about the xla file being missing
may be seen:

The underlying reason is that the USE-IT macro xla (add in) is not automatically detected by Excel. An automatic solution this problem is not possible
because of the limitations of Excel.

This knowledgebase entry presents a method to resolve these issues by re-registering the unisimexcelinterface10.xla file manually.

See also the documentation accompanying USE-IT (Section 9 of the R430 USE-IT User Notes, or Section 8 of the R440 USE-IT User Guide pdf).

How to register unisimexcelinterface10.xla

Register the unisimexcelinterface10.xla manually in Excel 2007+ by adding it to the Excel Add-Ins list. To do that, take the following steps in Excel:

1. Go to the "Office Button" on the Ribbon to access the main menu, and press the "Excel Options" button
2. On the Add-Ins tab, choose "Excel Add-Ins" from the "Manage" drop down and press "Go"

3. Browse to unisimexcelinterface10.xla that may be found in the folder

C:\Program Files\Honeywell\UniSim Excel Interface if using UniSim Design R430 or

C:\Program Files\Honeywell\UniSim Excel Interface R440 if using UniSim Design R440.
(Note, the xla is put in the "Program Files (x86)" in case you run UniSim Design on a 64 bit OS.)
4. Ensure that the "unisimexcelinterface10" add-in has been added to the "Add-Ins" list and that the checkbox is checked. Click OK.

The USE_IT add-in should then appear under the "Add-Ins" tab of the Excel ribbon menu similar that is shown on the next screenshot if you have the
UniSim Design R430 version installed:

..and if you have USE-IT with UniSim Design R440 installed:

If manually registering the *.xla procedure still does not resolve the problem then, the next step to try is to force Excel to delete the link it has to the
Add-In. A way to do this is to temporarily re-name the xla file (e.g. pre-pend an x at the beginning this will typically require Administrator rights)
then open the Add-Ins window and select the "unisimexcelinterface10" entry at which point Excel will note that the file cannot be located and will give
the user the option to delete it. Close Excel, restore the original file name, invoke Excel again and follow the xla registration instructions starting from
Step 3 above.

Keywords USE-IT, xla, Add-In, Excel, Microsoft, Office

Type FAQ
Product UniSim Design

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