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Office of Civil Defense
National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council
Camp General Emilio Aguinaldo
Quezon City

Basic Incident Command System Course Activity Packet

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Basic Incident Command System Training Course
Activity Packet

IMPORTANT: The scenario and other details depicted in this activity packet are
intended for training and exercise purposes only. The data and figures are all fictional.
References to real government agencies, organizations or names of actual persons are
just for illustration purposes. Any resemblance to actual situation of a certain locality is
purely coincidental.

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Name of Incident: Rizal Earthquake

Profile of Rizal:

Rizal is a municipality of approximately 10,000 people in Nibelheim Province, which is

located at the southern portion of Region XX. It serves as the hub for much of the
economic and tourism activities. The downtown area houses Rizals government offices
and commercial businesses. The national highway passes through Rizal and serves as
a key transportation route for moving people and goods through the Province. The
Ridge Primary School and Valley High School serve students from Rizal and nearby
barangays. Rizal General Hospital provides medical services to the community.


Today is 1000H in the morning on September 15, 20XX. About an hour ago, the
southern area of Region XX was struck by what felt like a moderate earthquake.
Damage is being reported in various locations specifically in the municipality of Rizal,
but there is no current accurate assessment of the overall damage.

Police officers on scene report damage to buildings in the downtown district. It appears,
however, that the most severe damage is in the southern and eastern areas of Rizal.
Initial reports received state that the earthquake triggered a landslide in those areas.

Several sources also indicate that there is damage to Ridge School. Police who have
arrived on scene report that some students may be trapped in a partially collapsed
building at the school.

Communication, water and power supplies have been disrupted in the southern and
eastern part of the municipality. There are also reports of landslides in multiple locations
on the national highway, east and west of Rizal, effectively closing the highway and
access in and out of the municipality.

Many residents in the southern and eastern parts of Rizal are digging through the debris
of collapsed houses looking for family members and neighbors. Some government
employees have voiced their availability to respond, but many are preoccupied with the
whereabouts of family members and others who cannot be located.

The Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (MDRRMC) of Rizal
has been convened on short notice and is discussing response needs and options.
Council members realize very quickly that the scale of the damage exceeds their
capacity to respond. However, with the closure of the national highway, they will likely
be on their own for at least three days. The MDRRMC has activated the local
Emergency Operations Center and requested members of the Municipal Incident
Management Team (IMT) to report to the Municipal Hall, which was not damaged and
will serve as the Incident Command Post, in 2 hours. The MDRRMC has also requested
assistance from the Province. The Provincial DRRMC agrees to mobilize assistance,

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but warns that assistance may not arrive for 3 to 5 days. The MDRRMC has named the
event the Rizal Earthquake.

You are the Municipal Incident Management Team and you are requested to respond to
the incident to assume the incident management role. The MDRRM Officer tells you that
one Police Superintendent is currently the Incident Commander, but he is overwhelmed
and would like to transfer command of the incident to you.

The Municipal Mayor gives you the following priorities for your response actions:
1. Save and sustain lives.
2. Assess disaster impacts
3. Ensure infrastructure and utilities are maintained and restored

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1. ICS Form 211 (paper and tarp)

2. Writing Materials

Duration: 20 minutes


1. Based on the given scenario, check-in the on scene resources to the incident by
accomplishing ICS Form 211 (in paper and in tarp).

2. Present the accomplished ICS Form 211 in tarp to the plenary.

Output: Accomplished ICS Form 211 (in paper and in tarp)

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On Scene Resources:

The following resources are already on scene in Rizal, responding to the earthquake:

4 Police Units with 2 officers per vehicle (PO-1, PO-2, PO-3, and PO-4)
1 Police Superintendent (PS-2)
3 Ambulance (AMB-1, AMB-2, and AMB-3)
2 Dump truck with operator (DT-76, and DT-24)
2 Earth Movers (EM-63, and EM-14)
1 Front loader with operator (BH-63)
20 Community volunteer laborers
Construction Supplies
Food Supplies (Rice and Grain to feed 200 families)

Resources Requested:

The Municipal Mayor has also placed an order for the following additional resources
from adjacent municipality, which should arrive in 24 hours:

1 Police unit with 2 officers (PO-5)

1 Fire engine with 4 firefighters (E-1)
1 Fire Superintendent (FS-1)
1 Emergency Medical Task Force (1 doctor, 4 nurses, 5 EMT)
1 Ambulance (AMB-5)
3 Structural engineers
3 Search and Rescue Team (20 persons) (SAR-1, SAR-2, and SAR-3)
3 Construction Foreman
200 Dignity Kits
200 Family Emergency Kits

The Municipal Mayor has also requested the Provincial IMT that should arrive in three

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1. ICS 201 (paper and tarp)

2. Writing materials

Duration: 20 minutes


1. Based on the given scenario, draw the ICS organization in page 3 of ICS 201 (in
paper and in tarp).

2. Identify the list of resources you will need for the first 24 hours in page 4 of ICS
201 (in paper and in tarp).

3. Present the accomplished ICS Form 201 pages 3 and 4 in tarp to the plenary.


1. Accomplished ICS Form 201 page 3 (in paper and in tarp)

2. Accomplished ICS Form 201 page 4 (in paper and in tarp)

Note: Remember that your group is the IMT for the operation. Your actual names
should be indicated in the ICS Organization as the IC, Command Staff and General

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1. ICS 201 (paper and tarp)

2. Writing materials

Duration: 20 minutes


1. Based on the map provided, brainstorm on the location of the facilities needed for
the duration of the incident.

2. Draw the map and the symbols in page 1 of ICS Form 201 (in paper and in tarp).

3. Present the accomplished ICS Form 201 page 1 to the plenary.

Output: Accomplished ICS Form 201 page 1 (in paper and in tarp)

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Map of Rizal Municipality:


Roaring River

= Bridge
= House
= Business Main St.
= Municipal Hall
= Municipal Road
= School Ridge
= Hospital
= Plaza Scale: 500m

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1. ICS 201 (paper and tarp)

2. Writing materials

Duration: 20 minutes


1. Based on the given scenario, enumerate the incident objectives in page 2 of ICS
Form 201 (in paper and in tarp).

2. Complete all the remaining sections and pages of ICS Form 201.

3. Present the objectives enumerated in the accomplished ICS Form 201 page 1 to
the plenary.

Output: Accomplished ICS Form 201 (all pages, in paper and in tarp)

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Summary of Current Actions Taken by the Current IC:

Police Superintendent Coco is currently the IC. Resources have been directed to
respond to the southern and eastern areas of Rizal to conduct emergency response
actions. Responders are working to remove debris and search and rescue injured
persons. Communication and utilities in the affected area are not working. Several
groups of community volunteers have mobilized to assist in the efforts.

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1. ICS 211 (paper and tarp)

2. ICS 215 (paper and tarp)

3. ICS 215A (paper and tarp)

4. Writing materials

Duration: 30 minutes


1. Based on the given scenario update, accomplish ICS Form 211 (all resources
ordered have already arrived).

2. Plan for the needed resources by accomplishing ICS Form 215.

3. Enumerate the hazards and possible mitigating measures using ICS Form 215A.

Outputs: Accomplished ICS Forms 211, 215 and 215A (in paper and in tarp)

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Scenario Update:

It is now 3:00 oclock in the afternoon on September 16. It has been over 24 hours
since the earthquake struck. Numerous aftershocks have occurred in the area and
people in Rizal and Bonifacio Province are uneasy and worried about the ongoing
situation. The weather is fair, winds 17 kmh out of the southwest and temperature 28
degrees C.

Your Incident Management Team is up and running and you have established an
Incident Command Post to oversee and prioritize activities in the area. You continue to
manage emergency response operations at the Ridge School and in the barangays in
the eastern part of Rizal. There are at least 10 fatalities in the barangays and several
missing persons in collapsed buildings near the school. At least 200 families cannot
stay in their homes and they require shelter and basic medical care. Electrical power is
still out and utility crews have been requested to work to reestablish power and
communications. Damage seems to be moderate to severe in the southern and eastern
portions of Rizal. Engineers have assessed the Central Highway bridge over the
Roaring River; it seems to be structurally undamaged. However, the bridge at Main
Street is damaged and out of service.

Resources from Bonifacio Province and Region 18 have been requested to assist, but
some of these resources will not be available for several more days. The PDRRMC has
been impressed with your response management so far, but expects you to produce an
Incident Action Plan to outline your plans for the next days operational period. The IAP
will be briefed to your personnel working in the field at 0600 tomorrow.

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Incident Action Plan (IAP) Formulation


1. ICS Form 202

2. ICS Form 203

3. ICS Form 204

4. ICS Form 205

5. ICS Form 206

6. Blank sheets of paper

7. Writing materials

Duration: 2 hours


1. Based on the given scenario, formulate a written IAP, to include Safety Message.
Utilize the previously filled-up ICS forms.

2. Have the IAP signed by the relevant IMT members and approved by the IC.

3. Submit the IAP to the ICS Cadre for comments and revisions if necessary.

Output: Written IAP (reviewed by the ICS Cadre)

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Operational Period Briefing


1. Written IAP (must be reviewed by the ICS Cadre)

2. Vests written with IMT positions

3. Map of the operations (in flip chart)


1. Designate the members of the IMT that shall play a role in the operational period

2. Conduct an operational period. The audience shall act as the responders for the

Duration: Maximum of 10 minutes per group

Note: Wear the vest according to your designated role then perform the briefing.

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