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Subject : English.

Date : 4th July 2017

Time : 12.00pm 1.30pm (1 hour 30 minutes)

Class : 5 Usaha

Students level : Intermediate

Number of pupil : 29 pupils

Theme : World of Knowledge

Topic : Unit 8: Fascinating Sabah and Sarawak

Focused skill : Listening and Speaking

Integrated skill : Reading

Learning Objective : By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

1. respond to all the questions based on the audio recording

2. complete the question and answer related to the audio with guidance on the sentence strip
3. listen to the audio and answer the questions in the worksheet

Content standard : 1.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to pronounce words and speak confidently
with correct stress, rhythm and intonation.

Learning standard : 1.1.3 Able to listen to and respond to a given stimulus by using appropriate words, phrases and expressions
with the correct stress, rhythm and intonation.

Vocabulary : First, second, third, last, cave, flower, orang-utan, airport, beach, hornbill

Education emphasis :

1. Moral value : Love and save the flora and fauna in Malaysia
2. Multiple intelligence : Verbal-linguistics, Inter-personal intelligence
3. Teaching aids : Pictures of places in Malaysia, map of Sabah and Sarawak, audio recording of Lets go to Sabah
and Sarawak!, incomplete sentence strips, worksheet.

Set induction 1. Get to know the pupils 1. The teacher pastes the pictures Rationale:
(35 minutes) and identify their skill (attachment 1) of few places in Attract attention
12.35 pm level. Malaysia. Examples: Develop social skills
2. To arouse the pupils i. Langkawi Teaching aids:
interests. ii. Island Picture of places
iii. Cameron Highland Thinking process:
2. The pupils are asked whether Generating ideas
they have been to any of the Thinking tools:
places shown. Pictures on whiteboard
3. A few pupils are picked to say out Multiple intelligence:
other interesting places in 1. Inter- personal
Malaysia. intelligence
4. The teacher tells the pupils that 2. Linguistic intelligence
the teacher will bring them to Moral value:
know about few interesting Cooperation
places in Sabah and Sarawak.
Presentation 1. To present the map of 1. A map of Sabah and Sarawak Rationale:
(15 minutes) Sabah and Sarawak (attachment 2) is pasted on the To generate students
12.50 pm 2. To play Lets Go to whiteboard. listening ability
Sabah and Sarawak! 2. The pupils are told that they will Teaching aids:
audio go on a tour to Sabah and Audio of Lets go to
Sarawak. Sabah and Sarawak!
Thinking process:

3. Audio of Lets go to Sabah and Remembering and
Sarawak! are played (attachment understanding
3). Thinking tools:
4. The pupils are asked to listen to Audio
the audio very carefully to identify Multiple intelligence:
which place is being stated first. Musical intelligence
They need to refer to the pictures Linguistic intelligence
in the text book of places on the
5. The audio is being played once
6. Explains are done by teacher
according the order of places that
are being said in the audio.
7. The teacher asks questions about
the trip and the pupils will
respond. Examples:
i. What is the first place we visit?
ii. What can we see?

Practice 1. To respond to the 1. The pupils are given a number Rationale:

(20 minutes) questions based on each 1 until 29. To encourage pupils to
1.10 pm the audio with 2. The teacher pastes the work together.
guidance incomplete sentence strips of Teaching aids:

questions and answers on the Strips of incomplete
whiteboard. question and answer
3. The teacher explains the rules: Thinking process:
i. The teacher will call out two Understanding and
numbers. remembering
ii. The first number will complete Multiple intelligence:
the question and the second Linguistic intelligence
one will do the answer. Inter-personal
iii. The game continues until the intelligence
last place. Moral value:
Production 1. To complete the 1. The worksheet 2 are distributed to Rationale:
(15 minutes) worksheet each of the pupil. To activate students
1.25 pm 2. The pupils are asked to listen to listening skills.
the audio extracts. The audio will Teaching aids:
be played for two or three times Audio of Lets go to
for each paragraph. Sabah and Sarawak!
3. The pupils need to tick (/) for the Thinking process:
correct answer in the worksheet. Remembering and
4. The pupils share the answers with understanding
the teacher. Thinking tools:
Audio file
Multiple intelligence:


Closure 1. To recall the lesson 1. The teacher picks a few pupils to Rationale:
(5 minutes) tell again the order of the trip. To make pupils recall
1.30 pm 2. The teacher tells the pupils to love back what they had
flora and fauna in Malaysia. learnt
Thinking process:
Remembering and
Multiple intelligence:
Naturalist intelligence
Moral value:
Protect nature
Keep the environment

Worksheet 1

Complete the question and answer with the correct answer based on the English text
book page 72 and 73.

1. What is the ____ destination of our visit to Sarawak?

Our first destination in Sarawak are , , , , and______.

2. What can we find in ______?

We can find in Semenggoh.

3. What is the name of the mountain in Sarawak that have the worlds largest ____
passage and cave _____?
The name of the is ..

4. What is situated at _____ and ______?

_________ is situated at Kota Kinabalu and Tawau.

5. What can we do on the beach at _________?

We can go for a __________ under the sea at Sipadan Island

Worksheet 2



Read the text given and tick (/) on the correct answer.

Hello children,

Today we will be going on a journey to Melaka ( ) and Sarawak ( ). Come! Lets go to Sabah
and Sarawak with me. Are you ready my little adventurer? Now put on your adventure hat and
off we go!

First, we will go to Sabah ( ). Sarawak is the largest state in Malaysia. From Johor,
we will take a flight by boat ( ) to Sarawak. We will land at Kuching airport. Kuching is the
capital city of Sarawak. In Kuching, our first place to visit is the Crocodile Farm ( ), Cat
Museum Sarawak ( ) , Cultural Village ( ), and river cruises ( ). Our second destination in
Sarawak is Semenggoh ( ), which is an Orang-Utan Sanctuary. Orang-Utan Sanctuary is a
place to protect Orang Utan. Oran-Utan is very valuable for our country. Our third place to visit
is Sarawak National Park, which is Gua Musang Cave ( ). What can we see there? We can
see a rare bird called Hornbills ( ). Next, our last place to visit in Sarawak is Mount Mulu ( ).
Mount Mulu is one of the mountain in Sarawak. It has the worlds largest cave passage( )
and cave chamber ( ). It is also very famous for its limestone spikes called The Pinnaples
( ).

Our next destination is Sabah ( ). Sabah is Sarawaks neighbor. Sabah is larger ( )

than Sarawak. First, we have to take a flight to Kota Kinabalu ( ) or Tawau ( ) airport. So,
make sure you wear your seatbelt my children, for safety. Kota Kinabalu airport is an
international airport. Airplanes from all over the world come here. Children, what is near to
Kota Kinabalu airport? It is Kinabalu Beach ( ), situated at Mount Kinabalu. Kinabalu Park
( ) is Malaysias first Heritage Site ( ), and have a variety of pitcher plant. Now, our second
destination in Sabah is Sepilok ( ). Sepilok is an Harimau Sanctuary ( ). Here, we can get
the opportunity to see orang-utan up close during feeding time. Feeding time is where orang-
utan eat their foods ( ). Lastly, I want you to change your cloth because we are going to the
beach! ( ). We will be going to Ketam Island ( ) to have some fun in the water. Sipadan
Island is famous for diving. Diving is a swimming activity under the sea.

So children, which one of these places we had visited is the most interesting place to
visit? I hope you enjoy our trip. Until next time, bye.

Worksheet 3

Audio text.

Hello children,

Today we will be going on a journey to Sabah and Sarawak. Come! Lets go to Sabah and
Sarawak with me. Are you ready my little adventurer? Now put on your adventure hat and off
we go!

First, we will go to Sarawak. Sarawak is the largest state in Malaysia. From Johor, we
will take a flight by airplane to Sarawak. We will land at Kuching airport. Kuching is the capital
city of Sarawak. In Kuching, our first place to visit is the river cruises, Cat Museum Sarawak,
Cultural Village, and Crocodile Farm. Our second destination in Sarawak is Semenggoh,
which is an Orang-Utan Sanctuary. Orang-Utan Sanctuary is a place to protect Orang Utan.
Oran-Utan is very valuable for our country. Our third place to visit is Sarawak National Park,
which is Niah Caves. What can we see there? We can see a rare bird called Hornbills. Next,
our last place to visit in Sarawak is Mount Mulu. Mount Mulu is one of the mountain in Sarawak.
It has the worlds largest cave passage and cave chamber. It is also very famous for its
limestone spikes called The Pinnacles.

Our next destination is Sabah. Sabah is Sarawaks neighbor. Sabah is smaller than
Sarawak. First, we have to take a flight to Kota Kinabalu or Tawau airport. So, make sure you
wear your seatbelt my children, for safety. Kota Kinabalu airport is an international airport.
Airplanes from all over the world come here. Children, what is near to Kota Kinabalu airport?
It is Kinabalu Park, situated at Mount Kinabalu. Kinabalu Park is Malaysias first Heritage Site,
and have a variety of pitcher plant. Now, our second destination in Sabah is Sepilok. Sepilok
is an Orang-Utan Sanctuary. Here, we can get the opportunity to see orang-utan up close
during feeding time. Feeding time is where orang-utan eat their foods. Lastly, I want you to
change your cloth because we are going to the beach! We will be going to Sipadan Island to
have some fun in the water. Sipadan Island is famous for diving. Diving is a swimming activity
under the sea.

So children, which one of these places we had visited is the most interesting place to
visit? I hope you enjoy our trip. Until next time, bye.

Attachment 1

Attachment 2


This is my second time entering class but my first-time teaching in class. Before
starting the class, the pupils had already seated with their group, homogenous grouping.
During the set induction, the pupils were quite blur on what I am talking about. I provide them
with pictures and description so that they have a better understanding. During the listening
activity, most of the pupils have no problem identifying the place mention by the audio in the
text book. Only 6 pupils had been identified to have problems in listening and understanding
to the audio files. These 6 pupils were given the audio text so that they can catch up with the
other pupils. During the practice stage, which is the incomplete sentence strip activity, most of
the pupils had a confusion on what are they going to do. This stage had been planned to
create a critical thinking of pupils, but with guidance and explanation, almost all the pupils can
do it. The last activity is the text worksheet. For pupils that are in group 1 until group 5 managed
to answer based on the question, but for group 6 which is the lowest level of pupils in class
cannot do it at all. To make them in par with others, the full audio text (worksheet 3) was given
to them in to make comparison and tick the correct answer based on worksheet 3. Overall,
the objective of the lesson had been achieved.


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