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Helping Indians experience the joy of home ownership.

The road to success is a tough and challenging journey in the
dark where only obstacles light the path. However, success on
a terrain like this is not without a solution.
As we found out nearly three decades ago, in 1977, the
solution for success is customer satisfaction. All you need is
the courage to innovate, the skill to understand your clientele
and the desire to give them your best.
Today, nearly three million satisfied customers whose dream
we helped realise, stand testimony to our success.
Our objective, from the beginning, has been to enhance
residential housing stock and promote home ownership.
Now, our offerings range from hassle-free home loans and
deposit products, to property related services and a training
We also offer specialised financial services to our customer
base through partnerships with some of the best financial
institutions worldwide.

Hdfc housing development finance corporation ltd

HDFC Founder


An extract from the book 'A Tribute'

If ever there was a man with a mission it was Hasmukhbhai Parekh,
our Founder and Chairman-Emeritus, who left this earthly abode on
November 18, 1994.
Born in a traditional banking family in Surat, Gujarat, Mr. Parekh
started his financial career at Harkisandass Lukhmidass - a leading
stock broking firm. The firm closed down in the late seventies, but,
long before that, he went on to become a towering figure on the
Indian financial scene.
In 1956 he began his lifelong financial affair with the economic
world, as General Manager of the newly-formed Industrial Credit
and Investment Corporation of India (ICICI). He rose to become
Chairman and continued so
till his retirement in 1972.
At the ripe age of 60, Hasmukhbhai started his second dynamic life,
even more illustrious than his first. His vision for mortgage finance
for housing, gave birth to the Housing Development Finance
Corporation - it was a trend-setter for housing finance in the whole
Asian continent.
He was a true development banker. His building up HDFC without
any government assistance, is itself a brilliant chapter in financial
history. His wisdom and warmth drew people from all walks of life
to him, for advice, guidance and inspiration.
A soft spoken man of few words, Mr. Parekh nevertheless held
strong and definite views with a quiet conviction. He was always
concerned with building bridges, improving and encouraging
communication between people.
He was also a writer in his own right. There are over 200 published
articles by him, full of incisive comments on finance and
economics. In 1953 he brought out a volume called: The Bombay
Money Market. It detailed the intricate working of the Indian money
market. His works in Gujarati - Hirane Patro, Hirane Vadhu Patro -
occupy pride of place in Gujarati literature. In 1992, the
Government of India honoured him with the Padma Bhushan
Award. The London School of Economics & Political Science
conferred on him an Honorary Fellowship.
But there was much more to the man than his financial genius. In
his own unassuming way, Hasmukhbhai devoted all his life to
raising resources for philanthropic causes. He was one of the
Founder Members of the Centre for Advancement of Philanthropy,
and its Chairman till 1993. He took active interest in the Bombay
Community Public Trust, designed specifically to serve the needs of
the city's underprivileged citizens.
When Mr. Deepak Parekh took over as Chairman from
Hasmukhbhai, he said: "Taking over from H.T. Parekh is a
formidable task; his vision. brought about not only an institution,
but an entire concept which has proved itself to be of lasting
In his last years, developments in the financial sector brought him
some measure of satisfaction. Says ICICI Chairman, N. Vaghul:
"The most gratifying aspect about his life is that values he cherished
all his life, came into reality in the last years. opening up the
financial sector, and deregulation of lending rates were issues he
stood for all his life, and this happened before he passed away."
Farewell dear Hasmukhbhai! All of us will miss not only H.T.
Parekh the financial wizard, but much more so, the man. The only
and best tribute we can pay to such an individual is to try and follow
in his footsteps, keeping in mind his high ideals and philanthropic
As Henry W. Longfellow said:
Lives of great men all remind us We can make our life sublime,
And, departing leave behind us Footprints on the sands of time.
Indian Bank enters into a strategic tie-up with  HDFC
Standard Life Insurance Company Ltd .
INDIAN BANK with over 90 years of standing in the financial
market with the reputation for excellent customer service, has
entered into a strategic tie-up with HDFC Standard Life
Insurance Company Ltd., the first in the private sector to
receive the Certificate of Registration for foray into Life
Insurance business for distribution of latter’s insurance
products. A Memorandum of understanding has been signed
by the Bank with the Insurance Company on 8th February
  2001 to this effect. The Bank has to its strength 1377 branches
spread across the country with ready built infrastructure and
the expertise in marketing financial products. Initially the
insurance products will be marketed through  select branches
in the South where the Bank has strong presence.  The
insurance products from HDFC Standard Life, will be
competitive and customer friendly.   The tie-up would benefit
the Bank's customers, as they will have wider choice of life
insurance policies at competitive premium.

History of standard life

The Standard Life Assurance Company ("Standard Life") was

established in 1825 and the first Standard Life Assurance
Company Act was passed by Parliament in 1832. Standard Life
was reincorporated as a mutual assurance company in 1925.

The Standard Life group originally operated only through branches

or agencies of the mutual company in the United Kingdom and
certain other countries.

Its Canadian branch was founded in 1833 and its Irish operations
in 1838. This largely remained the structure of the group until
1996, when it opened a branch in Frankfurt, Germany with the aim
of exporting its UK life assurance and pensions operating model to
capitalise on the opportunities presented by EC Directive
92/96/EEC (the “Third Life Directive”) and offer a product range
in that market with features which local providers were unable to

In the 1990s, the group also sought to diversify its operations into
areas which complemented its core life assurance and pensions
business, with the intention of positioning itself as a broad range
financial services provider.

Banking, Healthcare & Investments -

The group set up Standard Life Bank, its UK mortgage and retail
savings banking subsidiary, in 1998 and Standard Life
Investments, which had previously been the in-house investment
management unit of the group’s life assurance and pensions
business, was separated into a distinct legal entity in the same year,
with the aim of establishing it as an independent investment
management business providing services to both the group and
third party retail and institutional clients. The group acquired
Prime Health Limited (subsequently renamed Standard Life
Healthcare) in the United Kingdom in 2000. Standard Life
Healthcare expanded in March 2006 with the acquisition of the
PMI business of FirstAssist.

Standard Life Asia Limited/Joint ventures -

The group’s Hong Kong subsidiary, Standard Life Asia Limited

(“SL Asia”), was incorporated in 1999 as a joint venture and
became a wholly-owned subsidiary of Standard Life in 2002. The
group’s operations in Hong Kong were established to give the
group a presence in the Far East from which it could expand into
China. The group’s joint ventures in India with Housing
Development Finance Corporation Limited (“HDFC”) were
incorporated in 2000 (in relation to the life assurance and pensions
joint venture) and 2003 (in relation to the investment management
joint venture). The group’s joint venture in China with Tianjin
Economic Development Area General Company (“TEDA”)
became operational in 2003.

Standard Life International Limited -

The group also incorporated Standard Life International Limited

(“SLIL”) in 2005 for the purposes of providing the group with an
offshore vehicle, based in Ireland, through which it could sell tax-
efficient investment products into the United Kingdom. Sales of
these products commenced in 2006.

Service company -

Following the group’s strategic review in 2004, the group

established a service company structure for the provision of central
corporate services to the group’s business units. Standard Life
Employee Services Limited (“SLESL”) supplies a wide range of
central services to the rest of the group, including IT, facilities,
legal and human resources services, and employs staff working in
the group’s UK and Irish operations (other than SLI, SLB and
SLH, which employ their staff directly). This service company
structure was created to enable Standard Life to comply with
regulatory restrictions on the provision of non-insurance services
and to exploit group-wide synergies.
Standard life purpose

Our overall corporate purpose

Why we exist;

Our corporate purpose is to generate sustainable, high-quality

returns for our shareholders.

(Delivery, Efficiency and Opportunity driving shareholder value)

Our Mission and Vision


What we do;

Our mission is to build valuable customer relationships by helping

customers grow and protect their assets.


What we aspire to achieve;

Our vision is to help our customers around the world feel confident
about their future wealth and wellbeing.
Our strategy

How we will deliver our mission and vision;

Our strategy is to build valuable customer relationships with

leading service and compelling propositions through:

 creating capital efficient, innovative products

 opening new routes to markets
 leveraging investment management expertise and
 driving for operational excellence

Our values

What we believe in;

 Thinking holistically: taking a whole view of the person,

their needs and how these can be met
 Being flexible: developing innovative products, services and
solutions that allow for change and evolve with peoples’
 Delivering performance: being a better place to grow and
protect assets
 Acting with integrity: ensuring each and every one of us does
the right thing

About the Board

The Board meets regularly. The directors determine the size of the
Board and it currently comprises 7 non-executive directors and 3
executive directors.

The Company's Articles require that, following appointment to the

Board, directors must submit themselves for election by members
at the next Annual General Meeting. The Articles also state that
one third of directors must retire by rotation each year but are
eligible to submit themselves for re-election by the members.

All of the non-executive directors are considered by the Board to

be independent of management and free from any relationship
which could interfere materially with the exercise of their
independent judgement.*
Corporate Governance guidelines recommend that a majority of
non-executives should be independent.

Corporate Governance
For the year ending 31 December 2007, the directors consider that
Standard Life has complied with all relevant provisions of Section
1 of the Combined Code on Corporate Governance.

Application of the 'Combined Code' for year ending 31 December

The Board of Directors has reviewed Standard Life's Corporate

Governance procedures that enable it to comply with the relevant
requirements of the revised Combined Code on Corporate
Governance ('the Combined Code'), as issued by the Financial
Reporting Council in June 2006.

The directors consider that throughout the period, Standard Life

has complied with all relevant provisions of Section 1 of the
Combined Code.

Structure of Standard Life plc

Standard Life plc owns all of the businesses and companies in the
group. Standard Life plc is a holding company which is owned by
its shareholders (including those Eligible Members who received
and retained shares received as a result of demutualisation).

Introduction of hdfc n standard life ins

HDFC Standard Life
Insurance Company
Ltd. is one of India's
leading private
insurance companies,
which offers a range of
individual and group
insurance solutions. It
is a joint venture
between Housing
Development Finance
Corporation Limited
(HDFC Ltd.), India's
leading housing
finance institution and
a Group Company of
the Standard Life, UK.
HDFC as on
December 31, 2007
holds 72.38 per cent of
equity in the joint
venture. HDFC
Standard Life
Insurance Company
Ltd. is one of India’s
leading private life
insurance companies,
which offers a range of
individual and group
insurance solutions. It
is a joint venture
between Housing
Development Finance
Corporation Limited
(HDFC Ltd.), India’s
leading housing
finance institution and
one of the subsidiaries
of Standard Life plc,
leading providers of
financial services in the
United Kingdom. Both
the promoters are well
known for their ethical
dealings and financial
strength and are thus
committed to being a
long-term player in the
life insurance industry
– all important factors
to consider when
choosing your
insurer.Top of Form

Our key strengths

Financial Expertise
As a joint venture of
leading financial
services groups, HDFC
Standard Life has the
financial expertise
required to manage
your long-term
investments safely and

Range of Solutions
We have a range of
individual and group
solutions, which can be
easily customised to
specific needs. Our
group solutions have
been designed to offer
you complete flexibility
combined with a low
charging structure.

Track Record so far

Our gross premium
income, for the year
ending March 31, 2008
stood at Rs. 4,859
crores and new
business premium
income stood at Rs.
2,685 crores.

The company has

covered over 9,59,000
lives year ending
March 31, 2008.
Why do we need Life Insurance?

Life insurance is designed to protect you and your family against financial uncertainties
that may result due to unfortunate demise or illness. You can also view it as a
comprehensive financial instrument – as a part of your financial planning offering you
savings & investment facilities along with cover against financial loss. By choosing the
right policy as per your needs i.e. customised solutions, you will be able to plan for a
secure future for yourself and your loved ones.

Choosing the right plan

Identifying the right plan basis your needs is the first crucial step towards insurance
At HDFC SL we help you through this decision by identifying your various needs and
offering plans that are customised for you. You may also choose a plan for yourself by
identifying the life stage you are at.

Analysing Needs

What is your need?


Need for a sound income protection in case of your unfortunate demise


Need to ensure long-term real growth of your money


Save for the milestones and protect your savings too


Need to save for a comfortable life post retirement

Once you have analysed your needs as per above classification, you need to
then ascertain important factors such as type of cover, insurance amount as
per one's income, life stage and dependents. It is difficult to arrive at all
these figures yourself. Our financial consultants can help you with all the
analysis to offer a customised solution by doing a thorough need analysis.

1.A large number of homogeneous exposure units. The vast majority of

insurance policies are provided for individual members of very large classes

2.Definite Loss. The event that gives rise to the loss that is subject to
insurance should, at least in principle, take place at a known time, in a
known place, and from a known cause. The classic example is death of an
insured on a life insurance policy.

3.Accidental Loss. The event that constitutes the trigger of a claim should be
fortuitous, or at least outside the control of the beneficiary of the insurance.
The loss should be ‘pure,’ in the sense that it results from an event for which
there is only the opportunity for cost. Events that contain speculative
elements, such as ordinary business risks, are generally not considered

4.Large Loss. The size of the loss must be meaningful from the perspective
of the insured. Insurance premiums need to cover both the expected cost of
losses, plus the cost of issuing and administering the policy, adjusting losses,
and supplying the capital needed to reasonably assure that the insurer will be
able to pay claims. For small losses these latter costs may be several times
the size of the expected cost of losses. There is little point in paying such
costs unless the protection offered has real value to a buyer.

5.Affordable Premium. If the likelihood of an insured event is so high, or the

cost of the event so large, that the resulting premium is large relative to the
amount of protection offered, it is not likely that anyone will buy insurance,
even if on offer.

6.Calculable Loss. There are two elements that must be at least estimable, if
not formally calculable: the probability of loss, and the attendant cost.
Probability of loss is generally an empirical exercise, while cost has more to
do with the ability of a reasonable person in possession of a copy of the
insurance policy and a proof of loss associated with a claim presented under
that policy to make a reasonably definite and objective evaluation of the
amount of the loss recoverable as a result of the claim.

7.Limited risk of catastrophically large losses. The essential risk is often

aggregation. If the same event can cause losses to numerous policyholders of
the same insurer, the ability of that insurer to issue policies becomes
constrained, not by factors surrounding the individual characteristics of a
given policyholder, but by the factors surrounding the sum of all
policyholders so exposed. Typically, insurers prefer to limit their exposure
to a loss from a single event to some small portion of their capital base, on
the order of 5 percent.
Commercially insurable risks typically share seven common

A large number of homogeneous exposure units. The vast majority of

insurance policies are provided for individual members of very large classes.
Automobile insurance, for example, covered about 175 million automobiles
in the United States in 2004.[2] The existence of a large number of
homogeneous exposure units allows insurers to benefit from the so-called
“law of large numbers,” which in effect states that as the number of
exposure units increases, the actual results are increasingly likely to become
close to expected results. There are exceptions to this criterion. Lloyd's of
London is famous for insuring the life or health of actors, actresses and
sports figures. Satellite Launch insurance covers events that are infrequent.
Large commercial property policies may insure exceptional properties for
which there are no ‘homogeneous’ exposure units. Despite failing on this
criterion, many exposures like these are generally considered to be insurable.

1. Definite Loss. The event that gives rise to the loss that is subject to insurance
should, at least in principle, take place at a known time, in a known place, and
from a known cause. The classic example is death of an insured on a life
insurance policy. Fire, automobile accidents, and worker injuries may all easily
meet this criterion. Other types of losses may only be definite in theory.
Occupational disease, for instance, may involve prolonged exposure to injurious
conditions where no specific time, place or cause is identifiable. Ideally, the time,
place and cause of a loss should be clear enough that a reasonable person, with
sufficient information, could objectively verify all three elements.

2. Accidental Loss. The event that constitutes the trigger of a claim should be
fortuitous, or at least outside the control of the beneficiary of the insurance. The
loss should be ‘pure,’ in the sense that it results from an event for which there is
only the opportunity for cost. Events that contain speculative elements, such as
ordinary business risks, are generally not considered insurable.
3. Large Loss. The size of the loss must be meaningful from the perspective of
the insured. Insurance premiums need to cover both the expected cost of losses,
plus the cost of issuing and administering the policy, adjusting losses, and
supplying the capital needed to reasonably assure that the insurer will be able to
pay claims. For small losses these latter costs may be several times the size of the
expected cost of losses. There is little point in paying such costs unless the
protection offered has real value to a buyer.

4. Affordable Premium. If the likelihood of an insured event is so high, or the

cost of the event so large, that the resulting premium is large relative to the
amount of protection offered, it is not likely that anyone will buy insurance, even
if on offer. Further, as the accounting profession formally recognizes in financial
accounting standards, the premium cannot be so large that there is not a
reasonable chance of a significant loss to the insurer. If there is no such chance of
loss, the transaction may have the form of insurance, but not the substance.

5. Calculable Loss. There are two elements that must be at least estimable, if
not formally calculable: the probability of loss, and the attendant cost. Probability
of loss is generally an empirical exercise, while cost has more to do with the
ability of a reasonable person in possession of a copy of the insurance policy and
a proof of loss associated with a claim presented under that policy to make a
reasonably definite and objective evaluation of the amount of the loss recoverable
as a result of the claim.

6. Limited risk of catastrophically large losses. The essential risk is often

aggregation. If the same event can cause losses to numerous policyholders of the
same insurer, the ability of that insurer to issue policies becomes constrained, not
by factors surrounding the individual characteristics of a given policyholder, but
by the factors surrounding the sum of all policyholders so exposed. Typically,
insurers prefer to limit their exposure to a loss from a single event to some small
portion of their capital base, on the order of 5 percent. Where the loss can be
aggregated, or an individual policy could produce exceptionally large claims, the
capital constraint will restrict an insurers appetite for additional policyholders.
The classic example is earthquake insurance, where the ability of an underwriter
to issue a new policy depends on the number and size of the policies that it has
already underwritten. Wind insurance in hurricane zones, particularly along coast
lines, is another example of this phenomenon. In extreme cases, the aggregation
can affect the entire industry, since the combined capital of insurers and reinsurers
can be small compared to the needs of potential policyholders in areas exposed to
aggregation risk. In commercial fire insurance it is possible to find single
properties whose total exposed value is well in excess of any individual insurer’s
capital constraint. Such properties are generally shared among several insurers, or
are insured by a single insurer who syndicates the risk into the reinsurance market
Hdfc standard life insurance products


Features of the protection category

 Protects loss of income earning capacity

 Offers protection at a lower cost than other plans
 No benefits provided if the life assured lives through the term of the policy

Plans in the protection category

 Term assurance plan

 Loan cover term assurance plan

Features of protection plans

 The term assurance plan protect the income earning capacity

 The loan cover term assurance plan protects outstanding loans as well

Death benefits

 The term assurance plan provides sum assured as defined in the policy
 The loan cover term assurance plan provides loan cover, which decrease with
Protection plans

Term assurance graph

Protects the income earning capacity
Loan cover term assurance plan
Protects the outstanding loans

Secure your family’s financial independence and self-

You have always ensured that your loved ones keep
living a respectable life with their heads held high. But
life can be uncertain. As a prudent family man, you
need to secure your family's future and protect your
pride and your family's self respect. You need to have a
plan to take care of your family if something
unfortunate were to happen to you.

With our Protection Plans, you can protect your family

from uncertainties in life such as your unfortunate
death or critical illness. And ensure that your family
lives a life of self-respect and dignity even in your
Our Protection Plans give you :
An ideal way to secure the financial future of your loved ones.
High cover at a very nominal cost plus an option of adding
optional benefits to cover for other eventualities.
A choice of two plans depending on your requirements:
  HDFC Term Assurance Plan : A pure risk cover plan,
which gives you protection against the uncertainties of life.
HDFC Loan Cover Term Assurance Plan : An ideal way
to cover your home loan or other loan liabilities.
Choice of premium payment options-regular premium or a
single one-time premium.
Choice of taking the plan on a single life basis or a joint life
(first claim) basis.
Go ahead; ensure a life of dignity and respect for those
who matter most to you.
HDFC Term Assurance Plan
The HDFC Term Assurance Plan is an insurance policy
that is designed to help secure your family's financial
needs. The plan does this by providing a lump sum to the
family of the life assured in case of death or critical illness
(if option is chosen) of the life assured during the term of
the contract. One can choose the lump sum that would
replace the income lost to one's family in the unfortunate
event of one's death.
Secure your family’s financial independence and self-
You have always ensured that your loved ones keep
living a respectable life with their heads held high. But
life can be uncertain. As a prudent family man, you
need to secure your family's future and protect your
pride and your family's self respect. You need to have a
plan to take care of your family if something
unfortunate were to happen to you.

With our Protection Plans, you can protect your family

from uncertainties in life such as your unfortunate
death or critical illness. And ensure that your family
lives a life of self-respect and dignity even in your
Our Protection Plans give you :
An ideal way to secure the financial future of your loved ones.
High cover at a very nominal cost plus an option of adding
optional benefits to cover for other eventualities.
A choice of two plans depending on your requirements:
  HDFC Term Assurance Plan : A pure risk cover plan,
which gives you protection against the uncertainties of life.
HDFC Loan Cover Term Assurance Plan : An ideal way
to cover your home loan or other loan liabilities.
Choice of premium payment options-regular premium or a
single one-time premium.
Choice of taking the plan on a single life basis or a joint life
(first claim) basis.
Go ahead; ensure a life of dignity and respect for those
who matter most to you.

HDFC Loan Cover Term Assurance Plan

This Plan provides a lump sum on the unfortunate death of
the life assured within the policy term. If you are taking a
loan to buy a house for your family, this plan can help you
ensure that life's uncertainties do not affect their shelter. It
is an affordable plan that has been designed to help your
family repay the outstanding loan in case of your
unfortunate death. The lump sum will be a decreasing
percentage of the initial Sum Assured as the outstanding
loan decreases as per the loan schedule, the cover under
the policy also decreases as per the policy schedule.

Go ahead; blow your loan-worries away.

Investment plans
Features of investment category

 Preserves capital
 Long term growth of money
 Nullifies the effect of market fluctuations

Plan in the investment category

 Single premium whole of life insurance plan

Features of single premium whole of life insurance plan

 Single premium policy

 A whole of life that invests the money in a ”with profits” fund
 Plan aims to provide secure and stable long –term growth of money

Death benefits

 Sum assured, compound reversionary bonus and terminal bonus(if any)

Single premium whole life insurance

Features Death benefits

Provides a lump sum with a Sum assured

single premium Compound reversionary
A whole of life with-profits bonus
investment plan Terminal bonus(if any)
Plan designed to get better
returns in the long term
2.1 HDFC Single Premium Whole of Life Plan

Secure your financial independence

“Money is like manure. You have to spread it around or
it smells.”
-J. Paul Getty  

The well-informed rightly said and proves how

important investments are in today’s date and age. The
question that we all fear is – What about the risks

GOOD NEWS for all the people who are anxious the
same way! HDFC Standard Life Insurance brings to you
a safe investment plan that would take care of your
savings and nurture your earnings
HDFC Single Premium Whole of Life Insurance Plan
HDFC Single Premium Whole Of Life Insurance Plan
is a tailor-made plan well suited to meet your long-term
investment needs. This participating plan offers you the
following benefits:
Whole of life plan aimed at providing long-term real
growth of your money
Single premium investment plan
In case of your unfortunate demise during the policy
  term, this participating (‘With Profits’) insurance plan
will pay your family the Sum Assured and compound
Reversionary Bonuses, which are usually added
annually. An additional Terminal Bonus may be paid
depending on the performance of the underlying
During Guaranteed Surrender Periods you get the
Sum Assured and all bonuses vested as at the date of
Pension plans
Features of the pension category

 Aims to provide good pension

 Provides regular income in old age
 Covers the risk of living too long

Pension plans

 Personal pension plan

 Unit linked pension plan
 Unit linked pension plus plan

Benefits of personal pension plan

 Vesting age benefits

 The policy holder gets sum assured ,reversionary bonus and terminal
bonus, if any in the form of national cash value or NCV
 The policyholder can choose to purchase annuity with NCV
 The policyholder can withdraw amount partially and purchase annuity
from the remaining amount
 Death benefit
 If the life assured dies in the first year of the policy term, the nominee
receives certain proportion of the premium paid
 If the life assured dies in the subsequent years of the policy term, the
nominee gets the sum assured plus reversionary bonus

Benefits of unit linked plans

 Vesting age benefits of the unit linked pension plan and unit linked pension
plus plan
 Policyholder gets the fund value immediately
 Policyholder can purchase pension from HDFC standard life
 Policyholder can also purchase pension from any other insurance company

 Death benefits of the unit linked pension and unit linked pension plus plans
 If the policyholder dies anytime before the maturity of the policy term,
the nominee gets the accumulated policy value
 The policy ends after the death benefit is paid

Fund choices of unit linked plans

 Liquid fund- hundred percent investment are made in bank deposits and money
market instruments
 Secure managed fund- hundred percent investments made in government
securities and bonds
 Defensive managed fund- seventy to eighty five percent investment are made in
government securities and bonds and the remaining thirty to sixty percent in
 Equity managed fund- sixty to hundred percent investment are made in equity.
Remaining, if any , is made in government securities and bond.
 Growth fund- hundred percent investment are made in equity
Hold your head high. Even after retirement.
Today, you are busy climbing the ladder of success and
realizing your dreams. Today, time is with you. Just take
a moment and think. Will you be able to continue at the
same pace? Will your income be the same forever? Will
you be able to live life on your own terms even after you
HDFC Personal Pension Plan
We understand your need to build a secure future for
yourself. Hence, the HDFC Personal Pension Plan is an
insurance policy that is designed to provide a post -
retirement income for life with the freedom to choose
your retirement date.
You can choose your premium, the Sum Assured and
your retirement date. At the end of the policy term, you
will receive the Sum Assured plus any attaching bonus,
which will provide your post - retirement income.
The HDFC Personal Pension Plan is an insurance
policy, which can benefit you in the following ways:
Provides a post retirement income in your golden years
  Gives you the flexibility to plan your retirement date
Gives you tax benefits on your premiums
The plan receives simple Reversionary Bonuses, which are
usually added annually. At the end of the term an
additional Terminal Bonus may be paid depending on the
performance of the underlying investment. (See 'Bonuses'
for more details)

Don't compromise on your self-respect, ever. Go ahead,

hold your head high and enjoy life with the HDFC Personal
Pension Plan.
Lead a life of respect and dignity. Even after retirement.
Today, you are busy climbing the ladder of success and realizing
your dreams. Today, time is with you. Just take a moment and
think. Will you be able to continue at the same pace? Will your
income be the same forever? Will you be able to live life on your
own terms even after you retire?

The HDFC Unit Linked Pension is an insurance policy that is

designed to provide a retirement income for life with the freedom
to maximize your investment returns. Stride into your golden
years of retirement with dignity and pride.
HDFC Unit Linked Pension
  The HDFC Unit Linked Pension gives you:
An outstanding investment opportunity by providing a
choice of thoroughly researched and selected investments
  A post retirement income for life
Flexibility to plan your retirement date
Freedom to invest premiums as per your preference
  You can choose your premium and the investment fund
or funds. We will then invest your premium, net of
premium allocation charges in your chosen funds in the
proportion you specify. At the end of the policy term, you
will receive the accumulated value of your funds, which
will be used to provide your pension income.

In the event of your unfortunate demise during the policy

term, your spouse will receive a cash lump sum to help
him or her manage the retirement years.

Use HDFC Standard Life’s excellent investment options

to maximize your savings & secure your golden years.
Don’t compromise on self-respect, ever. Go ahead, hold
your head high and enjoy life with the HDFC Unit-Linked



HDFC Standard Life is the name of our Insurance

Company and HDFC Unit Linked Pension is the name of
this plan. The name of our company and the name of our
plan do not, in any way, indicate the quality of the plan,
its future prospects or returns.
Lead a life of respect and dignity. Even after retirement.
Today, you are busy climbing the ladder of success and realizing
your dreams. Today, time is with you. Just take a moment and
think. Will you be able to continue at the same pace? Will your
income be the same forever? Will you be able to live life on your
own terms even after you retire?

The HDFC Unit Linked Pension Plus is an insurance policy that is

designed to provide a retirement income for life with the freedom
to maximize your investment returns. Stride into your golden
years of retirement with dignity and pride.

HDFC Unit Linked Pension Plus

  The HDFC Unit Linked Pension Plus gives you:

An outstanding investment opportunity by providing a choice

of thoroughly researched and selected investments
  Regular Loyalty Units to boost your fund value every year
A post retirement income for life
Flexibility to plan your retirement date
Freedom to invest premiums as per your preference
  You can choose your premium and the investment fund or
funds. We will then invest your premium, net of premium
allocation charges in your chosen funds in the proportion
you specify. At the end of the policy term, you will receive
the accumulated value of your funds, which will be used
to provide your pension income.

In the event of your unfortunate demise during the policy

term, your spouse will receive a cash lump sum to help
him or her manage the retirement years.

Use HDFC Standard Life's excellent investment options to

maximise your savings & secure your golden years. Don't
compromise on self-respect, ever. Go ahead, hold your
head high and enjoy life with the HDFC Unit-Linked
Pension Plus.



HDFC Standard Life is the name of our Insurance

Company and HDFC Unit Linked Pension Plus is the
name of this plan. The name of our company and the
name of our plan do not, in any way, indicate the quality
of the plan, its future prospects or returns.
Benefits and differences of unit linked pension plans

Loyalty benefits
Rate of premium invested in
the market

Unit linked pension and unit

linked pension plus plans.

Death benefits Vesting age benefit

Accumulated policy value Fund value paid
Policy ends immediately
Flexibility to purchase
pension from HDFC or
any other insurer
Conventional plans benefits

Death benefit –
single premium
In 1st year,90% of the
premium is paid
In subsequent years, the
policyholder gets sum
assured plus
reversionary bonus

pension plan
- helps the
policyholder save
for his or her
- available for both
single premium
and regular

Death benefit- regular

In 1st year,80% of the
premium is paid
In subsequent year, the
policyholder gets an amount
that is less than either the sum
Vesting age benefit assured plus reversionary
Part of the NCV is paid
bonus and the premium paid
as annuity
with 8% interest
Policyholder can
purchase annuity from
HDFC standard life
Policyholder can also
opt to purchase annuity
from other insurer
saving plans
features of savings category

 Covers the risk of death

 Saves for important events
 Provides good maturity value
 Protects targeted amount

Plans offered in savings category

 Endowment assurance plan

 Money back plan
 Children’s plan
 Unit linked endowment plus II plan
 Unit linked young star plus II plan
 Unit linked enhanced life protection plan
Give your child the perfect start in life.
As a parent, your priority is your child's future and being able to
meet your child's dreams and aspirations.

Today, providing a good education, establishing a professional

career or even a modest wedding is expensive. Costs are
increasing fast. Just imagine how much you'll need when your
child takes these important steps in life!

Plan today to ensure a bright future for your child. Start building
savings today with our HDFC Children's Plan.
So that your child is able to lead a life of respect and dignity with a secured financial
HDFC Children's Plan
The HDFC Children's Plan gives you:
Invaluable financial support to your child
A choice to customise an ideal plan for your child
Multiple options for multiple benefits
The HDFC Children's Plan is designed to secure your child's
future by giving your child (the beneficiary) a guaranteed
lump sum, on maturity or in case of your unfortunate demise,
early in the policy term. The premiums, paid by you, are
invested by the company to give you good long-term returns.

The plan receives simple Reversionary Bonuses, which are

usually added annually. At the end of the term an additional
Terminal Bonus may be paid depending on the performance
of the underlying investment (See 'Bonuses' for more details).
4.4 HDFC Money Back Plan
Secure your financial independence. Live life on your own terms.

You have always believed in living life on your own terms. So why let
the changing realities of everyday life overwhelm you and make your
aspirations take a back seat? You can plan now to ensure that you
have the necessary funds to meet your future financial needs.
A proportion of the basic Sum Assured as Cash lump sums at regular 5-year
intervals within the policy term (see the table given below) an ideal way to secure
your long- term as well as short-term financial goals.
A lump sum payment on survival up to maturity date.
Valuable protection to your family by way of lump sum payment in case of your
unfortunate death within the policy term. This is over and above any earlier

Making the right kind of investment will enable you to achieve your objectives-be it
your immediate expenses or else securing your future financial needs. Our Money
Back Plan gives you a wide range of terms and cash benefit schedules to choose
from. A summary of Key Benefits including the cash lump sum payments,
expressed as a percentage of Sum Assured is shown below.
Key Benefits
Policy Survival Benefit
  5th Yrs. 10th Yrs. 15th Yrs. 20th Yrs. 25th Yrs. 30th Yrs. Policy
60% + 100%
Attachin Sum
10 40% - - - -
g Assured
Bonuses +
15 30% 30% 40% + - - - attachin
Attachin g
g bonuses
Bonuses (Over
25% +
20 25% 25% 25% - -
20% +
25 20% 20% 20% 20% -
g and
Bonuses above
25% + the
Attachin earlier
30 15% 15% 15% 15% 15% payouts)
Maturity Value
On maturity you receive survival benefit due at that point of time along with
attaching bonuses for the full Sum Assured calculated for the full term.

You can ensure your financial independence. And be able to live life on your
own terms. Always.
4.6 HDFC Unit Linked Young Star Plus II
Invest in financial security and self respect for you &
your family.
As a parent, your priority is your children’s future and being able to meet their dreams
and aspirations. Today, providing a good education, establishing a professional career or
even a modest wedding is expensive. Costs are increasing fast. Just imagine how much
you will need when your children take these important steps in life.

Plan today to ensure a bright future for your children. Start building savings today with
our HDFC Unit Linked Young Star Plus II so that your child is able to lead a life of
respect and dignity with a secured financial future.
  The HDFC Unit Linked Young Star Plus II gives:
Valuable protection to your child in case you are not around
An outstanding investment opportunity by providing a
choice of thoroughly researched and selected investments
Regular Loyalty Units to boost your fund value every year
Flexible benefit combinations and premium payment
Flexible additional benefit options such as critical illness
Flexible benefit payment preferences – Double Benefit and
Triple Benefit
You can choose your premium and the investment fund
or funds. We will then invest your premium, net of
premium allocation charges in your chosen funds in the
proportion you specify. At the end of the policy term, you
will receive the accumulated value of your funds.

In case of your unfortunate demise during the policy

term, we will:
Pay the Sum Assured you had chosen to the beneficiary
For Double Benefit continue to pay 100% of the original
regular premiums towards your Policy
For Triple Benefit continue to pay 50% of the original
regular premiums towards your policy and pay the balance
50% of the premiums to the beneficiary.
This means we will continue to make savings on your behalf,
in your absence. The savings can be directed 100% towards
your policy or 50% towards your policy and 50% will be
available for the beneficiary ‘s regular use until the original
maturity date. Use HDFC Standard Life’s excellent
investment options to maximise your savings and maximise
your child’s achievements.

We will provide financial security for your child.


HDFC Standard Life is the name of our Insurance Company

and HDFC Unit Linked Young Star Plus II is the name of this
plan. The name of our company and the name of our plan do
not, in any way, indicate the quality of the plan, its future
prospects or returns.
Saving plans at a glance

Death benefit= sum assured+

Endowment assurance simple reversionary bonus+
plan terminal bonus, if any.

Maturity benefits= sum assured

+simple reversionary bonus+
terminal bonus ,if any

Risk cover options

life option
life &health option
extra life option
Unit linked endowment plus extra life &health option
II plan death benefits:
death or critical illness- policy
fund value or sum assured based
on whichever is greater
accidental death- additional sum
maturity benefits is the fund

Risk cover options

Only life option
Unit linked enhanced life Death benefits- policy fund
protection II plan value or sum assured based on
whichever is greater
Maturity benefit- fund value
Enhanced life benefits- sum
assured increases by 5% every
Hdfcsl plans overview

Covers the risk of premature death

P Protection Term assurance plan

Loan cover term assurance plan
Aims to give long term growth

I Investment Single premium whole of life insurance


Covers the risk of living too long without

P Pension an income

S Savings Covers the risk of inability to save due to

 Additional term benefit

Accidental death benefit
Critical illness benefit
(riders are not products but  Accelerated sum assured
they come under protection  Waiver of premium
What is recruitment?

1) Recruitment is the process of attracting

Applicants for a specific job. the process begins
applications are brought in and ends when the same
finished. the result is a pool of applicants, from
the appropriate candidate can be selected.

2) The task of recruiting new staff is an important but time-consuming

process, so companies often prefer to hire a specialist agency to
source suitable candidates. In a nutshell, the objective of a
recruitment consultant is to build relationships with clients, source job
vacancies, and find appropriate candidates for each role.
Why recruit?

 Developing new agents is critical to the long term viability of the

insurance industry

 Current producers are reaching the later stages of their career – 50%
of affiliated agents are 48 years or old, and 505 of independent
producers are56 years or older

 On an average, only 11% of career agents stay with the same

company for 4 years

 Companies are competing with other organizations to attract shrinking

pool of experienced agents.
Why recruit?

Company’s growth

Growth in High productivity


Growth in no.of quality

Recruiting good agents demands commitment

 Recruiting is not just adding new bodies to an organization, it is

acquiring and keeping new quality agents

 Recruiters cannot simply turn on a recruiting culture, it must evolve –

and the source of the evolution is not a board of directors or an agency
administration department . It begins in the field

 Current average no.of per sdm = ?

 Desired average no.of per sdm = ?

The task is enormous

Define: financial consultant

A financial consultant is a professional who renders investment

advice and financial planning services to individuals and businesses.
Ideally, the financial adviser helps the client maximize their net worth
by proper asset allocation. Financial advisers use stocks, bonds,
mutual funds and insurance products to meet the needs of their
clients. Many financial advisers receive a commission payment for
the various financial products that they broker, although "fee-based"
planning is becoming increasingly popular in the industry. A further
distinction should be made between "fee-based", i.e., they charge
fees and collect commissions, and "fee-only" advisers. Fee-only
advisers receive 100% of their compensation directly from their
clients and have no outside conflicts of interest created by
commissions or referral fees paid by other product or service
Who is a financial consultant (FC)?

 An financial consultant is the person who we recruit and who in turn

procures business (insurance premium) for the organization.

 They are the most important link between the market and the
Financial consultant

 Where do I find them?

 How do I find them?

 How many financial consultant should an sales department manager


 What kind of financial consultant should an sales department manager

Different sources to find financial consultant


 Personal network

 Advisor referrals

 Client referral

 Industry seminars

 Associations and clubs

 HNI ladies forums

 COI – centers of influence

 Advertisement in appropriate journals, media

Profiles of financial consultant


 Housewives

 Businessman

 Accountants/ financial consultants

 Sales person employed in private / public companies

 Office bearers of leading clubs/ associations

 Consistent lic mdrt/ cot agents

 Vrs/ retired people

 Ex serviceman

 Teachers
Financial consultant selection and linkage to business productivity – age




15 achievers

<=25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51-55 >55
Financial consultant selection and linkage to business productivity – income

40% achievers
30% inactive
< 1 lac >= 1 lac

inactive agents tend to come from low income classes







1-3 lac 3-5 lac 5-10 lac above 10

percentage share in all achievers

majority of achievers are from 1- 3 lac annual income range

financial consultant selection and linkage to business productivity –






self service home maker student retired

Financial consultant’s – quality check (Q score)

Recommended criteria

 More than 30 years of age

 Graduate (minimum)

 Living in the same area since the past 3 years

 Well networked

 Family income of more than Rs 3lacs

Financial consultant’s – preferred qualities

 Passion

 Result oriented

 Well networked

 Good communication skills

 Need for recognition

 Need for money

Financial consultant licensing

 What does financial consultant licensing mean?

1. irda training – manual / online

2. appearing for exam
3. passing exam
4. documentation for licensing

 input output ratio

financial recruitment to licensing process

50 hrs training Exam centers

logistics Business
Quality check Online/manual


lead prospect recruit IRDA license activation


Failed/absent Re-appear

key levers for achieving retail business objectives

1. Number of licensed financial consultant

2. Financial consultant activation

3. Financial consultant productivity

 number of policies (fc productivity)

 average premium per policy

the story till date – fc ramp up

the transition to a licensed financial consultant….

Higher input at the top,

No. of candidates registered desired to ramp up the
(07-08): 249924 fc base considering the
current drop outs in the

No .of candidates appeared

for exam (07-08):


quarter No.of Registered Appeared to Input - output

candidates to appear passed
Qtr 1 40,528 61% 58% 35%
Qtr 2 59,925 60% 51% 31%
Qtr 3 142,589 49% 47% 23%

the story ahead – fc ramp up

the persistence of vision: 08-09 fc ramp up plan

Fc ramp up plan Exit mar 09 % spread

(end of the
0-3 months 777 5%
4-6 months 762 5%
6-9 months 2291 15%
10-12 months 4659 30%
> 12 months 7012 45% Fls vintage Hdfcsl
total 15,500 100% fc/fls
march 09
0-3 months 5
4-6 months 12
6-9 months 17
10-12 20
> 12 months 32
overall 24
The story till date- financial consultant activation
The diminishing base available for production – trend

april – December 07


Registered to
Appeared to Have never started
passed (licensed) production
No. of candidates
Only 8% of the total recruited financial consultant (registered for
training), are producing

To focus: pre licensing and post licensing efficiencies

the story till date – financial consultant activation

managing life cycle of an agent?

1 year
6 mnths

Only 28% is available for the

“most productive
33% 26% 13%


72% 28%
agent recruitment
4% 0.4%

Agent Start up phase Club

licensin membership

Segmented management: well designed intervention

required to manage the life cycle

Key focus areas emerging from these levers

 higher financial consultant recruitment and licensing

 (fc : fls ratio)

 higher fc activation
 (active fc : fls ratio)

 higher fc productivity

 higher EPI
Business model for fc recruitment and licensing 2008 – 09 source percentage Fc recruitment

1 Retail new fls 50% 250000
Retail old fls
2 Cd direct 25% 125000
3 Joint(cd+retail) 25% 125000
total 100% 500000
Channel development role and responsibility

Why channel development?

 Developing new financial consultant is critical to the long term

viability of our company and life insurance industry

 Need to focus on quality of financial development

 Huge gap between desired financial consultant: fls ratio and actual
financial consultant : fls ratio

 Multi functionality of role of sdm

 Channel development to supplement efforts of retail team on financial

 Need for higher productivity from fls

 Build a credible and long term source of good quality financial


 Not just another financial consultant production line – will work best
if channel development and retail work in tandem

Functions of channel development

Cd direct
database calling
E2E vendors

To retail
new fls mentoring CD – Retail
for recruitment Fc recruitment & Joint
fc:fls ratio tracking licensing BTL
help in driving MGM
contest for fc Q score RC/PT
recruitment Cost budget
BOPs Irda training &
Input/ output ratio

Devising alternative methods
for recruitment

Functions of channel development

 Supplement efforts of retail team in fc recruitment and licensing
directly within timelines stated

 Supplement efforts of retail team on financial consultant recruitment

and licensing through the collaborative process within timelines stated

 To hand hold new fls (where channel development is present) on

financial consultant recruitment

 To ensure quality of financial consultant through Q score

 To ensure quality of financial consultant recuritmnet within the cost


 To manage pipelines – process of fc build up and logistics : fc rec _

training – examination – licensing – reworking

 To develop alternate source of financial consultant recruitment

How will financial consultant recruitment through channel development

Modules rolled out for financial consultant through channel development

 Recruitment consultant module

 Project trainee module
 Referral partner module
 E2e vendor module
 Database calling and classified ads
 Btl activities
 Nationally driven campaigns

Modules rolled out for financial consultant recruitment through joint process

 RC + PT modules
 Member get member (FC get FC)
 BTL activities (on ground activities)

BTL Activities

 To be effective, be selected
 Template foe activity approval
 Pre approved activities and process for these activities
 Fixed cost activities vs variable cost activities
 Financial consultant segmentation / profile oriented activities

1. male / female
2. sec a/ b
3. age : 30 – 40 preferably
4. professional, business, working men / women, retired, HNIs,
housewives, etc…

structure of
channel development 2008 – 09
 channel development structure

 location

 number of channel development managers per location

 rationale

1. focus on big cities stratergy

2. high financial consultant receruitment targets
3. higher number of FLS
4. Fc : FLS
5. CDM : SDM span of coverage
6. CD is still perfecting the process
Channel development journey 2007 -08 : experiences and

 Chak de experience
1. rc recruitment , management, activisation, careerpath

 Q score

 Best practices in some zones

1. financial consultant interview sheet
2. 12 touch point sms (for tightening process of licensing)
3. regular mis to retail team – during campaigns& otherwise
4. channel development part of all retail meetings
5. e2evendor appointment – retail involvement
6. bms part of all rc meets
7. involvement of retail team for R & R functions, approval for
any deviations

 competition learnings ( RC, RC career path, E2E etc.)

 stressing on tracking activisation and productivity of channel
development financial consultant’s

how is financial consultant recruitment through channel

development different?
 Channel development structure and resources – focus only on
financial consultant recruitment

 Modules for financial consultant recruitment

 Budget for financial consultant recruitment – variable cost

 Stress on quality of financial consultant recruitment

 Focus on larger / value driven markets in line with company stratergy

Critical success factors

 Speedy and timely recruitment and induction of channel development


 Speedy and timely recruitment of resources

 Resource management , activisation, &productivity

 Sales management process for entire channel development vertical

 Timely payment to resource

 New module launching

 Co – option of retail team and channel development

 Multiple module management

 Pipeline management

 Guard against pit falls

Ten commandments of channel development

Our ten commandments

 Passion has a name – in fact it now has 250 names

 Pursuing quality will be our cornerstone

 We will make getting further….nearer-

 We will make a difference

 We will end the statue quo – we will be path finders

 We will make each day count – starting from now

 Because if it matters to our retail team , it matters to us

 After all , our future is base on making the most of theirs

 We will be the most talked about team in the country

 2008 – 09 will be the year of channel development

HDFC Consulting Services

HDFC is a unique example of a housing finance company which has demonstrated the
viability of market-oriented housing finance in a developing country. It is viewed as an
innovative institution and a market leader in the housing finance sector in India. The
World Bank considers HDFC a model private sector housing finance company in
developing countries and a provider of technical assistance for new and existing
institutions, in India and abroad. HDFC’s executives have undertaken consultancy
assignments related to housing finance and urban development on behalf of multilateral
agencies all over the world.
HDFC has also served as consultant to international agencies such as World Bank, United
States’ Agency for International Development (USAID), Asian Development Bank, United
Nations’ Center for Human Settlements, Commonwealth Development Corporation (CDC)
and United Nations’ Development Programme (UNDP). HDFC has also undertaken
assignments for the United Nations’ Capital Development Fund in Ethiopia, for the
UNCHS in Nairobi, for USAID in Russia and Bulgaria, and projects of the World Bank in
Indonesia and Ghana.
At the national level, HDFC executives have played a key role in formulating national
housing policies and strategies. Recognising HDFC’s expertise, the Government of India
has invited HDFC’s executives to join a number of committees and task forces related to
housing finance, urban development and capital markets.

Awards 2007
HDFC scored a rating of 4 out of 5 at the Karmayog Corporate Social Responsibility
Ratings - 2007
Renu Sud Karnad as a Powerful Woman Business Today selects Renu Sud Karnad as a Powerful
Woman in Indian Business
Best 'Investment Management Company’ HDFC emerged as the best 'Investment Management
Company’ in India at the Liquid Real Estate Awards – 2007 organised by EUROMONEY
HDFC ranked 3rd Asian Banking and Finance Sector HDFC ranked 3rd amongst the Asian
Banking and Finance Sector for ‘Highest Return on Equity’ by Asiamoney
Ms Renu Sud Karnad eminent women felicitated Ms Renu Sud Karnad, Executive Director, was
one of the eminent women felicitated by the FICCI Ladies Organization at their Women Achievers
Award – 2007
Ranked 3rd: 'Highest Return on Equity’ HDFC ranked 3rd amongst the Asian Banking and
Finance Sector for 'Highest Return on Equity’ by Asiamoney
Ranked top 3 Best Managed Companies HDFC Ranked amongst the Top 3 Best Managed
Companies by FinanceAsia – 2007
Laadli Media Award 2007
HDFC Standard Life received Laadli
Media Award 2007 for its 'Big car'
TV commercial. It showed how a
daughter wants to be more
responsible towards her family and
asks her dad to upgrade to a bigger
car by offering him the extra money
required to buy the car.

HDFC Standard Life received this award for two years

consecutively. In 2006, it won for the 'Papa' TV commercial,
which challenged the stereotype parents saving only for their son's
education or daughter's wedding. The company took a bold step by
showing parents saving for their daughter's education abroad,
demonstrating progressive thinking.

Laadli Media Awards, instituted in 2007, by Population First, an

NGO working on women's rights and social development, is given
to professionals in print and electronic media and ad makers for
gender sensitive news reports, articles, print, TV ads, and films.

Awards and Accolades

May, 2008
Received PCQuest Best IT Implementation Award 2008
  HDFC Standard Life received the PCQuest Best IT
Implementation Award 2008 for Consultant Corner, the
applications for its financial consultants, providing centralized
control over a vast geographical spread for key business units
such as inventory, training, licensing, etc. Read more about the
‘Consultant Corner’ tool in the ‘HDFC SL in News’ Section.

HDFC Standard Life has won the PCQuest Best IT

Implementation Award for two years consequently. Last year,
the company received the award for Wonders, its path-breaking
implementation of an enterprise-wide workflow system
March, 2008
Silver Abby at Goafest 2008
  HDFC Standard Life's radio spot for Pension Plans won a Silver
Abby in the radio writing craft category at the Goafest 2008
organised by the Advertising Agencies Association of India
(AAAI). The radio commercial ‘Pata nahin chala’ touched
several changes in life in the blink of an eye through an old
man’s perspective. The objective was drive awareness and ask
people to invest in a pension plan to live life to the fullest even
after retirement, without compromising on one’s self-respect.
March, 2008
Unit Linked Savings Plan Tops Mint Best TV Ads Survey
The Unit Linked Savings Plan advertisement of HDFC Standard
Life, one of the leading private insurance companies in India, has
topped Mint’s Top Television Advertisement survey conducted,
for February 2008. HDFC Standard Life’s Unit Linked Savings
Plan advertisement was ranked 4th in terms of a combined score
of ad awareness and brand recall and 3rd in terms of ad
diagnostic scores (likeability, enjoyment, believability, and
claim). The respondents were between 18 and 40 years. Mint’s
exclusive report, ‘New voices in a makeover’ outlines the survey
in detail.
February, 2008
Deepak M Satwalekar Awarded QIMPRO Gold Standard
Award 2007
January, 2008
Sar Utha Ke Jiyo Among India’s 60 Glorious Advertising
  HDFC Standard Life’s advertising slogan honoured as one of ‘60
Glorious Advertising & Marketing Moments' over the last 60
years in India,’ by 4Ps Business and Marketing magazine. The
magazine said that HDFC Standard Life is one of the first private
insurers to break the ice using the idea of self respect (Sar Utha
Ke Jiyo) instead of 'death' to convey its brand proposition. This
was then, followed by others including ICCI Prudential, thus
giving HDFC Standard Life the credit of bringing up one such
glorious advertising and marketing moment in the last 60 years.
Group Companies
Group Companies

Some of our valued bancassurance partners.

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