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Load Capacity Chap. 13 S$ use less than satisfactory vis is especially true with slow. 4 les some of these problems, ‘ed an upward deflection, of unusual ploting scales, rogram. «itis necessary to determine 4 is is relatively straightforward, Inge, as shown by cutve A ia corresponds to this plunge? © 134 Typical oud setement ares ‘A ie typical an sor clayey sla plunge: and curve Tis pial ‘edit, if lay and sandy sols evan sing boa), terpret the latter type of loa 1 produce significantly diff TI Sec. 13.1 Full-Scale Load Tests, 365 results. For example, Fellenius (1980) used nine different methods to analyze the results cof a load test and found that the computed ultimate capacity varied from 362 k 10 470 k. Another method, found in early editions of the AASHTO! specifications, produces an imate capacity of only 100 kt Davisson’s Method (1973) is one of the most popular. It defines the ultimate ‘capacity as that which occurs at a settlement of 0.0128, + 0.1 B/B, + PDAAE) as shown in Figure 13.5, The last erm in this formula is the elastic compression of a pile that has no skin friction, Applied Lead P : Pos 00128, +0188, B = Fountation Diameter 2B, = Reference Width = 1.0{€= 12, = 0.3m = 300 mm 22 Applied Land 8 = Setlement D = Foundation Depth ‘A = Foundation Cross-Section Ares EE = Foundation Modus of Elasticity = 28.00,000 Bin? (200,000 MPa} for Stee 5200 o( fle, fr Concrete {600,000 vin 11,000 MPa for Pie o Fir 6, = V4 lbin? =0.1 Na Figuee 138 Davisson's method of ineroteting pile ond ws dat Davisson's method seems to work best with data from quick ML tests. 1t may produce overly conservative results when applied to data from slow ML tests. ‘Some engineess in the United States prefer to express pile capacities using tons (the 2000 Th variety), whereas others use kips. This book uses only kips to maintain consistency with the remainder of structural and geotechnical engineering practice. " The American Association of Ste Highasy and Transporation Ofte 356 Pile Foundations - Axial Load Capacity Chap. 13 Example 13.1 ‘The load-setlement data shown i the figure were obtained from a full-scale Toad test on 4 400 mm square, 17 m long concrete pile (f,/240 MPa). Use Davisson's method ig ‘compute the ulkimate downvvard load capacity Applied Load (4N) 2500 AT tei ‘ Davisors Crna Solution £ ps = 152000,/% | = 15,2001(1004) = 30.410" RPa 228 PD = oor) 2040. 217,000) 00128, + Gee eee EE (GO BOTH 10) Fen) = 3.7mm + 0.0085 P ‘Plotting this line on the Joad-isplacement curve produces P yy = 1380 KN, = Answer

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