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na. eae eae epee renee Ce ag ee Eire ee ee ohn nd ap ng Sopra tits Ree ices eetaeeat ta abee tot ee Peters oat ose tea tal Inguiry based learning rests on triggering curiosity. Unlike traditional educational system, aa er eee re eee eee eetnt oaetty about questioning, investigating and exploring. A few weeks ago, we have planned to introduce Co eae eter eee tee ert be eet retry ee eet en tery te eye ee ea eer Rene Betoun hens rear tece toet a aha ee ‘What happened to our milk, and then discussion started: They were sure that some ‘Snimal came from outside and drank our milk. but they couldn't recognize the shape of the prints that the animal left behind. One child said that it would be good to make a drawing of a rents at home. So we did it. the day after, parents suggested that 4 eaeny epee eg ares it could be a dog. cat, tiger, etc: We looked at the hole in the fence and estimated that a tiger trough, so we narrowed It to the dog and cat. While the children were. eerrens BT ST ee et atin ae eg eer pea per pee] pee ee eee eter tt eek ek terrae Cay Oe Re ag Transdisciplinary learning is the exploration of a relevant topic or problem that integrates Pn aii prem me pert Pome ee ee a eee pai pe nett ert gee ier Peete ote kere eee rant erie pereeerets: Fe een peed Serer re oe ee net ea ee perro e ees Peed csi ec et Re tre ke the animal: They developed thelt research stills by analyzing all evidence that an intruder left PAties re epee ee ober etre ree See

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