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SSC CGL 2016 GK Important Question

(Q.1) Which among the following is the oldest dynasty?

a. Gupta
b. Maurya
c. Kushan
d. Kanva

(Q.2) 12th March 1930 is known in Indian History for:

a. Dandi March by Mahatma Gandhi

b. First Round Table Conference
c. Gandhi-Irwin Pact
d. Jallianwala Bagh Massacre

(Q.3) At the time of enactment of Indian Constitution, which one of the following ideals
was NOT included in the preamble?

a. sovereign
b. democratic
c. socialist
d. republic

(Q.4) Mixed Economy means:

a. Where agriculture and industry are given equal importance

b. Where globalization is transferred with heavy dose of Swadeshi in national economy
c. Where the Centre and States are equal partners in economic planning and development
d. Where public sector exists along with the private sector in national economy

(Q.5) What does abbreviation SDR stand for?

a. Special Drawing Rights

b. State Drawing Rights
c. Secured Delivery Rights
d. Special Delivery Rights
(Q.6) A nautical mile is equal to:

a. 5776 feet
b. 6076 feet
c. 6376 feet
d. 6676 feet

(Q.7) Which among the following is the longest river of the world?

a. Amazon
b. Mississippi
c. Nile
d. Ganges

(Q.8) The phenomenon of ejection of electrons from the surface of metals, when light of
suitable wavelength falls on it, is known as:

a. Vulcanisation
b. Ionisation
c. Electrolysis
d. Photo Electric Effect

(Q.9) Copying a computer program/software without permission of its author is called:

a. Software Piracy
b. Software Robbery
c. Software Fraud
d. Software Breach

(Q.10) Which among the following elements/ions is essential in small quantities for
development of healthy teeth but causes mottling of teeth if consumed in higher

a. Chloride
b. Fluoride
c. Iron
d. Potassium

ANS. KEY ( B, A, C, D, A, B, C, D, A, B )

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