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1930 Chiedza


05 July 2017

The Human Resources Director

Secours Islamique France

Dear Sir/ Madam

RE: Application for the Program Coordinator Position: Nigeria

Please consider my application for the Program Coordinator position with the SIF Nigeria program. I am
a Public Health Expert with a Bachelor of Science degree in Medical Laboratory Sciences, a post
graduate certificate in Epidemiology and Health Information and a Master of Science degree in Public
Health, all from the University of Zimbabwe. These qualifications are complemented by more than a
decade experience coordinating emergency response, managing health, livelihoods, WASH, emergency
relief and capacity building programs in resource poor environments. I have solid experience managing
communicable disease programs including Ebola, cholera, TB/HIV, malaria, dysentery, anthrax and other
diseases of public health concern, coordinating primary and reproductive health care programs,
coordinating community, school and health facility WASH projects, implementing nutrition and
livelihood programs, managing TB and HIV programs, capacity building, health care worker/community
volunteer training and mentoring, program start up, monitoring, evaluation and close out and managing
various grants including ECHO, OFDA, UNICEF, UNFPA, SV, DFID and CRS.
During my most recent assignments, I coordinated the OFDA funded post Ebola Infection Prevention and
Control programs for the International Rescue Committee coordinated Ebola Response Consortium in
Sierra Leone. The project was implemented by a consortium of eight INGO partners in 19 referral
hospitals and 1200 primary health care facilities. Before joining the post Ebola Infection Prevention and
Control program, I worked for the International Rescue Committee coordinating response to the Ebola
outbreak in Sierra Leone. My key functions included managing the SV and DFID grants including
coordinating the day to day program implementation, ensuring health worker safety, developing Standard
Operating Procedures. Compiled donor reports, staff recruitment and induction, health worker training
and representation with key stakeholders such as WHO, CDC, other INGOs and the Sierra Leone
Ministry of Health and Sanitation.

Prior to my tenure with the IRC Sierra Leone programs, I worked five years for the International Medical
Corps managing the ECHO, UNFPA, UNICEF and OFDA funded cholera response, recovery and health
systems strengthening programs in seven districts of Mashonaland Central province, Zimbabwe. My key
roles in this position included coordinating emergency response to epidemics (cholera, typhoid, malaria,
anthrax), strengthening disease surveillance and referral systems, developing emergency response plans,
improving access to primary health, reproductive health and laboratory services, coordinated procurement
and distribution of NFIs, developed training curriculum for health workers and community volunteers.
Coordinated community and institutional WASH programs (latrine construction, borehole rehabilitation
and water quality monitoring and hygiene promotion in communities, schools and health facilities. I also
performed grants management functions.
Before joining the IMC programs, I worked for Caritas Zimbabwe for the Catholic Relief Services and
UNICEF funded rural WASH, NFI procurement & distribution, distribution of laboratory and
pharmaceutical sundries, livelihoods, nutrition and TB/HIV prevention, treatment and care programs for
people living with HIV and OVC. The program focused on improving access to safe water, good nutrition
and improved care and support for people suffering from TB/HIV and improved livelihoods for
vulnerable communities. In addition to my proven public health prowess, I am an accomplished Medical
Laboratory Scientist with exceptional skills in the laboratory diagnosis of various communicable and non
communicable diseases.
I have very strong field site management skills, coordinated field assessments (baseline, mid-term and
end-line), project cycle management, grants management skills for US, UN and EU donor agencies,
strong leadership, proposal development & impeccable report writing skills.
In order to achieve set objectives of the advertised position, I will focus on building the capacity and
competence of the staff directly involved in the project deliverables, support staff, volunteers and
stakeholders. Team work, motivation and coordination will be fostered to build the necessary synergies
and deliver holistic, sustainable and high impact program. This will be achieved through trust building,
effective communication, transparency, flexibility, accountability and training. Environmental scanning,
assessments and effective planning, project monitoring and evaluation involving all relevant stakeholders
will be instrumental in ensuring existing and emerging needs/opportunities are identified and adequately
addressed. I will also focus on the program financial sustainability and efficacy by conducting regular
financial planning meetings as well as monthly budget reviews to ensure expenditure complies with donor
regulations. Logical frameworks, Gantt charts, network diagrams and MEAL frameworks will be used to
ensure effective program implementation and I will ensure lessons learnt are documented to maximize
program quality and impact.

I look forward to further communication regarding this application.

Thank you for your consideration.

Yours Faithfully,

Alfred Mushonga

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