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Unit 2 Vocabula © Fashion and design ceed see page 196 fr defritions ton wear | dleth dating [ook7appearance 8 | comume aut top | sippy rode = 5 sign manufacture ‘limps olnce ts match ‘uentnew/ moder average /everydy Ges catch on become popular or fshianabie Tine up gett into ines aay with get of epinito) vst quickly orfors short time draw up create plans ec) [show (round ake sb ona tour of place dressup putonfony or nual lathes takeoff remove (a pece fclshing) ‘ge over repeator think about again inorder to ane desta compete oro cen ef deed atc pecnm i ba aman apiece cabin sew oaks ‘and down give something valuable to your CTE" | wear out become cid andl unusa | grandeitren usualy when youd peli nea ecoact id van Ee slothes put ont onweorae off othe cathe ne clothes peg best clothes ‘combination _ incombintion wth: combination of met in cote cmp son _ bebet an ean an example oer amp olow abt eagle — anon — | nist brmseaa atinc evista eater fair | eavonsh sos hac havelget anew hifi have hist yourha down make-up | putonapphioerrae of makeup pate floater caps npn syle | 1 ot of sy sfvge oer sae [tendency = al e/show good/bad tat n shin qoodibad taste havea tendency a do 2 tend inst follon/seta wend ease pega TSpSaEC SO ee baa are TT a See $$ ohio —— orcas — ee = = See aad Serr ieee eee agen Seca skeeeat | Sea aaa RL . Sshetiscensmgereier_| muna MAATENSSAT | tarsi my etre | eps oisnaiimananion, | ae | fcr Fa ie [Sy ey ———| te ia iat —[ ees cna Sac Cac | ese dee oaeees tecorncubi ocean ea mote ee a TT 160 Festina eign Unit 26 ‘Topic vocabulary in contrast ‘A. Complete using the correct form of the words in the box. you care about your... 100 much, people might start to think youre vain Ws quitea rice sir. but dont think really = my shoes. My mum always lod Ut ann 8M Wes to Keep Up withthe latest fashions Theancient Romans wore items of .-..quite diferent from today’ fashions. |S wentinto the designe’ office Caught 8 nan» of drawings before she hurriedly put them anay. know long skirts were in last yet, but the fashion to wear them quite short. Fe got to buy some uu.» shoes forthe wedding on Saturday. Ididnt get the coat the end because It Gi enone Me Under the arms “The shirt is so expensive because t's made out of special ssn that has gold init | dont think this jumper.» you because you ve got blue eyes and pale skin ‘The designer... at my designs and told me that they needed more work, Long dreses and high heels s quite 2 9004 nnn FOF YOU B Circle the correct wor. ‘Do you think the average / everyday person interested in fashion? | wish Dad would get new costume / suit to wea for his job interview. Fve got red hai so I never puton / wear red clothes oi ook sly. John got a realy cool blouse /top in town yesterday with Eminem on it India supplies / produces the world with cheap clothes. F'mgoing to get my nals dyed / painted tomorrow. During the design / manufacture ofthe clothes lasers are used to cut the material accurately. Which costume suit do you think! should wear tothe fancy-deess party the cowboy of the vampire? Phrasal verbs © Write one word in each gap. Anti-fashion by Lisa Wilkinson yeu ask ma high time they (aay wth fashion. had enough oft st when think ve fay got rit, pop 2... oes shop to fin that they ve changed al the des! One minut tS colo wear brandnew eipeniv stu, andthe nxt you hav otk lta (3) nanan and Wea ‘thes natok asf heyve Deen Nanded)... you ranma, You cant wn Wave tam (5) sn my fshin magazines and adoped snifeston. san idea thal has GOWN (6) nn of stration and to be hones, lack of money to spend on et another dess hat ony wear once, | started by raving (7)... plan. | deced to tin al my cles (8) —__.toget ty thom al) and giv to charity anytng tat eter din’ or suit me. Ten, 1 wou buy any more new ches und something Wore 10) a LN (9) nnn a ‘again, and knew that | would have tobe ugh wth mys. Aer al, 6 spent a tof maney on some of that stuf. rly, | plucked up the courage fo doe fet aie bit ke beng a cid agin, essing (12) ooonnonnns NOU MUMS clothes, but alo fl a great Sense of recom. ‘That was a year ago and, athough | occasionally see something and thnk, “h, that's gorgeous | havent any dae ay gr ce my ead 3) ova my bean yo oh soe at tase ass, you a Sea waar who ed Fes A ats anon. Ds you i le sac 161 Unit 26 vcabatry Phrases and collocation: D Choose the correct answer. 1) don't... on othesin shops because dot want people to see me in something thoe doesnt sitme puting 8 wing wearing handing 2 Imnotsurea green ski. combination with able top issuch good ide. Won a cin tor 3 Everyone complimented tyne hernew outfit. hon 3 t cin © from 44 thinksome modem designs are more ike. ofart mates B wore C objects D jobs 5 {wish people didrt tendency to fellow eshion without thinking about what suits them pesenaly Ao 8 make get D have 6 Adontthink shits and jeans wiever go ~~. of se do you? A any 8 out Cf D own 7) Make ste yu... yourmake-up witha soft brush ike this one A apply Bcomtnuct C decorate D dress 8 you wearthat shia with the. patel ok ike a chessbordt A pain @ stiped'C shiny checked 9 Youaiaysseem t looksoformal.fenyyou would... yourhar down! foe tet Cpu O et 10 Tholatest rend footwear sto wear very simple tina shoes. not fen cin from 11. Mysisterand share the same ate. thes and we wear ech others thingsllthe an 8 of cor Don 12 Whycantyou.—. Edgars example and weara tet work? nae 8 make C follow > eo 13. Mydadashed me whetherhs athe ere... fashion and sid they were about tient year ago! an Bom = Con D of Word pattems E Write one word in each gap. 1 ttwastia estjobas.amode and she was quite anxious. 2 Biss nnn havehadhis alr done diferent 3 ouldnt help staring =the manin the restaurant wh was wearing a kit 4 Before staring my design refered... some books of past designs to give me inspiration 5 Plenty... ation designers hve been sucesfl in spit of nt having any formal winingin asion. 6 lashed the shop assistant to advise me... my cole of shoe. 7 Many estion jour ctised the atess acm ving at he Oscarsina secondhand dress. 8 The supermodel insisted wan having star on her dressing room door 2 These days most designers use computer nn. voualise th designs before they sake any clothes. 10 Visiting fashion shows an be quite sel nn-—o~ Peng Up new ideas. Fashion and design Unit 26 F Compete using the correct form ofthe verb in brackets. 1 twas very proud 2 Myteacher advised me. parents objections 3 Tobea model. you have tobe prepared ma = (work) very long hours. 4) Mori knew that there wa til plenty n-ne (4) before his frst foshion own (e) my designs up thereon the catwalk eens fashion at university despite my show. 5 managed to chat to Charlie and she advised me against nn annenennn (bocOME) a model 6 Westwood!s designs did seer... (be as interesting as the ones she produced last yar. 7 When | fist started as fashion photographer Wes anXIOUS nwo (please) everyone, 8 Myteacher advised me +» forget) about becoming a fashion model and concentrate on my studies instead Word formation G Use the word given in capitals atthe end ofeach ine to form a word that its in the gap inthe same line. VISIT TO A FASHION SHOW 195 Fall (1) nnn about my first vist toa fashion show.t had ENTHUSE ‘always loved fashion but had only ever seen models in (2) wwewnmenee 0 ADVERTISE ‘TVeFinally.| was going to see real show | got out my most(3).——---—--_-_-FASHION clothes. wanted tolookas 4)... asthe models Idor'tknow if! STYLE ‘was completely (6)... , but Ineverhad much money to pendon SUCCESS clothes and felt(6) which isthe main thing. When we got [ATTRACT ‘there twas fantastic There were so many (7) .-=-n--— women! The show BEAUTY started and imagine my surprise when, completely (8) .mn-u-uounthefist EXPECT ‘made! was wearing clothes just ike | was Everyone SW the 9) n—imme~ SIMILAR and a couple of people asked me who my (10) wastAmazing! STYLE eee eee H. Complete the sentences by changing the form ofthe word in capitals when ths is necessary 1. Thisdesigners dlothes are realy quite (UKE) anything ve ever seen before His clothes are very mom (DESIRE) and they sell for thousands of dollars. 3 Icoulit decide which hat to get, but then again Ive always been quite (ecie) 4 Wlewentona school trp toa clothes factory and saw some ofthe.. (PRODUCE) process 5 limafrald im completely...» (USE) when itcomes to making my own clothes. 6 Idont. 1» (LIKE) this season’ fashion ~ just dont think it suits me personally, that'll. 7. ‘These dresses are... (BEAUTY) made —justfel the quality! 8 mst...» (DECIDE) about whether to go to the fashion show next week or not 163 A. Complete using the correct form of the words in the box. you care about your... 100 much, people might start to think you'te vain, Ws quite a nice skit, but Fdon't think it ally nwrw.nennn My SHOES. 1 2 3. My mum always looks quite nm. and ties to Keep up with the latest fashions. 4 5 Theancient Romans wore IteM$ OF nme Quite different from today’ fashions. Astwentinto the designers office, | caught 3 hurriedly put them away. | know long skirts were in last year, but the ... coon. of her drawings before she 6 = fashion is to wear them quite short 7 fvegotto buy some... shoes for the wedding on Saturday. 8 Ididiit get the coat in the end because it did't waren Me Under the arms. 9 Theshirtis so expensive because i's made out of a special = that has gok 0 1 2 I don't think this jumper .. 1. You because youve got biue eyes and pale skin, The designer... at my designs and told me that they needed more work. Long dresses and high heelsis quite a good for you. 1 appearance 2. matches 3. modem 4 clothing 5 glimpse 6 current 7 new 8 fit 9 cloth 10 sults 11 glanced 12 look B Circle the correct word, 1 Do you think the average / everyday person is interested in fashion? 2. wish Dad would get a new costume / suit to wear for his job interview. 3. We got red hair so | never put on / wear red clothes ori look silly. 4 John gota really cool blouse / top in town yesterday with Eminem oni. 5 India supplies / produces the world with cheap clothes. 6 Imaging to get ry nails dyed / painted tomorrow. 7 During the design / manufacture ofthe clothes lasers are used to cut the material accurately. & Which costume / suit do you think! should wear to the fancy-dress party ~ the cowboy or the vampire? average suit wear top supplies painted ‘manufacture costume evousun= Bf Phrasal verbs (C Write one word in each gap. Anti-fashion by Lisa Wilkinson 11 you ask me, t's high time they (1). -- away with fashion. I've had enough tt. Just when | think ve finally got trig, pop (2. ‘2 Clothes shop to find that they've changed all the us! One minute ‘its ooo to wear brand new expensive stuf, andthe next you have to take al that)... and Wear lathes that look a if aye been handed (4) by your grandma. You cant win! Wel, ve tom (3) snes My fashion magazines and adopted ani-fashion. i's an ide that has grown (6) of fristration and, tobe honest, lack of money fo spend on yet another dess that | only wear ance, | started by crawing (7) 2 plan. | decided to line all my clthes (@) - together, ‘4y them all (9) nonn-n--- aNd Ive t0 Charity anything that ether didnt ft oF su | woulen’t ‘buy any more now clothes unl somthing wore (10). ss Went (19) nn v=. my plan ‘again, and knew that | would have to be tough with mysol Afra 'd spent alt of money an some of that stu, Finally, plucked up the courage to do it fet afte bit ke being a child again, cessing (92) owen YOU Mum's does, but | aso fel a great ses of feedon. Pst roa aon and alt | ocisnaly ee amet ard ink‘, as pega et you er come oo my hous and (3) {you around my bedrcom, you es al naan en, but yous see a woman who fxs fe. An hats a eton DO You tik eaten a) 6 ow 7 up 8 up 7 9 on 1 did 10 out 2 into 11 over 3 off 12 up 4 down 13 show 5 up 14 on Phrases and collocations D Choose the correct answer. 10 n R >pn>noo>woerne | dont like... on clothes in shops because | dor't want people to see me in something that doesrit suit me. ‘A putting B tying C wearing handing lim not sure @ green skirt a. combination with a blue top is such a good idea. A on Bat Cin D for Everyone complimented Kitty... her new outfit, Aon B to Cin D from Ithink some modern designs are more lke 7n E Choose the correct answer. 35 Could youwipe the table with a damp 39 Jeans and T-shirts will never «please? go out of. A clothe C cloth A tend © fashion 8 clothing clothes B image D tendency 36 Ivedecided to....... myhairgreen for 40_Ineed afunny smn forthe the party! fancy-dress party. Any ideas? A dye © sketch A dress C suit B paint D draw B uniform costume 37 That top doesnt... mets just AT Tim forgot to use clothes mane. and all not my style his clean clothes fell off the line into A ft © match the mud! B suit © gowith A pegs C hooks 38 FERRIC ane OF a Bes Doi A job © brand B creation work (1 mark per answer) asc 36A, 378 380 39 400 aA

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