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III B. Tech- I Semester LTPC

Course Code: A12119 1 3- 2

The main purpose of this lab is to introduce students the overview of the drawing and design
process. The course covers basic principles of design process of an aircraft and the related details
of all design techniques. After completion of the course the student gains adequate knowledge to
design all the different parts of an aircraft.

1. To draw various machine components in drawing lab.
2. To draw various individual components, sub-assemblies and main assemblies in drawing
3. Discuss the importance of design process and studying the different phases of designing
process involved in the design.
4. Understand the Integrated product development and principles of baseline design cost
5. Understand the design of aircraft concepts.
6. To design various aircraft components by using Auto-Cad software

1. Understand the importance of drawing and design process and phases involved in the
design process.
2. Ability to draw various individual components, sub-assemblies and main assemblies in
drawing lab.
3. Ability to draw various orthographics and isometric projections in drawing sheets.
4. Ability to develop and understand Basic Concepts of aircraft
5. Ability to draw various orthographics and isometric projections of an aircraft components
by using auto-cad software.

Note: 40% Course Work should be done on Drawing Board & 60% Course Work should be
done by computer.
Machine Drawing conventions Need for Drawings conventions Introduction to ISI -
1. Conventional representation of material, common machine elements and parts such as
screws, nuts, bolts, keys, gears, webs, ribs.
2. Types of sections Selection planes and drawing of section and auxiliary sectional
views. Parts not usually sectioned.
3. Methods of dimensioning, general rules for sizes and placement of dimensions for holes,
centers, curved and Tapered features
4. Title boxes, their, their size, location and details- common abbreviations and their liberal
5. Types of drawing working drawing for machine parts
Drawing of Machine Elements and simple parts. Section of views, additional views for the
following machine elements and parts with every drawing proportions.
1. Popular forms of screw threads, bolts, set screws and bolted joints.
2. Keys, cottered joint and knuckle joint
3. Riveted joints for plates
4. Shaft coupling, spigot and socket pipe joint
5. Journal, pivot, collar and foot step bearing
6. Welded joints and welding symbols
Following simple Aircraft assembly drawings only.
1. Different types of trusses wings fuselage including ribs, strangers, skin, brackets.
2. Different elements of fuselage structure, bulk head, rings (frame) long, brackets.
3. Different types of fuselage
4. Landing gear basic elements, structural brackets, wheel, shook absorber and Hydraulic
5. cylinder
6. Connecting rod aero piston engine

1. Daniel P. Raaymer,Aircraft Design a Conceptual Approach, 3 rd edition.
2. N. D. Bhat, V. M. Panchal (2012), Machine drawing, 50th edition, Charotar publication
1. K. L. Narayana, P. Kannaiah, Venkata Reddy,Machine Drawing, New Age publication.
1. Hardware assembly modal relevant to above needed for demonstration
2. Drawing Board with Mini drafting machines, 60 required for strength 60 capacity
Certain draughting conventions are used to represent materials in section and machine elements
in engineering drawings.

As a variety of materials are used for machine components in engineering applications, it is

preferable to have different conventions of section lining to differentiate between various
materials. The recommended conventions in use are shown below fig 1.1

Fig1.1: Conventional representation of Materials


When the drawing of a component in its true projection involves a lot of time, its convention may be used to
represent the actual component. Below fig 1.2 shows typical examples of conventional representation of various
machine components used in engineering drawing
Fig: 1.2 conventional representation of various machine components used in engineering

In order to show the inner details of a machine component, the object is imagined to be cut by a
cutting plane and the section is viewed after the removal of cut portion. Sections are made by at
cutting planes and are designated by capital letters and the direction of viewing is indicated by
arrow marks

The cutting plane(s) should be indicated by means of type H line. The cutting plane should be
identified by capital letters and the direction of viewing should be indicated by arrows.The
section should be indicated by the relevant designation (Fig 1.3)
Fig1.3: Cutting plane indication

In principle, ribs, fasteners, shafts, spokes of wheels and the like are not cut in longitudinal
sections and therefore should not be hatched(Fig:1.4)

Fig1.4: Sections not to be hatched

Fig 1.5:sectioning in two parallel planes Fig 1.6:sectioning in three continuous planes

Sectioning in two intersecting planes, in which one is shown revolved into plane of projection, as
shown in fig 1.7

Fig 1.7

In case of parts of revolution, containing regularly spaced details that require to be shown in
section, but are not situated in the cutting plane; such details may be depicted by rotating them
into the cutting plane

Fig 1.8
Cross sections may be revolved in the relevant view or removed. When revolved in the relevant
view, the outline of the section should be shown with continuous thin lines. When removed, the
outline of the section should be drawn with continuous thick lines. The removed section may be
placed near to and connected with the view by a chain thin line. Or in a different position and
identified in the conventional manner

Fig 1.9: Revolved section Fig 1.10: Removed Sections

Symmetrical parts may be drawn, half in plain view and half in section

Fig 1.11
A local section may be drawn if half or full section is not convenient. The local break may be
shown by a continuous thin free hand line

Fig 1.12
Orthographic views when carefully selected, may reveal the external features of even the most
complicated objects. However, there are objects with complicated interior details and when
represented by hidden lines, may not effectively reveal the true interior details. This may be
overcome by representing one or more of the views in section
Sectional view is obtained by imagining the object, as if cut by a cutting plane and the portion
between the observer and the section plane being removed. Figure 4.1a shows an object, with the
cutting plane passing through it and Fig. 4.1b, the two halves drawn apart, exposing the interior
A sectional view obtained by assuming that the object is completely cut by a plane is called a full
section or sectional view. Figure 1.14a shows the view from the right of the object shown in Fig.
1.13a, in full section. The sectioned view provides all the inner details, better than the
unsectioned view with dotted lines for inner details (Fig. 1.14b). The cutting plane is represented
by its trace (V.T) in the view from the front (Fig. 1.14c) and the direction of sight to obtain the
sectional view is represented by the arrows.

Fig 1.13: principle of sectioning

Fig 1.14: sectioned and un-sectioned views

It may be noted that, in order to obtain a sectional view, only one half of the object is imagined
to be removed, but is not actually shown removed anywhere except in the sectional view.
Further, in a sectional view, the portions of the object that have been cut by the plane are
represented by section lining or hatching. The view should also contain the visible parts behind
the cutting plane.

Figure 1.15 represents the correct and incorrect ways of representing a sectional view. Sections
are used primarily to replace hidden line representation; hence, as a rule, hidden lines are omitted
in the sectional views.

Fig 1.15 Correct and incorrect sections

A half sectional view is preferred for symmetrical objects. For a half section, the cutting plane
removes only one quarter of an object. For a symmetrical object, a half sectional view is used to
indicate both interior and exterior details in the same view. Even in half sectional views, it is a
good practice to omit the hidden lines. Figure 1.16a shows an object with the cutting plane in
position for obtaining a half sectional view from the front, the top half being in section. Figure
1.16b shows two parts drawn apart, exposing the inner details in the sectioned portion. Figure
116c shows the half sectional view from the front. It may be noted that a centre line is used to
separate the halves of the half section. Students are also advised to note the representation of the
cutting plane in the view from above, for obtaining the half sectional view from the front.

Fig1.16: Methods of obtaining half sectional views

Auxiliary sections may be used to supplement the principal views used in orthographic
projections. A sectional view projected on an auxiliary plane, inclined to the principal planes of
projection, shows the cross-sectional shapes of features such as arms, ribs and so on. In Fig. 4.5,
auxiliary cutting plane X-X is used to obtain the auxiliary section X-X.
Figure 1.17 shows the isometric view of a shaft support. Sectional view from the front, the view
from above and the view from the right are also shown in the figure

Fig 1.17
Dimensions should be shown on drawings in characters of sufficient size, to ensure complete
legibility. They should be placed in such a way that they are not crossed or separated by any
other line on the drawing. Dimensions should be indicated on a drawing, according to one of the
following two methods. However, only one method should be used on any one drawing.

METHOD1 (Aligned System):

Dimensions should be placed parallel to their dimension lines and preferably near the middle,
above and clear-off the dimension line. An exception may be made where superimposed running
dimensions are used. Dimensions may be written so that they can be read from the bottom or
from the right side of the drawing.
METHOD2 (Uni-directional System):
Dimensons should be indicated so that they can be read from the bottom of the drawing only.
Non-horizontal dimension lines are interrupted, preferably near the middle, for insertion of the



Diameters should be dimensioned on the most appropriate view to ensure clarity. The dimension

value should be preceded by

The dimensioning of chords, arcs and angles should be as shown below. Where the centre of an
arc falls outside the limits of the space available, the dimension line of the radius should be
broken or interrupted according to whether or not it is necessary to locate the centre

Fig 1.18
Engineering drawings are prepared on drawing sheets of standard sizes. The use of standard size
sheet saves Paper and facilitates convenient storage of drawings

Fig 1.19: Drawing sheet layout

The basic principles involved in arriving at the sizes of drawing sheets are: (a) X : Y = 1 : 2 , (b)
XY = 1
where X and Y are the sides of the sheet. For a reference size A0 (Table 2.1) having a surface
area of 1 m2, X = 841 mm and Y = 1189 mm. The successive format sizes are obtained either by
halving along the length or doubling along the width, the areas being in the ratio 1:2

Fig 1.20
The title block should lie within the drawing space such that, the location of it, containing the
identification of the drawing, is at the bottom right hand corner. This must be followed, both for
sheets positioned horizontally or vertically

The direction of viewing of the title block should correspond in general with that of the drawing.
The title block can have a maximum length of 170 mm. Figure 2.3 shows a typical title block,
providing the following information
(i) Title of the drawing
(ii) Sheet number
(iii) Scale
(iv)Symbol, denoting the method of projection
(v) Name of the firm
(vi)Initials of staff drawn, checked and approved

NOTE According to Bureau of Indian Standards, SP-46:1998, Engineering Drawing Practice

For Schools and Colleges, First angle projection is preferred

Fig 1.21: Location of title box

Borders enclosed by the edges of the trimmed sheet and the frame, limiting the drawing space,
should be provided with all sheet sizes. It is recommended that these borders have a minimum
width of 20 mm for the sizes A0 and A1 and a minimum width of 10 mm for the sizes A2, A3
and A4 (Fig. 1.22). A filing margin for taking perforations, may be provided on the edge, far left
of the title block
Fig 1.22: Details of title block


Standard abbreviations in draughting are recommended as notes to provide a brief and clear
instruction. Table below provides the draughting abbreviations for general terms and material
Table: Draughting Abbreviations
Table: Material Abbreviations


Drawing is classified into:
Machine Drawing
Production Drawing
Part Drawing
Assembly Drawing

It is pertaining to machine parts or components. It is presented through a number of orthographic
views, so that the size and shape of the component is fully understood. Part drawings and
assembly drawings belong to this classification. An example of a machine drawing is given
below fig 1.23
Fig 1.23: Machine Drawing
A production drawing, also referred to as working drawing, should furnish all the dimensions,
limits and special finishing processes such as heat treatment, honing, lapping, surface finish, etc.,
to guide the craftsman on the shop floor in producing the component. The title should also
mention the material used for the product, number of parts required for the assembled unit, etc.

Since a craftsman will ordinarily make one component at a time, it is advisable to prepare the
production drawing of each component on a separate sheet. However, in some cases the
drawings of related components may be given on the same sheet. Below figure represents an
example of a production drawing.

Fig 1.24: Production Drawing

Component or part drawing is a detailed drawing of a component to facilitate its manufacture.
All the principles of orthographic projection and the technique of graphic representation must be
followed to communicate the details in a part drawing. A part drawing with production details is
rightly called as a production drawing or working drawing.

A drawing that shows the various parts of a machine in their correct working locations is an
assembly drawing
When a machine is designed, an assembly drawing or a design layout is first drawn to
clearly visualise the performance, shape and clearances of various parts comprising the machine

Detailed assembly drawing is usually made for simple machines, comprising of a relatively
smaller number of simple parts. All the dimensions and information necessary for the
construction of such parts and for the assembly of the parts are given directly on the assembly
drawing. Separate views of specific parts in enlargements, showing the fitting of parts together,
may also be drawn in addition to the regular assembly drawing

Many assemblies such as an automobile, lathe, etc., are assembled with many pre-assembled
components as well as individual parts. These pre-assembled units are known as sub-assemblies.
A sub-assembly drawing is an assembly drawing of a group of related parts, that form a part in a
more complicated machine. Examples of such drawings are: lathe tail-stock, diesel engine fuel
pump, carburettor, etc.

Special assembly drawings are prepared for company catalogues. These drawings show only the
pertinent details and dimensions that would interest the potential buyer. Figure 1.25 shows a
typical catalogue drawing, showing the overall and principal dimensions

Fig 1.25: Catalogue Drawing

Fig 1.26: Assembly Drawing
Fig 1.27: Assembly Drawing for instruction Mannuals
Fig 1.28: Exploded Assembly Drawing
1. Classify the various types of drawings used in mechanical engineering field.
2. Explain the term Machine drawing.
3. Define the term Production drawing.
4. Differentiate between machine drawing and production drawing.
5. What is an assembly drawing ?
6. List out the various types of assembly drawings.
7. What is meant by a detailed assembly drawing ?
8. What is a sub-assembly drawing ?
9. What is an exploded assembly drawing and where is it used ?
10. Distinguish between the drawings for catalogues and instruction manuals.
11. What is meant by a schematic assembly drawing and when is it preferred ?
12. What is a machine shop drawing and how is it different from machine drawing ?
13. What are patent drawings and how are they prepared ?
14. Describe the drawing sheet designations and their sizes as per ISO-A series.
15. What is the principle involved in fixing the sizes of the drawing sheets ?
16. What is the information generally provided by the title block and what is its maximum
length ?
17. What do you understand by the terms, (a) borders and frames, (b) centring marks, (c)
metric (e)reference graduation, (d) zoning and (e) trimming marks ?
18. What are the scales recommended for machine drawing ?
19. What do you understand by, (a) scale = 5:1 and (b) scale = 1:10 ?
20. List out the standard thicknesses of lines that are used in machine drawing.
21. What should be the ratio of thick to thin line used in machine drawing ?
22. While finishing a drawing, what is the order of priority in the following coinciding lines:
a. centre lines
b. visible lines
c. hidden lines.
23. How are leader lines terminated ?
24. How are sizes of letters and numerals specified ?
25. How do you represent a sectioned surface on a drawing ?
26. Name the features which should not be shown hatched, when they are sectioned
27. What is the angle at which hatching lines are drawn to the axis or to the main outline of
the section.
28. What do you understand by revolved and removed sections ?
29. Explain the terms, (a) half section, (b) local section and (c) successive sections.
30. List out the elements of a dimension line
31. Give the shape identification symbols for the following: (a) diameter, (b) radius, (c)
square and spherical radius.
32. List out the various principles to be followed while dimensioning a drawing.
33. What are the rules to be adopted during execution of dimensioning ?
34. Discuss the two methods, normally followed while dimensioing a drawing.
35. Discuss the various ways of arranging dimensions.

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