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An Open Letter to His Excellency Ban Ki-

Secretary-General of
of the United Nations.
by Burmese Democratic Forces in Japan.
Date 6th August, 2010.

His Excellency Ban Ki-Moon

Secretary-General of the United Nations
United Nations
3 United Nations Plaza
New York, NY 10017

Dear Your Excellency,

We enthusiastically welcome Your Excellency’s words on intensifying efforts toward

nuclear abolishment. We share Your Excellency’s view that the need to work together
toward the day when governments no longer have a choice but to respond to the will of
the people for a nuclear-free world, as Your Excellency have termed in the message to
the Hiroshima Conference for the Total Abolition of Nuclear Weapons by 2020.

As democratic activists living in Japan we had seen first-hand the drastic reality caused
by the nuclear war. Furthermore, we have been working very closely with the Japanese
Unionists and other Japanese people to send the same massages as Your Excellency
had mentioned in the message long before since we learned that Burma’s ruthless
military leaders are in the early stages of building nuclear bombs.

We would like to inform Your Excellency that these generals have banned basic human
rights, but spent tens of millions of dollars building the bases with the reported help of
nuclear experts from Russia and North Korea. The first indications of its nuclear
ambitions came last February when army Major Sai Thein Win defected with a dossier
on the secret sites. The several hundred photographs of the plants which Major Win
brought with him have aroused huge interest among defense chiefs in neighboring
Asian countries and western governments.
The country’s nuclear effort is managed by the Directorate of Defence Services Science
and Technology Research Centre in Pyin U Lwin at the Defence Services Technological
Academy. Evidence has also emerged of a “nuclear battalion” is working at a place
called Thabeikkyin where there are also extensive mining and ore concentrations.
There are suggestions that they are trying to produce yellowcake, a kind of uranium
concentrate powder, for possible use in processing uranium.

Moreover, Burma has obsolete agreements with the Geneva-based International Atomic
Energy Agency but has not signed protocols which would allow detailed inspections of
the factories. The generals have ignored requests to improve the agreements which
mean the country is virtually exempt from inspections. Nevertheless, with the generals’
current freedom from sanctions and relative economic prosperity, it is highly likely that
the junta may be able to outsource the technical know-how and tools to reach its goals
far sooner than expected.

For those reason mentioned above, we the people of Burma living in Japan, like to
appeal Your Excellency to make arrangement to investigate the above mentioned
information and take this issue to the United Nations Security Council immediately.

Please kindly be warned that rogue nation like North Korea has developed the nuclear
capability by the failure on part of UN to make a concerted actions timely. Please do not
allow the generals of Burma to create a new rogue state with nuclear armaments. If
Your Excellency fail to take a timely action, the words you had pronounced in your
message will never materialized.


Burmese people living in Japan.


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