What Bring Wal Mart India

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retailing WALMART far.

qxp 6/16/2005 12:55 PM Page 24


etail has always been an alluring Sahani, Associate Director KSA worth of merchandise from India last year

What Brings business proposition. But as the

rule currently stands, foreign
retailers cannot yet hang their
shingles in India - yet. However, with
Minister for Commerce and Industry Kamal
Technopak, "The Indian retail scenario is
booming and Indian retailers are doing well
across the board. Current profits in the
organised retail trade are good and the
future seems even more alluring. We have
and are aiming to increase that by almost
30 per cent every year, thereby doubling
our sourcing in the next three years.
We are also interested in exploring
investment in India's retail market if this

Walmart To INDIA? Nath announcing that foreign investment

would soon be allowed in this business,
the prospects of burnished brass marquees
of the global majors coming along High
Street seems imminent.
empirical evidence that the average urban
consumer is saving less today than he did
a few years ago and importantly, spending
his income on a wider array of goods than
earlier. The current mood of the market is
segment of the economy is opened for for-
eign direct investment."
Products that are sourced include
apparel, fine jewellery, home textiles and
houseware. Items for which sourcing is on
In a sense, the first business visit to expansionist with consumers willing to lap the rise are stationary and office supplies,
India of John B Menzer, President and up newer and better brands." electronics, seasonal handicrafts, leather
CEO, Walmart International seemed to Menzer has obviously observed the goods, shoes, and food. Known for the
presage the change in policy. It may be Indian market keenly and is aware of its strict quality standards, and tight price lev-
noted that Walmart still functions largely challenges. He says, "India is a price sensi- els it enforces, Walmart nonetheless has
as an American company. Its international tive market and therefore we will be devis- suppliers eager to supply merchandise to it.
presence is restricted to ten countries of ing our strategy for her very carefully." Says Adarsh Gupta, COO, Liberty Shoes,
which only two are Asian — China and Adds Menzer "Retailing is like a game of the second largest manufacturer of shoes
South Korea. It has not entered any new three dimensional chess where we operate in the country with an annual turnover of
market since '02. as a local, regional and global player, so more than $80 million, "The margins with
Menzer's point was brief but direct. He depending on the needs of the market we Walmart are almost non-existent. The only
said, "We missed the bus in the nineties shall change our format and adapt." advantage is that as our overhead costs
when FDI had been permitted and have no He cites the example of South Korea are met, we can save on our fixed expens-
intention of repeating our mistake. We aim where the company has multi-storied out- es." Liberty currently sells less than one
to establish our retail chain in the country lets that stock merchandise on the lower per cent of its turnover to Walmart but
when policy permits." floors with the higher floors being reserved hopes to up this significantly in the
Menzer's regrets are not too off the for parking. near future.
mark considering that Dairy Farm While Walmart would certainly like to
International of Hong Kong and Metro Cash
and Carry GmbH of Germany that have tied
up with the RPG group and Metro Cash
set up shop in India when the policy allows
such investment, the truth is that India has
emerged as an important destination for
S ome of Walmart's suppliers are already
enhancing their production facilities in
anticipation of growing business. Rajinder
and Carry India Pvt Ltd respectively, have sourcing Walmart's merchandise. Says Gupta, CEO of the Trident Group, the sec-
raked in considerable profits. While Metro's Elizabeth Keck, Director, International ond largest towel manufacturer in the
revenues are not available, RPG’s sales are Corporate Affairs Walmart International, country with a turnover of $177 million is
more than $100 million. Recently RPG quit "We sourced approximately $1.2 billion one of them. Gupta's company supplies
the JV and its shops will now be styled
under the brand name Spencer. Dairy Farm
will operate 45 stores under the Food
World brand name.
The figures may not appear large
enough for an international company but
INFLUENCING THE FDI RETAIL DECISION?: Walmart CEO John Menzer with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh during his recent visit to India
they do indicate that for a retailer of
Walmart's size, with a turnover $285 bil-
Walmart has a higher turnover than any other lion future growth can come only from new
markets. Already planning investments in
company on this planet. And now, it is keen to the country Menzer says, "When FDI is
permitted in the retail sector, we would be
set up shop in India, as the recent visit of its looking at significant stake in any joint ven-
ture because the scale of the investment
CEO John Menzer underscores. What is the lure? and the kind of technology required would
require that kind of stake."
What are the retail major’s imperatives? The size of India's retail trade is esti-

Anu Saraf reports on Walmart's growing mated at $206 billion and growing at five
per cent annually, according to KSA
interest in India. Technopak, a retail advisory which closely
tracks the trade. It is not exactly something
to be sneezed at. Explains Harminder
THE WALMART FORMULA: Fine prices have made the chain popular with consumers in the US

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terry towels to Walmart. "We plan to watches in the country. To become a 'pre-
The size of India’s invest approximately $75 million to triple
our production capacity from nine thou-
ferred vendor' Walmart took it through an
exhaustive quantitative and qualitative
retail trade is sand tonnes to thirty thousand tonnes per
annum. We are also investing another
checking process. It went through the
entire product's costing, part by part, and
estimated at $206 $10 million in acquiring towel brands in the flew down its director finance and product
US," says Gupta. head to ascertain the final product. It then
billion and growing Arvind Singhal, Managing Director KSA flew down a team of inspectors who
Technopak, points out the structural checked out qualitative factors, such as
at five per cent changes that occurs when Walmart comes whether the workers were being paid fair

annually. shopping. "Walmart shops in huge volumes

and though the margins are minimal they
wages, if any children had been employed
illegally and whether there was a creche
have the effect of shaping up the entire facility for working mothers etc. Says
sector and increasing its efficiency." Being Manoj Sharma, deputy general manager of
a tough buyer, Walmart inspects its ven- P A Time Industries, "Dealing with
dors carefully and starts business initially Walmart has made us confident of export-
with a few test orders that are assayed on ing to other players as well."
the basis of quality, quantity, prices and
delivery schedules.
Take the case of PA Time Industries,
which manufactures Maxima brand of
W ith reports that the US is mounting
pressure on China to revalue its cur-
rency and the latter hiking tax on exports,
the combined effect of which would make
On the Web goods costlier, India is emerging as a pre-
The Walmart website is www.walmart.com
ferred destination for Walmart's sourcing.
Already Walmart's suppliers in Singapore
NOT SO MAJOR INTERNATIONALLY and the Middle-East have also expressed
their interest in shifting production to India.
Says Andrew Tsuei, Walmart's vice-presi-
dent and managing director Global procure-
ment, "Cheaper raw material and availabil-
ity of trims allow Indian companies to
reduce production lead time, which is
important to the retail industry." Apparels
account for 30 per cent of Walmart's total
sourcing from the country and the compa-
ny plans to scale this up significantly in the
near future.
The prospect of international retail
chains like Walmart, Carrefour and Ahold
entering the country has enthused many
FOR ALL ITS REPUTATION, and a mam- 32. While over 90 per cent of General suppliers. And also consumers, who are
moth sales turnover of $285 billion, Electric's $72 billion turnover in 2004 looking for a wider choice and finer prices.
Walmart is still largely a US chain. It is came from global operations, it was just However there remains some opposition to
very selective in entering foreign mar- 16 per cent in the case of Walmart. Even allowing FDI in retail. A few analysts report
kets, unlike other majors such as of the ten countries, the retail chain’s that allowing major global retail chains in
McDonald's, Coca Cola, Pepsi or General presence in many is still small. In China, would entail the loss of several thousands
Electric. It began going global as late as which it entered in 1996, it has less than of jobs as traditional mom-and-pop busi-
1991, in neighbouring Mexico. The next 40 outlets under its own name and 34 nesses would close down — as has hap-
four stops were also in neighbouring supercentres. In Korea and Argentina pened in the West.
countries; in Puerto Rico, Canada, also, it has a small presence. But there is also a powerful counter-
Argentina and Brazil. Fourteen years later Walmart has sometimes resorted to argument: each sector that has been
after it went overseas, its international the acquisitions route while entering for- opened to private investment, such as
presence is confined to just ten coun- eign markets. In Germany, Brazil and UK, insurance, banking, civil aviation etc. has
tries. India would be the eleventh if it bought out local companies. In grown. And the consumer has benefited
Walmart sets up a retail chain in India. Germany, it has renamed the Wetkauf every time.
In contrast, Coke has operations in and Interspar chains, it has continued By the end of Menzer's visit, the ques-
over 200 countries and General Motors in with the Asda line in UK. tion being asked was, When will Walmart's
time come…


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