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Atuao - Elementary & Secondary School

Curitiba _____________________________________, 2016.

Grade/Class: 6th year ______ Teacher:___________________

Bimonthly English Test 1st Bimester - (This Test is worth 10.0)

1. Read the text and answer the questions. (2,0 0,4 each)

Dear Sarah

Hello! How are you? What are you going to do on your weekend?
Saturday is my birthday! Ill be 10 years old. My favorite celebration is going out for a picnic in
the Public Garden. Established in 1879, the Public Garden is one of the most beautiful places in
Boston, United States. Why is it so special?
Its the first public botanical garden in the US. Theres a lot of biodiversity. Therere two
wonderful lakes. Theres a very large and peaceful picnic area.
But the parks main attraction is The Swan Boats. They take passengers for a 15 minute
cruise through the large lake for about 1 dollar. The Swan Boats are open from April through
December, and run daily, except during bad weather.
I hope you can visit this place one day! You will love it!
See you later!

a) How old is Cathy?


b) Where does she go to celebrate her birthday?


c) Where is the Public Garden? How old is it?


d) What is the main attraction of the Garden? How is it work?

e) When Sarah can visit the Public Garden?

2. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb to be. (1.8 0.2 each)
a) I ___AM____ happy today.
b) John and Clair _________ friends for three years.
c) _________ you ready for the test?
d) Cathy _________ in the Public Garden now.
e) Sarah and Cathy _________ in the school in the morning.
f) My mother _________ very funny. We _________ playing games.
g) My parents _________ friendly and nice when I ________ studying hard.
h) The dog _________ barking out loud.

3. Choose the correct answer. (1.4 0.2 each)

He l
a) I __AM__ from Brazil.
( X ) am ( ) is ( ) are

b) He ____ my best friend.

( ) am ( ) is ( ) are

c) Brazil ____ a very big country.

( ) am ( ) is ( ) are

d) Love ____ blind.

( ) am ( ) is ( ) are

e) People ____ strange.

( ) am ( ) is ( ) are

f) Cats ____ funnier than dogs.

( ) am ( ) is ( ) are

g) Lasagna ____ my favorite dish.

( ) am ( ) is ( ) are

h) We ____ from Ukraine.

( ) am ( ) is ( ) are

4. Put the following sentences in the interrogative form. (1.0 0.2 each)
a) You are new here.
__Are you new here?

b) My father is a doctor.

c) You are from Chile.

5. Complete with A or AN. (1.2 0.4 each)
a) That is __A__ good car.
b) Wow! That is _____ very big watermelon!
c c) This is ______ platypus, a very different mammal.
d) It is ______ avocado tree. I love avocados!
e) Whats ______ little yellow dot surfing in the ocean?
f) This resort is ______ good place to spend vacations.
g) What makes you cry when you cut it? _____ onion!
h) ______ elephant is trying to eat peanuts.

6. Read the paragraph and complete the information on the card. (0.7 0.1 each)

Hi! Im Matt Nicholson. Today, September 27th, 2013, is a very special day, because its my
birthday and now Im twelve. I want all my friends to come to my house next Sunday for a nice
garden party. My house is at 644 Union Street, in San Diego, California, in the USA. The zip code is
92101, in case you need it for the GPS. Bye bye!

First name:
Last name:
Residential address:
Zip Code:

7. Write questions according to the answers. (0.8 0.2 each)

a) _Where are you from?
I am from the United Kingdom.
This is a car.
We are at the restaurant.
Im fine, thanks.
e) ________________________________________________________________________________?
Hes twelve.

8. Now, imagine that you you have a new friend. Write a short presentation about yourself and about
your favorite sport, colors and place you like to visit. Do not forget the greetings and farewells.
(minimum: 200 words) (1.1)


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