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AP322_ Configuration Rationale and

FICO_Special_ Purpose_ Ledger

Template Version: 1.1

Document Details

Status / Version Draft

Reference Code EERP


If you are reading a copy of this document (i.e. print out of controlled electronic document or an electronic
copy of a wet ink signed paper document) you may be reading an uncontrolled version. Before making
updates, please ensure that you are using the latest version.

Document Approval / Review

Criteria Name Role Date

Author Yasaswini Poola Business Analyst 22/02/2011





Version Control (for Draft versions, Approved versions via LDMS)

Version Date Description of Changes Author

0.1 22/02/2011 Initial Draft

Further updates to clarify use of SPL for EERP countries and

0.2 24/02/2011 Liz Dickinson
to include new bespoke table with correct naming convention

0.3 27/02/2011 Incorporation of Solution Architect Review Points

0.4 02/03/2011 Incorporation of Solution Architect Review Points

0.5 03/03/2011 Incorporation of Solution Architect Review Points

0.6 07/03/2011 Incorporation of Solution Architect Review Points

0.7 08/03/2011 Incorporation of Solution Architect Review Points

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0.8 11/03/2011 Incorporation of Solution Architect Review Points

Referenced Documents

Name Location

PL310_5.6.1_Special_Purpose_ledger LDMS

Page 2 of 17
Table of Contents

1. Purpose of this Document 4

1.1Scope and Applicability 5
Master Data................................................................................................................................... 5
1.2 Detailed Functional Requirements 6
1.3 Key Assumptions 6
1.4 Key Dependencies 7
1.5 Definitions 7
2. L7: Define Table Group7
2.1 Configuration rationale 7
2.2 Configuration Item- Common 8
2.2.1 Customizing Task.............................................................................................................. 8
2.2.2 Configuration item............................................................................................................ 8
2.3 Configuration Item Localisations 9
3. L7: Define Ledger 9
3.1 Configuration Rationale 9
3.2 Configuration Items Common 9
3.2.1 Customizing Task.................................................................................................................. 9
3.2.2 Configuration items........................................................................................................... 9
3.3 Configuration Item - Country Localisation11
4. Revision History 12
5. Appendix 13
APPENDIX A Sweden SCORE Organisation Units 13
1. Purpose of this Document 3
1.1 Scope and Applicability 4
Master Data................................................................................................................................... 4
1.2 Detailed Functional Requirements 5
1.3 Key Assumptions 5
1.4 Key Dependencies 5
1.5 Definitions 6
Addition of Plant & SCORE Local Organisation Unit fields............................................................7
2.2.2 Configuration item................................................................................................................. 7
3. L7: Define Ledger 8
3.1 Configuration Rationale 8
3.2 Configuration Items Common 8
3.2.1 Customizing Task.................................................................................................................. 8
3.2.2 Configuration items........................................................................................................... 8
3.3 Configuration Item - Country Localisation10
4. Revision History 11
5. Appendix 12
APPENDIX A Sweden SCORE Organisation Units 12
1. Purpose of this Document 3
1.1 Scope and Applicability 4
1.2 Detailed Functional Requirements 4
1.3 Key Assumptions 4
1.4 Key Dependencies 4
1.5 Definitions 5
2. L7: Define Table Groups 5
2.1 Configuration Rationale 5
2.2 Configuration Items Common 5
2.2.1 Customising Task.............................................................................................................. 5
2.2.2 Configuration Items.......................................................................................................... 6

Page 3 of 17
2.3 Configuration Items Country Localisations 6
3. L6: Define Ledgers Error! Bookmark not defined.
3.1 Configuration Rationale 7
3.2 Configuration Items Common 7
3.2.1 Customising Task.............................................................................................................. 7
3.2.2 Configuration Items.......................................................................................................... 7
3.3 Configuration Items Country Localisations 8
4. Revision History 9
5. Appendix 9


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1. Purpose of this Document
The AstraZeneca European ERP (EERP) Programme aims to provide a common European regional
approach to Manufacturing Operations, enabling end-to-end Lean business processes supported by a
single harmonised ERP platform. European ERP is based on implementing on the existing Europe SAP
platform leveraging functional components from the Asia Pacific template and local SAP country
instances. SAP has been selected as the ERP platform to support the Global Operations change
strategy implementing to 4 European countries (Sweden, UK, France and Germany).

The key processes selected for EERP are:

Financials and record to report
Order to cash
Procure to Pay
Production Planning (including Shop Floor Control)
Warehouse Management and Logistics
Quality Management and inspections including LIMS
Management and analytical reporting
Safety, Health and Environment

During the Plan phase which was conducted from January to April 2010, Level 1, 2 and 3 business
processes were developed and confirmed as part of the PL150 Solution Blueprint. These processes
were further developed to Level 4 and 5 (process steps) and confirmed as part of the PL310 Business
Process Design in the Analyse phase.
The purpose of this document is to take all business processes developed during plan and analyse
phases which will:
Provide sufficient detail to allow system configuration build activities
Serve as a repository for core application configuration design
Be used to validate the configuration and ensure the documentation is in line with business
requirements gathered
Be used during the build of RICEFW items to review how the system is configured when
developing custom objects
Be used by other work streams to review how the system is configured and then analyse
how it will integrate into respective tasks.

One AP322 Configuration Rationale and Design will be produced for each SAP Module, Level 3
Node and will include multiple Level 4 and 5 nodes.
As per current BAU processes, Fusion will be used to initiate changes to the configuration. The
AP322 will be uploaded to EERP Fusion as a Problem Log. The Fusion problem log will be the
delta configuration proposed for the existing Europe SAP configuration.

SPL Overview

Special Purpose ledger is used to sStore and report data which meets specific criteria of business
reporting requirements. Currently, GMSO units use SPL ZH to report to SCORE. Following EERP,
The operations units in Sweden will also need to use SPL ZH to report to SCORE. As a result, the
following changes will be executedThe purpose of this configuration rationale is to outline the
changes required to the ZH Ledger.

Currently the ledger ZH is used for two purposes:

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GMSO reporting to HAL and AFFIRM

GMSO reporting to SCORE (except Sweden)

Sweden GMSO today do not process sales within SAP, and therefore they do not report to SCORE
from Europe SAP. Following E-ERP, all Sweden sales will be processed in Europe SAP and
therefore both GMSO and Operations units will need to report to SCORE from Europe SAP.
Therefore it is required to extend the SPL to support the additional requirements of these
Operations units.

Please note: Operations reporting to SCORE is classified with Organisational Units which are
described as Operations. However for AFFIRM and statutory reporting these sales are considered
as Corporate Sales. Therefore the Business Area which is populated in SAP is that relating to
Corporate, Z001. Throughout the remainder of this document, Sales will be referred to as
Operations sales, but where a Business Area in SAP is required for logic of processing, it will be
the Corporate Business Area Z001.

At the time of writing this document, the first in-scope country for the EERP solution will be
Sweden. However there will be subsequent countries adopting this solution in line with their
respective go-live dates in EERP:

SE E - 01/08/2011
UK 01/02/2012
DE 01/10/2012
FR 01/10/2012

The changes proposed for the SPL ZH Ledger are as follows:

1. :

2. OperationsCorporate Business Area Z001 to record all sales relevant data in SPL-ZH.

3. Fields Plant and SCORE Local Organisation unit to be added to SPL (ZH) table structure.

4. Field Plant populated for all countries and all Business areas. There will therefore be a
regression impact on SPL as this field will be available and populated for the existing countries
on the Europe SAP platform.

5. Field SCORE Local Organisation unit to be populated for Corporate Z001 Operations
Business Areas, for the E-ERP countries, based on entries in a new bespoke table. This field
will not be populated for existing countries on the Europe SAP platform nor for E-ERP country
GMSO Business Areas.

This document should be read in conjunction with document AP352_156112_SPL_User Exits.

1.1 Scope and Applicability

This document contains configuration rationale and design for the following configuration items:

L1 Financial Accounting
L2 Special Purpose Ledger
L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 Section
Special Purpose Basic Table Definition Define 6

Page 6 of 17
Ledger Settings group
Define 7
Special Purpose Basic LedgerDefine ledger
Master Data
Ledger settings ledger

1.2 Detailed Functional Requirements

IN101 Description
RTR-0101 The finance solution will have appropriate processes and functionality to support the
Group Reporting Requirements in SCORE for Sales, Stock, Samples and FMC.

1.3 Key Assumptions

1. This document is intended to be a living document as it will be updated whenever
there are changes made in the configuration of SAP-ECC.
2. Requirements coming from IN101 Systems Requirements Traceability Matrix and
PL310 Business Process Design will be primary inputs to this documentation.
3. This document will only cover configuration in SAP-ECC.
4. The decision has been taken for SCORE reporting to continue out of the ZH ledger,
and not to extend other Ledgers (eg ZL) for this purpose.
5. This document covers the Financial Accounting Application Area of Special
Purpose Ledger (SPL), and does not cover the configuration/development of User
exit or SCORE Interfacing details.
6. The documented changes are only for Country Sweden.E-ERP countries.
However, at the time of initial version of this document, only changes for Sweden
are being considered. This document will need to be updated at a later date when
other E-ERP countries are rolled out (for example there could be a need for further
country specific sets)
7. In Ledger ZH-population of additional field- SCORE Local Organisation unit is
required only for Operations units of E-ERP Countries (therefore will not be
populated for Sweden Marketing Companies or for existing Countries)
8. All the configuration for SPL are in sync across all landscape
9. The substitution Uuser eExit U13XXX mentioned within this document is the next
available user exits sequentially, taken from system EU1 client 600. If any of the
User Exits have already been used, the numbering within this document should be
updated accordingly..
10. E-ERP country GMSO Business Areas will use the same approach as other GMSO
countries whereby the SCORE local organisational unit will be derived by the
SCORE extract program, based on input parameters and an interface control table
(see AP352_156114_ SCORE Sales, Discounts & Rebates Extract)
11. Additional fields are only required to the ZFHALA Actual Line Item table only required,
not to ZFHALT totals table or any other SPL tables, as this change is purely related to
SCORE extract program (which uses ZFHALA only)
Regression testing for the impact of the addition of the fields to the SPL will be the
responsibility of the EERP project.
12. In Ledger ZH, population of additional field Plant will happen for all countries, both
EERP and non-EERP countries
It will also be necessary to run SPL transaction GCCG (program RGBCFL00) to

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regenerate these fields and this will need to be considered when moving the SPL field
changes through the environments.

13. It will be necessary to run program RGBCFL00 transaction GCCG (program to

regenerate the user exits and field changes to table) and this will need to be considered
when moving the SPL field changes through the environments.

14. Program RGBCFL00 regenerates the User Exits and the Table Field changes

15. Regression testing for the impact of the addition of the fields to the SPL will be the
responsibility of the EERP project.

1.4 Key Dependencies

1. AP215 - Fit/Gap analysis has been developed in order to know what can be delivered as part of
standard configuration and what will be included as part of RICEFW in the AP220 RICEFW
2. Sign-off has been obtained for IN101 System Requirements Traceability Matrix and PL310
Business Process Design as both these documents will be primary inputs to this
document/configuration of the system.
3. Any reporting sets mentioned within this document should be manually created in the Production
system prior to transporting the substitution and validation rules. No sets should ever be
4. Validation configuration reference in this document is documented in Configuration Rationale
AP322Rationale AP322_FICO_Global_Settings..
5. Set Z_SWEDEN_BUKRS needs to be updated with all the Sweden Company Codes. This
set already exists in the Europe SAP environment.
6. Set Z_SWEDEN_SCORE_ACC needs to be created and would include ENIGMA SCORE
Accounts for Sweden Corporate.
7. Set Z_SE_REV_ACCOUNTS needs to be updated with sales accounts. This set is being
created as part of AP322_FICO_Global_Settings
8. User Exit EUU139. Number of user exit to be checked This user exit derives the SCORE
Local Organisation Unit and populates this onto the SPL ZH. (The user exit is documented
as a part ofin AP352_1516112_SPL_User Exits)

1.5 Definitions
Term Description/Definition

ECC ERP Central Component

EERP European Enterprise Resource Planning

GMSO Global Sales & Marketing Organisation

SCORE Sales Contribution Reporting: A group wide financial system supporting the AZ
organization capturing and reporting external and inter-company sales, product
profitability, pricing, and profit in stock (PURP).

GCS Group Consolidation System

Page 8 of 17
Term Description/Definition

SPL Special Purpose ledger

2. 2. L7: Define Table Group

2.1 2.1 Configuration rationale

SPL to include two new fields A) Plant B) SCORE Local Organisation unit.

For Operations Units: SCORE Organisation Unit needs to be derived in a unique manner. The reason
being, SCORE Organisation Unit is a three dimension composite of Company Code, Plant and Profit
Centre. It has been identified that a change in SPL is required in order to easily retrieve the SCORE
Local organisation Unit. This configuration is aligned to the SCORE local Organisation unit at the
SCORE level. As a result, two fields Plant and SCORE local organisation unit will be added onto the SPL
ZH. These two fields will also be configured to populate the actual entries (in section 3.2).

These SPL configurations need to be created in the development client and transported to the respective
test and Production clients in SAP.

It will also be necessary to run SPL transaction GCCG (program RGBCFL00) to regenerate these fields
and this will need to be considered when moving the SPL field changes through the environments.

2.2 2.2 Configuration Item- Common

2.2.1 2.2.1 Customizing Task

Addition of Plant & SCORE Local Organisation Unit fields
Update Table groups to include Plant and SCORE Local Organisation Unit.

Transaction code GCIN

SAP Customizing implementation Guide-->Financial Accounting--
IMG path >Special Purpose ledge-->Basic Settings-->Table-->Definition--
>Define Table group

2.2.2 2.2.2 Configuration item

Step 1: Enter Table Group: ZFHAL

Step 2: Select Change

Step 3: Select Actual Line item tab

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Step 3: Scroll down to the end of the table and U update the table with the following two fields of
Plant and SCORE Local Organisation Unit as below:

Plant SCORE Local organisation Unit



Key field


Length 4 6

Check Table T001W ZF156112_SCR_ORGA

Text Plant SCORE Local organisation Unit

Question: Do you need to include transport information here? AP322_FICO_Global Settings

doesStep 4: Save

Step 5: Enter the standard transport request box which would pop up.

2.3 2.3 Configuration Item Localisations


Page 10 of 17
3. L76: Define Ledger

2.4 Configuration Rationale

The above two new fields added into the SPL, will be configured to populate data onto the SPL.
This will consist of changing the field movement which is used on population of data from the
SD module in the case of SCORE Local Organisation Unit field. This field movement will need
to read information from a bespoke table, which holds the relationship between Company Code,
Plant, Profit Centre and SCORE Local Organisational Unit. This table will hold entries which
are relevant for the Operations organisation, as EERP GMSO will use the same approach as
other GMSO countries whereby the SCORE local organisational unit will be derived by the
SCORE extract program, based on input parameters and an interface control table (see
AP352_156114_ SCORE Sales, Discounts & Rebates Extract)

2.5 Configuration Items Common

3.2.1 Customizing Task

SAP Customizing implementation Guide-->Financial Accounting--
IMG path >Special Purpose ledge-->Basic Settings--> Master Data-->Ledger--
>Define LedgerChange Ledger

Page 11 of 17
3.2.2 Configuration items
Population of Plant and SCORE Local Organisation Unit

Step 1: Select ZH-HAL Ledger

Step 2: Select Assign activity tab.

Step 3: Select Business transaction SD00.

Step 4: Click on Field Movement tab.

Step 5: At the end of the existing entries, Tthe following two receiver-sender relationships
will be established a) Plant b) SCORE Local Organisation Unit.

Plant SCORE Local organisation



Description Plant SCORE Local Organisation Unit

Sender field WERKS WERKS


Description Plant Plant

Exit number EU139 User Exit number to be


Step 6: Select Save

Step 7: Select the transport number in the standard Transport box would pop up.

User Exit EU139 User Exit number to be confirmed will populate the SCORE Local Organisation Unit
onto the SPL ZH (Field ZZSCORE_GRPCDE)

User Exit - Name: EU139 User Exit number to be confirmedEU9

User Exit-Title : Derive SCORE Local Organisation Unit.
Program name: E13_MVC

The validation for Sweden is such that every sales posting in SPL would populate the field SCORE local
Organisation Unit (ZZSCORE_GRPCDE) and display onto the SPL ZH.

SCORE-Local Organisation Unit Code The SCORE Local Organisation Unit Code is a derived from a
combination of Company Code, Profit Centre and Plant, which needs to be derived fromusing entries in
a custom table ZF156112_SCR_ORG. This table only contains the entries for the Corporate and
Operations units in the Business. Sweden GMSO are not included in this table, as they will continue to
follow the processing logic of SCORE Organisational Unit being derived on extract (see AP352_156114_
SCORE Sales, Discounts & Rebates Extract)ZF156112A.

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(The User Exit and table ZF156112_SCR_ORG itself will be developed as part of
AP352_156112_SPL_User Exits.)

The logic of the User Exit is such that every sales posting in SPL for Corporate Business Area Z001,
would populate the field SCORE local Organisation Unit (ZZSCORE_GRPCDE) and if a value is found,
would display onto the SPL ZH (HAL Ledger)

This User exit will be effective after Go-Live of Sweden (i.e. posting date after 01.08.2011),
when any GL account postings with the following 3 conditions are met:
GL account within the set Z_SE_REV_ACCOUNTS,
Company Code within set Z_SWEDEN_BUKRS, and
Corporate Business Area Z001

User Exit U13 is triggered and if the Company Code, Plant and Profit centre combination entries
are available in table ZF156112_SCR_ORG, then the field ZZSCORE_GRPCDE (SCORE
Local Organisation unit) will be populated on to the SPL-ZH.

If there are no entries found, this field will remain blank.

Example entries of ZF156112_SCR_ORG:

Sl. No Company Code Plant Profit Centre SCORE Local

01 SE10 SE01 100127 102610
02 SE10 SE02 100127 102610

See Appendix A for details of the SCORE Local Organisation Units for Sweden

Table ZF156112_SCR_ORG

Company Code Profit Centre Plant SCORE Local Organisation Unit

SE10 6345XX (or 6345XXYY) 634500

SE10 100127 (or ICXXXXYY) SE01 102610

SE10 100127 (or ICXXXXYY) SE02 102610
SE10 100127 (or ICXXXXYY) SE03 102610
SE10 100127 (or ICXXXXYY) SE04 102610
SE10 100127 (or ICXXXXYY) SE05 102610
SE10 100127 (or ICXXXXYY) SE06 102610
SE10 100127 (or ICXXXXYY) SE07 102610
SE10 100127 (or ICXXXXYY) SE08 102610
SE10 100127 (or ICXXXXYY) SE09 102610
SE10 100127 (or ICXXXXYY) SE10 102610
SE10 100127 (or ICXXXXYY) SE11 102610
SE10 100127 (or ICXXXXYY) SE12 102610
SE10 100127 (or ICXXXXYY) SE13 102610
SE10 100127 (or ICXXXXYY) SE14 102610
SE10 100127 (or ICXXXXYY) SE15 102610
SE10 100127 (or ICXXXXYY) SE16 102508
SE10 100127 (or ICXXXXYY) SBRI 100408
Page 13 of 17
SE10 100127 (or ICXXXXYY) SMXI 100408
SE10 100127 (or ICXXXXYY) SARI 100408
SE10 100127 (or ICXXXXYY) SDEI 100408
SE10 100127 (or ICXXXXYY) SCNI 100408
SE10 100127 (or ICXXXXYY) SFRI 100408
SE10 100127 (or ICXXXXYY) SGBI 100408
SE10 100127 (or ICXXXXYY) SSEC 100291
SE10 100127 (or ICXXXXYY) SFIC 100291
SE10 100127 (or ICXXXXYY) SFRC 100291
SE10 100127 (or ICXXXXYY) SGBC 100291
SE10 100127 (or ICXXXXYY) SUSC 100291
SE10 100127 (or ICXXXXYY) SATC 100291
SE10 100127 (or ICXXXXYY) SINC 100291
SE10 100127 (or ICXXXXYY) SNOC 100291
SE10 100127 (or ICXXXXYY) SDEC 100291
SE10 100127 (or ICXXXXYY) SBEC 100291
SE10 100127 (or ICXXXXYY) SJPC 100291
SE10 100127 (or ICXXXXYY) SIEC 100291
SE10 100127 (or ICXXXXYY) SCHC 100291

At the time of issuing the first version of this Configuration Rationale, these are the Plants and
Reporting units identified for Sweden. See Appendix A for details of the SCORE Local
Organisation Units for Sweden.
For the full table design see document AP352_1516112_SPL_User Exits

The following needs to be added to AP322_FICO_Global_Settings?

The validation for Sweden is such that every sales posting in SPL would populate the field SCORE local
Organisation Unit (ZZSCORE_GRPCDE) and display onto the SPL ZH.

The following needs to be added to AP322_FICO_Global_Settings?

After Go-Live of Sweden (i.e. posting date is after 01.08.2011), this validation is triggered
whenever a financial line has a GL Account within the set Z_SE_REV_ACCOUNTS, (Company
Code in the set Z_SWEDEN_BUKRS)

User Exit EU9 is triggered and if the Company Code, Plant and Profit centre combination
entries are available in table ZF156112_SCR_ORGZF156112A, then the field
ZZSCORE_GRPCDE (SCORE Local Organisation unit) will be populated on to the SPL-ZH.
If there are no entries found, this field will remain blank.

2.6 Configuration Item - Country Localisation

Currently, , only GMSO units reports via SPL ledger ZH. As part of EERP there will be
Operations parts of the Business processing sales on the Europe SAP platform, and needing to
report to SCORE via the same ledger ZH. It is therefore necessary to extend the SPL update
logic, for Sweden country only, which populates information through to ZH.

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For the further EERP country rollouts it will be necessary to review this update logic, in order to
extend it appropriately for those countries.. As a part of EERP, the following key decisions have
driven the Country specific configuration for Sweden.

Going forward, the Sweden Z001 (Operations) Business Area would be reporting to SCORE via EERP.
This requires Special Purpose Ledger (SPL) - ZH to extend to the Sweden- Operations Business area.
The below mentioned code ensures that Business Area Z001, for all Sweden Company Codes (Set
Z_SWEDEN_BUKRS), and all Sales relevant GL account (Set Z_SE_REV_ACCOUNTS) generates
and stores information on SPL-ZH

These SPL configurations need to be created in the development client and transported to the respective
test and Production clients in SAP.

Step 1: Select Change Ledger

Step 2: Double Click ZH- HAL Ledger

Step 3: Choose Assign Activity tab

Step 4: Select for Business transaction SD00-SD Billing transaction and

Step 5: Choose Ledger Selection tab

Step 6: Select Condition &ZH_SE10.

Step 7: Click on Rules tab

Step 8: Select Rule ZH_SE10

Step 9: Double click the existing Rule Definition

Step 109: In order to Aadd the prerequisite beneath to the existing coding follow steps 11 to
steps 32 (existing pre-requisite is not to be changed):

Business Area = 'Z001') AND (
Company Code IN Z_SWEDEN_BUKRS ) AND (
G/L IN Z_SE_REV_ACCOUNTS (Enigma Sales SCORE accounts for Sweden Corporate) ) )

Step 11: .Select tab OR

Step 12: In the Table Fields table, select Structure ACCIT_GLX
Step 13: choose and double click technical name ACCIT_GLX-GSBER
Short Description Business Area
Step 14: Select tab =
Step 15: Select tab Constant
Step 16: Enter Z001
Step 17: Select tab AND
Step 18: From the Table Fields table, select Structure ACCIT_GLX
Step 19: Choose and double click technical name ACCIT_GLX-BUKRS

Page 15 of 17
(Short Description Company Code)
Step 20: Select tab IN
Step 21: Select Set Directory and choose Z_SWEDEN_BUKRS
Step 22: Select tab AND
Step 23: Select From the Table Fields table, select Structure ACCIT_GLX
Step 24: Choose and double click the field ACCIT_GLX-HKONT short description G/L
Step 25: Select tab IN
Step 26: Select Set Directory and choose Z_SE_REV_ACCOUNTS
Step 27: Select )
Step 28: Select )
Step 29: Go to MenuSettingsExpert Mode and align the entire text to text as in step 10
Step 30: Go back by clicking the green arrow.
Step 31: Select Save Icon
Step 32: Select the correct transport number from the standard transport pop up.

Question: Do you need to include transport information here? AP322_FICO_Global Settings does

3. Revision History
Date Version Description Author
22/02/2011 0.01 Initial Draft Yasaswini Poola
24/02/2011 0.02 Further updates to clarify use of SPL Liz Dickinson
for Sweden and to include new
bespoke table
27/02/2011 0.3 Incorporation of Solution Architect Yasaswini Poola
Review Points
02/03/2011 0.4 Incorporation of Solution Architect Yasaswini Poola
Review Points
Incorporation of Solution Architect
03/03/2011 0.5 Yasaswini Poola
Review Points
Incorporation of Solution Architect
07/03/2011 0.6 Yasaswini Poola
Review Points
Incorporation of Solution Architect
08/03/2011 0.7 Yasaswini Poola
Review Points
Incorporation of Solution Architect
11/03/2011 0.8 Yasaswini Poola
Review Points

4. Appendix

APPENDIX A Sweden SCORE Organisation Units

SCORE Local Organisation Code SCORE Local Organisation Unit Description

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102610 Sweden Operations

100408 Sweden Operations Toll Principal

100291 Sweden GES Operations

102508 Operations Dist Sweden

634500 Sweden External Exports

102500 Sweden Marketing Company (GMSO)


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