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Chapter 4

Multiple Choice Questions Answers

1. DNA is stored in the cell nucleus as:

A Ribosomes
B Chromosomes [True]
C Chlorophyll
D Lysosomes
The correct answer is B. Chromosomes are made up of DNA deoxyribonucleic
Acid. Chromosomes contain all the hereditary information.

2. The unit of heredity is known as:

A Alveolus
B Golgi body
C Chromosome
D Gene [True]
The correct answer is D. Genes are found on chromosomes and are the building
blocks of hereditary information.

3. A gene characteristic that is always expressed is known as being:

A Dormant
B Dominant [True]
C Recessive
The correct answer is B. A dominant gene is one whose characteristic is expressed
over another gene. The gene whose characteristic is not expressed or hidden is known
as a recessive gene.

Animal Biology and Care, Third Edition. Sue Dallas and Emily Jewell.
2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Published 2014 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Companion Website:
4. The type of cell division that occurs in body cells is known as:
A Cytosis
B Meiosis
C Osmosis
D Mitosis [True]
The correct answer is D. Mitosis is the cell division process that occurs in the body
cells. Mitotic division results in daughter cells containing a full number of genes as
the parent cell they came from.

5. The type of cell division that occurs in the gamete cells is known as:
A Cytosis
B Meiosis [True]
C Osmosis
D Mitosis
The correct answer is B. Meiosis is the cell division process that occurs in the gamete
cells and results in daughter cells that contain half the amount of genetic information
(genes) than a body cell. Gamete cells are the cells found in the ova and sperm. Once
fused at fertilisation, the resulting embryonic cell contains the total number of genes
needed for the development of the foetus (half from the ovum and half from the sperm).

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