Frequenc Yof Doctors Visit To The Patients (Times in A Day) Frequenc Yof Nurses Care (Times in A Day) Technolog Ies Used To Treat The Patients

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y of
doctors Frequenc
visit to y of Technolog
the nurses ies used
Quality of patients care to treat
Patient (Times in (Times in the
Care a day) a day) patients
Quality of Patient Care 1
Frequency of doctors visit to the patients (Times in a day) 0.53675 1
Frequency of nurses care (Times in a day) 0.700608 0.56968 1
Technologies used to treat the patients 0.763189 0.504576 0.673022 1
Handling Patients in emergency section 0.700128 0.564365 0.688895 0.700229
Time Spent During Doctor's visit to patient (Minute) 0.617207 0.403881 0.874017 0.531973
Handling During
Patients Doctor's
in visit to
emergenc patient
y section (Minute)

0.618276 1

Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.8215304875
R Square 0.674912342
Adjusted R Square 0.5588096069
Standard Error 0.6974743434
Observations 20

df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 5 14.139413564 2.82788 5.813062 0.0041391585
Residual 14 6.810586436 0.48647
Total 19 20.95

Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value

Intercept 0.3371660294 0.7038088511 0.47906 0.639293
Frequency of doctors visit 0.173852559 0.3471501046 0.5008 0.624293
Frequency of nurses care ( 0.0395640287 0.1865708531 0.21206 0.835117
Technologies used to treat 0.460728456 0.2386418407 1.93063 0.074037
Handling Patients in emerg 0.1813839608 0.2575309785 0.70432 0.492784
Time Spent During Doctor's 0.0478741994 0.1010813172 0.47362 0.643071
Anova: Single Factor

Groups Count Sum Average Variance
Quality of Patient Care 20 69 3.45 1.102632
Frequency of doctors visit to the patients (Times in a day) 20 30 1.5 0.368421
Frequency of nurses care (Times in a day) 20 87 4.35 4.871053
Technologies used to treat the patients 20 74 3.7 1.063158
Handling Patients in emergency section 20 69 3.45 0.997368
Time Spent During Doctor's visit to patient (Minute) 20 146 7.3 11.8

Source of Variation SS df MS F
Between Groups 358.9417 5 71.78833 21.32049
Within Groups 383.85 114 3.367105

Total 742.7917 119

P-value F crit
5.25E-15 2.293911
Anova: Single Factor

Groups Count Sum Average Variance
Quality of 20 69 3.45 1.102632
Frequency o 20 30 1.5 0.368421
Frequency 20 87 4.35 4.871053
Technologie 20 74 3.7 1.063158
Handling P 20 69 3.45 0.997368
Time Spent 20 146 7.3 11.8

Source of VariationSS df MS F P-value F crit
Between G 358.9417 5 71.78833 21.32049 5.25E-15 2.293911
Within Gro 383.85 114 3.367105

Total 742.7917 119

Frequency of doctors visit
to the patients (Times in a
SL Hospital Name Quality of Patient Care day)
1 Apollo 5 2
2 United 5 2
3 Labaid 4 2
4 Kurmiotola General 4 1
5 Square Hospital 5 2
6 Dhaka Medical College 4 1
7 Islami Bank Central Hospital 4 2
8 National Heart Foundation 3 2
9 Samorita 4 2
10 Popular 4 3
11 Al Helal Specialized Hospital 3 1
12 BIRDEM 3 1
13 Delta Medical Center 3 1
14 Ibn Sina Hospital 3 2
15 Japan Bangladesh Friendship Hospital 4 1
16 Central Hospital Ltd 3 1
17 City Hospital 2 1
18 Galaxy Hospital 2 1
19 Mirpur Adhunik Hospital 1 1
20 CARE Specialized Hospital 3 1
Frequency of nurses care (Times in
a day) Technologies used to treat the patients
10 5
8 5
6 5
3 3
9 5
3 5
4 5
5 4
4 4
4 4
3 3
3 4
3 3
4 2
3 3
3 3
4 3
3 3
2 2
3 3
Handling Patients in emergency section Time Spent During Doctor's visit to patient (Minute)
5 15
4 12
4 10
3 8
5 15
3 4
5 4
5 8
4 10
3 5
3 5
3 6
3 4
3 5
4 6
3 6
2 4
3 7
2 6
2 6

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