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Flying in dreams not a big Just another mediocre mental simulation?

Why is it a large
portion of dreams are simply forgotten, never to be remembered again? Could there be mulitple
occurences of the same dream? Why is it that individuals who recall a dream usually find it
difficult to reconstruct the dream fully while awake. Perhaps the memory of the dream is mostly
forgotten or has become dull, such that in retrospect the flying experience seems mundane.
However, there have been a few instances when the feeling lingers, especially right after one
wakes up. The experience is one that is exhilarating despite it being short lived. These things
usually happen during the REM phase in our sleep cycle and REM never lasts for long, but it is
fantastic while it does. Things can sometimes get more vivid than they are in real life. If one
becomes aware of the dream, usually during the REM cycle, we call it lucid dreaming. Lucid in
the sense that things appear to be 'hyper real'. It is not unusual to have these lucid dreams
accompanied by strong emotions and other visceral reactions. It is said that the subconscious (or
the unconscious?) is activated in the dream state and that it brings out strange obssessions,
details that may have been left out intentionally or otherwsise, during waking life. The dream
state in general is likened to the opening of the Pandora Box, it unleashes deeply buried fears
and desires.

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