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IEEE Sponsored 9th International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control (ISCO)2015

A Multilayer Visual cryptography Frameworl< for

Secured Secret Messages Transmission

Arghya Ray Avishake Ghosh B. Padhmavathi

ASE ASE Head - Department of CSE
TCS TCS SRM University
Kolkata, India. Kolkata, India. Chennai, India.

Abstract- Visual Cryptography acts as an encryption and steganography, with the help of S-DES technique,
technique, which helps to store secret data within an image and thereby improving the authentication and security. This is
then split this image into a decided number of slices. Each and achieved by using a multi-level architecture model and
every authorized user will receive a single slice of the encrypted
making the various processes interrelated so that the whole
image containing a portion of the cipher text. The message
act as a new cryptosystem.
cannot be deciphered or read without superimposing
(combining) all the slices in the proper order. Many existing
papers which concentrate on the processes during and after [I. EXISTING SYSTEM
image-slicing, though considered being effective to a certain
extent, these individual concepts are a major reason for Most of the existing systems use fairly straightforward
compromising the security and privacy of a cryptosystem. It is concepts. The algorithms include: Key Bunch Matrix [3] , S
possible to detect cipher text in any secret image using standard DES Encryption and Decryption [2] , Steganography through
decryption tools. the use of First Component Alteration Technique [5] and
Enveloped Visual Cryptographic Scheme [6] .
Our proposed model not only strengthens the cryptosystem
by integrating random key generation technique using key
Here the first method, Key Bunch Matrix for encryption,
bunch matrix, and an improved S-DES algorithm but also
help to develop a block cipher, by involving several keys that
makes the cryptosystem hard to crack. The generated cipher
can be represented in the form of a matrix called key bunch
text is embedded into an image, which is then sliced into a
number of parts say 'n' different parts, thereby fully matrix [3] . Here, each plaintext character is multiplied by a
safeguarding the inbuilt-secret message. The secret text can key to get the cipher text. For decryption, the multiplicative
only be interpreted or deciphered when all the slices of the inverse of each key is obtained separately.
image are securely exchanged between the authorized users and
superimposed in the correct order. The earlier limitation is In the S-DES procedure, a type of symmetric block
solved as image slices cannot be identified by tools as containing cipher. [t has five stages: one each for initial permutation,
partial cipher text (acts as junk bits). Also, it needs permission Mangler's function using the key generated kl, switch
from all authorized users for interpreting cipher text into plain
function, Mangler's function using the key generated k2 and
text. Thereby, our proposed cryptosystem has increased the
inverse initial permutation. The S-Boxes help in reduction
overall efficiency and strengthened the authentication and
and shift operations. The major weak link here is the key
security barrier.
generation process, which is insecure.
Keywords: Image-Slicing, Key Bunch Matrix, Superimposing
Images, S-DES Encryption Technique, Visual Cryptography. Another concept used in the existing system is the First
Component Alteration method, which is a simple
Steganography technique used to replace the very first bit
I. INTRODUCTION component of every image pixel with the corresponding
cipher text entry bit. This has the advantage that the picture
Visual cryptography, a cryptographic technique encrypts
will still retain most of its clarity despite containing the cipher
visual information. [ 1] . Cryptography and Steganography are
text, but it is easy to decrypt, hence vulnerable to attack.
two important branches of information security.
Cryptography helps in encrypting plain text to generate cipher
The fourth concept is to hide the stego image in a cover
text [2] . However, cipher text transmission may easily be
image so that it becomes tough for any intruder to hack the
deciphered by a potential hacker. To overcome the
secret message. But the existing system uses images four
shortcomings of cryptographic techniques, steganography has
times the size of the stego-image slices in order to cover
been developed, which transfers secret message by
them. But it is infeasible that the size of stego-image slices is
embedding it into a cover medium with the help of message
hiding techniques. Cryptography and steganography achieve
the same goal via different means. The limitations of the existing system is overcome by us
as we have tried to improve and integrate these techniques in
Our research work aim to strengthen the security of the secret
such a way that the working of each cryptosystem is
message by combining the processes of visual cryptography

978-1-4799-6480-2/15/$31.00 2015 IEEE

IEEE Sponsored 9th International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control (ISCO)2015

interlinked to the other, thus forming a more secure

cryptosystem for message transfer.

Ill. PROPOSED SYSTEM - I En\l'elope 1

To cope with the drawbacks of the existing system, we - I E n-velo pe 2

propose a new cryptosystem, having a multi-layer architecture

model to strengthen the security and authentication of the

secret message. This is achieved by combining the processes
a.J Sl k e n
I- I Slice n
I En-..e lope "'

of visual cryptography and steganography, with the help of S

DES technique. The different phases of the proposed model Fig1.3. Visual Cryptography scheme with Tmage Enveloping

are explained as follows.

The encryption process is discussed in section IV and the
The Secret message to be transferred which is entered by decryption process in section V. We also demonstrate the
the user is encrypted by the S-OES Encryption which uses the implementation with the help of an example in section VI,
key generated randomly from the Key Bunch Matrix where we take the secret message as "hi", secret key as "5"
algorithm. This generates the Cipher text as output. This and a cover image of the three penguins to demonstrate the
forms the first stage of the proposed Multilayer cryptosystem working of the proposed cryptosystem.
and is shown in Fig 1. 1.

Key Generation
using Key Bunch The encryption process starts with the user being asked to
Matrix enter the message and a secret key. This message is then
encrypted using the S-OES technique where the key is
generated randomly by use of the Key Bunch Matrix
Original Secret
SDES Encryption Cipher Text generation technique. The encrypted message is then
embedded in to the cover image specified by the user. The
Fig1.1. Key Generation and Encryption user also decides the number of partners among whom he
decides to share the image. The number of partners decides
In the second stage of the proposed cryptosystem (Fig 1. 2), the number of slices into which the image should be split.
the cover image and the cipher text are taken as input. The These image slices/shares are distributed among the different
cipher text is embedded in the cover image by use of Random partners. This completes the encryption process. The 3 main
pixel selection Steganography to generate the Stego-image as modules are discussed below.

Cover The Key Bunch Matrix is a n * n matrix consisting of

Image values of key elements. We have
P = [pij] : Plain Text
C = [Cij]: Cipher Text
K = Key Generated
Cipher Text
E = [eij] : Encryption Matrix
D = [dij]: Decryption Matrix
Fig1.2. Steganography using Random Pixel Selection

In the third stage of the proposed cryptosystem (Fig 1. 3), The operation of the Key Bunch Matrix is explained in
the stego-image is sliced into several shares depending on the Figure2. Here, the plain text is taken as input and using an
number of partners among whom it needs to be distributed. equation a key is randomly generated. This key is multiplied
These sliced shares are then enveloped by similarly sliced with the number equivalent of the plain text and the cipher
shares of a Cover Image. This enveloping is performed by a text is got. This cipher text acts as the key for the S-DES
simple XOR operation. All these operations are performed in process.
a sequential order. The output of this stage gives random
shares that are unintelligible. And it is nearly impossible to
get back the original secret message from these Enveloped Cipher Text
Plain Text
share images.
The cipher text is generated using S-DES Encryption where
Fig2. Key Generation
the key is generated randomly using the Key Bunch Matrix.
This text is then embedded onto an image using the Random
The relation is expressed as : (eij x dij) mod 256 = 1
Pixel Selection to form the Stego-Image as output. Image
Encryption: C = [Cij] = [eij x Pij] mod 256.
Slicing is performed on this stego-image to produce many
slices/shares, which are then enveloped into multiple
The key generated is then used in the S-OES Encryption
slices/shares of a single cover image.
IEEE Sponsored 9th International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control (ISCO)2015

This process is in-turn made up of 5 steps: it contain any understandable secret text. This is the beauty of
1. Initial Permutation visual cryptography. Unless a user attains all the slices of the
2. Mangler function tkl stego-image in its correct order, he will not be able to
3. Swap Operation decipher the secret text. Authentication techniques are further
4. Mangler Function tk2 enhanced by using a 3-way authentication scheme procedure
5. Inverse Permutation

But in spite of slicing the image, we can still identify the

In Figure 3, the overall S-DES process is explained. Each
relation between the slices as the image content is still visible
character of the plain text is converted to its binary equivalent
similarly if not perfectly clear. To solve this issue, we
and the above mentioned steps are performed to get the cipher
introduce image envelopes, which in-turn envelopes
text. The 10 bit key is obtained from the Key-Bunch Matrix.
individual slices of the Stego-Image within them. So, each
slice is enveloped by another separate image. Here we take
I 8 bit Plain Text (PT) I I Key (10 bits)
'* the slices of the cover image to envelope the slices of stego
'* [ Permutation (PlO) image. These images are then sent to different partners whom
Initial Permutation (lP) ] '*
the user wants to share with. The slices can only be retracted
W if the user gets hold of all the other enveloped images as well.
k1 W
l L
Mangler unctJon
This ensures a strict layer of security and authentication
(fk11 J
'* principles.
I Swap operation
I I Shift
jVlang e . runCLlon
k2 J,
Figure 4 shows how the enveloping operation is done. The

I (fI...?1
PS stego-image slices are XOR-ed with the cover image slices to
get the enveloped slices.
I Inverse of IP (lp.i)
I Cipher Text(CT)
I C Olll r- i m a g
Fig3. SDES Encryption using a 10-bit Key generated by Key
Bunch Matrix
Efli ""lope 1

The output of S-DES Encryption process gives the

encrypted cipher text which is then given as input to the
Eni ""lope 2
Stegenography process along with the image.


a..J Sli{j n I. I S I im. n t..a Envelope n

In this phase, the cipher text is embedded into an image by

randomly replacing the existing pixel components with those Fig4. Visual Cryptography Enveloping
bits of the secret text. This increases the strength of the
The overall encryption process is described in Figure 5. It is
encrypted message being sent.
a combination of all the processes discussed above.

Embedding Phase:
Input: Image file and the cipher text file
Output: Stego Image containing secret text
Original Secret
Cipher Text


I. Extract all the pixels in the given image and store it in Cover i mae

the array called Pixel-Array.

2. Extract all the characters in the given text file and store it
in the array called Character- Array.
3. Extract all the characters from the Stego key and store it
in the array called Key- Array.
4. Choose random pixel and pick characters from Key
Array and replace it in with the random component of
5. Place characters of Character- Array in each of the
I Envelope 1

specific component of next pixels by replacing it.

6. Repeat step 5 till all the characters has been embedded.
I Envelope 2

I Envelope n

FigS. Overall Encryption Process

In this scheme, the stego-image is divided into a number of
thin slices or shares. Each slice individually can be considered
as junk bits, as it neither shows a meaningful image nor does
IEEE Sponsored 9th International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control (ISCO)2015


Decryption process is the reverse of encryption process.

In this section, the encryption and decryption parts are
Here initially the enveloped images are collected from all the
discussed by help of an example.
partners and XOR operation is performed on all the slices
with the cover image slices to get the stego-image slices back.
Input message: hi
Now these stego-image slices are combined to get the stego
Input key : 5
image back. All these operations need to be done in the
specified order else the message will not be recovered. Now
With this input, the first stage of encryption starts and we
this stego-image is compared with the original cover image to
get the output of the S-DES encryption algorithm a cipher text
get the secret message and key. The user is asked to enter this
in the form "00050002 0239022000030053" which is given
unique key which acts like a password. Only if these key
as input for the second stage.
matches, the secret message is displayed.

The second stage is to form stego images where we take a

The overall decryption process is shown in Figure 6 given
cover image as input. Here we took an image of three
below. The cover image is entered by the user and the
penguins of size 500 * 375 saved in png format. The cipher
enveloped slices are collected from the different partners. The
text is embedded in this cover image to get the stego-image.
cover image is sliced into the number of slices and an XOR
operation is performed with the enveloped image slices in
specific order, to get back the stego-image slices. These stego
image slices are then combined in order to obtain the original
stego-image. The stego-image is then compared with the
cover image to derive the cipher message. This cipher text is
given as input to the S-DES decryption block where the
original message and the key are obtained. Now the user is
asked to enter the secret key. If the key matches, then the
original message is displayed.

Fig7.1. Cover image Fig 7.2. Stego-image

I EnvelD IJe' I:! 1

I ffi
The user is then asked about the number of slices into which
I Envelo pe s. lic E!- :2
I EB this stego image is to be divided. The best results are obtained
for slices between two and five. In this example we have

I Envelo oe s.lic E! n
I Efl I S licE! n,
taken 2 slices. The stego-image slices are shown below.

K ey - B u ne h Matrix
f-Df" K e'y iS en er at ton

Fig7.3. Slices of stego image

Fig6. Overall decryption process Then the slices of the cover image are made as shown in the
figure below.
The process of decryption is slightly complex. If the cover
image is not entered correctly, the original message cannot be
recovered. Even if the slices are not combined in the proper
order, the message will not be recovered. Also, the correct
entry of keys is needed to get the message back.

Thus, this multi-tier cryptosystem helps to transfer the

messages securely which is really hard to crack.The whole
encryption and decryption process is demonstrated with an
example in the next section.
Fig7.4. Slices of the cover image
IEEE Sponsored 9th International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control (ISCO)2015

The slices of the stego-image and the cover image are then It!] Blue!: Terminal Window - FYP demo
combined by a simple XOR operation to obtain the images to
be distributed among the authorized partners. XOR allows us
to easily encrypt and decrypt a string. It can be used directly Ente the plaintext

as no matter what one input is, the other input always has an hi

effect on the output. These images to be distributed are shown Ente a unique numbe(1-50)

in the figure below. 5

Ente the numbe of slices equied

----------------------- ENCRYPTION COMPLETED

--- The secet key needed to decypt is 146

Fig7.6. Encryption process in Blue]

The decryption process is shown in Figure 7.7. The original

cover image is initially selected. The user is asked to enter the
number of original slices. The cover image is sliced into the
required number of slices and combined with the slices of
stego-image in appropriate order. This gives the stego-image
which is then compared with the cover image to get back the
Fig7.5. Images to be distributed to different users. cipher text. The user is then asked to enter the secret
password. If this password matches, the original message is
Since these junk type images are distributed, it becomes displayed after decryption.
really difficult to crack the message hidden inside the images.
The secret message is moreover protected by the unique key 1 t!J BlueJ: Terminal Window - FYP demo
which the user must remember. The secret key used in this
case is 146. The concept of RSA algorithm is used to generate
this secret key. DECRYPTING

During the decryption process, the above processes are Ente the numbe of slices :

performed in reverse order. The cover image is entered by the 2

user and the enveloped slices are collected from the different
partners. The cover image is sliced into the number of slices Ente the secet Key needed to decypt.

and an XOR operation is performed with the enveloped image 146

Decyption . . . . . . . . . . .
slices in proper order, to get back the stego-image slices.
--------PLAIN TEXT--------------
These slices are then combined in order to get the original
stego-image back. This stego-image is compared with the I
cover image to derive the message. This cipher text is given Fig7.7. Decryption process in BlueJ
as input to the S-DES decryption block where the original
message and the key are obtained. Now the user is asked to Thus, the whole process of enccryption and decryption is
enter the secret key. If the key matches, then the original demonstrated in this section by the use of the message "hi",
message is displayed. password "5" and cover image of the three penguins. After
decryption process we get the original message back and
This multi-tier architecture thus helps to form a more secure hence the whole cryptosystem works properly.
message transfer and strengthens its security.
To demonstrate the proposed system we use Java platform
Visual cryptography and stegenography are emerging
and BlueJ version 1. 3. 5 as the software. The number of lines
areas for sending highly secure messages. Here this multi
used in coding for developing the cryptosystem is 2851.
level cryptographic model can be improved by use of
watermarked cover images or making the algorithms even
The encryption process in BlueJ is described alongside in
more randomized.
Figure 7.6. The input message is given as "hi" and the unique
key is set as "5". The picture is selected from beginning and
Even the embedding of the secret message in the cover
the number of slices required here is given as "2".
image can be varied by using different techniques like alpha
component variation, etc.
The enveloped image slices will be the fmal output and is
already shown in Figure 7. 5. At the end of the encryption
The encryption of the messages can be strengthened by
process, the secret key to be remembered is diplayed which
use of DES or even AES. This will make the cipher text to be
the user must know to decrypt.
embedded in the image more secure.
IEEE Sponsored 9th International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control (ISCO)2015


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