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Safety QUIZ Questionaries

Total mark: 40
Asses Your Information Level on SAFETY
(Use only Given Answer sheet to capture your answer)

1. Which one is correct order (ascending) of incident based on Severity -

Where LWDC - Lost work day case, MTC - Medical Treatment Case, FAC - First Aid Case, RWDC -
Restricted Work Day Case



2. Match the scenario

A Near Miss i Illness due to inhalation of chemical vapor

B Unsafe Act ii Working without work permit

C Unsafe Condition iii Slippery Floor

D Medical Treatment Case iv Person slipped while walking but no injury


a) A-iv, B-iii, C-i, D-ii

b) A-iv, B- ii, C- iii, D-i
c) A-i, B-ii, C-iii, D-iv
d) A-iii, B-iv, C-i, D- ii

3. The initial load test of manual hoisting systems shall be__________times of the rated
a) 2 times
b) 1.5 times
c) 2.5 times
d) 3 time

4. Which of the following gas is having same weight at Air.

a) Methane
b) Carbon Monoxide
c) Hydrogen sulphide
d) LPG

5. What will be the effect on human body, when a confined space is having only 10 % or
less of Oxygen in air?
a) Fast breathing
b) Faulty Judgment
c) Nausea (vomiting)
d) Spasmodic Breathing
6. While cleaning of full body safety harness, the temperature of water should not exceed
__________ degree centigrade.
a) 40 degree centigrade.
b) 80 degree centigrade
c) 70 degree centigrade
d) 60 degree centigrade

7. Disaster Management Act was first enacted in India under the influence of which
a) Bhopal Gas leakage
b) Gujarat Earthquake
c) Indian Ocean Tsunami
d) Mumbai Terrors attack.

8. __________length of electrode shall not be burned otherwise it will lead to further

damage of the electrode holder.
a) 3 to 4 cm b) 4 to 5 cm c) 5 to 6 cm d) 5.5 to 6 cm.

9. Which of the following is included but not limited to confined spaces?

a. Vessels b. Tanks c. Vaults d. all of these

10. Entering a permit space can prove fatal for an employee when the oxygen level is-
a. Below 19.5 percent b. Above 23.5 percent c. Below 20 percent d. Both a and b

11. Which of the following is NOT a confined space that requires a permit?
a. A space that contains a hazardous or potentially hazardous atmosphere.
b. A space that contains a material that can smother someone who enters
c. A space that contains a material which can engulf someone who enters.
d. A space that is designed for continuous employee occupancy

12. Which of the following must be tested FIRST before an employee enters a confined
a. Oxygen content
b. Flammable gases and vapors
c. Potential toxic air contaminants
d. None

13. Atmospheres that contain a flammable component above what percent of its Lower
Explosive Limit (LEL) are considered hazardous for confined space entry?
a. 10 percent b. 7.5 percent c. 5 percent d. 2.5 percent

14. The retrieval line attached to the chest or full body harness worn by authorized entrants
should be attached to:
a. Both their shoulders
b. Their hips
c. The center of their backs near shoulder level or above their heads
d. Arms and legs

15. When an employee is working in a confined space more than five feet deep, the other
end of his or her retrieval line must be:
a. Securely attached to a fixed point
b. Held at all times by the attendant
c. Connected to a mechanical device
d. None of these
16. In an emergency, in the absence of a trained rescue team, an attendant must:
a. Enter the permit space and try to save the entrant
b. Attempt a non-entry rescue
c. Pray and hope that the entrant survives
d. None of the above

17. For a new pressure vessel, taken into use in a factory unless it has been hydrostatically
tested by a competent person at pressure, at least ______ times the design pressure.
a.1.5 b. 2 c. 1.3 d. None of above

18. As per factories act 1948 we are ___________

a. Workman b. Worker c. Manager d. Supervisor

19. Who released Indias National action plan on climate change policy outlined?
a) Abdul Kalam
b) Prativa Patel
c) Pranab Mukherjee
d) Dr. Monmohan Singh

20. What is the tension (T) on the slings in Fig.1?

Where W= Weight of the load, L= length of the sling

N= No. of slings, H= Height from the load to hooking point
a. (W X L)/(H X N)
b) (W X H)/(L X N)
c) (W X N)/(L X H)
d) (L X H)/(W X N)

21. Nip guards shall be provided in which position?

a) Where the belt wraps around the pulley, at terminals, take-ups, and snub rollers where the
belt changes directions at transfers and deflectors
b) At the discharge end
c) At the other points where workers may be injured by nip or shear points.
d) all of the above

22. Suspended Personnel Platform is not safe for use when wind velocity exceeding________
a) 20 km/h b) 25 km/h c) 30km/h d) 36 km/h
23. A wire rope sling is capable of lifting 1000Kg in a 30 vertical basket hitch. How much it
can be lifted when load will be lifted at a 30angle with the lifting hook?
a) 1000Kg b) 866Kg c) 707Kg d) 500Kg

24. The peak time for earth exposure to Ultra Violet rays are___________
a) Noon 12 to 2 PM b) 1 PM to 3 PM c) 10 AM to Noon 12 d) 11AM to 1PM

25. Replace the rope having diameter 25mm, if diameter reduces by _________
a) 1.0mm b) 1.5mm c) 2.0mm d) 2.5mm

26. When making a two-legged lift, the sling leg which appears to be in the most vertical
plane will be carrying ___ net load than the more inclined sling.
a) More b) Less

27. Which of the following is not a type of hitch used in crane-related rigging?
a. Basket. b. Choker. c. Horizontal. d. Vertical.

28. When estimating the weight of an odd sized load its helpful to draw an imaginary box
around the load and use the dimensions to calculate the size in cubic feet. Then consult a
chart that shows the weights of materials per cubic foot, and figure on the high side.
a. True. b. False.

29. Firefighting equipment shall be placed on platforms or in cabinets in such a way that
their bottom is ________mm above the floor level.
a. 1000 b. 500 c. 1250 d. 750

30. If a person get electric shock & his heart beat is not found, what is the immediate
a) Give Aspirin Tablet
b) Give water immediately
c) Give Soda immediately
d) Arrange/Give artificial respiration

31. What safety precaution should be taken for using Oxygen Gas for any industrial use?
a) Never allow oil or grease to come into contact with oxygen valves or cylinder fittings
b) Never allow acetylene gas cylinder with oxygen gas cylinder for cutting operation.
c) Never allow Hydrogen Gas cylinder with oxygen gas cylinder for cutting operation.
d) Never use LPG Gas Cylinder with oxygen gas cylinder for cutting operation.

32. According to Tata Power Work at height procedure, structural steel or process piping of
_______ cm diameter or greater may be used as an anchor point. (Note - sprinkler,
instrument tubing or conduit shall not be used as an anchor point.)
a. 6 cm b. 5 cm c. 4 cm d. 3.5 cm

33. In a rope grab fall arrestor what size synthetic rope or what size wire cable can be used.
a. 12 mm synthetic rope or 8 mm wire cable
b. 21 mm synthetic rope or 12 mm wire cable
c. 19 mm synthetic rope or 8 mm wire cable
d. 19 mm synthetic rope or 12 mm wire cable

34. A retracting lifeline which allows free travel without slack rope, but locks instantly
when a fall begins. These devices must limit the force of deceleration to no more than
________kgs and are only recommended for vertical descent.
a. 365 b. 500 c. 375 d. 600
35. Toe boards should be provided to prevent persons falling off the working surface. Toe
boards must be a minimum of 150 mm / 6 inches in vertical height and capable of
withstanding ________ kg of outward force.
a. 25 b. 23 c. 27 d. 29

36. Safety nets shall be installed as close as possible to the working level but in no case more
than _________feet below the working level.
a. 25 b. 30 c. 45 d. 50

37. In a straight ladder or extension ladder Rung spacing shall not be more than
a. 35 b. 45 c. 50 d. 30

38. All wall supported scaffolding should be anchored at every ________meter of length and
__________meter of height?
a. 10 & 8 meter b. 12 & 9 meter c. 10 & 10 meter d. 11 & 8 meter

39. As per our BCDMP procedure who should activate the Safe Assembly Point?
a. Head count controller
b. Site Controller
c. Incident Controller
d. Safety Controller

40. Following are the various key steps to be followed during Preparation of a Job Safety

A. Determine who and/or what is at potential risk

B. Description of the recommended safe job procedure
C. Describe the job and the sequence of job steps
D. Identification of back up controls
E. Identification of the potential hazards of each step
F. Identification of what might go wrong

Choose the correct arrangement of order / sequence.

a. F-D-A-B-C-E
b. A-B-C-D-E-F
c. C-E-A-B-F-D
d. C-D-A-E-F-B

Everybody DESIRES Safety,

But the Challenge is to translate this DESIRE into Action.

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