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Originally appeared in:

July 2010, pgs 37-44.

Used with permission.


Dynamic simulation of liquefied

natural gas processes
Heres how to improve the process design and operation of your facility
G. STEPHENSON, Honeywell Process Solutions, London, Ontario, Canada;
and L. WANG, Honeywell Process Solutions, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

multi-tube, spirally-wound, cryo- and the mixed refrigerant.1 Precooling is makeup refrigerants. Finally, the low suc-
genic heat exchanger, the main followed by a mixed refrigerant liquefac- tion temperatures (about 35C) reduce
heat exchanger (MHE) is the tion cycle that provides low-temperature compressor inlet flow volumes.
principal piece of heat-transfer equipment refrigeration. Several advantages can be As illustrated in Fig. 1, the mixed-
in mixed-refrigerant liquefaction cycles for realized with this system.2 It allows more refrigerant liquefaction cycle cools the
producing liquefied natural gas (LNG). LNG production when driver size is high-pressure mixed refrigerant and natu-
An MHE unit operation model called the limited, substantially reduces the size of ral gas feed in a common cryogenic heat
spirally-wound tube-bundle module was the cryogenic exchangers, permits some exchanger, the MHE, against the low-pres-
developed as an integral component of exchangers to be manufactured in steel, sure refrigerant returning to the compres-
the dynamic simulation capabilities for a and reduces the number of high-pressure sor suction. The mixed refrigerant from
process modeling package. The model pre- refrigerant separators. The propane system the compressor discharge is partially lique-
dicts the axial temperature, vapor fraction also provides fixed temperature levels for fied against propane and then separated in
and pressure profiles for each tube stream feed drying as well as recovery of compo- the high-pressure (HP) separator. In this
and shell stream and axial and radial tem- nents from the feed for export or use as instance, the MHE has two spirally-wound
perature profiles for the tube walls, shell
wall and insulation. The spirally-wound
tube bundle module, together with other Propane LNG
compressor storage
key unit operation modules, can be
deployed in dynamic process models, for
many applications, such as evaluating and Feed
optimizing equipment design, control-
lability and operating procedures during LNG
the detailed design phase; training pro-
cess operators before commissioning and
throughout the lifetime of plant opera- Drier
tions; as well as engineering studies for
troubleshooting and debottlenecking with
challenging situations in plant operations.

Mixed-refrigerant natural gas

liquefaction. LNG production pro- Fuel
cesses involve removing acid gases, helium,
water, dust and heavy hydrocarbons, as
well as cooling the condensation and
natural gas to approximately (~ 162C) MR compressors
through one of several commonly used
liquefaction cycles. HP separator
In the propane pre-cooled, mixed-
refrigerant cycle, a classical propane liq- FIG. 1 Propane precooled, mixed-refrigerant liquefaction process.1
uefaction cycle precools both the feed


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Dehydration N2 removal and FG

Liqueed natural fuel gas compressor
gas plant AG

Acid gas
Liquefaction LNG




Refrigerant preparation

FIG. 2 Process flow diagram (flowsheet) for a dynamic simulation of an LNG plant.3

tube bundles. The liquid from the HP sepa- scrub column is re-introduced into the are kept constant for all layers. For the
rator passes through the first (warm) bundle main heat exchanger at the bottom of the large exchangers used in LNG plants, the
of the MHE, where it is sub-cooled. It is middle bundle where it is cooled further. tube diameter ranges from 38 in to 34 in
then flashed into the shell at the warm bun- Also, the natural gas pressure is reduced and the tubes are applied to the mandrel
dle top, joining with the refrigerant from through a Joule-Thomson valve before final with a winding angle of approximately
the top (cold) bundle to provide refrigera- cooling against the low-pressure refriger- 10. The tubes are connected to tubesheets
tion. Vapor from the HP separator passes ant in the top bundle. Product purity is at each end of the heat exchanger and each
through both bundles where it is partially adjusted using liquefied petroleum gas, layer contains tubes from all the differ-
condensed. It is then flashed into the shell which is cooled and at least partially con- ent streams so the shell-side duty is uni-
to provide refrigeration for the top bundle. densed in the bottom and middle bundles form. The heat exchanger operates in
As the mixed refrigerant progresses down prior to being mixed with the natural gas total counter-flow, with evaporating fluid
the shell toward the compressor suction, at the bottom of the top bundle as it enters flowing downwards on the shell side and
the liquid becomes heavier in composition the bottom bundle of the MHE. high-pressure, condensing fluid flowing
and boils at higher temperatures, provid- upwards on the tube side.
ing evaporative cooling at a continuum of Main heat exchanger. A multi-tube, For the multi-bundle exchangers used
temperatures. The last amount of liquid is spirally-wound heat exchanger is made in natural gas liquefaction processes, the
vaporized in the bottom bundle and the up of tubes that are spirally wound on a bundles are housed within a single shell.
resulting mixed refrigerant vapor is super- mandrel, as thread or cable is wound on a Additionally, there is a reservoir for each
heated before reaching the compressor. spool.4 As shown in Fig. 3, a layer of tubes bundle within the mandrel to collect and
Alternatively, the MHE can have three is wound (left to right) on the mandrel and redistribute the liquid phase of the refriger-
tube bundles rather than the two bundle spacers (bars, wire, etc.) are attached to ant over the annular rings within the shell
configurations, as illustrated in Fig. 2, that them. This is followed by a second layer of the tube bundle.
shows a high-level flowsheet for dynamic of tubes wound in the opposite direction
simulation of an LNG plant. With the (right to left) and then a third layer (left Modeling the main heat
three-bundle configuration, the bottom to right again), each layer complete with exchanger. It is evident from the process
bundle serves as the condensing heat its own set of spacers. This procedure is description that the basic unit operation
exchanger for the fractionation (scrub) repeated until the required number of tubes required to model the MHE is a spirally-
column, rather than using the precool- has been wound onto the mandrel. wound shell-and-tube heat-exchanger bun-
ers for this purpose. Vapor (almost pure The longitudinal distance between the dle having multiple tube streams and a sin-
natural gas) from the reflux drum of the tubes in a layer and the tube inclination gle shell stream. Although numerous papers


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have been published and/or presented at spirally-wound heat exchanger, employing the shell stream, and an axially and radi-
conferences that discuss modeling of LNG rigorous physical property calculations and ally distributed model for the heat flow
processes on a qualitative basis, there are few thermodynamic flashes, was developed as a through the tube walls and the shell wall
publications that discuss these modeling dynamic unit operation of a process model- and insulation. To predict phase change in
processes, in particular modeling the main ing package. This unit operation, called the the tube streams and the shell stream, the
heat exchanger, on a quantitative basis. spirally-wound tube-bundle module, when model for the material flows incorporates an
A simplified model of a spirally-wound used in a flowsheet with the standard unit isobaric-isenthalpic (PH) flash at each grid
tube bundle will not predict the expected operations of process modeling, reflects point. The solution of a spatially distrib-
dynamic process behavior over the range of the behavior of natural gas liquefaction uted model incorporating flash calculations
operation for which dynamic simulation is processes with the fidelity, reliability and for a multiple-tube stream countercurrent
required. For example, a simplified model robustness necessary to yield meaningful flow configuration is very challenging from
will not accurately predict startup dynam- results over the range of process operations a computational perspective stability,
ics, when, during initial startup, volumetric typical of dynamic simulation studies and robustness and speed. Solution stability is
capacitance influences the refrigerant charg- simulation-based training of process opera- addressed by employing the equations-ori-
ing procedures and compressor suction tors. The spirally-wound tube-bundle mod- ented solution architecture that solves all the
conditions are influenced by the refrigerant ule predicts: modeling equations for the unit operation
supply as a function of the exchanger duty. Exit flow, temperature, pressure, simultaneously. Solution robustness and
Simplified modeling of heat exchangers also vapor fraction and composition for each of calculation speed are addressed by replacing
produces irrational temperature profiles the outlet streams the highly nonlinear PH flash equations by
with crossovers at segment boundaries and Phase change within each of the tube first-order Taylor series expansions whose
between individual shell-and-tube streams. streams and the shell stream coefficients are updated by exception as the
Consequently, a first-principles math- Tube and shell wall temperatures solution moves through the operating space
ematical model for a tube bundle of a Intermediate temperatures along the and by employing a multilayer grid for the
heat exchanger process streams, calculating some quantities
Thermal profiles in the shell wall and on a course grid and projecting values for
insulation. these quantities onto the finer solution grid.
Fig. 4 shows the standard views of the The model formulation and solution
spirally-wound tube-bundle module of the methodology employed in the spirally-
process modeling package, illustrating a wound tube-bundle unit operation is
great detail of what is captured in the model. proven technology, having been successfully
In large-scale, real-time and faster-than- deployed in dynamic simulation models of
real-time dynamic simulations typical of more than 10 LNG plants.3
dynamic studies and simulation-based
operator training, fidelity and calculation The power of dynamic simulation.
speed are always competing objectives. The key value of dynamic simulation is
Simplifying assumptions, such as using a the improved process understanding it
representative tube winding for each tube provides.6 After all, plant operations are
stream and lumping the shell-side annular by nature dynamic. Realistic dynamic
rings into a single shell stream, were made models can be used to enhance the design
when formulating the mathematical model of the control system, improve basic
so as to balance these objectives. plant operation, and train both opera-
The model formulation incorporates tors and engineers.
FIG. 3 Spirally-wound heat exchanger an axially distributed model for the mate-
with four streams.5
rial flows in the multiple tube streams and Plant life cycleearly stages. In
the design phase, dynamic simulation mod-
els can help identify operability and control
issues and influence the design accordingly.
They serve as valuable tools for designing,
testing and tuning control strategies prior
to startup. They can also be used for recon-
ciling trade-offs between optimized steady-
state design (targeted at minimizing capital
expenditures and operating utility costs)
and dynamic operability. In addition, such
models often assist in the development
of operating procedures. However, using
dynamic models for training plant opera-
tors before commissioning is, by far, the
most well-known application of dynamic
simulation.7 With a good understanding
of the production process and knowledge
FIG. 4 Standard views of the spirally-wound tube-bundle module of the process modeling
package. of the control procedures applicable to nor-


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mal and abnormal operations, well-trained trol system configuration was not available and after initial startup, troubleshooting
operators ensure productive plant opera- at this early stage of the project. Eighteen operating problems and validating pro-
tions from day one. simulations were performed to predict and posed changes to plant operations before
analyze the response of the process and the implementation. Addition of the spirally-
Throughout the lifetime of a control system to upsets imposed in the pro- wound tube bundle module to the pro-
plant. Once a plant is in operation, it pane and mixed-refrigerant compressor sys- cess modeling package enables this value
can benefit from dynamic simulation tems, including tripping anti-surge valves, to be realized for mixed refrigerant LNG
models for improved operation on a daily tripping the gas turbine and loss of cooling facilities. This is proven dynamic simula-
basis. The dynamic models allow process to condensers. As is typical of such studies, tion technology, having been deployed in
engineers and plant operators to perform model validation included a complete (vir- numerous dynamic simulation studies and
what-if studies; test out the impact of tual) startup of the liquefaction and refrig- operator training systems. HP
potential changes in feed stocks, operating eration systems, optimizing the sequence
conditions, control strategies or operat- of operations and establishing reasonable
ing schemes and troubleshoot difficulties guidelines for initial refrigerant charging. 1 Edwards, T. J., C. F. Harris, Y. N. Liu and C.
encountered during plant operation. It During detailed design, the objective of L. Newton, Analysis of Process Efficiency for
reduces the risk of disruption and, hence, the DSS was to confirm operational readi- Baseload LNG Production, Cryogenic Processes
improves the efficiency and reliability of ness of all actual plant assets prior to con- and Equipment, Fifth Intersociety Cryogenics
process operation. struction and commissioning. The dynamic Symposium, ASME, New Orleans, 1984.
2 Lom, W. L., Liquefied Natural Gas, Applied
In parallel, the dynamic models used in model was updated with the configuration Science Publications, 1979.
precommissioning operator training can be data for the selected equipment; its scope 3 Henderson, P., H. Schindler and A. Pekediz,
updated to as-built and used for continuous was extended to include the nitrogen rejec- Dynamic Simulation Studies Help Ensure Safety
training.8 Analysis has shown that approxi- tion compressor and the LNG and mixed by Conforming Operational Readiness of LNG
refrigerant turbines; and the simplified Plant Assets, AIChE Spring Conference, New
mately 90% of plant incidents are prevent- Orleans, 2004.
able and that the majority of incidentsby control implementation was replaced with 4 Crawford, D. B. and G. P. Eschenbrenner, Heat
some estimates the vast majorityresult the actual control system, emergency shut- Transfer Equipment for LNG Projects, Chemical
from the actions or inactions of people. down logic, gas turbine startup sequences Engineering Progress, Vol. 68(9), p. 62, 1972.
5 Fredheim, A. and P. Fuchs, Thermal Design of
Because people will always play an integral and compressor anti-surge control. Evalu-
LNG Heat Exchangers, Proceedings for the
role in plant operations, continuous train- ation of the automation system was critical European Applied Research Conference on
ing of plant personnel is crucial to achieving to Ras Laffan because its configuration was Natural Gas, Trondheim, Norway, p. 567, 1990.
safe, reliable and efficient operation. new and unique. The simulations performed 6 Svrcek, W. Y., D. P. Mahoney and B. R. Yong, A
Dynamic simulation has the power to during the initial phase of the DSS were Real-Time Approach to Process Control, John
repeated and supplemented by six additional Wiley and Sons, Ltd., Chichester, England,
create significant value throughout the life 2000.
cycle of a project, from initial investigation simulations using the updated and extended 7 Tang, A. K. C. and G. Stephenson, LNG
of the processing concepts right through dynamic model. Plant Operator Training, Petroleum Technology
to plant operation. Although this value Generally, the DSS showed that the Quarterly, Autumn, 1997.
8 Stephenson, G., P. Henderson and
is described here in broad terms without control strategies were sufficient to protect
H. Schindler, Profit More from Process
specific reference to LNG projects, it can the equipment and personnel during upset Simulation, Chemical Processing, August, 2009.
certainly be realized in LNG projects, as situations and that the new and unique
shown by the following case study. automation system was effective. A sig-
nificant finding from an operability per-
Grant Stephenson is an engi-
Case studyRas Laffan LNG spective was sensitivity of the compressors neering fellow of Honeywell Automa-
Train 3. A precommissioning dynamic to overload during upset conditions with tion Control Solutions. In his current
simulation study (DSS) was undertaken for high flow rates. However, possibly the role, Mr. Stephenson serves as the
Train 3 of the Ras Laffan LNG facility to greatest single result of the DSS was the global simulation architect for Hon-
confidence it provided in readiness for safe eywell Process Solutions. Based in London, Ontario,
confirm operational readiness of key plant Canada, he has worked in the field of process simula-
assets.3 The dynamic model encompassed operation through realistic simulation of tion for more than 35 years and has held positions with
the liquefaction process (feed dryers, feed the many operating scenarios investigated. DuPont, Atomic Energy of Canada, the University of
pre-coolers, scrub column and main cryo- Following the conclusion of the DSS, the Western Ontarios Systems Analysis Control and Design
focus of the dynamic model shifted from Activity (SACDA), and Honeywell. Mr. Stephenson is the
genic heat exchanger) and the refrigeration originator of the Shadow Plant dynamic simulator and
process (closed-loop mixed-refrigerant and engineering to operation. Operating pro- is a pioneer of the hybrid solution architecture and its
propane compression system). cedures were prepared and then validated application to large-scale dynamic simulation. He has an
The DSS was conducted during the against the dynamic model, and process MS degree in applied mathematics.
front-end engineering design (FEED) and operators were trained on process funda-
detailed design stages of the project. Dur- mentals and process operation during nor-
mal operation and abnormal situations. Laurie Wang is a senior prod-
ing FEED, the objective of the DSS was uct manager with Honeywell and is
to confirm whether the project specifica- responsible for the UniSim Design
tions and plant design basis were suitable Conclusion. Dynamic simulation has the Suite products. She is a registered
for equipment selection, and whether the power to create significant value through- professional engineer with a PhD
out the life cycle of an LNG project, testing from the University of Ottawa. She has hands-on expe-
control strategies met operability and asset-
rience with process simulation and specializes in chemi-
protection requirements. During this study and refining the design, virtually commis- cal engineering thermodynamics. Ms. Wang has also
phase, a simplified control implementation sioning the control system prior to startup, worked at the National Research Council of Canada as
was necessarily employed because the con- training operations personnel both before a research scientist.

Article copyright 2010 by Gulf Publishing Company. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A.
Not to be distributed in electronic or printed form, or posted on a website, without express written permission of copyright holder.

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