Conservation Biology PRGC Notes English Medium 2017-2018

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Module I Wild life history of beaters with drums being sent out over a large

1.1 Scope, Status of wildlife in India distance to literally drive all the wild animals of the
1.2 Causes of Depletion of wildlife resources- region into a circle. Once rounded up, the King and
Habitat loss, construction of dams, collection noblemen would then move around the periphery of
for trophies, hunting poisoning, poaching and this circle and hunt the animals with guns, spears
other developmental activities and arrows. Akbar bred tigers and leopards for
Module II wild life habitate hunting purposes in specific menageries in Fatehpur
2.1 Major animal and plant species of south indian and Agra.
forests. With reference to Andhra pradesh
Akbars son and heir, Jahangir, enforced strict laws
2.2 aforestation and deforestration
prohibiting the hunting of wild animals as a sport,
2.3 Grass lands, Mangrooves and sacred groves
and prior official sanction was required

Hunting leopards /cheetahs, which were nearly

driven to extinction during the reign of Akbar, were
The term wildlife is commonly referred to represent successfully bred in captivity by Jahangir.
the non domesticated animals living in a natural
The Britishers continued to poach wildlife. Shikars
habitat. In otherwords it includes all flora and fauna
were organized to denote chivalry, bravery, and a
of the natural habitat.
certain status symbol among the British.
History of Conservation in India
Some Maharajas and Nawabs also participated
Conservation in India found its roots when the actively to conduct shikars as status symbol. This led
killing of animals were strictly prohibited in and to decline of asiatic lions, one horned rhinoceros and
around the Ashramas allotted to Brahmanas. tigers.
In ancient India religious scriptures some animals Britishers made some acts like Elephants
are considered as devine and treated sacredly like Preservation act 1879, Wild Birds and animals
lion, peacock, tiger, cobras, monkys, snakes etc. protection act 1912, Indian forest act 1927 etc to
preserve diversity of Indian wildlife.
Around the third century BC, the founder of the
Mauryan empireChandragupta Maurya, Indias first National Park, the Hailey National Park
appointed a Kupyadhyaksha or Forest Department (later named Jim Corbett National Park) was
Head. This officer was in charge of implementing the founded in 1936, in no small measure due to the
Game efforts of hunter turned conservationist and
naturalist-Jim Corbett.
Laws laid down in the manuscript known as the
Arhtashastra written by Post-independence, the first genuine need to protect
wildlife in India was realized. In 1952, the Indian
Kautilya. This became the first official
Wildlife Board was constituted to centralize all the
administrative document to spell out wildlife
rules and regulations pertinent to wildlife
onservation measures.
conservation in India. this Board passed a landmark
Ashoka pillar in the present day Uttar Pradesh, decree that accorded all existing Game Parks the
where four lions with their back to each other can be status of a Sanctuary or a National Park.
found atop the pillar.
The 1960s expose by Rakesh Sankhla and Razia
Emperor Akbar, was an avid game hunter. He about the trade of endangered species caused a big
introduced a special kind of hunting known as the furore
Gamargha Hunt. The hunt would involve hundreds
The 1970s bought with it two landmark events that from India is 89,451. Several invertebrate phyla are
were to influence wildlife conservation in India for yet to be reported from India. Of all the animal
decades to come. The first was the introduction of species, Insects alone comprise 68.32 per cent, 800
the stringent Wildlife Protection Act in 1972 and the species of mammals, 2000 of birds, 420 of reptiles,
second being Project Tiger, the largest wildlife 2000 of fish and 4000 of mollusks. Among
conservation project of its time, was initiated in vertebrates highest degree of endemism at species
1973 level is seen in Amphibia followed by Reptiles, Aves,
Mammals and Fishes.
In the 1980s, the Chipko Andolan movement by the
Bishnois gained worldwide recognition for its Mammals in the country include such animals as
simplicity and non-violent approach. What the mighty elephant, himalayan sheep, indian bison or
Bishnois did was to surround their trees, literally gaur, spotted deer/cheetal, black buck, one horned
hugging them, in order to protect them from anyone rhinoceros, prestigious lion and tiger. Plant species
who came to fell them. Until today, they are involved number at around 45000 of which 7000 are endemic
in actively protecting blackbucks and other wildlife to india
found in their region.
Indias rich and diverse wildlife is preserved in 120+
The last two decades since the 1990s have National parks, 18 Biosphere reserves and 500+
witnessed the application of technology and science wildlife sancturies situated across the country.
to conservation on a large scale. Wildlife forensics,
India has 3 Biodiversity Hotspots namely Western
telemetry, remote sensing techniques and
Ghats, Eastern Himalays and IndoBurma. Many
geographic information systems were all integrated
Indian species are descendants of taxa originating in
into the practice of wildlife conservation in India.
Gondwana region.
As per the updated list according to IUCN 2000
Scope and Status of Wildlife in india guidelines, one-third of the Indian wild life is danger
as per the conservation biology point of view.
India is very rich in terms of biological diversity due
to its unique biogeographic location, diversified In view of the above situation government of India
climatic conditions. India has three major biological under National Biodiversity Authority and Ministry
realms, viz., Indo-Malayan, Eurasian and Afro- of Environment and Forests, have taken initiatives
tropical This country possesses diversified like
ecosystems from snow clad high mountain ranges to
a. Encouraging taxonomists by increasing job
sea coasts , including deserts and semi-arid regions,
almost all "types" of forests, grass lands, lakes, and
rivers, estuaries, lagoons, islands and the ocean. b. Habitat conservations
Annual rainfall varies from 100 mm in the deserts to
5000 mm in the Cherrapunji hills. c. sustainable utilization of Biological resources

It is, therefore, quite inevitable that India having d. Training programmes at the grassroot level to
only 2.5 per cent of the total land mass of the world bring awareness among the local people.
could harbour little over 7.8 per cent of the world's e. preparing, publishing distributing regional faunal
known plant and animal species. guides
Based on data currently collected- of different f. developing databases, maps, biological collections,
animal groups total number of species reported field guides etc.
g.Involving NGOs scientists and public together as For example. In Africa, inrecent years 95% of the
Wildlife is a multi-disciplinary subject involving black rhino populations have exterminated by
diverse sectoral activities poachers for their horn. Today rhino hrn fetches
upto 25000 dollars in pharmaceutical markets. In
a. Conservation Medicine is an emeerging
the last 10 years over one third of Africas elephants
interdisciplinary area of science
have been wiped out for some 3000 tonnes of ivory.
In the international market the cost of ivory is 1000
dollars per kg. The major buyers are japan, honkong
followed by US, Germany and UK. Indian
government banned African Ivory in 1992

1.2 Causes of Depletion of wildlife resources The scarlet macaw once common throughout south
america has been eliminated from most of its range
a. Destruction of habitat: The natural habitat may be in central america. Several species of spotted cats as
destroyed by man for his settlement, grazing the ocelot and jaguar have been declining in
grounds, agriculture, mining, industries, highway numbers for the demand for their fur
construction, drainage, dam building etc. as a
consequence of this the species must either adapt to In 1962, nearly 70000 whales were slaughtered.
the changes, move elsewhere or may succumb to However international trade in whale products is
predation, starvation or disease and eventually die. banned now.

Construction of Dams: In India due to the In india Rhino is hunted for its horns and musk deer
construction of 1877 large and small scale dams all for musk, elephant for ivory, Gharial and crocodile
over india between 1980 and 2000 resulted in the for their skin and jackal for fur. CITES lists nine
submerging of 4.5 million hectors. No reforestation indian animal species whiche have been depleted
attempts were successful so far. The narmada vally due to international trade. They are Fin Whale
project resulted in the submerging of 40000 hectors (Balenoptera physalus), Himalayan musk deer
of forests in Madhyapradesh. A study done on the (Moschus moschiferus), Green turtle (Chelonia
Indira Sagar Project of MP on the effects on wildlife mydas), Desert Monitor Lizard (Varanus griseus),
showed that nearly 30% of the wildlife vanished due Yellow monitor lizar (Veranus flavescens) and
to project flooding. Bengal monitor Lizard (Veranus bengalensis)

Construction of dam on a river can block or delay

upstream fish migrations and thus contribute to the
decline or even the extcition of species.
Construction of Hydroelectric Dam in Nepal cuts off
local fish species eg. Tor and bangarius bagarius
from their valuable spawining grounds upstream
which resulted in decreasing of their numbers

b. Hunting for commercial products/trophies the

wild animals are killed for their products such as
hides and skin, tusks, fur meat, pharmaceuticals,
perfumes, cosmetics and decoration purposes.
c. Over Exploitation Excessive harvesting of marine c. Position of the organisms in the food chain:
organisms such as fishes, molluscs, sea cows and sea the higher the organisms is in the food chain,
turtles has resulted in extinction of these animals the more suceptible it becomes extict
D. Collection for Zoo and research: animals and
plants are collected throughout the world for zoos
and biological laboratories for study and research in
science and medicine. For example primates such as
monkeys and chimpanzees are used for research as
they have anatomical, genetic and physiological
similarities to human beings.
E. Introduction of exotic species: Native species are
subjected to competetion for food and space due to
introduction of exotic species. For example,
introduction of goats into galapogas islands in 20th
century, resulted in destruction of habitats of
several plants, birds and reptiles.
F. Control of pests and predators: predator and pest
control measures, generally kill predators that are a
component of balanced ecosystem and may also
indiscriminately poison non target species.
G. Pollution/poisoning: Pollution alters the natural d. Reproductive rate: large organisms tend to
habitat. Water pollution especially injurious to the produce fewwer offsprings a widely spaced
biotic components of estuary and coastal intervels
ecosystems. Toxic wastes entering the water bodies
disturb the food chain and so that the aquatic
ecosystems, insecticides and pesticides too affect
adversely the plant and animal species.
h. hunting for food and fun: Hunting of wild animals
What is the need of wildlife conservation?
takes place for the purpose of food because they
form rich source of protein. Shikars are organized a. Conservation preserves the ecological
to kill wild animals for just fun and sport. Such diversity and our life support systems water
activities decrease the number of wild life. air and soil. If a species is lost, in long run, it
may upset the natural balance and as a
Other factors that contribute to the depletion of wild
consequence makes the system vulnerable.
life are as follows
a. Distribution Range: the smaller the range of b. It also preserves the genetic diversity of
distribution the treater the threat of plants and animals for better growth of
extinction species and breeding. All the native species
b. Degree of specialization: the more possess genetic reservoir and provide genes
specialised an organism is the more for improvement of existing plant and
vulnerable it is to extinction animal life to solve present food problems or
production of disease resistant varieties.
c. In agriculture, we are still dependent on Important ecological regions of south india are
traditional crop varieties. Fisheries too are Nilgiri Biosphere reserve located at the conjuction of
heavily dependent on the maintenance of borders of karnataka, kerala and tamilnadu in the
aquatic biodiversity western ghats. Mangrove forests of Pichavaram,
d. AFTERALL THIS EARTH BELONGS TO NOT korangi- bird sancturies including Ranganthittu,
ONLY FOR HUMANS BUT ALSO FOR ALL neelapattu, pulicat- Gulf of Mannar Biosphere
ORGANISMS. reserve covers an area of 10000 sq KM of ocean
e. Economic benefit: wilelife is a source of containing coral reefs, salt marshesetc.
income to recreation and tourism industry.
The main plant species found in this zone are :
Most popular tourist atractions are the
Borassus flabellifer, Boswellia serrata, Carissa
wildlife sanctuaries and national parks.
spinarum, Diospyros melanoxylon, Grewia
Many plants have medicinal value. Some
oppositifolia, Hardwickia binata, Randia
animals like shrimps and crabs provide
tetraspermia, Santalum album Tectona grandis,
medicines against fungal infections
Xixyphus etc.
f. Game value. Wildlife has its worth as game
also. In several western countries, million of This region is is home to endangered indian
people hunt or fish for recreation, spending elephant, bengal tiger. Other endangered species
millions of dollars for such sport include grizzled giant squirrel, slender loris, sloth
g. Scientific value: scientists of wildlife in bear, nilgiri tahr, nilgiri langur, lion tailed macaque
biology and medicine are direct value for and indian leopard.
humans. For examples sea urchins have
helped greatly in the understanding of Various wildlife found in this ecological zone are as
human embryology, rhesus monkeys in follows
present blod groups, antlers of deer in
determining the degree of radio active
contamination of environment. Primates
h. Aesthetic value: aesthetic values such as the
Bonnet macaque (Macaca Radiata): A medium
taste of wild berries, fragrance of wild
sized, long tailed macaque.
flowers compel us to preserve them.
A world without melodious birds, graceful Rhesus macaque: (Macaca mulatta): This animal is
beasts and thick forest would be poorer found in North, central and south india.
place for humans to live in.
Lion Tailed macaque (Macaca silenus): It is a rare
and threatened species found in the western Ghats
and its adjoining ranges. It inhabits dense,
evergreen tropical forests.

Common langur (Presbytes entellus). Well

distributed all over india except on hills and deserts.

1 Major animal and plant species of south indian Nilgiri langur: (Presbytis johni) Lives in western
forests. With reference to Andhra pradesh ghats from coorg to kanyakumari.

This ecological zone deccan plateau or south india Slender loris: (Loris tardigradus). It is a secretive
falls within parts of maharastra, karnataka, Tamil and nocturnal animal found in dense forests of south
Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and Kerala. india
Cat Family
Tiger (Panthera tigris). The India tiger found almost Indian wild dog or dhole (Cuon alpinus): lives in
all over India. various forests of india. Most dangerous animal of
forests hunt in packs.
Leopard or panther (Panthera pardus): found
almost all over the country. It is found in open
places also and encroach into human inhabitations
Leopard cat: (Felis bengalensis) Found in the forests
Sloth bear (Melursus ursinus) found in the forest
from himalayas to kanyakumari. It preys upon small
bases. Usually nocturnal in habit
birds and animals including on poultry
Weasel Family
Fishing cat: (Felis viverrina) It inhabits backwaters.
Found in koringa mangroves Common Indian otter (Lutra perspicillata) found in
the rivers, lakes and streams of india. Found in
Jungle cat: (Felis chaus) Found almost all over the
koringa mangrooves. Fish is the principle food. Pest
country. Usually lives in the open areas both inside
for aquaculture
and outside forests
Nilgiri marten (Marrtes gwatkinsi): occurs in the
hill ranges of sound india
Honey badger (Mellivora capensis): found in arid,
Small Indian Civet (Viverricula indica). Greyish semi arid, dry areas.
brown civet found all over india.
Pale hedgehot (Paraechinus micropous): lives in the
Mongoose (Herpestes edwardsi) Found all over desert and semi desert areas and plains of south
southindia. Prefers open areas, scrublands and india
cultivated fields
Striped necked mongoose(Herpistes vitticollis):
Flying fox (Pteropus giganteus): A large sized bat
occurs in western Ghats, and adjoining hill ranges
found in the forests almost all over india.
Striped hyaena: (Hyaena hyaena). Dog like large
Small travencore flying squirrel(Petinomys
headed animal. It feeds on left overs of kill and
fuscocapillus): found in forests of travancore and
sometimes it hunts too.
Nilgiri hills
Grizzled giant squirrel (Ratufa macroura); Found in
Dog Family the hill ranges of south india
Jackal: (Canis aureus): Well distributed in the Three striped palm squirrel (Funambulus
forests and adjoining tracts. sublineatus): Lives in the forests of south india and
also semi arid parts too
Indian fox (Vulpes bengalensis) Well distributed all
over. Lives in the vicinity of cultivated lands or Indian mole rat(Bandicota bengalensis) Well
barren lands distributed mostly in the moist alluvial areas
Indian field mouse(mus booduga) found in all parts
especially in agricultural lands
Long tailed tree mouse(Vandeleuria Karnataka. They avoid dense forests and prefer
olearacea)Found all over india. Lives in nests on open grasslands
trees and shrubs
Deer Family
Common house rat (Rattus rattus). Found in every
Barasingha or Swamp Deer (cervus duvauceli)
where. Lives near human dwellings
found in forest tracts of bengal assam and madhya
Bandicoot rat (Bandicota indica) Found pradesh. They prefer to remain in the vicinity of
everywhere. Lives near human dwellings swamps marshes etc
Indian porcupine(Hystrix indica) Found all over Sambhar (Cervus unicolor) Well distributed in
south india. They may ascend to elevations of over many parts of the country. They prefer open
2200 mts grasslands and areas adjoining cultivation. Most
common deer of india
Hares and Mouse
Cheetal or spotted deer (Axis axis): Found in many
Black naped hare (Lepus nigricollis ) Found in south
parts of india even in deserts. Most common deer of
india. Abudant on Godavari shores.
Barking deer (Muntiacus muntjac) Munitjac: Found
Indian Elephant (Elephas maximus) The indian in densely forestest hills like western ghats and
elephant is smaller than African elephant. It is nilgiris. They move in small groups
widely distributed in western ghats, near Mysore
Horses and Rhinoceros
Indian wild boar (Sus scrofa): Found almost all over
Asiatic wild ass (Equus hemionus). Found near little the country. Prefers to live in grasslands, scrub
Rann of Kutch Gujarat, forests and at times in dense forests

Great Indian One horned Rhinoceros (Rhinoceros Pangolins

unicornis) It is now restricted to parts of west
Indian pangolin (Manis crassicaudata:): Found in
Bengal and assam.
the plains and low hills of southern india. They live
Wild Oxedn, sheep and goats in burrows

Indian bison/Gaur (Bos gaurus): Found in the hill Marine Mammals

forests of western Ghats and other parts.
Blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus): Found in the
Nilgiri tahr (Hemitragus hylocrius): Lives in the waters of indian coast particularly in winter months.
mountains of west coast of India ie. Nilgiri and
Sperm whale (Megaptera novaeangliae): Found in
Annamalai hills.
the seas of the indian coast. It has a short and stout
Antelopes, Gazelles body

Chinkara or Indian gazelle: Lives in central India in Common dolphin (Dolphinus delphis): Found in the
the hills as well as in plains seas off the indian coast. They move about in small
schools. They move very fast
Black buck or Indian antelope (Antelope cervicopra)
Found in almost all plains of southern India Little Indian porpoise (Neomeris phocaenoides):
Found in the waters of the Indian coast. Dorsal fin is
Nilgai or Blur bull (Boselaphus tragocamelus): absent and snout is round
Found in central and southeran india upto
Dugong or Seacow (Dugong dugon): Found in the Common sand boa (Eryx conicus). A Short thick
waters off the Indian coast. They are found on the bodied snake found in hill regions. Nocturnal in
kerala coast often. habit
Gangetic dolphin: (Platannista gangetica): A Rat snake (Ptyas muscosus): a large scaled snake
freshwater mammal living in the rivers Ganga, found all over india. It is a rat killer
Brahmaputra. They donot enter the sea.
Common krait (bungarus caeruleus) Medium sized
snake poisonous. It is nocturnal
Birds Indian spectacled cobra (Naja naja): Medium to
large sized snake. Feed on frogs toads, rodents.
Various species of Fowls, Geese and ducks,
Spectacle mark on the hood.
Woodpeckers, Hornbills, Kingfishers, Cuckoos
,parrots and parakeets, Swifts, Owls,Pigeons and King cobra (Ophiophagus hannah): large sized
doves, Bustards and cranes, Plovers, gulls ,kites, snake poisonous. Found in dense forests of south
Vultures, Eagles, Falcons, Egrets, Herons, Flamingos, india
spoonbills, Pelicans ,Thrushes, Swallows, Sparrows
Russells Viper (Vipera russellii): Poisonous.
etc are found in this region
Medium to large sized. Found all over india
Saw scalled viper (Echis carinatus): a small sized
Crocodiles: snake found usually in plains.
Gharial (Garialis gangeticus): Commonly found in The following are some of the endangered
the river ganga and its major tributaries amphibions of india
Salt water crocodile: (Crocidilus porosus): found in Madras Spotted Skink (Barkudia insularis)
estuaries and creeks
Ghats wart frog (Fejervarya murthii)
Common Indian crocodile: (Crocodilus palustris):
Jeypore Ground Gecko (Geckoella jeyporensis)
Found in the rivers and streams of many parts of
India Gundia Indian frog (Indirana gundia)
Lizards: Ponmudi bush frog (Raorchestes ponmudi)
Common house gecko (Hemidactylus maculatus) Anaimalai flying frog (Rhacophorus
Common garden lizard (Calotes versiculor)
Ghats Wart Frog (Zakerana murthii)
Common box tortoise (emyda granosa)
Starred tortoise (Testudo elegans)
Indian rock python (Python molurus): a large thick
bodied snake found in many parts. It ranges from
thick forests to mangroves

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