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The English Dancing Matter : Plaine and eafie Rules for the Dancing of Country Dances, with the Tune to cach Dance, LONDON, Printed by Thomas Harper, and are to be fold by Jobn Playford, at his Shop in the Inner ‘Temple neere the Church doore, 165 1, To the Ingenious Reader. gq HE Artof Dancing called by the Ancient Greeks Orcheftice, and Orchestt, is a commendable and rare Quality fit for yong Gentlemen, if opportuncly and civilly ufed. And Plato, that Famous Philofopher thonghtit meet, that yong Ingenious Children be taught to dance, Ie isa quality that has been former- ly honoured in che Courts of Princes, when performed by the moft Noble Heroes of theTimes! The Gentlemen of the Innes of Court, whofe fweet and ayry Adtivity has crowned their Grand Solemnities with Admizationto all ‘Speétators. This a rhasbeen Anciently handled by Athenens, Julia Pollux, Celins Rhodiginws, and others, and Jauch commend it to be Excellent for Recreation, after more ferious Studies, making the bedy aétive and ftrong, gracefull in deportment, and a quality very much befeeming a Gentlemat ‘Yer all this thou not have been an Incitement to me for Publication of this Worke (know- ing chefe Times and te Nature of it do not agree,)But that there was a falfe and farrepricious Copy at the Printing Preffe which ifichad been publifhed, would have been a dilparage- ment to the quality and the Profeffors thereof , an ahinderance to the Learner : Therefore for prevention of all which, having an Excellent Copy by me , and the alfitance of a know- ing Friend ; I have ventured to put. forth this enfuing W orke to the view, and gentle cenfure ofall ingenious Gentlemen lovers of this Quallity ; not doubting but their goodnes wil! pardon what may be amiffe, and accept of the honeft Intention of him that isa faithful honourcr of your Virtues, and Tour fervant to command, FP. SESSSSSSSSS OSS SS OSS SSS SSS A T ance of the Dances contained in this Booke, A, c. ‘Dfons Saraband, fol, 28, | Confeffe bis Tane, Aten de France, 43. Chirrng ofthe Lake Argeers, 58.| Caftabella, eAlll in a Garden greene, 7%. | Chirping of the Nightingale, Aye me, or the Siviphory. 73. Chervily and Merrily, An old man i abed, ful of Bones, 76.| Country Coll, Cuckolds all a row, B. Chefinut, or Doves Figary. Blem Cap. 2. Bost-man. 4 D. Beggar Boy. 5. |Daphae, Bobbing Joc. 7. | Drive the Cold winter away. Bath, 57, |Diffemtling Lave. Broome. 74. |Dargafon, ar Sedany.

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