Unmasking Memory Genes

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Memory Genes
Molecules that expose our genes may also revive
our recollections and our ability to learn
By Amir Levine

48 s c i e n t i f i c a m e r i c a n m i n d J u n e /J ul y 2 0 0 8

n Rainbows End, by Vernor Vinge, a 2006 science-fiction novel set in the near
future, modern medicine brings a talented Chinese-American poet, Robert Gu,
back from end-stage Alzheimers disease. Before treatment, Gu is bedridden and
can neither talk nor remember his children. After the therapy, his memory returns,
although he develops a different set of talents. Flowers for Algernon, the 1959 short
story by Daniel Keyes, entertains a related fantasy in which a futuristic treatment trans-
forms Charlie, a mentally retarded man, into a genius.
Though fanciful, both these works echo Rescuing Recollections
r esearch hinting that certain chemical treatments In the past few years several scientific teams
can reinvigorate the ability to learn and remember have revealed that making a memory requires en-
even in the face of brain damage or innate mental zymes called histone acetyltransferases (HATs).
deficits. The studies so far done in mice and sea HATs attach chemical units called acetyl groups
slugs indicate that the key to such cognitive im- to histones, thereby opening up DNA and facili-
provements lies in epigenetics, the study of chang- tating gene expression. These enzymes counter-
es in DNA that do not affect the genetic code. In- act the activities of histone deacetylases, or
stead these chemical changes influence gene ex- HDACs, which remove acetyl groups from his-
pression that is, how actively the gene is used to tones and condense DNA.
make protein. Such alterations, it turns out, can One 2004 study, for example, points to the im-
have a profound impact on long-term memory. A portance of HATs in a mouses ability to remember
drug compound, or even an environmental ma- objects and locations. Neuroscientist Mark May-
nipulation, that acts as a kind of volume knob for ford of the Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla,
gene expression could someday help treat memory Calif., and his colleagues engineered mice with an
disorders and facilitate learning. abnormal gene for a HAT called CREB binding
Gene expression is, after all, critical to mem- protein. The inserted gene produced CREB bind-
ory formation. As a person learns and a memory ing protein devoid of all HAT activity, eliminating
takes shape, ebbs and flows in the activity of neu- its capacity to stick acetyl groups onto histones
rons incite the synthesis of new proteins, which near important memory genes. (They engineered
help to cement or create connections between the defect so that it appeared only in adulthood
nerve cells. In this process, genes are first tran- and did not affect development.)
scribed into RNA, which is then translated into These mice displayed distinct memory defi-
protein [see illustration on next page]. cits they had difficulty recognizing familiar ob-
Gene expression is strictly regulated. In chro- jects and recalling the path to a hidden platform
mosomes inside cells, DNA wraps around pro- in a water maze suggesting that normal memo-
teins called histones that serve as packaging ma-
terial. In places where this packaging is looser,
the underlying genes are accessible to the proteins FAST FACTS
that transcribe them, whereas tightly packaged Molecules of the Mind
DNA cannot be transcribed [see The New Ge-
ag e f o t o s t o c k ( D N A ) ; J u p i t e r i m ag e s ( h a n d )

netics of Mental Illness, by Edmund S. Higgins,

on page 40]. Certain chemical changes to DNA
or histones can loosen or tighten this chromo-
1>> Chemical treatments can reinvigorate learning and
memory in rodents, even in the face of brain damage
or inborn mental deficits.
some structure and thereby enable or thwart the
expression of memory genes.
Recently biologists have found that loosening
part of a chromosome using drugs, or environments
2>> One route to cognitive improvement lies in epigenetics,
the study of changes in DNA that do not affect the ge-
netic code but instead influence gene expression that is, how
that provide more intellectual stimulation, can im- actively the gene is used to make protein.
prove learning and memory in cognitively impaired
animals. If such effects can be extended to humans,
future therapies for memory disorders might work
by altering DNA packaging in specific ways.
3>> Future therapies for memory disorders might work by
altering DNA in ways that facilitate gene expression.

w w w. S c i A m M in d .c o m scientific american mind 49

tute of Technology and the Howard Hughes
Medical Institute and her colleagues genetically
engineered a group of mice to develop an Alz
heimers-like dementia when the scientists gave
During protein syn-
RNA synthesis
them the antibiotic doxycycline: the antibiotic
thesis, a complex of
(transcription) flipped the genetically programmed dementia
(previously fabricat-
ed) proteins (not switch to the on position at the desired time.
RNA While the mice were still cognitively healthy,
shown) reads a seg-
ment of DNA, using it the scientists taught them to associate an electric
to produce RNA, in shock with a particular chamber so that the mice
a process known Protein synthesis froze in fear whenever they were in the chamber.
as transcription. An- (translation) When the researchers administered doxycycline
other set of mole- to some of the mice, however, those rodents suf-
cules cooperates to Protein fered brain damage and memory loss and forgot
translate the RNA their fear, frequently failing to freeze in the cham-
into a protein, made
Amino acids
ber. In contrast, mice that did not get the antibi-
up of linked amino
otic froze as much as they ever had.
acids. Cellular pro-
teins may participate In an attempt to restore the memory in the
in cell growth, cell brain-damaged mice, the investigators injected
structure or transcrip- some of them daily for four weeks with a chemical
Nerve Transcription that inhibits the acetyl-removing HDACs, a pro-
tion of DNA, among growth factors
other functions. factors proteins cess that invigorates HATs and unwraps DNA
from its protein packaging. In 2007 Tsais team
ry requires the capacity to attach a sufficient reported that the epigenetic treatment restored the
number of acetyl groups to histones. And to fear memory in the mice that received it and that
prove that the memory impairment resulted from no such memory reappeared in the mice that had
a lack of HAT activity, the researchers showed been injected with an inert saline solution. Chang-
they could abolish the cognitive deficit by com- ing the packaging of DNA and reinvigorating gene
pensating for the molecular one. Gene-altered expression somehow unmasked this simple fear
mice performed normally on the object memory memory probably, the researchers speculate, by
test after receiving a chemical that inhibits spawning new connections between healthy neu-
HDACs, the enzymes that remove acetyl groups, rons rather than by repairing damaged ones.
and therefore boosts the number of acetyl groups The M.I.T. group also came up with a drug-
bound to histones. free way to restore the obliterated fear memory:
But could such a drug recover memories in changing the rodents environment. Enriching the
other situations? Certain clinical phenomena surroundings giving the mice new toys to play
show that memory loss is not always permanent. with and running wheels that enabled them to ex-
When patients emerge from anesthesia after re- ercise similarly increased the number of acetyl
ceiving electric shock treatment for depression, groups on histones, apparently revving up the ex-
their memory returns in stages. At first they re- pression of memory genes just as the HDAC in-
member nothing; then childhood memories hibitors did. Such a finding may help explain why
emerge, and, within minutes, memory lane takes scholars, who presumably live in an intellectually
patients to the present, indicating that recollec- enriched world, are less susceptible to Alzheimers.
tions can indeed reappear after they might seem A mentally stimulating job may be a form of envi-
to have vanished. ronmental enrichment for humans, alleviating the
Animal experiments now indicate that re- effects of neurodegenerative processes in people
trieving lost memories might even be possible af- by loosening chromosome structure.
ter severe neuronal damage and that epigenetic
mechanisms are central to this recovery. Neuro- Correcting Cognition
scientist Li-Huei Tsai of the Massachusetts Insti- If medicine can revive memory after brain de-
edmund S. Higgins

generation, could it also ameliorate inborn men-

tal deficiencies such as those the fictional charac-
(The Author)
ter Charlie displays in Flowers for Algernon? In
AMIR LEVINE is a psychiatrist and neuroscientist at Columbia University. a study published in 2004, biologist Angel Barco,
He is currently investigating the epigenetics of addiction and memory. then at the College of Physicians and Surgeons at

50 s c i e n t i f i c a m e r i c a n m i n d J u n e /J ul y 2 0 0 8
( A drug that chemically uncoils DNA restored the
forgotten fear of a shock in brain-damaged mice. )
Columbia University, and his colleagues tested
this hypothesis in mice that had a genetic disor-
der resembling Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome,
which in humans leads to mental retardation as In the sea slug
well as skeletal abnormalities such as facial de- Aplysia, an
formities and broad thumbs. enzyme called
Underlying this syndrome is a mutation in the PARP enables
gene for CREB binding protein. A defect in one memory forma-
of a persons two copies of the gene renders its tion by loosening
the structure of
protein nonfunctional; in such cases, cells gener-
ally produce only half the normal amount of pro-
tein. The resulting deficit in CREB binding pro- and learning, the late neurobiologist James H.
tein activity seems to stymie the gene expression Schwartz of Columbia University and his col-
necessary for long-term memories to form, among leagues tempted Aplysia with a seaweed these
its other effects. Similar to what Mayfords group creatures love and that the researchers had devi-
saw in their HAT-deficient adult mice, Barcos ously encased in a cotton mesh, making the sea-
team confirmed that mice born with a defective weed impossible for the slug to eat. The slugs
gene for CREB binding protein (and displaying learned that the seaweed was inedible and
classic Rubinstein-Taybi-like traits) have poor stopped trying to get it, eliciting the formation
long-term memory. In their experiments, the mu- of a long-term memory, which required protein
tant rodents had trouble recollecting having been synthesis. But when the scientists treated some
shocked in a particular environment or after sea slugs with a compound that inhibits the
hearing a tone. They froze less often than normal PARP enzyme shortly before showing them the
mice did when they were exposed to the setting or covered seaweed, the mollusks failed to remem-
sound that had been paired with the shock. ber that the food was inaccessible: the next day
Mice with the CREB binding protein deficit they still attempted to eat it. Thus, PARP seems
displayed no such cognitive problems, however, to be an essential memory enzyme, suggesting
if they received an HDAC inhibitor three hours that chemically enhancing its effects could be yet
before their training sessions with the shock, sug- another avenue for bolstering memory in hu-
gesting that the deficit can be reversed by loosen- mans, who also bear a version of this protein.
ing DNAs protein packaging even if this unrav- Such work, along with the rodent studies, re-
eling occurs belatedly, in adulthood. Such find- veals the tremendous potential of epigenetic al-
ings hint that the remodeling of this DNA terations to mold memories and, in the future, to
wrapping might help improve cognition even in reverse cognitive disorders as diverse as Alz
the face of ingrained developmental deficits, pre- heimers and mental retardation. A better under-
sumably by facilitating the expression of impor- standing of the systems that modify the packag-
tant memory genes. In Rubinstein-Taybi syn- ing of DNA may help us one day make science-
drome, such fixes may directly compensate for fiction stories such as Rainbows End and
the low rates of acetylation that result from the Flowers for Algernon a reality. M
lack of functional CREB binding protein.
Other molecules affecting DNAs wrapping (Further Reading)
chris newbert Minden Pictures

are also involved in memory and learning. The

u Long-Term Memory Requires PolyADP-Ribosylation. Malka Cohen-
sea slug Aplysia, for instance, contains a pair of Armon et al. in Science, Vol. 304, pages 18201822; June 18, 2004.
compounds called polyADP-ribose (PAR) and u Chromatin Acetylation, Memory, and LTP Are Impaired in CBP+/ Mice:
PAR polymerase (PARP), the enzyme that attach- A Model for the Cognitive Deficit in Rubinstein-Taybi Syndrome and Its
es PAR to DNAs protein packaging. This enzyme Amelioration. Juan M. Alarcn et al. in Neuron, Vol. 42, pages 947959;
facilitates transcription by stacking PAR mole- June 24, 2004.
u Recovery of Learning and Memory Is Associated with Chromatin
cules on histones as well as on various proteins Remodelling. Andre Fischer, Farahnaz Sananbenesi, Xinyu Wang,
involved in the reading of the DNA template. Matthew Dobbin and Li-Huei Tsai in Nature, Vol. 447, pages 178182;
To study the role of this enzyme in memory May 10, 2007.

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