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S A M Z O D H A N A J o u r n a l o f Ma n a g e me n t

Re s e a r c h
I S S N 2347-
2347- 4270
Vo l 3 I s s u e 1, O c t o b e r 2014


Dr. B. Devamaindhan
Assistant Professor, Department of Management Studies (IDE), University of Madras, Chennai
A Good Relationship is necessary for the smooth running of any business. The term Industrial
Relations means the relationship between employers and employees, A good communication
between an employer and its employees is imperative for building a positive work place culture.
In order to improve the work performance, an employee must receive feedback, both positive
and critical. Gratitude and Appreciation is very important. Discipline that benefits the company
and the employees, Employers will treat their employees with respect and vice versa if they all
want to succeed and achieve goals. Spending a time with the employees, listening to employees
is important. The negative effects of employer employee relation, an employer who fails to
understand issues concerning his employees might not achieve long-term success in his
enterprise. Some business fears in giving their employees to much buying in power. The negative
effects show up in three ways in particular.
Objectives of the study
 To find out the employer employee strategies.
 To find out for what purpose problems creating between employer-employee.
Scope and significance of study
The study also aims at analyzing the good records of the business on employee performance,
evaluations, firings, discipline and other employee and employer matter. Moreover, this study
as a feed back to the management, enabling to take appropriate action to stand a good
relationship among its employees the study also aims at satisfaction amongst its employees.
The study has a scope for further research.
Research Methodology
The type of research carried out for this project is descriptive in nature. Primary data are those,
which are collected afresh and for the first time, and thus happen to be pertaining to the

w w w .e e c m b a j o u r n a l .i n
S A M Z O D H A N A J o u r n a l o f Ma n a g e me n t
Re s e a r c h
I S S N 2347-
2347- 4270
Vo l 3 I s s u e 1, O c t o b e r 2014

current research process. Data were collected from well planned questionnaire. Thus this
project rests on primary data only. Secondary Data source of information includes the
collection of data to form review of literature, introduction, and company profile. It was carried
out by way of referred journals, Books, Websites. The sampling design involves questionnaire to
collect data from the samples. A questionnaire is a prescribed set of questions in a sequenced
manner set by the researcher in order to extract the view point of the respondents to the
subject/ problem under study. The questions may be either open-ended or close-ended
depending upon the nature of research and subjectivity of the problem statement. The
questionnaire used in the research consists of close-ended questions to extract the view points
of the respondents. The type of questionnaire is a structured one.
Review of Literature
An employee is a person who works in the service of another person under an express or
implied contract of hire, under which the employer has the right to control the details of work
performance. (Black's Law Dictionary) B.Holmes&Rahe, (2007) defined An employer means
legal entity that controls and directs a servant or worker under an express or implied contract
of employment and pays (or is obligated to pay) him or her salary or wages in compensation
Employers face many challenges within the workplace but federal laws and regulatory agencies
exist to ensure that employers are correctly operating under the current laws and guidelines to
protect employees from unfair or discriminatory actions. (Jennifer Schneider,2010)
When an employee has made a mistake, the employer should act immediately. The faster
dealing with a problem the faster it stops. (Jennifer Schneider, 2010) Employee participation is
very important for the purpose by changing employees attitudes and improving the work
Results and discussion
Table: 1
Respondents views towards important traits of their job.

w w w .e e c m b a j o u r n a l .i n
S A M Z O D H A N A J o u r n a l o f Ma n a g e me n t
Re s e a r c h
I S S N 2347-
2347- 4270
Vo l 3 I s s u e 1, O c t o b e r 2014

S.No Rank 1 2 3 4 Total Overall

Weights Ranks
Weights 4 3 2 1
1 Job Knowledge 35 25 10 20 2.83 I
2 Communication 35 17 18 20 2.74 II
3 Employee 5 25 41 19 2.17 III
4 Technical 10 15 35 30 2.1 IV
Respondents consider job knowledge is the important trait (2.83), and then is the
communication (2.74), then the employee flexibility (2.17) and finally the technical knowledge
Table: 2
Views of respondents about for what purpose problems are creating between employer-
S. No No of respondents 5 4 3 2 1 Total Mean
Score Score
Scale of Response SA A N DA SDA
1 employment-at-will 10 35 15 25 5 290 3.22
(end the employment
relationship at any
2 Labor Laws in non- 15 28 17 20 10 288 3.2
union workplace
3 Wage and hour 12 28 30 15 5 297 3.3
4 Hiring, Retention, 20 35 15 10 10 315 3.5
Firing, & References
5 Discrimination and 20 25 10 15 20 280 3.1
harassment laws
6 Safety requirements 35 10 15 17 13 307 3.41
7 Privacy Issues 20 14 9 35 12 265 2.94
8 Family & Medical 22 15 25 10 38 303 3.36
leave Act

w w w .e e c m b a j o u r n a l .i n
S A M Z O D H A N A J o u r n a l o f Ma n a g e me n t
Re s e a r c h
I S S N 2347-
2347- 4270
Vo l 3 I s s u e 1, O c t o b e r 2014

The above table shows that the respondents strongly agree that sometimes (3.41) there is less
safety requirements create the problems between employee employer and (2.94) privacy
issues are minimum problems between employer and employee.
Table: 3
Respondents views towards what are the acts followed by the management to reduce the
problems between the employer and employees
S. No Rank 1 2 3 4 Total Overall
Weights Ranks
Weights 4 3 2 1
1 Problems solving on a team 30 25 22 13 2.8 III
2 Meeting for analyze the 35 28 17 10 2.97 II
3 Individual counselling 41 22 16 11 3.03 I
important for understood
employees employer situation
4 Mediation 32 22 18 18 2.75 IV
Respondents rank individual counselling important for understand the employees-employer
situation as the most effective methods to reduce the problems followed by problems solving
in a team, meeting, mediation.
Table: 4
To test whether there is Mutual understanding between employer-employee
Observed Frequency:
Mutual SA A N DA SDA Total
Sometimes 5 7 8 18 6 44
Never 6 9 4 7 2 28
Always 2 7 3 4 2 18
Total 13 23 15 29 10 90
Expected Frequency:
Expected Expected Expected Expected Expected

w w w .e e c m b a j o u r n a l .i n
S A M Z O D H A N A J o u r n a l o f Ma n a g e me n t
Re s e a r c h
I S S N 2347-
2347- 4270
Vo l 3 I s s u e 1, O c t o b e r 2014

6.35 11.24 7.33 14.17 4.88

4.04 7.15 4.6 9.02 3.11
2.6 4.6 3 5.8 2
Since the value of chi-square if greater than the table value we accept the alternate hypothesis.
Hence there is significant evidence of mutual understanding between employer-employee.
Table: 5
To test whether there is any significant relation between the position in the company and the
traits of the job
Observed Frequency
Job Communication Employee Technical
Knowledge Flexibility Knowledge
5 6 5 2 18
Management 10 5 2 4 21
Management 6 9 2 2 19
Freshers 11 12 4 5 32
Total 32 32 13 13 90
Expected Frequency:
Job Knowledge Communication Employee Technical
Expected Flexibility Knowledge
6.4 6.4 2.6 2.6
7.46 7.46 3.03 3.03
6.75 6.75 2.74 2.74
11.37 11.37 4.62 4.62
Since the value of chi-square if greater than the table value we accept the alternate hypothesis.
Hence there is significant evidence of association between position in the company and traits of
the job.
Suggestions and conclusion
Management must take steps to further enhance the relationship with superiors and
employees by holding regular meetings to discuss problems arising out of work and must seek

w w w .e e c m b a j o u r n a l .i n
S A M Z O D H A N A J o u r n a l o f Ma n a g e me n t
Re s e a r c h
I S S N 2347-
2347- 4270
Vo l 3 I s s u e 1, O c t o b e r 2014

suggestion to find solution for the same. Management must conduct program such as personal
counseling, seminar, lectures and professional counseling to shortcut their employees
problems in a easy way. Management must improve the quality of work environment by
providing good equipments in check in counter and also good seating arrangements for the
staff and recruit adequate employees to prevent shortage of staff which is the main cause for
over time of employees. Good cooperation between employers and employees is essential. If
such cooperation does not exist in an organization, it will not be able to realize its goals and
expected targets. It is always important to improve and strengthen the sound relationship
between employers and employees. Such as motivating employees in such a manner, improve
or encourage two-way communication, and encouraging in teamwork also important factors to
maintain a strong relationship between employer and employee. And employers should treat
employees like by assigning they work according to their strengths and supplying them with
food and wages and by sharing with them extraordinary delicacies.
Research has also shown that employee participation is very important for the purpose by
changing employees attitudes and improving the work environment, and also employers
employees need to have some system for communicating their views and requirements.
Commitment within the workplace typically results from the interaction and the relationship
that an employee has with an organization providing assurances to employees, encouraging
employees to have a voice, and compensation policies are a few of the strategies that
organizations must incorporate into a commitment-based approach.
What is clear from all the evidence examined is that employees would like to see:
 A sound relationship should maintain between the employer and employee.
 Incentives to train staff reduced outlay and high returns.
 Improving motivation among employees.
 Good working environment and Good working condition.
 Mutual understanding is very important between employer and employee.

w w w .e e c m b a j o u r n a l .i n
S A M Z O D H A N A J o u r n a l o f Ma n a g e me n t
Re s e a r c h
I S S N 2347-
2347- 4270
Vo l 3 I s s u e 1, O c t o b e r 2014

 And problems should be sort by conducting counseling. Meeting and communicating

through team.
1. B.Holmes&Rahe, (2007) from control to commitment in the workplace. Harvard
Business Review, 63(2): 77-84.
2. Jennifer Schneider, 2010 The relationship between employer and employee Human
Resource Development

w w w .e e c m b a j o u r n a l .i n

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