AW-Pirates of The Caribbean Worlds End

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Activity worksheets LEVEL 3 Teacher Support Programme

Pirates of the Caribbean At Worlds End Photocopiable

While reading d A type of floor on a ship. (p. 12)
Chapters 13
1 Are the sentences right (3) or wrong (7)? e These things use the wind to make a ship
a The ship, the Endeavour, belonged to move. (p. 13)
the East India Trading Company. c f You often find this on a beach. (p. 13)
b Davy Jones hid the wooden box on the
Isla de Muerta. c g A sea animal. It is small and has eight legs.
c Governor Swann wanted to be the (p. 13)
captain of the Dutchman. c h A thing that tells you where north and
d Thai Huang was the Pirate Lord of south is. (p. 16)
Singapore. c 4 Whats first? Number the sentences, 16.
e One of Jack Sparrows sailors had a a Crabs carried the Black Pearl across the
glass eye. c sand. c
f When Elizabeth met Sao Feng, he was b The pirate, Tai Huang, agreed to work
getting out of the bath. c for Jack Sparrow. c
g Sao Feng was going to kill Will with c The pirates left Singapore on the Hai
a gun. c Peng. c
h A Piece of Eight was a type of coin. c d Barbossa greeted Jack Sparrow. c
i Calypso was a goddess of the sky. c e Elizabeth saw a waterfall in front of the
j Barbossa wanted to find Jack Sparrow ship. c
because he had a Piece of Eight. c f The ship fell into the darkness. c
2 Finish the sentences with the right name. Chapters 68
Barbossa Sao Feng James Norrington 5 Put the underlined letters in the right place to
Tia Dalma Will Turner Elizabeth Swann make a word.
Davy Jones a Davy Jones was a man but now he is a
a stole Davy Joness heart tnreosm .
and gave it to Beckett. b Jack studied the tisyerumos
b played the piano and circles and words.
started to cry. c The pirates found a hrarswetfe
c tied Jack Sparrow to the stream on the island.
Black Pearl. d Mercer had a rebirtle smile
d made a lot of noise when on his face.
she pushed a wooden box in Singapore. e Calypso was the egsdods of
e was pulled out of some the oceans.
water by the guards. f The Pirate Lords became mdnoresamc
f showed the Pirate Lord a of the oceans.
Piece of Eight. 6 Write the name of the person who says or
g hated Jack Sparrow and thinks these things.
was glad he was dead. Will Tia Dalma Beckett Barbossa
Chapters 45 Governor Swann Jack Sao Feng
3 Find the right words in Chapters 45. a Ill tell your mother that I saw you.
a A word for something that is unusual. (p. 10)
b We cannot help her father. He is dead.
b Something that you dont want anybody to
know. (p. 11) c I am not going to the meeting of the Pirate
c Some men have this on their faces. (p. 12) Lords.
d I need the Pearl to help save my father.

c Pearson Education Limited 2009 c 2009 Disney Enterprises, Inc. Pirates of the Caribbean At Worlds End - Activity worksheets  of 2
Activity worksheets LEVEL 3 Teacher Support Programme

Pirates of the Caribbean At Worlds End Photocopiable

e I want you to work for me and the East e Beckett saw a lot of people / birds / smoke
India Trading Company. above the water.
f Ill help you if you give me the girl. f Norrington died on the Endeavour /
Dutchman / Empress.
g Good. I have an agreement with the Chinese g Davy Jones was angry / worried / pleased when
pirate. Mercer relocked the wooden box.
7 Circle the wrong word in the sentences. Chapters 1112
a Tia Dalma looked on at the ocean. 10 Finish the sentences with the right word.
b Small boats were coming came towards them. pulled needed dropped marry locked
c The sun passed slowly slow across the sky. borrowed sharpened tightened pointed
d Barbossa didnt seem worrying worried. burning
e The ship wasnt lonely alone in the water. a Jack has money from all of
f The pirate and his men was were pointing the pirates.
their guns at them. b Nine Pirate Lords were to free
g The ship was full of up pirates. Calypso.
Chapters 910 c Barbossa wanted to keep Calypso
8 Answer the questions. up.
a How did Jack get onto the Pearl ? d All the Pirate Lords
something into a bowl.
b What did Sao Feng give Elizabeth to drink on e The pirates their swords and
the Empress? prepared to fight.
f When the bowl stopped ,
c Why was Norrington surprised when he saw Calypso stood on the deck.
Elizabeth? g Elizabeth took out her sword and
it at the Endeavour.
d Why did Bootstrap Bill think that his son h Elizabeth wanted Barbossa to
wouldnt help him? her and Will.
i Jones the sword out of his
e What did Will put in the sea as a sign for the chest.
Endeavour to follow? j Jack his fingers around the
heart and Jones gave a cry.
f How did the Chinese sailors get from the 11 Put the words in the right place to make a
Dutchman to the Empress? sentence.
a the Becketts onto soldiers Endeavour Will
g Who killed Norrington? pulled .
b was the Elizabeth Empress captain the of
h Who did Joness heart belong to? .. .
c put hands Jones round neck Wills his
9 Circle the right words. .. .
a The Endeavour had a lot of broken cannons / d was Mrs. Ching only the in room the woman
sails / boxes. .. .
b Elizabeth stole Sao Fengs maps / sword / gun. e Davy Jones belt put gun the back his in
c Sao Feng had a big piece of metal / glass / .. .
wood in his chest. f pirates Dutchman The decided the destroy to
d The pirates were put in hot / dirty / cold .. .
rooms. g holding heart Jack his was Joness in hand
.. .

c Pearson Education Limited 2009 c 2009 Disney Enterprises, Inc. Pirates of the Caribbean At Worlds End - Activity worksheets 2 of 2
Progress test LEVEL 3 Teacher Support Programme

Pirates of the Caribbean At Worlds End Photocopiable

1 Match the names with the right sentences. e Elizabeth becomes the Pirate King. c
a Elizabeth 1) had a father who was a f Elizabeth and captain Barbossa arrive in
Swann prisoner on the Dutchman. Singapore. c
b Jack Sparrow 2) saw her father in the world g Sao Feng dies on the Empress. c
of the dead. h Bootstrap kills Norrington. c
c Will Turner 3) died on the Empress. i Some crabs carry the Pearl across the sand. c
j Calypso turns into thousands of crabs. c
d Captain 4) shot Barbossa on the Isla de
4 Check (3) the right ending to finish the sentences.
Barbossa Muerta.
a Will was unhappy because he saw Elizabeth ..
e Lord Beckett 5) was the captain of the
1) hitting Jack Sparrow. c
2) kissing Jack Sparrow. c
f Tia Dalma 6) was not afraid of the
3) talking to Sao Feng. c
b The nine Pirate Lords caught Calypso and ..
g Sao Feng 7) had a job in the past. He
1) turned her into a monster. c
took souls to the other
2) killed her. c
3) turned her into a woman. c
h Admiral 8) was a goddess in the form of c Jack and Barbossa both wanted to ..
Norrington a woman. 1) marry Elizabeth. c
i Bootstrap Bill 9) found Davy Joness heart 2) kill Will Turner. c
and was still in love with 3) be the captain of the Pearl. c
Elizabeth. d Sao Feng thought that Elizabeth ..
j Davy Jones 10) attacked his son with a 1) was a friend of Lord Beckett. c
sword. 2) was Calypso in human form. c
2 Are the sentences right (3) or wrong (7)? 3) was a very dangerous pirate. c
a The Black Pearl was the only ship that could e Norrington helped Elizabeth to escape
fight the Dutchman. c because ..
b Tia Dalma was an enemy of Jack Sparrow. c 1) he loved her. c
c Captain Barbossa saw Elizabeth kiss Jack. c 2) he wanted her to fight Jack Sparrow. c
d Will wanted to get Jack from Davy Joness 3) he didnt like Lord Beckett. c
locker. c f Barbossa wanted the Brethren Court to meet
e The Endeavour dropped into the world of at Shipwreck Cove because ..
the dead. c 1) they would fight the Dutchman there. c
f Jack threw a coin across the sand and it came 2) Lord Beckett would catch them there. c
back to him. c 3) they would free Calypso there. c
g Jack knew what the message meant. c g The book of Pirate Law said that ..
h When Elizabeth first saw Bootstrap, he was 1) Davy Jones was an enemy of the pirates. c
nearly all made of wood. c 2) only the king could start a war. c
i Mrs. Ching was a dangerous woman. c 3) no pirate could kill another pirate. c
j Bootstrap killed Will Turner. c h Elizabeth knew that Will kept his promise
3 What happened first? Number the sentences 110. when she ..
a The pirates see a lot of bodies in the water. c 1) heard her son singing. c
b The pirates meet at Shipwreck Cove. c 2) saw a strange cloud. c
c The Hai Peng falls into the land of the dead. c 3) saw a green light. c
d A young boy sings a pirate song to Elizabeth. c

c Pearson Education Limited 2009 c 2009 Disney Enterprises, Inc. Pirates of the Caribbean At Worlds End - Progress test  of 

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