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ISO-OSI Protocols

In 1984, ,in order to allow device from different suppliers to networked, the ISO (International
Standard Organization) proposed a set of rules, called protocols, covering standards for the
connections between these device. So any device using the same protocol can be connected
OSI is and abbreviation for Open System Interconnection and it has a hierarchy of seven layers.

The layers number 1, 2 and 3 pertain to electronic technicians.

Physical Layer (Level 1): It concerns the standards on how must be the physical and mechanical
Data Link Layer (Level 2): This layer handles any data transmission error with different techniques
Network Layer (Level 3) This layer performs the routing of the information between networks.

The levels number 4, 5, 6 and 7 pertain to computer science and manage all kind of problem generated
by different high-level software of communication.

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