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To help students to predict the content of a reading text and identify specific information.
To start students thinking the value of guessing the meaning of a word from its context.
To focus students attention in question forms.
To train students to identify specific information while listening.
To provide topic vocabulary and give ideas about a topic through discussion.
To introduce the form of indirect questions and provide speaking practice of indirect question.
Block 1: Oral comprehension. Block 2 Oral production: expression and interaction
Discussing about some topics to prepare students for the Asking and answering questions about the family.
information they will hear in the listening. Focusing attention on a given photograph and encouraging to think of
Listening to short conversations or monologues and find information. reasons why they like or not family celebrations.
Asking and answering questions to find the differences in students Describing the picture given.
handouts about the information found. Talking about a special occasion with your family.
Using the new technologies to listen to and pronounce vocabulary Bringing to class a picture of a special occasion with your family to talk
related to character and feelings. about it.
Block 3: Understanding written tests. Block 4: Sociocultural elements and cross-cultural awareness
Revision vocabulary and introduction of new items to describe Identifying vocabulary from the previous year in a word search.
people. Doing a gap-filling exercise about a day in the life of a famous person
Use of the present simple and present continuous to describe using the appropriate structures for actions in progress or a habitual
habitual actions or actions in progress (both in paper and digital actions.
form). Writing a short description about a famous person including structures
Use of the appropriate structures and vocabulary to ask about the and vocabulary seen and explained so far (homework)
physical appearance or character of a person. Rewriting sentences using linking words: and, but, because, with.
Pronunciation of third person singular in the present simple tense. Filling in the gaps with suitable adjectives to describe famous people
Revision of linking words and, but & with.
1. Gain an understanding of global and specific information and extract the main ideas and details from oral and written messages.
2. Participate in brief conversations about jobs and peoples descriptions, using appropriate communicative strategies.
3. Write brief texts about peoples descriptions using adequate grammar, vocabulary and cohesion and cohesive devices.
4. Depict habitual actions and actions in progress in different communicative contexts using the present simple and the present continuous.
5. Use communication and information technologies to produce oral texts taking into account the rules of English pronunciation.
6. Identify the cultural aspects of the countries where the foreign language is spoken, become familiar with their customs, rules and social attitudes,
and show a positive attitude towards the cultural aspects different to ones own.
KEY COMPETENCES Digital competence
Linguistic competence Learning to learn competence
Mathematical competence and basic compente inn science and Sense of initiative and entrepeneurship competence

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